Local Government TV

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bob Donchez Unable to Rest Easy

You might think Bethlehem Mayoral candidate Bob Donchez can rest easy. He overcame a powerful primary campaign mounted by J. Willie Reynolds. No Republican ran. The only independent in the race dropped out. But according to Morning Call columnist Bill White, the Jim Gregory machine is still hard at work on his write-in campaign, although Graterford State Correctional Institution must present some tactical problems. He's gonna' have a helluva' time scheduling a Meet 'n Greet.

Based on Bill's article, it appears that Gregory has learned nothing from his time in state prison. But if I were he, I'd stay there as long as possible because West Easton Wacko Tricia Mezzacappa has claimed in court papers that he is both her "boyfriend" and "significant other."

If he thinks he has problems now, wait 'till he gets out.


  1. You will be surprised by the number of people who write in Mr.
    Gregory's name. More than a few see him as a political prisoner put behind bars to silence him and his views.

    We shall see? Is he a victim of a co9nsproacy of the powerful??

  2. Tricia Mezzacappa, He, like you, is a victim of his own mental illness.

  3. "I doubt I'm its first victim, only the most high profile"
    Gregory referring to himself from the Bill White article.

    Can anyone say delusions of Grandeur? Psychotic break with reality?

    The guy is still claiming he was framed and the Judge will be "crushed" on appeal. A medical school needs to scoop him up for their psychiatric medicine interns to study.

  4. hear booby d is putting a committee together to look into the problem

    1. No, he's forming a sub-committee to study the idea of forming a committee to study the issue

  5. JG is not a political prisoner. He is in prison because he violated a PFA and had numerous contempt of court charges against him. It is ridiculous for him to believe he is "high profile." I hope the MC does not publish any of his letters, which I would not doubt are ridiculous and rambling. It definitely appears that he is continuing his same behavior and really has learned nothing and is making no attempt to make positive changes in his behavior.

  6. Where is the love and compassion for Mr. Gregory. You all pile on the hate speech but,show no mercy.

    Where is even an ounce of Human sympathy for this passionate man? He is in love and has been wronged. Can any of you honestly say you would handle it better?

    A mean and nasty world!

  7. @10:44 PM
    He may "love" his ex, but he obviously doesn't respect her. If he actually loved her, he'd have respected her wishes after she filed a PFA. (Or before, really.) Real love includes respect.

    The only person JG seems to "love" is himself--a classic narcissist.

    And, yes, I can honestly say I would have handled it better, and so have a lot of people.

    Sympathy? Sure, most sane and compassionate people have sympathy for the mentally ill, which JG obviously is, to the point of having gotten himself incarcerated after being given numerous chances to do better. Unfortunately, he failed. Miserably.

  8. In reference to 10:44 a.m. I am assuming you are not serious. He certainly showed no compassion or love towards his victims. He tried to control them through harassment and intimidation. The only thing that matters is that they are safe from him. He is right where he belongs. The sad thing is he has yet to realize and take responsibility for all his actions which caused him to be where he is now.

  9. "The guy is still claiming he was framed and the Judge will be "crushed" on appeal. A medical school needs to scoop him up for their psychiatric medicine interns to study."

    I so agree!
    He has been sick and in denial for way too long. He thinks he is a genius and a master mind , He is dangerous !
    How can he be helped when he won't acknowledge any wrong doing ?
    For the record, a number of us did see the marks on his ex and witnessed Jim's breakdown first hand. For him to still , after all he has brought upon himself, to keep blaming her, her family, his friends, his family , EVERYBODY and ANYBODY but himself shows he hasn't and is likely incapable of ever getting well again? Yes , of course it's sad , so sad , especially when you know the guy. but what do you do with a dangerous sociopath who is so focused on constantly blaming others for everything wrong in his world ? Let him free to terrorize The people who he thinks wronged him? give him a liscense to kill because hes crazy ?
    Maybe he should be kept in an institution and studied ?

  10. "He may "love" his ex, but he obviously doesn't respect her. If he actually loved her, he'd have respected her wishes after she filed a PFA. (Or before, really.) Real love includes respect.
    The only person JG seems to "love" is himself--a classic narcissist."

    I happen to know the both of them and this is true. Jim loves Jim and Jim is obviously his own worst enemy. If he loves his ex he would have never hurt her to begin with. She did the best thing she could given the situation and circumstances by getting out when and how she did! Then for him to continue to torture and terrorize her in blogs, on facebook ,in the newspaper, on tv and on the radio, any media outlet he could ! By lying and accusing her of every horrible thing he could think of ! And even while he was in jail , for doing just that! He actually had prisoners write her letters and call her!!! and then he laughs about it all like its a joke! I am sorry he is sick and he is scary! . Nobody deserves that constant abuse. She is a nice person and I really hope she's ok. I am afraid that when he gets out it may get worse because he still doesn't seem to be getting "it" or any better. He needs to stop lying ! take responsibility for all of his actions! And apologize to all he has hurt ! Only then will he have a chance to get better.

  11. SM here.
    Please do not worry about my very close companion Jimmy. He will soon be back were he belongs. If you can help getting him back to me, it would be appreciated. his spirits are low. Once he sees my chiseled and groovy Cali good looks and surfer body and I again see my smokey Mediterranean man with his petite features, the world will be right again.

    We are like two spoons in a drawer. We complete one another and understand each others unique needs. No woman can understand the depth of our shared understanding of each other soul.

    Say a prayer for my Jimmy. Despite my obvious manhood a shed a tear for my sweet friend.

    Spartacus Maximus


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