Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Allentown Ranks #7 in Least Cash on Hand

If Allentown owes you money, you might have to wait for it. According to The Wall Street Journal, it ranks #7 among U.S. cities with the least amount of cash on hand. It has enough to keep the lights on for 7.3 days, compared to the median of 81.1 days.


  1. Pawlowski. Muller. Same thing.

    I's also rich that Panto and Callahan support this imbecile for governor. It speaks volumes about their placing politics above everything else. The blind are supporting the stupid.

  2. Bernie this can't be true now - Pawlowski finally admitted he plans on putting a pile of the water lease money into the general fund and leave the pension "with a small unfunded balance."

    Sure he'll burn through that like nothing, but until that happens they'll be in better shape on paper?

  3. You're one hard cookie to understand Bernie. You write blogs that paint Pawlowski that he is a terrible Mayor (in which I agree with you 100%) then you support a candidate that has the same union contributions that Pawlowski does. A vote for Muller is a vote for King Ed I.

  4. It is not union contributions that make pawlowski a bad mayor. It is pawlowski that makes pawlowski a bad mayor. He takes far more money from the heavy duty players than he does from unions.

  5. 6:54, So far as i know, Callahan does not support Pawlowski. I do not know what you are smoking. Pawlowski tried his best to keep Callahan from winning the Dem primary, to the point of sending Fleck to help Reibman. I doubt Callahan will be supporting Pawlowski for anything any time soon.

    Panto is rooting for the home team, that's all.

  6. How can Pawlowki campaighn for Governor with a record in allentown , in Fact how can he be re elected with this record. a you report the finances of city of Allentown and The wall Street Journal has alo reported in one of there featured articles, that among 250 Surveyed that that Allentown wa 245 and bankrupt Detroit was 249. Where would he lead Pa. with a record that he has in Allentown.

    1. How can anyone like you be taken serious with so many spelling and grammatical errors?

  7. Callahan supporting Pawlowski? Have you lived in a cave? Hell would freeze over first.

  8. Panto supports Pawlowski for his exemplary math and grammar skills. That, and the whole kindred spirit thing between lying tax and spenders. Ed really is exactly Sal's kinda guy.

  9. Pawlowski produced his "$14 million" surplus in 2007 with borrowed money, and as of 2012 had turned that into a $700 thousand deficit. Now he will use the "borrowed" money from the water lease to refill his bathtub to be frittered away.

  10. Pawlowski produced his "$14 million" surplus in 2007 with borrowed money, and as of 2012 had turned that into a $700 thousand deficit. Now he will use the "borrowed" money from the water lease to refill his bathtub to be frittered away.

  11. This can't be true Allentown finances are solid !

  12. Question: According to news reports, $8.5M is going into the city's general fund from the $210 million water lease deal, while the rest of it will go toward paying off the pension costs and other expenses. Does that mean the city's standing here will improve, or is the general fund a separate thing altogether?


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