Local Government TV

Friday, September 06, 2013

Zito Hammers Gregory W/ 15 Months For PFA Violations

Bethlehem Mayoral candidate and supposed talk show host Jim Gregory will have to run his campaign and radio program from jail. He's just been sentenced to fifteen months in prison for five separate violations of Protection From Abuse Act Orders (PFA) entered against him by Judge Leonard Zito and Senior Judge Lawrence Brenner. It's been that kind of Summer for Gregory. Today's conviction is the third time that he's been in contempt of the PFA since July. He continued violating the PFA even after spending three weeks in jail.

This sentence, which exposes Gregory to state prison, was imposed by Judge Leonard N. Zito. He heard the previous citations filed against the well-known political activist, earlier in the Summer. "This order could not have been any more clear," Judge Zito stated of the directive banning Gregory from initiating any contact with his ex. 

"Let's focus on his intelligence, or lack thereof," Zito remarked before imposing sentence. He acknowledged that everyone claims Gregory is intelligent, but he found Gregory to be both arrogant and manipulative.

Before today's hearing started, Gregory attorney Mike Corcoran asked for a continuance, noting he had only been retained at 10:30 PM the previous evening. But Judge Zito denied the request, noting he was very careful last week to insure that Gregory was put into contact with a lawyer right away. 

Sources tell me Corcoran was reluctant to get involved before being paid, and Gregory's moll, Tricia Mezzacappa, was short on the dough needed. 

Last week, Mezzacappa and fellow traveler Michael Holmes sat in the hallway leading to Judge Zito's courtroom, catcalling potential witnesses as they walked by. But she and Holmes were both absent today.

Before today's hearing got started, Gregory was sitting in the courtroom, and as he did a week ago, attempted to stare down his ex girlfriend. But this time, Assistant District Attorney Pat Broscius positioned herself in Gregory's line of sight, boldly blocking his view. In addition, deputies reprimanded him. 

"That's why you're here," one of them told him. 

Gregory's ex told Judge Zito of Gregory's direct message to her on his radio show at WGPA 1100 AM. He was permitted to broadcast there despite multiple warnings to station owner Joe Timmer that this is precisely what would happen. Gregory attempted blaming the direct contact on "Harvey," a pooka. "You have to watch the movie to understand," Gregory told Zito. 

Corcoran argued that Gregory's statements on a radio show could not be considered as contact because she only found out about his message when I relayed it to her.

Zito ruled that Gregory's radio comment was a direct violation of the PFA. 

3 months.

"Ho. Ho. Ho., My name is Jolly Joe."

Gregory's ex also testified to three separate letters from inmates at Northampton County jail, people she never knew or met, in which Gregory smuggled love notes to her. Gregory testified those inmates were his friends, but denied ever telling them to send her letters. Gregory tried to argue that those letters were sent because he thought the PFA was being dropped, even though one of his love notes clearly states he knows that he can't contact her. 

This really bothered Judge Zito, who seemed to be appalled by Gregory's manipulation of inmates, calling it a "misuse" of his talents.  

3 months. Consecutive. 

"Ho. Ho. Ho., My name is Jolly Joe."

"Ho, Ho, Ho, the show to slam your beau."

Gregory's ex also testified to hang up telephone calls from Gregory, which he attempted to explain away as some sort of accident

3 months. Consecutive. 

She told Judge Zito, incredibly, of a note he slipped to her as he was being carted off to jail.

3 months. Consecutive. 

Finally, she told Judge Zito of an inmate's father who called her with a message from Jim. 

3 months. Consecutive. 

Gregory, in a statement to Judge Zito blasted "immoral and unjust PFA laws" (arrogance attempt) that are just as bad as the law requiring Judge Zito to retire at age 70. (manipulation attempt). He admitted that he may have violated the letter of the PFA, but not its spirit. (stupidity).   

As Gregory did the perp walk down the courthouse corridor, in orange jumpsuit and shackles, he could be heard saying, "What am I gonna' tell my boys?"

The next step in this drama is to hold Timmer and radio station WGPA 1100 AM responsible for his participation in a direct violation of a PFA, a willful invasion into the private lives of two people who are criminal victims and outright defamation over the course of eight straight days. 


  1. Oh, Jim . . . surely someone with your intellect knew this was a possibility.

  2. Kind of puts a small kink in Mezzacappa's plan to be on the air with Gregory again on Monday.

    Let's hope Gregory's ex follows through on an action against Timmer, his dog, Budd, and Mezzacappa.

  3. I have to say that I'm surprised Gregory got hit with 15 months. I honestly expected he would be given only 6, because Zito would be taken in by Gregory's BS again.

  4. I am glad to see that justice is being delivered. Sadly, I doubt anything will have a positive effect on the situation.

  5. Who, pray tell, are "his boys"?

  6. Bernie, a couple of questions for you: any idea why "Sally Star" was not there? I made a posting on WEP a while ago, but it hasn't been answered or deleted yet; does JG's 15 months start today or does he get credit for the time spent in NCP thus far this summer? I still don't think Jimbo gets it yet-maybe in time he will, but I'm not holding my breath. After the verdict, Lina broke down cradled against her mother(or a friend). I think she has had more than enough. Just wondering, though, do female NCP inmates get to wear orange also?

  7. Jon D, It was nice to see you there, showing your interest. I do not know what color FM inmates wear. Gregory will get credit for the time spent in jail on this charge. Neither Sally Star nor the IRA was present today. Maybe they were at a Mark Kessler rally.

  8. Bernie
    Again you write lies about me about.
    #1 I do not know this lina, never talked to her,
    You say I was catcalling her? Another lie! Never said a word to her, didn't even knew what she looked like until I was told as she walked by me.
    Only reason I was there was to see what you looked like .

    #2 you say I'm a fellow traveler?
    Not me,I FOLLOW no one,
    I Met Jim and Trish at sunny 1100 One time and that was it.
    Another lie from you!

    I have my own fight with a CORRUPT DA in Norco, I can care less about other people problems
    There fights are not my fights!
    So stop the lies Bernie

  9. Jim will now recieve the psycho-therapy mandated by the Judge.

    Jim would benefit from the C.E.C Program. Although, he could never complete it. A Motion should be made to the Court, to allow Jim Gregory to participate in the C.E.C. Program....then you can test it's mettle. Jim is as close to "raw material"....for statistical purposes....as you're gonna get. Allow Jim the opportunity to participate in the C.E.C. Program. The 'Encounter Circle' work's!

  10. IRA Holmes,

    1. You sat in a hallway with Mezzacappa, and participated in her catcalls of potential witnesses. You may have even videotaped some of it, but quickly deleted it when you realized the Sheriffs were on to you.

    2. You are a fellow traveler who appeared on their show, called in repeatedly, spoke here to defend them both.

    Your trial is next week, I believe. Better get ready for your hunger strike.

  11. Clinton, I believe Gregory will be shipped off =o state prison, where there is no CEC.

  12. Clinton, I believe Gregory will be shipped off =o state prison, where there is no CEC.

  13. The standing state prison joke is "Fight , Fuck, Or climb tree's....& there AIN'T NO TREE'S!

    Isn't it Wonderfull, that this is the PREVAILING PERCEPTION?

  14. http://youtu.be/aySEdLaEDc8

  15. "If your buddy the corrupt DA ties, People will see what he is really like.
    and I will expose the corrupt ass in the news."

    Dear Mr Holmes....Many have tried, ALL have failed. You're attempt @ achievement shall be EPIC & a legend, in your own mind.

  16. "Ain't no sunshine when he's gone.....and he's gone for 15 months! Yippie!

  17. Hey Bernie, he is not going to "jail". He his going to "prison". There is a difference between the two terms. Prison will be a whole new game for Jim. Won't be as nice as the County jail.

  18. I find it interesting that Tricia Mezzacappa was not in court today. She has been Jim Gregory's chief enabler. She set up a fund so Jim could make phone calls from the jail. She posted transcripts of their phone conversations on Facebook. She published a letter on her blog from a convicted rapist Jim met in prison. Also, on her blog, she personally attacked Jim's abuse victim in a truly vicious and disgusting way. She even co-hosted his radio show. When does Mezzacappa get held accountable by the justice system?

  19. anytime any individual goes to jail for something like this it is indeed a sad day. Our prisons should be for hard core criminals, not people with mental problems and Jim Gregory has a mental problem. Fifteen months in jail at almost 100 dollars a day for costs is roughly 150 days x 100 dollars or fifteen thousand dollars. Money might better be spent on counseling and mental rehab. He brought this on himself and others helped. They should also be held accountable.

  20. Stay tuned. There are stories, but I don't want to write until I am certain.

  21. "He brought this on himself and others helped. They should also be held accountable."

    I agree completely.

  22. Clinton Oxford said...
    "If your buddy the corrupt DA ties, People will see what he is really like.
    and I will expose the corrupt ass in the news."

    Watch and see.
    He will be taken down as will his son and both careers.
    By the FBI, and the court of public opinion

  23. "Hey Bernie, he is not going to "jail". He his going to "prison". There is a difference between the two terms. Prison will be a whole new game for Jim. Won't be as nice as the County jail."

    "Jail" is county while "prison" is state. You are correct. Right now he is in jail. His attorney can serve Jregory best by asking the judge to keep him with the county. But Gregory could not even keep from contacting his ex while he was there. Zito is disgusted by the guy.

  24. "He will be taken down as will his son and both careers.
    By the FBI, and the court of public opinion"

    In other words, cuckoo.

  25. Cheesey Cheeto zito should never be allowed in a robing room, he should be in Del Boca Vista with the Seinfelds playing shuffleboard.

  26. The coward above, referring to Judge Zito in the exact words used by Tricia Mezzacappa, won't identify herself. Haven't you been picked up yet, Tricia?

  27. Bernie, the Mezzanator is not deleting negative comments as per usual, perhaps your right about her being in custody. The saga will have to wait for sometime I suppose. How much do you plan on selling her home for?

  28. All I know is that Mezzacappa disgusting blog entry, which was intended to harass and intimidate the victims of a crime, has attracted attention. I have heard stories, but don't know what is true. I suspect she is at large, as she was commenting here anonymously tonight.

  29. "Watch and see.
    He will be taken down as will his son and both careers.
    By the FBI, and the court of public opinion 7:21 PM"

    You should not threaten a family member, in a Public forum. They might take it Personal, & act in a Private manner.

    The court of public opinion=13 1/2

    Twelve Jurors, One Judge, & Half a Chance!

  30. Bernie, I believe a person can stay in the county jail if their sentence is under 24 months. However, I could b wrong. I think they will probably let him serve locally. If he does something stupid while in jail in any way, I think they will ship him off to a state prison. The Mediterranean manslab would do well in Graterford. His petite features and smooth skin would be cherished.

    I tend to disagree with the idea that he does not belong in jail. Treatment for those who don't want it or don't feel they need it is a waste of money. Gregory by his own words today still does not "get" what he did.

    I am glad the judge laid into him but Gregory probably didn't understand.

    The young woman has had to deal with enough. How many trips to the courthouse must she endure while he is "treated"?

    In fact at this point I believe that the DA should intervene on her behalf and let it be known that a simple PFA has turned into criminal harassment of the worst sort and he will intervene if it does not end.
    No more excuses for this piece of crap Gregory.

  31. Well, I can rest easy now. Gregory in state prison. What more can one ask for?....oh yeah, Mezzadouchebag to lose everything!!!
    Love, really love Earl!!!

  32. Red Camaro for sale, cheap....unless already repossessed....UNITY PAC!!!

  33. Gregory will be a witness against Mezzacappa for criminal harassment of his ex. Conspirators.

  34. So Rich Man Gregory couldn't afford to get an attorney until the 11th hour and MezzaCrazy couldn't come up with the money for bail, or a lawyer either. He probably wishes he hadn't spent all his BS-PAC money on some two-bit radio show.

    Two broke and busted bums. One in jail and the other following close behind.

  35. @ "I believe a person can stay in the county jail if their sentence is under 24 months."

    1 day less than 5 years, is ALLOWED, to be served in county, as per Statute, @ the Judge's discretion.

  36. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Where is the PAC money? You are a thief!!!!!!
    Pay up bitch!

  37. Bernie,

    Is the story on lehighvalley live? I didn't see it even after searching for it.


  38. Morning Call covered it.


  39. Bernie, I bumped into one of Gregory's alleged "unfaithful" old friends. Asked what he though and he said he was not surprised. Thought the entire thing was unfortunate but after the initial PFA when Gregory decided to go to war with the world, it was inevitable.

    Felt it was a shame he didn't take the advice of many friends and lawyers to just sit tight and got to court.

    He did agree the court had little choice given everything that happened.

    What happens to Gregory's house and possessions in a case like this? I doubt Gregory thought this would happen as it was apparent he was going to woo the judge with his brilliant self-defense.

    Oh and someone asked if this means he must serve a minimum of fifteen months before he would even be considered for parole.

  40. Judge Zoto remarked at one point that Gregory would have to serve a little over 11 months before being eligible for release. As for his home and car, I believe he might be able to make payments from his pension fund. If not, he will lose them.

  41. Bernie, Tricia doesn't ever stop. Here's what she had to say tonight on the Morning Call website. She commented under her own name too.

    "Tricia J. Mezzacappa
    I am personally appalled that his girlfriend was given one ounce of credibility in court today. Protection orders that are sought by ex-girlfriends are supposed to mean that all contact is cut off from that person from whom they are seeking protection. She has done nothing but seek out his attention by continuing to actively follow his social media, blogs, radio show, etc, and never even bothered to change her phone number. This is not the behavior of someone who claims to need protection. It is the behavior of someone who seeks revenge. I am sad to have seen the judge fall for it. It is a shame that Jim Gregory did not abide by the judges order to the letter of the law, but 15 months in state prison for indirect contact is absurd. We have heinous crimes that have been committed by others in which jail time was much less severe. In this case, 2 love sick individuals have refused to move on with their lives and have used the judiciary to cost the taxpayers time and money. Neither Jim nor his ex-girlfriend seem to have any respect for themselves. It certainly does not help when you have a childish catalyst named Bernie O'Hare getting in the middle of personal business that does not concern him, acting as a aggravating conspirator to also violate the judges order by facilitating contact between the parties, and by sticking his nose where is does not belong, as he does so well, and often. This really speaks volumes. I wonder if his ex will be rightfully filing harassment charges against O'Hare for bringing her the contact she so desperately says she doesn't want and does not need. Funny that O'Hare testified in court today that he was the person furnishing the ex-girlfriend with the "unwanted contact" yet does not face any penalties himself. Does this not mock and pervert the entire PFA process? If the judge wants to make an example out of people who refuse to follow his orders, then it should be applied to all parties involved."

  42. Mezzacappa would not know this bc she was not there, but I testified in Court today that I provided Gregory's ex with the transcript of the radio show. The argument was made that i was responsible for Gregory's direct violation, and that was rejected by the Court. He obviously wanted his messaged heard by her. It's as ridiculous as having a blog open to the general public, and then complaining when people read it.

  43. Also, the notion that Gregory's ex is supposed to change her lifestyle, from phone number to everything else, further victimizes her.

    Mezzacappa also makes the mistake of claiming there were two love sick individuals. There was only one, unless she is referring to herself.

    Far from mocking the PFA process, i was validating it and doing what I could to protect a victim of abuse, just as Ass't DA Pat Broscius stood in Gregory's line of sight and protected the victim from Gregory's unwanted stare downs.

    I suspect Mezzacappa will soon find that she is at the center of attention again, but not in a way she likes.

  44. It would appear that Mr. Gregory will remain a political prisoner. I believe Joe Timmer must give him his money back for the unaired shows.

  45. It would appear that Mr. Gregory will remain a political prisoner.

    He has been justly convicted of violating a PFA - again. The Court showed leniency previously with an early release. He was given every opportunity to stop and did not. If the simpleton can not follow a simple instruction of not contacting another person in any manner they will go to jail for that violation.

    I believe Joe Timmer must give him his money back for the unaired shows.

    If an idiot pays for theater tickets and doesn't arrive for the show, he isn't given a refund. Timmer did this for the money and the hope that it would draw listeners and gain attention for his radio station. A friend might return the money, but Timmer was no friend to Gregory. Gregory was a tool to be used. Just as he was used by Mezzacappa who took an opportunity to send her own hate over the air.

  46. "In contrast to the virtual vortex of lies, hate, libel , and outright false statements, the Jim Gregory Show is on hold, because Gregory is in jail."

    That's what Mezzacappa has said. But now she wants the money back?Looks like the lies, hate, libel and outright false statements come from her.

  47. The Victim is an Inspiration to other's, seeking to end their Abuse.

    Is Jim now a textbook example?

  48. Bernie.... Just some itellegent information, Sally Star passed away sometime ago so it would be nice if You assholes would show some respect, I really don't think that isto much to ask????

  49. Dear Tricia,

    Yeah, I am a Bitch!

    You have called me numerous times to visit myself upon you through your actions and I've given you some attention, but it doesn't seem to have made an impression.

    Now that Gregory has been dealt with I have time to stay with you. No need to prepare a room. I'll sleep on the couch.

    K. Arma

  50. Bernie,

    You may not have noticed, but further evidence of Tricia Mezzacappa being "Doug Camaro" has been provided by Tricia, herself. Her original post that defames and harasses Gregory's ex was posted under her own persona, "West Easton Foot Print."


    Not only has she removed the original post (the url of that post has been deleted), but she copied and pasted that entry under her alias, "Doug Camaro." It now appears under a new url, with the word, "slut" replaced with asterisks.

    Obviously, she plans on stating she never wrote it when she is eventually pulled into court.

  51. Wait does this hurt his chance to be mayor. Bummer

  52. Hopefully Tricia keep's her weapon holstered & doesn't start waving it around in Frustration. She has lost her Mentor, and is alone, in her fight. How much does it take, for a person to snap?

  53. She has lost her Mentor, and is alone, in her fight.

    She already lined up a new nutty ally in preparation for Gregory's departure. The IRA member, Holmes.

    All he has to do is buy her a pair of ugly stilettos and she'll be in love again.

  54. "She already lined up a new nutty ally in preparation for Gregory's departure. The IRA member, Holmes."

    Trish seems to like the bad boys. Holmes is a defendant in his own criminal case, which is listed for trial next week. His lawyer is Michael Corcoran. Isn't he the same attorney who showed up in court yesterday to defend Jim Gregory?

  55. "She has done nothing but seek out his attention by continuing to actively follow his social media, blogs, radio show, etc, and never even bothered to change her phone number. This is not the behavior of someone who claims to need protection. It is the behavior of someone who seeks revenge."

    Bernie, Doesn't that statement by Tricia Mezzacappa seem odd? She has tried (unsuccessfully) to get injunctions and a PFA order against you for the past year and half. But she still follows your blog and posts comments here. She seeks your attention by posting comments about you on the Express-Times and Morning Call websites. She talks about you on the radio. She writes about you on her blog. She hasn't bothered to change her phone number or email address. According to Tricia's own logic, she doesn't need protection. She "seeks revenge."

  56. "Trish seems to like the bad boys. Holmes is a defendant in his own criminal case, which is listed for trial next week. His lawyer is Michael Corcoran. Isn't he the same attorney who showed up in court yesterday to defend Jim Gregory?"

    Holmes may need Mezzacappa's help. His trial starts Monday, and Holmes might have to arrest some people.

    "The District attorney and maybe the Judge in this case I will have to place her under Citizen arrest to show this outright criminal activities within the DA's office.

    I do have the right Under Federal law as a citizen to place anyone under citizen arrest that commits a felony against me, The DA's office has done this to me repeatedly throughout this case. Therefore I have no choice but to do this."

  57. Mr. Holme's may be incarcerated for comtempt of court, before the end of his criminal trial.

  58. Truth Be Known- On behalf of Lina (not Jim's anything anymore!) and her mother,THANK YOU!!! to everyone who supported them emotionally throughout this 6 month NIGHTMARE! Anyone who knows Lina knows she would'nt hurt a fly let alone someone she thought she knew and loved.It's not her nature.She only wanted someone to love and protect her.Instead she got used and abused by JG and worse,his jealous, pistol packen, wantabe girlfriend,TM(Trash-Mostlycrappa)To say those hurtfull,nasty,UNTRUE things about people you don't know,may you rot in Hell!This is not Bernie just someone who Knows the truth! Check back more to come!

  59. It would appear that even with time served being the four weeks, Gregory still must serve ten months. That means the earliest he can get out would be July-August.

    He will miss his usual trip to AC in the early summer. Also does the prison commissary sell hair dye. A grey haired Gregory will look freaky.

  60. Two down one to go,and he wont be so "JOLLY" when this story is over

  61. SM here!

    You all do not have to worry about my dude Jimmy. he is under my protection. he digs my strong muscular body and my Cali good looks. I groove on his smokey Mediterranean looks, smooth skin and petite features that set him apart from the animals in this place.

    He is fine and will be OK. His vegetarianism is not a concern as I am providing him with a great tossed salad everyday.

    Peace out and spread that love.

    Spartacus Maximus

  62. Where the hell is the Norco Twink??? Really miss those comments!!

  63. I know he pledged to get himself arrested so he could join Gregory, so I can only conclude he is with him.

  64. Trash the DA is at the door !!!
    Hurry quick delete all the posts and comments YOU put on YOUR blog !
    Oops too late ....
    Sucks to be YOU !!!!!! LOL8

  65. welcome to the hate hut, where bernie has more sycophants than Obumma and Panto combined. He thinks that Earl is going to be his? Have you ever seen Dirty Harry?

  66. Mezzacappa is certainly dirty, but is no Dirty harry. You go ahead with your threats, and i'll let the law take its course.

  67. Tricia the DA's looking for you!
    Better grab earl and hide in the woods

  68. Has Tricia received new charge's?

  69. Just got back from the Heritage Guild, not sure if it was Mezz but there was a stunning platinum blonde in heels firing off a vintage Colt 45-70 Peacemaker and making tight 4 inch groupings. Bernie I would suggest hiring a mediator to settle things between you and Mezz, life is too short for such petty squabbles.

  70. !!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!

    Hideous creature was seen carrying a pig in the woods of WEST EASTON !
    Scientists think the FOOTPRINTS are that of a " MEZZACAPPA" !!!!!
    Lock your doors , hide your kids and pets !
    It's armed and dangerous and foaming at the mouth !
    It was heard screeching B E RNIEeeeeeeeee !
    Citizens of Northampton county are urged to report any sightings of this evil creature immediately on this blog with time and location! Poor pig

  71. I have one question for Trish: "Do you feel lucky?"

  72. "Has Tricia received new charge's?"

    I am unable to confirm that at this time.

  73. The recent sighting of the "mezzacapa" at the heritage guild has not yet been confirmed.
    Keep your doors locked !

  74. Bernie how does one go about getting on a prisoners visitor list? And are tape recorders permitted in the visiting area? I would like to interview Jim G and hopefully Spartacus for and start my free lance career in journalism

  75. I would contact the jail and make your intentions known. He would have to agree to your interview.

  76. Spartacus's hair dresserSeptember 8, 2013 at 6:47 PM

    Fun Greggy fact:

    Him and Ricardo Orloski are friends on facebook.

  77. Anyone know what episode the Spartacus reference was made?

  78. https://archive.org/details/Gregory6

    Found it! Fast forward to 39 mins for a great rant on gay rights that segways into the Spartacus anecdote.

  79. Wonder if Greggy was allowed to bring in his beauty regiment? If not , shouldn't be a problem since he will have plenty of free moisturizer . And his protein shakes ? Definately wont be a problem !
    Wonder if the pookha is getting poked in the pokey ?


  81. ...not sure if it was Mezz but there was a stunning platinum blonde...

    Then it definitely was NOT Mezzacappa.

  82. ...not sure if it was Mezz but there was a stunning platinum blonde...

    Then it definitely was NOT Mezzacappa.

  83. Members of the Jim G fan club, I have located Raymond "Spartacus's" Facebook page and Greggy was spot on, a sexy blonde surfer dude who is openly gay. A little disappointed with the lack of musculature perhaps he had been in the clink for a while doing pushups and sumo squats.


  84. Spartacus was the victim of Norco Corruption, maybe he didn't give John "Captain" Morgan elli any special attention during his interrogation. Lucky for Spartacus Jim G is there to soothe his troubled mind.


  85. I'm not a Gregory fan, but I feel sorry for him. He should have been sentanced to a psych unit instead of prison.That's what is wrong with the justice system, they place people like Jim to prison. you don't get better in there, you just learn worse habbits. If only the state hospitals were still around he could ge the help he needs. I think he had some type of breakdown. Good luck Jim, get well!

  86. I might agree with you, but not after seeing the malevolence in his stares at his ex a week ago and again on Friday. That was pure evil from a person who will do what he wants unless he knows he will get hammered. He is a sociopath and belongs where he is.


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