Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WGPA Sued For Defamation During Jim Gregory Show

WGPA Sunny 1100 AM is not so sunny today. Jolly Joe Timmer will not be so jolly.  As promised, Timmer has been sued for his despicable conduct in taking $3,000 from a mentally ill man and allowing him to trash perceived enemies for seven days on the air, until his comments sent him to state prison for 15 months.

Jim Gregory had just been released from jail after violating a Protection From Abuse Act Order. But Timmer took his money and encouraged him. He allowed him on the air, every day, for seven days. Videos of the show remained on the Internet, for the entire world to see, 24/7.

In his very first show, Gregory played several love songs to his ex, and spent his time bashing laws designed to prevent domestic violence. Things went downhill from there. It quickly deteriorated into a hatefest against Gregory's perceived enemies.

He repeatedly defamed me, his ex and her mother. Timmer was warned, but allowed it to continue. What most appalled me was when Gregory invaded the privacy of his ex' mother. He publicly disclosed very private information about her for the express purpose of humiliating her. And succeeded. I called her after one of the shows, and she was a wreck. A private person with no interest in politics, she was not used to this kind of exposure. When she called Timmer to ask that it stop, he humiliated her even more. Observing she has no money, Not-So-Jolly Joe called her a "nothing."

The very next day, Timmer's producer Budd Williams jumped on the pile in a late hit on this poor soul.

The hate continued until Gregory was jailed for a direct violation of the Protection From Abuse Act Order on the air, when he read a note to his ex, begging her to come back to him and making lewd suggestions.

With Gregory in jail, Tricia Mezzacappa took over with her own special brand of hate. .

Just so you know, Gregory did more than defame individuals. He also defended a child rapist and made snide remarks about Jews and the gay community.

Timmer eventually did take the shows off his video stream, but has yet to retract the vicious comments made or apologize for them.

But I'll bet he's kept Gregory's $3,000.

Attorney Rick Orloski, representing me, has kicked things off with a summons in Northampton County Court. I expect other suits from Gregory's ex and her mother. The suit has been filed against Timmer and his broadcasting company.


  1. Interesting. I assume you are being deliberately vague. When was the lawsuit filed? Who are the plaintiffs and who are the defendants? Was the suit filed by an attorney?

  2. I added a paragraph to answer your questions.

  3. Thanks for the clarification. Best of luck to you, Rick Orloski, Jim Gregory's ex-girlfriend and her mother.

  4. Lets not forget that Mr. Gregory is as much a victim as anyone else. He was used by a young woman and then a radio owner.

    Were are the tears for Mr. Gregory?

  5. Don? Is that you posting happily drunk again?

  6. "Were are the tears for Mr. Gregory? 12:46 AM"

    Because he made us(the Public), out to be inferior & stupid people love it when the Proud fall or get their just dessert's.

    If you give Jim enough time alone in a Cell....he will provide his own tear's!

  7. Timmer will probably be playing polka tunes in up heaven before you can collect any damages. It's been about a year and a half since you said that you were going to sue Ms. Mezzacappa and you still haven't gotten a dime out of her.

  8. Can we enjoin you in this suit, can we Make it a class action? And why is messycappa not named in the suit?

  9. You are as bad as Mezzacappa filing frivolous lawsuits and wasting my taxes. Hopefully, you no longer have the audacity to post anything about government waste ever again.

  10. If what you say is true Bernie, Rush Limbaugh would be in the poor house as well as many of those other talk show hosts.

  11. In reference to 12:46 a.m. I am assuming this was an attempt at humor. I am sure many friends and family members went to J.G. time and time again begging him to get help and he shut everyone down. Not only that; I question whether his real personality finally came out and that he has abused women all along and just managed to hide the behavior. No one but J.G. is going to be able to turn things around for him. The only thing that matters now is that the victims of his abuse are safe from him. It will probably take a long time for them to heal after everything he put them through. I hope WEFP also gets sued. Both the radio station and WEFP allowed the abuse of the victims to continue.

  12. "If what you say is true Bernie, Rush Limbaugh would be in the poor house as well as many of those other talk show hosts."

    Limbaugh does not spend his entire shows serenading his ex wives and bashing everyone who stands up for them.

  13. "You are as bad as Mezzacappa filing frivolous lawsuits and wasting my taxes. Hopefully, you no longer have the audacity to post anything about government waste ever again."

    Over the years, I have filed litigation over the $111 megabond. I won the first suit, forcing a do over. I lost the second round. I've sued over the Sunshine Act, where I've won in the Commonwealth and County court. I sued over Gracedale, where i lost but still feel i was correct. I sued Mezzacappa for libel and have won.

    I don't file all that many suits, and when I do, they usually involve matters of public interest, and I have about a .500 record.

  14. "Timmer will probably be playing polka tunes in up heaven before you can collect any damages. It's been about a year and a half since you said that you were going to sue Ms. Mezzacappa and you still haven't gotten a dime out of her>"

    It will take a bit longer, but Mezzacappa will pay. I am patient. This is not criminal law.

  15. "Can we enjoin you in this suit, can we Make it a class action? And why is messycappa not named in the suit?Z"

    I already have a judgment against her, but Timmer can drag her if he wants.

  16. Good luck, Bernie! Hope that Jolly Joe loses that pathetic excuse for a radio station in the process. He was egging Gregory on for malicios reasons and now must pay the price. I hope that the girlfriends mom, Gregorys mom or any other "non piblic figure" who was trashed over the airwaves joins your defamation lawsuit.

  17. I can think of one other private figure, a witness, who has a cause of action.

  18. This is sad. People manage to make such a mess out what could be a lovely world. What ever happened to ethics, and character and good judgement and plain old decency: What was Joe Timmer thinking? Is that dopey producer of his, Bud Williams, going to be involved in the suit? What was he thinking? His job does not involve making comments on air at all. Everybody is nuts except me and thee, and sometimes, I am not so sure about ...us either, considering what we are forced to live with.

  19. "You and County Council are very quite about this betrayal of the public trust. 1:20 PM"

    Contact TMezz. She will spearhead a RTK campain!

  20. I've filed ZERO lawsuits and wasted O taxpayer dollars.

  21. You may have filed no lawsuits, but may have wasted taxpayer resources. We'll never know bc you choose to remain anonymous. You also seem to suggest that a suit against Timmer is a waste of taxpayer resources. I was unaware he was the government. My litigation involving government has been largely fruitful. Governments may no longer float bonds for vague projects without identifying them and their cost. Judges may not argue defenses for the government. Local government committees must follow the Sunshine Act. Government telephone records include the records kept by the phone company. Notes passed during meetings are subject to public scrutiny. These are some of the rulings I have obtained, and they are designed to make government transparent and open. You might consider it a waste. I do not.

  22. All that hard work fighting for openness and you support Callahan. Go figure. Good boy, Bernie. Sit. Stay. Roll over. Good boy.

  23. You know what? I spent some time here writing about good government initiatives, but you seem to be focused on trashing Callahan in a post that has nothing to do with him. Anonymously. Why not instead tell us why Brown is the better choice? What are his views on economic development, regionalization, open space, our bridges, Gracedale, the jail? I see Brown at numerous meetings and i'm sure he has things to say. Or is just all about hate?

  24. I've given John Brown more coverage on county issues than any other news source. I reported his comments at a debate some months ago. And I have covered the $7,600

  25. Somebody Else's Problem

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Somebody Else's Problem (also known as Someone Else's Problem or SEP) is a psychological effect where individuals/populations of individuals choose to dissociate themselves from an issue that may be in critical need of recognition. Such issues may be of large concern to the population as a whole but can easily be a choice of ignorance by an individual. Author Douglas Adams' description of the condition, which he ascribes to a physical "SEP field," has helped make it a generally recognized phenomenon. Somebody Else's Problem used to capture public attention on matters that may have been overlooked and has less commonly been used to identify concerns that an individual suffering symptoms of depression should ignore. This condition has also been employed as trivial shorthand to describe factors that are "out of scope" in the current context.

  26. Callahan's clan was complicit in setting up the illegal Marcus job through his future DCED Director. The first of many under the table dealings of Callahan.

    Hope the county is prepared.

  27. This is nonsense, Mr., Shegda. Why not tell everyone what your real agenda is. You are upset that Human Services took your mentally challenged sister away from you. You are lashing out, and are spreading lies in the process.In point of fact, Alicia Karner voted against Marcus. So much for your theory.

  28. You are wasting the court's time with high school nonsense. They should be hearing actual cases and not settling interpersonal squabbles that you yourself get yourself into. Thus you are wasting my money and gumming up the already gummed up justice system. It's like a personal penis measuring contest for you.

    1. Thank you for demonstrating your own childish behavior.

  29. While the prohibition of abridgment of the right to petition originally referred only to the federal legislature (the Congress) and courts, the incorporation doctrine later expanded the protection of the right to its current scope, over all state and federal courts and legislatures and the executive branches of the state[8] and federal governments. The right to petition includes under its umbrella the right to sue the government,[9] and the right of individuals, groups and possibly corporations[10] to lobby the government.

    Some litigants have contended that the right to petition the government includes a requirement that the government listen to or respond to members of the public. This view was rejected by the United States Supreme Court in 1984:
    "Nothing in the First Amendment or in this Court's case law interpreting it suggests that the rights to speak, associate, and petition require government policymakers to listen or respond to communications of members of the public on public issues.[11]


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