Local Government TV

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Northampton County Politics or South Park?

My Friday report of the latest free-for-all among Northampton County Republicans has led to a lot of name-calling and the usual anonymous, personal attacks aimed at me. It's what I've grown to expect from the tea party extremists.

Here's what a Democratic friend told me in an email last night. "Back from a couple days in [redacted] to discover police were called to quell a disturbance at a Republican party meeting caused by a gay, right wing tea party activist. Is this Northampton politics, or an episode of South Park?


  1. Actually South Park is not only funnier but usually imparts a moral lesson of sorts.

    There is no humor among the teabaggers they are an anger and fear based crowd. As for a moral, the only moral is avoid the teabaggers at risk of losing your sanity. Or at the very least an ear in a brawl.

  2. Moral lesson and South Park? Give me a break.

  3. "I don't want the bodily fluids of someone who posts his penis on the Internet in my face."

    Bernie, one of your, or anyone's, all time great quotes. Speaking of penni, I almost pissed myself when I read that line and I still do.

    Line of the year!

  4. He can part his log in my cabin any day.

  5. There are lots of moral lessons in south park Bern. Look up a south park conservative for more insight .

  6. South Park may have some morale lessons (although I think I'm with Bernie on that one), but I suspect that lesson goes right over the heads of most who watch it.

  7. I'm Super!


  8. Maybe Big Gay Al could be the mascot of the Tea party. Now that would be appropriate. Big Gay Teabagger Al.

  9. I thought he was already!

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-JmVLEkTKc

  11. Holy shit! The Randy Marsh character must be based on Jim Gregory.


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