Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

NorCo Council Candidate Hayden Phillips and Agenda 21

Hayden Phillips invited you to his event:
Agenda 21
Friday, September 20 at 7:00pm at Charles Chrinn Community Center
Matthew DietzMichael Morey and 4 others are guests.

Time to break out the tin foil hats, folks!!


  1. Julian Stolz is the future of our party, haters like Kevin Chang and Anna Karina only enhance his stock among party stalwarts. Hayden has been grooming young Julian for his role on the throne for sometime and it is paying off, he is already a legit #TCOT and regularly corresponds with Dr. Michael Savage. Bernie is left of Saul Alinsky and Jesse Ventura, the readers of his blog are mostly braindead plebes who don't even vote. Good luck Hayden, you will make a fine councilman.

    1. Where do you come up with this stuff? You make me laugh every time you post.

  2. "Time to break out the tin foil hats, folks!!"

    Speak for your self Bernie Boy!

  3. The future of Northampton County?

    If you don't want goose-stepping UN thugs from brown countries marching through your County vote Republican this Fall.
    Thank You!

  4. These ass clowns will ruin Norco like they are Ruining Lehigh County. Idiots unite and vote Republican, so we can go backwards 40 years.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Tin foil hat business aside, do you believe that the US should subjugate some of its laws and jurisdiction to the UN and enforce some of the provisions of Agenda 21

    1. It's a nonbinding decades old plan thAt encourages countries to consider the environmental impact of development, but has been turned into a bogeyman by conspiracy theorists.

  7. I love when the Glen Beck types bring up Saul Alinsky , referring to him as some household figure. I asked Siri who is Saul Alinsky ? She answered " the fuck if I know".

  8. Over the years I have subscribed to periodicals from across the political spectrum, L to R. It certainly can be interesting, if not always factually informative.

    The Agenda 21 hype is a John Birch Society push (as they have been anti-UN since their founder). In their magazine The New American you can access on-line (which had a positive piece on Jake Towne when he was running against Dent and Callahan, FYI) they asked "has your city, town, or county joined ICLEI--Local Governments for Sustainability? If so, your local tax dollars are being used against you to push for UN-sponsored programs masquerading as local initiatives." They go on that "the tyrannical implications (of Agenda 21) are so stunningly transparent that it seems impossible that any nation not overtly communist could endorse it." Out of curiosity though, I also looked up the ICLEI and their 80 some goals. Browsing through it reads progressive/liberal, but nightmares of New World Order under Mao/Stalin reincarnated it was not. Apparently some locally do take the perceived UN "threat" seriously, however.

    Several years ago it was that NAFTA was going to subjegate US sovereignty to a Eurpean Union style North American Union. Now, its Agenda 21.

    Long view short, Koch brothers' father was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society back in the 50s. Long before the Tea Party-related groups the family now supports, they supported the JBS whose modus operandi has alway been to mobilize the grass-roots level. I suppose the irony is that the sustainability goals also try to get local govt entities to buy into them, so if you try hard you can almost see the connection.

    I don't think the average Joe Tea Party guy thinks they are useful tools for corporate entities. I think most genuinely view themselves as holders of paleo-conservative / American exceptionalism beliefs that are, however, easily manipulated by the money interests behind the specious mask of the Tea Party, Americans for Progress, JBS, etc.

    Northampton County has more important matters to deal with than fear of the "tyrannical implications" of Agenda 21. Thanks for you coverage.

  9. NAFTA, UN, Agenda 21 are all BS!

    It's time to start worrying about America and Americans!!

    Wake up people!

  10. Ruin NorCo? Bahahahahahahaha. Where they purposely overspend on legal bids after disregarding the management firm they hired to save money? Where parks are named after career spendthrifts who thought cost overruns were "nice." Where patient care at the county home is sacrificed for an unsustainable jobs program and they can only dream about being as good as Cedarbrook? Where a bloated controller who can't count to ten without grabbing his dick threatens private employers and chases hundreds of jobs from the county?

    Yeah. Nobody wants this ruined.

  11. Bernie , Mr. Phillips has been vetted by Federal authorities many times during his service . We are not talking us apple knockers! He is a U.S.Marine and Commissioned Officer. Wait, just wait until this man say's things and really presents his platform.He has had the background,the know how that most of us don't understand about,in management and structure.,and Integrity! Just wait, be patient.

  12. Anon 5:56, thank you fo9r your reasoned Teabbager observations.

  13. Even if Agenda 21 was being discussed or considered as our nation's new policy, the debate would not be occurring in the NORCO Council Chambers.....IF Mr. Phillips was the wonderful, amazing, genius that his supporters are touting, he should be addressing issues that might actually be within the purview of County Council....Agenda 21 is a boogeyman that the TP nuts love to rally around but it has no bearing or relationship to the real world let alone local politics.

  14. 6:01 (aka, Steve That Lisp Barron),

    You can't refute a word of it. Go back to coveting and blaming and name calling and stomping flower beds in the name of progressive values (like increased unemployment).

  15. Hayden is right. I have looked into this and Agenda 21 is real.

    Local pols are slow to understand they are playing into the hands of the UN. Hayden understands and hopefully he will set the county straight on this growing concern.

  16. You notice that the leftist Bernie O'Hare didn't ask about Agenda 21 or any real hard questions on his survey of county candidates.

    What's a matter, afraid they would have to confess their affiliation with the UN led progressive agenda that is being actively pursued by this President. the country is in danger, now more than ever.

  17. What in God's green earth is Agenda 21, and what the Hell does it have to do with Northampton County?

  18. The UN is garbage. No better than the League of Nations. It is time for America to take care of Americans.

  19. Thank you for the education Lighthouse.

  20. Love it or leave it baby!
    O'Hare is a progressive liberal who hates America, or doe she have another agenda?

  21. What consitutes being a "progressive liberal?"

    1. Anybody who dares disagree with the tea party on anything.

  22. FYI follow up...without trying to look for it, I recall Hal Shurteff posting here on LVR a while ago when you ran something on Phillips before. If you do a quick internet search he is a Regional Field Director for the Birch Society, and has cross references to the Agenda 21 hype, as well as his speaking engagements to various Tea Party groups across the Northeast.

    So whether a member, or just a "fellow traveler" (said with some humor) we apparently have a Birch Society candidate for County Council. Some voters will view that as a negative. Some will find that as a positive. Just be careful of the flouride in your water, "because it is a form of government mass medication of citizens in violation of their individual right to choose which medicines they ingest." (JBS)

  23. Numerous candidate swill attend!

  24. Agenda 21, coming to a community near you soon!


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