Local Government TV

Friday, September 27, 2013

LV Building Trade Unions Pick Hunter Over O'Donnell

Last week, the LV Labor Council made their election picks in contested local races. Now the Greater LV Building and Construction Trades Council have chimed in with their own endorsements. The LV Labor Council went with Tom O'Donnell is the NorCo Council race. But the trade unions like Deb Hunter.

O'Donnell is, quite simply, a terrible candidate. Don't believe me? Check out this video, taped during the primary race. He irresponsibly accuses Gracedale's Administrator of a conflict of interest. After lobbing that grenade, he complains about open space and accuses Executive John Stoffa of "bias", citing no specifics.

As a state employee, O'Donnell was fired in 1988 when it was discovered he was doing Township business as an elected Supervisor while on the clock for the state. Of course, he used his public sector union to file a grievance, though it's unclear whether he ever got his job back.

He's a nut. But for reasons known only to the LV Labor Council, he was picked over numerous other candidates who still have brains. Some have suggested that Lamont McClure and Charles Dertinger are pushing O'Donnell because they can control this guy. I don't know.

But the trades unions, who are private sector unions, have a bit more on the ball. They went with a candidate, Deb Hunter, who just negotiated two union contracts and can think for herself.

Northampton County Exec:  John Callahan

Northampton County Council:

Peg Ferraro
Ron Heckman
Jerry Seyfried
Deb Hunter
Christen Borso

Bethlehem Mayor:  Bob Donchez

Bethlehem City Council:  Bryan Callahan

Allentown Mayor:  Ed Pawlowski

Allentown City Council:

Darryl Hendricks
Joe Davis

Easton City Council: James Eddinger

Lehigh County Exec: Tom Muller

Lehigh County Commissioners:

Susan Wild
Geoff Brace
David Jones
Wes Barrett


  1. She went on a bitching binge and they endorsed her. Is this all about her?

  2. Charles (don't call me Charlie) Dertinger appears to be I unhappy that trade unions have endorsed an independent person.

  3. Just a guess but I would bet the reason O'Donnell gets any help is due to his wife. She worked for Grucela for years and has been active in the Democratic Party forever. This go around she has been pretty mean at times.

    Without her help, I don't know who or why would anyone support the guy.

    How in the world can this guy be doing so well in polls? You only need to talk to him for five minutes to realize the wiring isn't quite right.

    By the way, what the hell is a "state certified fraud investigator" and does it come with a badge and gun? If so, how do I become one?

  4. Dertinger, Kraft, and McClure know they can't control Deb. They are not interested in independent voices D or R. She doesn't knuckle under, they try to punish her. It should be fun for Kraft and McClure when she gets onto council. Incidentally, loving it that elected Dem committee people get to bad mouth slated Dem candidates, don't you Bernie?

  5. Why do you have Deb listed with the other candidates?

  6. Democrat sheep. Baaaaa.

  7. This is mere child's play compared to the all out war in the Republican Party with the teabaggers.

  8. They should never have endorsed puppet bobble head Borso either! She can barely get though a sentence! Kraft & McClure are her puppeteers, she’s a clown!

  9. Ms. Borzo handled herself with dignity. Ms. Hunter loves to flash the flesh to get attention.
    The interview process is not a scene from a Sharon Stone movie.

  10. Is Hunter a Callahan puppet? Is she telling people whatever John wants? Would an independent person say things like this?

  11. Hunter is the same exact thing you are trying to say Borso is.

    But she is a Callahan Puppet and a Jim Hickey Puppet 100%

    which one do you think will do the most harm?

  12. Ms. Borzo handled herself with dignity? Maybe she did and no one is saying she isnt a NICE person however she is a bumbeling mess and a Kraft McClure plant.

  13. Democrats can't seem but help being Democrats...somewhat dysfunctional, but generally get the job done. Here they are on the verge of winning the Executive and a majority on Council. Since its Friday night, a football analogy...

    the team is about to get a new Quarterback. But the tailback thinks he should be the Captain of the team, and starts maneuvering and angling before the QB is even on the field yet. He gets a frumpy rednosed lineman, and a former player who still likes to roam the sidelines thinking he still matters, to help put pressure on the other players. Now the team, that looks like it had such potential is getting poisoned by the egos of a few players who want the power--not to help the team, but for pure sake of having the power. Now the new QB coming in has to watch his own back. Will he be tackled from behind? Will his lineman be a "look out" blocker?

    Fortunately, these three have outed themselves to their current and incoming peers, and new QB. They'll still matter because they can still hurt the team with their poison and antics. But they've also marginalized themselves.

  14. "Ms. Hunter loves to flash the flesh to get attention.
    The interview process is not a scene from a Sharon Stone movie.

    2:25 PM"

    Hmmm, I believe it was Kissinger who said that "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac" Sounds like someone perceives of himself as in a position of power and is turned on by Ms. Hunter's presence.

  15. Fortunately, the Democrats running for office are nothing like this "Lighthouse" of darkness portrays. They are working together as a team and none are attacking the other. Your desperate teabagger veiled humor is as strange as that convoluted story you told.

    It is a very strong ticket top to bottom. I suppose you could be clear as to who you are attacking with your slurs but I doubt very much that you will.

    Phil C.

  16. I am a far, far cry from a tea nut, as you seem to imply. And believe me, the entire team knows who I speak of.

  17. "Phil C", It is by no means a strong ticket, from top to bottom. O'Donnell is a very bad candidate. And Borso, after latching herself to the worst Exec candidate, ties herself to the worst Council candidate. What the hell is she thinking?

  18. Maybe she is reaching out to the only one that wants to help her, the three do not want the two so u get a divided campaign.

  19. The lighthouse has maligned three Democratic candidates yet he won't identify who he has maligned.

  20. He has not maligned three Dem candidates. I know who he has maligned. I believe the former player is Charles (Don't call me Charlie) Dertinger. The frumpy red-nosed lineman is frumpy red-nosed Lamont McClure. The third person, I believe, is Kraft. None of these is a candidate. But if he does malign candidates, so what? He is a R and is entitled to his opinions. In fact, I love his football analogy and wish I had thought of it.

    My guess is you're a water boy.

  21. I think the frumpy red nosed lineman is Barron, and the previous team player is Dertinger Re-read it slowly.

  22. I'l accept that interpretation, too.

  23. I have seen the Demo Candidates together and they appear to be working as a team. I am a Dem and have not heard any of the candidates bad mouth each other. They have a handout that promotes all of them unlike the Republicans who are split.

  24. I think the lighthouse is referencing O'Donnell. You do realize he is one of the most popular people running.

  25. No, I don't. He was fired from his state job for cheating the taxpayer, lost a bid in 2001, and barely squeaked by Bill Wallace by 21 votes in May. His public appearances have been a disaster. The only reason anyone would promote him is to control him. I can't believe someone with his record is polling well.

  26. Bernie he is polling well because you damn Irish mafia stick together.

    Educate your people!

  27. not so casual observerSeptember 28, 2013 at 5:20 AM

    During the time Ms Hunter was the NAZCOG represenative to the gaming commission, she attended 1 (one) COG meeting. It was her job to inform the 10 COG members of available grants. The members never heard about any of that. During the same time frame, The members of other COGS were receivng an average of 55% of their requested funds from the gaming commision.

    She did not do the job she was appointed to do and it cost 10 municipalities thousands of dollars.

    When she was on the Nazareth School Board she repeatedly voted for tax increases.

    She has little regard for the tax payer's money, fiscal or politcal responsibility.

    She looks good, speaks well but does not get the job done, and does not even realize that she is
    doing harm to the people she was supposed to represent

    Answers on a paper are one thing, performance is what counts

  28. WOW! Thanks 5:20 did not know that. I guess the "Basic Instinct" move is in lieu of doing the job.

    Showing off isn't the same as showing up!

  29. not so casual observer said...

    During the time Ms Hunter was the NAZCOG represenative to the gaming commission, she attended 1 (one) COG meeting. It was her job to inform the 10 COG members of available grants. The members never heard about any of that. During the same time frame, The members of other COGS were receivng an average of 55% of their requested funds from the gaming commision.

    She did not do the job she was appointed to do and it cost 10 municipalities thousands of dollars.

    When she was on the Nazareth School Board she repeatedly voted for tax increases.

    She has little regard for the tax payer's money, fiscal or politcal responsibility.

    She looks good, speaks well but does not get the job done, and does not even realize that she is
    doing harm to the people she was supposed to represent

    Answers on a paper are one thing, performance is what counts

    5:20 AM

    Is there a record that you can point us to that we can read? This is very enlightening and would make me vote in a different way. Please post source material. I am guessing that attendance to the gaming board is online, Bernie?

  30. The reader is referring to COG attendance, not the Gaming Board. I will try to get a black and white attendance record.

  31. In my 1 1/2 year tenure on the NorCo gaming authority we awarded Stockertown $35,000 in grants for a new police vehicle and computer upgrades for their police department. We awarded $50,000 for the Keller Road bridge redo. As the poster should know, these "uncommitted funds" are available once a year and most of these grants still go to the contiguous municipalities to the casino. The "restricted funds" are by far the biggest pot of money and go solely to contiguous municipalities. Its a matter of record what was given out etc. Members of your COG did very well compared to all the other municipalities. I was in monthly contact with Brian who was president at the time and explained the application process to him and your COG at the meeting. Brian sent me the agenda and minutes of your meetings over my brief tenure and, as you also should know, Alicia Karner was at your meetings and is the NorCo administrator for the gaming authority. The once a year presentation of grants from municipalities in your COG were done at the gaming authority meetings of which I had almost 100% attendance. I'm sorry if you feel you were not represented well even though you got a bigger percentage of the grants that year than most outlying COGs but its simply not true. Regarding my 10 year tenure on Naz school board from 1991 to 2001. I was there during the pivotal period of the district where we went from a provincial district with the long time residents calling the shots to a time of huge transition with the influx of people from New Jersey and the expectations they brought. We built the district into the academically highly respected institution that it is. Ask anyone who sends their kids there about the high quality of the teachers and facilities. I am very proud of what we did there and I stand by it.

  32. Thank you, Deb, for a prompt reply. And Not So Casual, it is difficult to conclude anything about a director on a school board. They all have unique issues. They do not exist as a government, but to educate our children.

  33. Great answer Deb, you have my vote

  34. not so casual observerSeptember 28, 2013 at 1:29 PM

    Brian HArris is not nor ever has been the Chairman of the COG he is the secretary. Perhaps you should have addresses the other municpalities at the meeting. Saw you once. never again. Never had a public report. I guess you decided to work only for the members of the Nazareth School district. NAZCAG is more than that,and you were responsible to speak to every entitiy member on that board.

  35. Nice answer but it really didn't answer the question directly. Lots of words but little substance.

  36. Not So Casual, A few points,

    1) When engaging Ms. Hunter, as you I have done, I think you should have IDed yourself. I will not out you, but you do have your own agenda. You are a major player in the County GOP, and don't want Hunter elected. I think you should have made that clear.

    2) Because of your agenda, nothing Deb does would be good enough. She could secure $1 MM for every person in Chapman, and you'd complain it should have been $2 MM.

    3) To clarify a misimpression you unintentionally created, Deb Hunter was never a member of the COG. She was on the Gaming Board, and did not miss those meetings. The County had one or two persons at every COG meeting. I am glad to know you think attendance is important bc I will have a question about that soon.

    4) How much has the current occupant from your area obtained for you? I don't see Tenges bringing you shit, but you don't criticize him bc he is an R.

    Let's knock off the crap already. The Rs have some good candidates and some bad ones. I know it and you know it. The Dems have some good candidates and some bad ones. I know it and you know it. Let Deb Hunter be. I know you can't ever vote for her. But know she is a competent person. She's not on your wavelength, but you and I both know she will do wel if elected.

    Unleash your wrath on O'Donnell. He is the worst in both parties.

    Incidentally, i called Deb H and asked her NOT to comment here. It is not fair for her to do so and be attacked by people who don't identify themselves. So you won't hear her again here.

  37. Why is she getting all snooty and bent out of shape. She is responsible for her own actions and record.

  38. Translation: Nothing she says is good enough and we will attack her anonymously bc she belongs to the wrong party.


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