Local Government TV

Monday, September 09, 2013

Lehigh Valley Wow?

Don Cunningham, CEO and President of the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp. (LVEDC) was at last Thursday's meeting of NorCo Council's economic development committee. I missed most of the presentation, but was there in time to hear them discuss their "Wow!" campaign to promote the Lehigh Valley and their creativity. Lehigh Valley Wow!

This reminds me of the Catholicism Wow! campaign waged by Cardinal Glick, played by George Carlin, in Dogma.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now we all know how the majority and the media in this country view the Catholic church. They think of us as a passe, archaic institution. People find the Bible obtuse... even hokey. Now in an effort to disprove all that the church has appointed this year as a time of renewal... both of faith and of style. For example, the crucifix. While it has been a time honored symbol of our faith, Holy Mother Church has decided to retire this highly recognizable, yet wholly depressing image of our Lord crucified. Christ didn't come to Earth to give us the willies... He came to help us out. He was a booster. And it is with that take on our Lord in mind that we've come up with a new, more inspiring sigil. So it is with great pleasure that I present you with the first of many revamps the "Catholicism WOW. " campaign will unveil over the next year. I give you... The Buddy Christ. Now that's not the sanctioned term we're using for the symbol, just something we've been kicking around the office, but look at it. Doesn't it... pop? Buddy Christ..."

Cardinal Glick and the Catholicism Wow! campaign were eventually destroyed by an avenging angel played by Ben Affleck. So Don, check visitors for wings.


  1. Lehigh Valley WOW!, ALLENTOWN - The City Without Limits, and, currently, HOOPLA ? We, definitely, are living in a bubble...
    And for those who may say if you think you can do better, then DO IT! That is actually my plan...

    Alfonso Todd


  2. DOGMA is one of my favorite movies, by the way. It was banned, controversial, and full of thought provoking info...

    Alfonso Todd

  3. Disenfranchised TaxPayerSeptember 9, 2013 at 7:40 AM


  4. Lehigh Valley WOW?

    What the....

  5. Oh Lord, you're serious aren't you? WTF is wrong with them?

    The Banker

  6. Yes, I am serious. Wow!

    I understand Carlin's heirs are suing for plagiarisms for the creative idea.

    They indicated they were also touting the NIZ, which is by no means a proven gimmick. As far as I am concerned, every cent spent on advertising the NIZ is an illegal campaign contribution to Pawlowski.

  7. With one caveat Bernie I agree with you - whether we like it not, the NIZ is here to stay. And the only way this works for the region is if we get businesses from outside the area or new businesses locating there.

    Reilly et al have done nothing but poach local businesses by giving away rent, relocation expenses and lease break costs -- all funded by the taxpayer. He's shown no interest in bringing anyone in from outside.

    If LVEDC can bring in businesses from outside the region, then this has a better chance of working than otherwise.

    I still think it sucks but if this helps I can live with it.

    The Banker

  8. I think every penny spent promoting the unproven NIZ is an illegal campaign contribution by a publicly funded nonprofit. Also, I am ready to hurl over the KRIZ and other handouts to the rich that are on their way.

  9. All I can say is WOW! Another example of tax dollars being paid to organizations like this one and the tourist bureau that only exist to provide a high salary for a few people.

    WOW, just WOW!

  10. Agree on the illegal campaign contribution. As well as the $300k/yr Topper and Reilly are paying Pat Browne's wife should be illegal. And that Reilly knew about the NIZ 3 years ahead of everyone else should be illegal. And on and on.

    But at the end of the day, we got it, we're stuck with it, and it'll screw us even more royally than it already has unless we get out of state tenants to relocate here.

    So I guess I'm an angry realist - if LVEDC getting involved helps this thing work for the benefit of the entire valley, then I can live with Pawlowski getting an illegal benefit.

    Especially since I don't think it matters, he's unelectable at the state level.

    The Banker

  11. Maybe it's a good thing he's running at the state level. His opponents will (should) use the opportunity to expose everything that went on with the business of NIZ and it may get the press it deserves.


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