Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hayden Phillips Cancels Sam Rohrer Fundraiser

On Monday, I told you that NorCo Council candidate Hayden Phillips was planning a fundraiser this Friday, hosted by former gubernatorial candidate Sam Rohrer, a tea party favorite. Rohrer believes that drivers' licenses are an infringement on our personal liberties.

Phillips has just canceled this fundraiser.

But he still has Andy the Clown.


  1. Balloon animals are passe, Andy the clown's "meat puppetry" has revolutionized this timeless performance art and will soon appear on all the late night talk shows to share his talents.

  2. Please remove that picture of the ginger clown from HELL!!

    I already have had too many nightmares.

  3. I hear there is an open slot at WGPA!!

  4. If Phillips cancelled because of the heat then he doesn't stand for anything and should be defeated. Sam Rohrer believes in the constitution and I don't think many people understand what that entails and yes a drivers license only finances bigger government which is a cancer on freedom

    JOHN M

  5. Much as I would like to think so, I doubt that Rohrer's cancellation has anything to do with what i write here. There probably was a scheduling conflict or something unexpected.

  6. I am glad the tea party is taking a firm stance against things like drivers licenses. Can we just give these folks a state to live in an 18th century paradise and be done with it.

  7. A Gay bible quoting Christian Clown. I am speechless.


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