Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gregory Asks Judge Zito to Reconsider State Time

Jim Gregory, a former Northampton County Human Services worker and write-in candidate for Bethlehem Mayor, is currently a guest of Graterford State Prison. He's serving a 15-month sentence imposed by Judge Leonard Zito on September 6 for repeated violations of Protection From Abuse Act Orders. Calling Gregory "arrogant and manipulative," Judge Zito seemed particularly troubled by Gregory's use of county jail inmates to smuggle notes to his ex-girlfriend. Gregory even bought time on  radio station WGPA 1100 AM to read a note to his ex. This was a direct violation of the Abuse Order, which prohibits all contact by any means.

In an unrepentant motion filed last week, Attorney Michael Corcoran has asked Judge Leonard Zito to reconsider. Calling Zito's sentence "unduly harsh and excessive," Corcoran characterizes Gregory's no-contact violations as "benign and innocuous."

Corcoran also argues that Gregory's on-air message to his ex-girlfriend is harmless because she only became aware of it because of me. "Had it not been for the intervention of a third party with his own agenda [that would be me], [Gregory's ex] would not have been aware at all of the content of that call."

Actually, that's untrue. She did not listen to the actual program because she was away, but saw the livestream upon her return. My role was limited to providing a transcript of his commentary so that Judge Zito would have an accurate account.

Finally, Corcoran argues that he's been told that Gregory's home has been burglarized, and is needed to inventory the assets. There is no record of any burglary reported at The Bethlehem Police Blog, so Corcoran may have been misinformed on that point.

There is no indication, on the record, that a hearing has been scheduled.  


  1. In tonights meeting at West Easton Borough Hall, Mezzacappa was tossed, by force, out of the meeting and onto the street. ....By EPD Officer Siegfried,And dragged she was...physically abused, and accused of drinking in public (laugh), and threatened with a disorderly conduct charge, was tossed out of the meeting by Officer Siegfried of EPD.

    Hopefully she show's up in Court as a character witness for Jim.

  2. He wants what he considers fair treatment but could not treat others with fairness and dignity. He deserves to stay where he is.

  3. During a reconsideration hearing, can a Judge reconsider the Sentence upwards instead of downwards? Jim could get more time.

  4. I am unaware of any circumstances in which a sentence, once imposed, can be increased.

  5. ""In tonights meeting at West Easton Borough Hall, Mezzacappa was tossed, by force, out of the meeting and onto the street. ....By EPD Officer Siegfried,And dragged she was...physically abused, and accused of drinking in public (laugh), and threatened with a disorderly conduct charge, was tossed out of the meeting by Officer Siegfried of EPD."

    Typical histrionics from a person with a histrionic personality disorder.

  6. Is Gregory the first in Northampton County to be jailed in a state prison for a non-violent non-physical violation of a PFA?

  7. So far as I know, yes. There are 8 contempt convictions.He repeatedly thumbed his nose at the court, and that alone is a basis for the sentence. But more importantly, his conduct was a continued form of abuse. He repeatedly engaged in conduct designed to put her in fear. His stares at her in the courtroom are another example. He is a bully and, like most sociopaths, a manipulator.

  8. The problem for the court is this, he still does not believe he has done anything wrong. He does not have any remorse for the original PFA and he does not believe he deserved to be convicted of contempt charges.

    He still maintains the court, the victim and all others who disagree with him are wrong and he is right.

    So as a judge, how can you begin to believe he will respect the victim or the court's rulings?

    I find it impossible for the court to show any leniency for this individual based on his own words and actions.

  9. Unoccupied houses are ransacked by scrap metal thieves, on a regular basis. Jim's house may be worthless in 15 months.

  10. Earl and the bird ransacked the place and were seen driving the Camaro.

  11. SM here,

    My Jimmy is coming home. We will soon be living the dream. We forged a strong relationship and Jimmy knew I always have his backside. He is a sweet petite man. My laid back Cali ways will help soothe the pain he felt in the state penitentiary.

    He is far to gentle a soul for such a place. I will be his shoulder to cry on when he comes home.

    Spartacus Maximus

  12. 1:28 a.m. bought up some very good points. It appears that he has somehow convinced himself that he is innocent. I believe he thinks he can manipulate and outsmart everyone by getting out and then restart the harassment, intimidation, and abuse of all his victims. Instead he should be throwing himself at the mercy of the court and admit how he committed contempt and is willing to do anything to turn his life around, educate himself about domestic violence, try to repair all the damage he has done, etc. He has learned nothing and should not be allowed out until he accepts responsibility for all his actions that caused him to be sitting in prison. The safety of his victims is the only thing that matters.


  13. Now is a helluva time for a lawyer to ask a judge for reconsideration of "state time". A good lawyer would have done that immediately...before he was put in Graterford. Jim is going to sit for awhile. The only decision to make is "where".

  14. "Is Gregory the first in Northampton County to be jailed in a state prison for a non-violent non-physical violation of a PFA?"

    Jim's disdain for Authority is ostensible in his Action's. Jim will again have the opportunity to conscript local convict's to further harrass his Victim, when he returns to N.C.P. for his Hearing.

    Sentence's are meted out based on individual circumstance's, and the "Message", that need be sent to Society. Did you hear the societal message in Judge Zito's sentence of Jim Gregory???

  15. "Unoccupied houses are ransacked by scrap metal thieves, on a regular basis. Jim's house may be worthless in 15 months."

    Well, Tricia, he should have thought of that before repeatedly thumbing his nose at a judge. And you should not lie to Corcoran, claiming there are burglaries that do not exist.

  16. "Now is a helluva time for a lawyer to ask a judge for reconsideration of "state time". A good lawyer would have done that immediately."

    A good lawyer won't represent Gregory for long bc Gregory refuses to listen. So he is wasting his money on a weak lawyer who makes Gregory look unrepentant and anxious to get out of jail so he can continue violating the PFA. That's just brilliant legal strategy.

  17. "And you should not lie to Corcoran, claiming there are burglaries that do not exist."

    It's what she does, Bernie. You know that better than most. She could not have gotten two bogus PFA cases on the docket unless she lied about the nature of her relationship with you. Didn't she falsely accuse you of breaking into her house? In fact, she claims her house has been burglarized multiple times. She's just expanding the lie to Jimbo's house.

  18. "There are 8 contempt convictions"

    The Judge may have no tolerance for Courtroom outbursts from Jim. What is the maximum sentence for contempt of a Judge in his Courtroom?

  19. You have to feel bad for his former clients, especially the ones that lodged compliants against him and none of gis superiors took seriously. Or the ones that he abused and weren't strong enough to tell anyone. Sad that aman this messed up held such power of people that he was supposed to help and protect.

  20. She has reported multiple burglaries to her home, and has been blaming me of breaking into her home on numerous occasions over the past two years, and as recently as last week. These are all false reports that waste police resources. Mezzacappa also wasted judicial resources by prancing into court and demanding a PFA again, even though Judge Zito has already told her she has no standing. Ever the showman, she refused to come into the courtroom with me sitting there, though she thought nothing of it during several of Gregory's hearings. Now she is claiming that the police officer who ejected her from West Easton was "half asleep," "cowardly," "physically abused" her and "tossed" her. Next thing you know, she'll be claiming he raped her and poisoned her pet pig.

  21. "Sad that aman this messed up held such power of people that he was supposed to help and protect. 9:39 AM"

    There should have been an internal audit of Jim's caseload for potential abuse of client's. The Victim's should file a Lawsuit against the County.

  22. County HealthChoices Fraud and Abuse Hotlines

    Lehigh County: 610-782-3440

    Northampton County: 877-235-3164


  23. "You have to feel bad for his former clients, especially the ones that lodged compliants against him and none of gis superiors took seriously. Or the ones that he abused and weren't strong enough to tell anyone."

    A complete investigation of his activities should be undertaken, but I doubt it will be.

  24. Considering her frightening letter to the editor in support of accused Ross Township murderer Rockne Newell, it is better to be safe than sorry when Mezzacappa acts out at a public meeting. She has a gun fetish and very little common sense or self control. If she can't behave in a civil way, she should be "tossed." If she disrupted the meeting, she should be charged with any and all applicable crimes.

  25. Title 42 § 2154.4. Adoption of guidelines for resentencing.

    The commission shall adopt guidelines that shall be considered by the court when resentencing an offender following revocation of probation, county intermediate punishment or State intermediate punishment. The guidelines shall take into account:

    (1) Factors considered in adopting the sentencing guidelines.

    (2) The seriousness of the violation.

    (3) The rehabilitative needs of the defendant.

  26. "If she disrupted the meeting, she should be charged with any and all applicable crimes. 10:59 AM"

    Title 18 § 5508. Disrupting meetings and processions.
    A person commits a misdemeanor of the third degree if, with
    intent to prevent or disrupt a lawful meeting, procession or
    gathering, he disturbs or interrupts it.

    § 5904. Public exhibition of insane or deformed person.
    A person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree if
    he exhibits in any place, for a pecuniary consideration or
    reward, any insane, idiotic or deformed person, or imbecile.

  27. I realize Mr.Gregory and Ms.Mezzacappa bring out the worst in people.Sending Mr.Gregory to State Prison for non-violent P.F.A. violations does seem a tad excessive to me.He could have easily did some time in N.C.P..Mr. Gregory appears to be an arrogant,belligerent person but State time seems to be totally out of bounds for an emotional young man.

  28. "Sending Mr.Gregory to State Prison for non-violent P.F.A. violations does seem a tad excessive to me.He could have easily did some time in N.C.P..12:05PM"

    State Supervision/County Served, can sometimes happen if the sentence isn't too long.
    Consecutive Sentence's were need to address the Gravity & Scope of the Offence's. He could have gotten twice as much time.
    Mr. Gregory proved to the Court that he could continue to harass his Victim from inside the confines of Northampton County Prison. He needed to be removed from the County.

  29. Gregory will get through this miscarriage of justice by using his sharp wits and dashing good looks, even the "Cheesey Cheeto" Judge Lenny Zito pops a chub when the Mediterranean Manslab does the shackled shuffle into his chambers. My advisory role to Greggy's counsel was brought about by a call from the ACLU's top brass who urged me to take the case "Pro Boner" which allows me to have monthly conjugal visits with Jimbo.

  30. Gregory's break-in was not reported because it was BS. his nephew emptied out anything of value before his wife got it.Messacrappa has his money hidden.Thats what she been living off of the last couple of months. She says she is a massuse but who would pay for those pig smelling hands on them even if it was a happy ending massage

  31. Personal Conduct - Falsification
    Relevance to Security
    An individual's failure to cooperate in any element of the security clearance process, including failure to be forthcoming with complete and accurate information, may indicate unwillingness to comply with required security procedures and regulations and may raise serious questions about an individual's character, reliability, trustworthiness, and judgment.

  32. "Gregory's break-in was not reported because it was BS. "

    052 Pa. Code § 1.36. Verification.
    (a) Applications, petitions, formal complaints, motions and answers thereto containing an averment of fact not appearing of record in the action or containing a denial of fact must be personally verified by a party thereto or by an authorized officer or other authorized employee of the party if a corporation or association. Verification means a signed written statement of fact supported by oath or affirmation or made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities).
    (b) The verification form should comply substantially with the following:


    , hereby state that the facts above set forth are true and correct (or are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief) and that I expect to be able to prove the same at a hearing held in this matter. I understand that the statements herein are made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities).



    (c) When an affidavit is used, it must be notarized.

    Jim is in deep shit.

  33. Yep Jim AND Trish, the " lehigh valleys power couple " will both be in DEEP ( pig ) shit alright if the wife catches wind of what's really going on...sucks to be them
    The neighbors reported a pig running from the house with blond hair and stilettos

  34. Title 18 § 304. Ignorance or mistake.
    Ignorance or mistake as to a matter of fact, for which there
    is reasonable explanation or excuse, is a defense if:
    (1) the ignorance or mistake negatives the intent,
    knowledge, belief, recklessness, or negligence required to
    establish a material element of the offense; or
    (2) the law provides that the state of mind established
    by such ignorance or mistake constitutes a defense.

    Jim's Motion should be Denied-in-Chambers. He is still trying to manipulate the Court for his Liberty,by lying. Jim made Mr. Corcoran look like a fool.

  35. Hey Bernie ,
    When TM is finally in jail ! and you have her house :) can you Please have a big party in celebration ! and invite all of us , your fan club :) we can all wear our name tags :) Clinton Oxford , norco twink, anonymous' that are not Tricia , Eugenia oops that Tricia, SM oops that's Tricia , Alan Dershowitz oops that's her too .Well there may only be 10 of us who are not Tricia out of the average 80 comments per JG headline .. we may need a smaller pig for the roast

  36. message to TM: I despise what you've been doing on your blog. that being said. bernie is a fucking cunt. we know it. stop trying to prove him wrong. he was already disbarred. society knows what he and his "friends" are all about.

  37. Hey Fletch....


    Please help Tricia recover.

  38. This is so unfair. Mr. Gregory is paying a heavy price for some rough sex. He admitted that their love making was very passionate and wild. There may have been times it got a bit too wild. You have to believe that some of you old farts are jealous of a very passionate man who still has his strong sexual prowess.

    So much for compassion. What about a man sitting in Graterford prison for a non-violent PFA. Where are the tears of sympathy for that?

  39. 231 Pa. Code Rule 233.1. Frivolous Litigation. Pro Se Rule... 233.1. Frivolous Litigation. Pro Se Plaintiff. Motion to Dismiss.
    (a) Upon the commencement of any action filed by a pro se plaintiff in the court of common pleas, a defendant may file a motion to dismiss the action on the basis that:

    (1) the pro se plaintiff is alleging the same or related claims which the pro se plaintiff raised in a prior action against the same or related defendants, and

    (2) these claims have already been resolved pursuant to a written settlement agreement or a court proceeding.

    (b) The court may stay the action while the motion is pending.

    (c) Upon granting the motion and dismissing the action, the court may bar the pro se plaintiff from pursuing additional pro se litigation against the same or related defendants raising the same or related claims without leave of court.

    (d) The court may sua sponte dismiss an action that is filed in violation of a court order entered under subdivision (c).

    Tricia has boxed herself into a Legal corner. Does it bear to mention that she is an Empathizer of the Ross Twp. shooter?

  40. Perhaps you should rename this blog "Gregory Grumblings". Or maybe "Mezzacappa Musings"? Your continuing obsession with these two half-wits just may make them local celebrities.

  41. Jealous 7:48? They are local celebrities. You are not. Must suck to be you!

  42. Oh, gee, ya really hurt me there. Just what I want to be, a shining example of stupidity, lunacy and public ridicule. Yeah, sure does suck to be me.

  43. "Your continuing obsession with these two half-wits just may make them local celebrities."

    "You can build a thousand bridges but suck Dick once your not a bridge builder your a cocksucker.... "

    Trish & Jim ain't known as bridge builder's. Ask around the L.V.

  44. I think we all agree that that Tricia Mezzacappa and Jim Gregory are in need of some serious psychiatric help . the problem is there is no cure for their disease. Look what it has done to poor tricias face. They have proven themselves to be conniving, manipulative and dangerous. One lies , they both believe it and together they think they are outsmarting the world. So now what? Put Tricia in jail ? YES ! At least bernie and the rest of us would be safe.

  45. It is too bad that Jim did not get the entire story out there. He is paying a hard price for misunderstandings and lost love.

  46. He is held responsible for his words and actions.

  47. In reference to 12:05 p.m. I don't think the judge had much choice but to send him to state prison. He would have kept trying to abuse, harass, and intimidate his victims from NCP using fellow prisoners and their families. I am starting to think that JG wants to stay in prison. He has clearly made no attempt to try to stay out! One thing is certain, he is out of touch with reality if he thinks he can manipulate state prisoners like he did at the county. He better take a long hard look at his behavior because if he continues things certainly will not get any better for him. It appears that he has learned nothing and only cares about how he can find another way to harass his victims. He should be ashamed of himself.

  48. @ 9:16 p.m.

    Too bad you I mean they both have sick obsessive disorders. you with him and Bernie etc and he with his ex. When has he told you or anyone the truth ? oops still waiting , oops again excuse me i got the oopsies.. maybe he does exist , or not , like JG says about the sex tapes. Just saying somebody knows The truth . its not you , that's for sure . You obviously don't care about truth , or your soul. oops you never had one. just the attention any little bit you can get to fill the void. True as it is sad to say nobody cares about you , poor thing . People are not scared and running from you because you are pro se hideous super power witch with a gun (Well partially true) no. its because you are the plague , sick and dis eased and there is no cure.


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