Local Government TV

Friday, September 13, 2013

Giordano For Retention: Humility and Class

Judge Emil Giordano, with his sister Margaret and brother Joseph. 
Over three hundred people, Democrats and Republicans alike, braved the downpours to cram into Northampton Memorial Community Center last night. From Superior Court Judge Jack Panella to State Senator Lisa Boscola to Northampton County Bulldog Ron Angle, they were all there to wish Emil Giordano the best in his retention campaign for Northampton County Judge.

Some were there because they graduated from Becahi with him. Others belonged to his frat at Moravian College. Some got to know and respect him from his days as a lawyer. Many more are baseball and basketball players he's coached over the last twenty years.

Ed Pany with Judge Giordano
He remembered them all. He thanked his sister Margaret and Hanover Township Manager Jay Finnigan, whom he credits for his election victory ten years ago against a very distinguished field of candidates. He held up a family portrait with his wife Tina and sons Caden and Joseph, and claimed that's why he won ten years ago. He spoke of the now departed Dominic Ferraro and Charlie Roberts, and said he owed his victory to them. But he failed to credit the one person that the rest of us were thinking about - himself.

That humility and class, along with a little humor, is Judge Giordano's style.

Giordano called his work as a judge challenging."Just like at home, everyone wants to appeal my decisions."
Although there was a host of big shots on hand who could have introduced him, Judge Giordano asked Ed Pany, the Will Rogers of the Lehigh Valley, to do the honors. Pany did not disappoint.

Atty Jay Leeson speaks for Judge Giordano
Pany joked about the online petition contending that the "Konkrete Kids" nickname for Northampton High School is actually a reference to the KKK.  Pany, who attended Northampton High School about 110 years ago, stated that, though he's an old Konkrete Kid, he still needed a special court order from Judge Giordano just to get into the building.

Pany also complained that a poor grade in school held him back. "Please, Emil Giordano, strike the "C" from my transcript," he joked, referring to a recent case in which Judge Giordano was asked to review a college student's grade. He declined.

Noting that Judge Panella is up for retention, too, Judge Giordano asked the crowd to support Judge Panella, too.

He said you won't see any campaign signs asking you to retain him, explaining that is the tradition among judges up for retention. But he asked each person there to speak to ten people on his behalf.

Let me tell you a story about Judge Giordano, who my grandson loved as a coach some years ago, when a basketball was bigger than him. I could tell you about how good he is with the kids, but let me tell you instead how good he is with political opponents.

Some years ago, Giordano ran against the John Morganelli buzzsaw for DA. It was a tough race.

While waiting for the returns at some club, Morganelli was shocked when his opponent, Emil Giordano, walked into a Democratic stronghold to congratulate him in person. That was class. That was humility. Tonight he showed those qualities again. That's why he was elected judge ten years ago. That's why he'll be retained now.


  1. Why would there be a fundraiser type function for a Judge facing retention? It is a straight up yes no vote with no opposition. if his family goes in and votes yes he gets another ten years,

    So why the event? sounds more like an ego trip deal.

  2. Judges, including a Supreme Court Justice, have lost retention elections. To me, it is the opposite of ego. It's an acknowledgement that he owes the voters an explanation of what he's done over the last ten years and why they should keep him. They are his boss. If he thumbed his nose and said, " I don't have to do anything," then you could accuse him of being on an ego trip.

    Anonymously, of course.

  3. A star of NorCo's part-time judiciary:

    Vote NO on all judicial retentions.

  4. This is in fact an important vote. Northampton County voters have a choice. Too often we hear that judges actually set law from the bench and should not. This is believed because judges somehow are viewed as having tenure and are untouchable. The retention voting law is there to counter this notion. If the people of the County don't mind a judge making a career out of his or her position, then vote to retain. If those in the County believe that politicians (yes Judges in Northampton County are politicians) should be term limited, here is your chance. By the way, what really stinks is all the lawyers that show up to support the Judge. Can only help to wonder if that helps when they face that Judge one day in the court? Hmmm?

  5. Baked Ziti could not attend as it was bingo night at Gracedale.

  6. The "Al Dente" comment comes from Mezzacappa, who will soon be in front of him herself.

  7. I dont know whatanon and al dente are so worked up about ...it's business as usual and it will never change

  8. The jewdiciary in Norco is a collection of corrupt blowhards, Jim Gregory was railroaded by these muppets there is no hope for our nation under these conditions.

  9. I will usually delete wack jobs like the person above, but will keep this anti-Semitic comment bc it shows the kind of person who seems to be attracted to Jim Gregory. He expressed some anti-Semitism himself on his radio show.

  10. Bernies Blog RUINS LIVES. Exhibit A is James Gregory.

  11. The above comment comes from one of many names used by Mezzacappa. She has done more than anyone, excepting Gregory, to ruin his life.

  12. Messykkkrappdownherleg goes full anti-Semite on suspected Jews who seem to masquerade as proud Sons of Italy. Stupidity breeds bigotry and she's as fertile as that ground gets.

  13. While appreciating some may oppose the concept of retention election itself, I can think of no reason why Judge Giordano should not be retained.

  14. It is sad that there had to be such a showy party to boost someone's ego, even though they will most certainly win retention. Some people running in "real" campaign races don't even get a response from some of these fatcats. Our judges already think they are Gods, this just helps reaffirm that idea.

  15. If he had such an ego, there would be no party at all. The support would just be presumed.

  16. How much was charged to attend? How much was raised?

  17. How the hell would I know how much was raised just one day after the event, especially when I am not his campaign manager? It cost nothing to attend.

  18. The voters of Norco should make a point to not retain this judge unless Ziti removes himself from the challenge to change the mandatory retirement age for a judge. If Ziti lets his ego get in the way, then Emil shall pay. This is unfair to Slevold, and if Emil is not retained, she will be awarded the judge position she rightfully earned. The votors of Norco need to send these black robe water walkers a message.

  19. Here come da judge! here come da judge!

  20. The 1:10 AM comment obviously comes from Tricia Mezzacappa, who likes to use the word "ziti" to refer to Judge Zito.

  21. I have always thought the Voters should vote not to retain all Judges.My thinking is that Judges lose touch with the law and gain too much power.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.