Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dent Endorses Glenn Geissinger for NorCo Council

Lehigh Valley Congressman Charlie Dent has officially endorsed Glenn Geissinger for Northampton County Council.

“When it is time to decide who to vote for, there are aspects of a candidate’s qualifications and experience that are important and I believe that Glenn Geissinger embodies these qualifications…Glenn not only has the formal education, but the military service, accounting and business experience, and a strong history of community service that we need on Northampton County Council. His common sense, work ethic, and accountability are qualities that will be an asset to Northampton County.”

“For all these reasons, I am endorsing Glenn Geissinger for Northampton County Council. Please join me in supporting Glenn and working toward his election on November 5th.”

Glenn Geissinger is currently seeking one of the five at-large seats on Northampton County Council.


  1. That's nice. Dent needs to protect his right flank from a tea party candidate, so these tasks are necessary when requested. However for us mere mortals, other than his hatred of all things Obama and the nefarious UN Agenda 21, what are his intentions as it relates to county government.

  2. Glenn seems a decent guy, and I look forward to his replies to my questionnaire. I'd like there to be a debate.

  3. dent needs to fix national problems.

  4. I just can't get past these teabagger purists, man. You can't hide the extremism behind a forced smile.

  5. Occupy An Occasional ShowerSeptember 25, 2013 at 6:30 AM

    Relax Occupy Assholes. The Tea Party is a astroturf/non-existent entity. It doesn't really exist.

  6. After Dent voted to take away food stamps from active duty soldiers and disabled veterans, he has lost any and all credibility. Not only has Dent lost my vote in the next election, I don't give a flaming monkey's ass what his opinion is for local county candidates. I can figure that out for myself, better than he can, thank you very much.

  7. I don't think active duty solders should need food stamps, do you? Disabled Veteran does not in itself mean qualifier.I know Disabled Vets that have vacation homes in North Carolina,own rentals .but they were beat up during service and obtained a certain percentage of disability. Many that have 10% still can be active and reserve military for example. "Disabled Vet" is not synonymous with "feeble"," drone", or stupid! I resent those remarks about vets.

  8. "I don't think active duty solders should need food stamps, do you?"

    First off, we are off topic. So this is my last entry.

    Secondly, are you really that callous towards our junior active duty military? There are thousands of them that need additional assistance because they don't earn enough.

    Third, nobody said disabled vet is synonymous with anything. And you should resent those remarks, but then again, you are callous towards the military anyway. You probably never served in the military a day in your life, or else you would have understood the plight of others. I bet you get your information from Faux News.

  9. The military is 100% voluntary. Recruiting goals are being met. If you don't like the compensation, don't enlist. When did a volunteer military become a victim group? Insulting.

  10. The military is 100% voluntary. Recruiting goals are being met. If you don't like the compensation, don't enlist. When did a volunteer military become a victim group? Insulting.

  11. What does any of this have to do with Dent's endorsement of Glenn Geissinger? What military decisions will Glenn be called on to make as a member of Northampton County Council?

  12. anon 5:29 AM

    Geissing is not a teapartier nor an extremeist. Look into his qualifications and affiliations. DOn't assume

  13. Bernie , The potential of a Capt. from a high speed unit this man was involved with and part of the 82nd Airborne Division.This man had to to vetted several times for his personal integrity and his long team viability several times . I don't believe most political candidates could could pass muster like this man has.This is the point.

  14. Stop already. The Tea Party doesn't exist.

  15. Both Geissinger and Benol are still teapariers. Yes we all know you have changed your name to the "9-12 project" (yawn) however, you will always be those sweet little teabaggers to us.

    They are, as the strategy was explained to me, downplaying their "tea party" allegiance just as the last group that got elected did four years ago.

    So we want a repeat the great go9vernance of paying $30 million for a $1.5% million dollar loan, a multi-million dollar lease written by the builder and a secret deal to sell Gracedale. I am sure the voters want more of that, please.

  16. Anon;7;21 WHAT? you statement is not clear about 30Million ect Whats the deal,What do you know? Please rephrase the statement Sorry I slow!

  17. The Tea party=the 9-12 project.

    Can we really le these con artists near our local government.

  18. The Tea Party originally didn't exist. Then, it was a fake, astroturf movement. Then, it was a flash in the pan and would be gone soon. Now, it's the political obsession if the left. I guess it really did exist. :-(

    Womp womp wommmmmp.

  19. Oh you silly teabaggers, you.

  20. I have plenty of photos of this guy at Tea Party meetings! He is a teabagger whether you like it or not Dottie. They have hijacked your precious county committee once again while you play power struggle games.

  21. No astroturf here. Come visit us in Easton at our disease infested camp where all the downtown dogs shit. We have staying power... well, loafing power. We're changing the world without changing our underwear. Rock on!


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