Local Government TV

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bethlehem GOP Celebrate Food Stamp Cuts With a Picnic

"I can feel him kicking."
Bethlehem's Republicans had a picnic over the weekend at Illick's Mill Park. Since there's only three of them, Republicans from other areas showed up to make things look good.  Conservative Republicans, mostly. They were celebrating the food stamp cuts with hot dogs and burgers.

Lehigh County Controller Glenn Eckhart finally revealed he is pregnant. Stan Bialecki swears he felt little Glenn kicking in there.

Peg Ferraro came. But once Republicans learned she's been endorsed by the LV Labor Council, they strung her up. They did let her pick the tree. Ronnie del Wacko provided the rope.


  1. Peg wants to straddle that fence. She tells her Dem friends the tea party are whacko's and she tells her Republican friends she is just misunderstood.

    I'll say. Hey Peg, if you want to be understood, don't open your mouth.

  2. Is Peg pregnant or is she carrying all her pension money in a belly sack? I used to vote for her. But her votes to waste more money at Gracedale indicate a selfish approach to staying in office vs. doing the right thing. Teachers and lawyers are why budgets are busted and politicians are despised worse than ass cancer.

  3. 4:00 The tea party and Republicans are two different things.

  4. 8:37, So you vote against her based on one issue. i supported Gracedale's sale, but I will vote for her. Where were you during the Gracedale debate? Did you even come to one meeting, or were you content with anonymous shots on a blog?

  5. Looks like more people attended this event than the event that the County Repubs just had at Stefano's. Why don't you report on their dying support?

    Oh that's right, you're too busy learing how to be a good KKK member from Ron Angle!

  6. I did not appear to me to be a very good turn out.

  7. You weren't there so once again you speak about things you know nothing about and pretend to be some sort of relevant media outlet.

    Just a meat puppet for Ron Angle. You can't even be your own man! How pathetic.

  8. No. I was not there, but saw pics of the crowd. There were not very many people there.

  9. Well then! I guess photographs are now passing off for "reporting". Why didn't you just ask the person who the Repubs sent as a spy? I'm sure Nancy Dienel will be MORE than happy to tell you how irrelevant she was at this gathering. She had to tell people to Google her to find out who she was!

    Again, pathetic sad irrelevant racist dusty old possoms who do nothing but use YOU to stay in power. Keep going to their side Bernie, we'll see just how relevant you become in a year or two.

  10. "The GOP is infected with progressivism to the point that it looks just like the Democratic party."

    America is a progressive society. The Dogmatic Ideology of the illustrious Grand Old Party hasn't changed in 237 year's & is increasingly becomming irrelavant in a global economy. Evolve or Perish!

  11. "Again, pathetic sad irrelevant racist dusty old possoms who do nothing but use YOU to stay in power. Keep going to their side Bernie, we'll see just how relevant you become in a year or two"

    Don't hate me cuz' you can't be me.

    Most of the folks at this picnic are the enlightened people who just invited a gun nut to address them, one who believes white people must arm themselves bc you never know what some black mob will do.

    I think I have a good idea who the racists are.

  12. I just commented anonymously and voted when given the chance. Peg voted for the management firm and then voted to ignore them. That's just effing stupid - unless you put reelection in front of doing the right thing. Shes a money wasting mess. She's going to get a park named after her. And you'll show up to write a hard hitting puff piece. That's how it works around here. Life is good Bernie.

  13. Peg F has more than once found herself on the wrong side of an issue and has lost elections as a result. I disagree with her positions on Gracedale. I agreed with the decision to go with Nazareth over the ambulance, which i consider a close question. I disagreed with suing the Exec over it, although he appears to be losing that fight.

    There are many things I dislike about Peg politically, especially the Ron Angle ambush. But as a person, you'll be hard put to find someone more decent. She was close to both of my parents, which says something in and of itself. When my father was dying, she came down almost every day with food. She is that kind of person. We could do much worse than have someone like her in government.

    She is a genuinely nice person. In fact, in hindsight, we probably should have listened to here a bit more when she spoke about trying private management at Gracedale before resorting to a sale. I have learned since that the workers there really do care about the patients, and they proved it by making major concessions.

  14. Just to be clear Bethlehem City Committee has members of Northampton and Lehugh County. This is why there were attendees from both areas. These events are generally well received by all and are not meant to be the basis of any debate. Judge Giordano and Congressman Dent were in attendance as well as both County Executive candidates. NORCO Council candidates Peg Ferarro, Hayden Phillips, and Seth Vaughn were also in attendance and well received although all NORCO candidates were invited. In addition Chris Morales, Bethlehem City Council candidate was invited but did not attend. Matthew Dietz and his family were there and also received great reception as well as volunteers for his upcoming race for Congress. Ronnie DelBacco was not there and neither were the majority of NORCO GOP regulars such as Mary Barket, GOP Chairman DeFranco, or Lee Snover. Lastly, newly elected Northampton County Court of Common Pleas Judge Jennifer Sletvold was also invited but did not show. Just FYI to set the record straight since stalking other peoples facebook pages does not constitute truth by a long shot.

  15. Just to be clear, my description is accurate. The pics are on the F/B page for the "Republican Action Team". The seal for that page indicates "conservative Republican" and suggest Chief Kessler is getting a raw deal.

    If you don't want this viewed by the public, why is it a public page and why are you seeking "likes"? It's more than a bit dishonest to contend that a member of the public who looks at these pictures, and uses them for what is essentially a humorous post, is a "stalker." That's just weird. It also betrays that you have no sense of humor, which seems to be curiously absent in the Bob Kerr-Tony Simao entourage.

    In a comment, I point out that there did not appear to be a crowd. You basically have just confirmed my observation. Many of the people you invited did not show. Does that tell you something?

    It's true that Dent was there, as was Ferraro. You will stab them both in the back.

  16. If you go into Northampton County Judge Emil Giordano's courtroom, you're likely to meet his mother-in-law.

    If you appear before Judge Michael Koury Jr. in the same Easton courthouse, the first person to greet you could be his uncle.

    Giordano and Koury have hired relatives, a practice that — if they weren't judges — would be prohibited in Northampton County government. But the state's judiciary has never enacted rules barring nepotism, and employing family members is not unheard of in the courts, unlike in some other public sectors

    Read more: http://www.mcall.com/news/nationworld/pennsylvania/mc-pa-judges-hire-family-members-nepotism-20130921,0,7159975.story#ixzz2fjgxCGkc

    Nepotism causes impropriety.

  17. I'm not trying to be funny because you like to twist peoples humor into some sort of platform. I never said tgere weren't a lot of people there, there were about 30 people in attendance. I do not care where you got the pictures....nobody cares. I am just srating facts about the picnic. Its not really news but thank you for your keen interest and maybe next time you should come to an event so you can report accurately.

  18. Bernie, Bernie, Bernie!

    I find it hillarious that you actually believe that anyone wants to be like you. Please put down the drink and get a grip on reality. You've been co-opted by the Northampton County KKK (Grand Wizard Angle), live in squalor, have delusions of grandure, continue to have a very odd fixation with young boys, and can't seem to jerk that hard-on off that you have for Mezzacappa.

    You now have taken to lurking on Facebook pages to try to make yourself seem even a little bit relevant with zero, let me say this again, ZERO facts!

    You are the joke of the Lehigh Valley blogging community and jumped the shark many moons ago. You're a sad man with nothing positive to say or contribute.

  19. These people were your soulmates last year Bernie

  20. Boondoggle was busy luring duped dunce politico's into his web of deceit, furiously fomenting discontent among both parties. He supports Mike Donovan and anyone else opposed to his "blog mentor".

  21. I think they should take food away from Glenn he's looking a little I mean allot chuncky.

  22. These are your peeps,BOH.

  23. People are allowed and Expected, to change their mind's, when Presented with new information. Bernie O'Hare has the ability to think critically. You sir, remain blissfully ignorant, as is your constitutional right to do so.

  24. Anon 12:421,

    "although all NORCO candidates were invited"

    I just asked a couple of the Dem candidates and they don't know what you are talking about. They were not invited to anything. Please be accurate.

  25. "He supports Mike Donovan and anyone else opposed to his "blog mentor".

    You have that ass-backwards, like most things. I support Donovan, and have for a number of years, and the Blog mentor began a hate campaign until he ended up getting escorted out of a city council meeting by the police. He has marginalized himself, is no longer relevant, and I haven't bothered looking at his hate-filled blog for over a month. He's reduced to posting anonymous comments like this one, after which he returns to rolling on the floor and foaming at the mouth.

  26. "'m not trying to be funny because you like to twist peoples humor into some sort of platform. I never said tgere weren't a lot of people there, there were about 30 people in attendance."

    In other words, it was poorly attended, just as I reported. And you'd have to pay me to go to a group meeting of those phonies. They will smile to Peg's and Dent's faces and then tick knives in their backs.

  27. "You are the joke of the Lehigh Valley blogging community and jumped the shark many moons ago. You're a sad man with nothing positive to say or contribute."

    Then you have nothing to worry about and should spend your time elsewhere. After all, Halloween is coming up.

  28. Tea Party FootsoldierSeptember 23, 2013 at 5:46 PM

    The LV 9-12 party is going to drop a metaphorical duce on country club R's like Ferrari, and Angle. People Like Ronnie, Glenn, Tricia, Matt, and many more have the potential to fix the mess that D's and RINO's have created if the people can't see that well this country is going down the commode.

  29. That's the problem with democratic government and elections. Maybe you guys should revolt and form an oligarchy.

  30. The LV 9-12 project is a front for the UN. I didn't believe it at first but I saw the proof. They are a big hoax that is all part of a worldwide progressive power grab.

    I thought their rumblings were a bit too strange to be true. You have been found out.

  31. Bernie O'Hara you waste of space, your blog should be an EPA superfund site it's radioactive and toxic to most non troll life forms

  32. Dear Mr. Tea Party Footsoldier,

    Due to the infux of multi-cultural immigrant's, your Ideology is not prevalent in the Majority Demographic of the L.V.

    English is not the most widely spoken language, in the L.V.

  33. Peg ,is a nice person and she always try's to fair in her judgment. I remember her from years ago , My father-in -law James Hemstreet would chuckle and say " Peg means well." as we would have a drink at his down stairs bar in his home. I believe today that Peg is a good egg. She does not play any punches on anyone.She is indeed a god person.

  34. It certainly is not properly spoken or written by many of the tea party sympathizers here.

  35. Phillips, Geissinger and Benol are pretty confident. They have been heard talking about how they are already got it "in the bag", as far as winning this Fall.

  36. Why do you post statements that are so obviously untrue? Just tell the truth, ok?

  37. Bernie, about What that BLACK MOB WILL DO! FORGETABOUTIT! Mainly ,today's Lehigh Valley Black's are better educated and many with advanced degree's . We are healthy to have staff members in all college's that help grow our youth. I walk among this population armed with heavy artillery ,but I do not single out black people as a threat .I have been in front of President Nixon and General Westmoreland with a .45 on my side.Get it ? No racism ,Hell I belong to the NAACP and can prove it.

  38. This is the party you were shilling for all election season last year sir.

  39. I don't "shill" for either party. I support candidates. Last year, I supported Romney for president, and believe that decision is the correct one. I supported Matt Cartwright and Charlie Dent. I oppose Obamacare, believing that the approach should have been more incremental. I support SNAP benefits. I detest the way Obama has handled the use of chemical weapons in Syria. I admire Vic Mazziotti, but don't much care for Scott Ott. And so on.

    You won't find me in lock step with either party.

  40. But you do realize the Republican ticket will this Fall? If not you don't know much!

  41. Where are those

    m A22 iotti
    sc HELL er

    Deform team signs?

  42. In a segment titled "The Grapevine," Fox News referred to undocumented youth as "children of the corn" in a graphic prominently displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

    Chris Wallace guest-hosted the Sept. 19 edition of Fox News "Special Report," according to Media Matters, where he summarized a recent analysis by Los Angeles County estimating that undocumented parents would receive $650 million in government assistance this year. The report neglects to mention that the parents are receiving the government benefits to assist their U.S. citizen children.

  43. I don't really know bc I did not watch the report you mention. I find I get a lot more done if i stay away from the TV. But the children of undocumented immigrants are unfortunately illegal themselves. That's the point of the DREAM Act.

  44. Hold on there BO. If you are lucky enough to be born and draw first breath in the United Sates, you are a US citizen by birth. Even if your parents are Zulus.

  45. I supported Romney for president, and believe that decision is the correct one.

    You are out of your mind.

    Other than the headline, no comment on your party's outrageous cut to FOOD STAMPS. Because after all, we've stamped out hunger. And screw em, they don't need health care either, right?

    Who is your employer, by the way? Do they provide you healthcare?

  46. "Hold on there BO. If you are lucky enough to be born and draw first breath in the United Sates, you are a US citizen by birth. Even if your parents are Zulus."

    You are correct. I am thinking of children who come here from other countries and are deprived.

  47. "Other than the headline, no comment on your party's outrageous cut to FOOD STAMPS. Because after all, we've stamped out hunger. And screw em, they don't need health care either, right? "

    I posted a blog complaining about it just a few days ago, asshole.


  48. I thought the Tea Party was a fake movement, an astroturf initiative with no staying power.

  49. But yet you bemoan giving those same people peace of mind regarding healthcare.

  50. Tripling people's premiums, canceling them altogether, and forcing them to change doctors is not peace of mind in healthcare. Socialism works great until you run out of other peoples' money.

  51. Tripling people's premiums, canceling them altogether, and forcing them to change doctors is not peace of mind in healthcare. Socialism works great until you run out of other peoples' money.

  52. Tripling people's premiums, canceling them altogether, and forcing them to change doctors is not peace of mind in healthcare. Socialism works great until you run out of other peoples' money.

  53. Hi Bernie,
    I just want to thank you for advertizing our picnic.
    The true attendance was approx.50 people. This is the first picnic Melissa and I put on and I feel it was a success. We were late getting the word out. Our postcards weren't done until the Monday before the picnic. Charlie and Peg were really great in there support of both the Lehigh and Northampton candidates.
    Bernie, I did invite you and I'm sorry you missed it.

  54. Peg has a Tea Party tee-shirt. Why won't she wear it?

  55. Stan, I was unaware you invited me. I thank you. Had I known, I would have gone.


  56. Tripling people's premiums, canceling them altogether, and forcing them to change doctors is not peace of mind in healthcare. Socialism works great until you run out of other peoples' money.

    Where do you get this from? If you receive healthcare benefits now from your employer, they are not changing. Why would I be forced to change doctors? Answer specifically. Healthcare premiums are actually going down in many states that have joined the healthcare exchange. Answer specifically the cases to the contrary.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.