Local Government TV

Friday, August 09, 2013

Townships Hiring Mezzacappa For Security at Meetings

West Easton wing nut Tricia Mezzacappa likes to complain that no one will hire her. But in the aftermath of the Ross Township shooting, I'm told that LV municipalities are falling all over each other to hire the pistol packin' momma for security at future meetings.

"If confronted with a situation at a meeting where I am forced to discharge my weapon, it goes like this: Deep breath, aim, shoot, one hollow point goes right through his skull, he's dead before he hits the ground, kersplat, PERFECT!“

"When armagedon comes a runnin towards my meeting hall, I stand armed and ready. I picture armegedon about 5 ft 9 and balding, little eyeglasses on the tip of his nose, and enough fat flaps to insulate a bull. Deep breath, aim, shoot, and....one hollow point goes right through his skull, he's dead before he hit the ground, kersplat....PERFECT."

“His head would be blown off instantly, ricocheting at least 400 feet into the air, and landing in one piece, at least 400 ft from his body.

She won't always kill people. Sometimes, she'll just pistol whip "his face bloody and unrecognizable."

She's perfectly nermal. But it's nice to know that when she goes off the reservation, Jim "I left no marks" Gregory is there to reel her back in.

Updated 9:50:  Mezzacappa claims Ross Tp got what they had coming in LTE.


  1. Have you caught her "empty holster" entry on her new and improved West Easton Footprint. She is a great choice for any township.

    She is currently providing security for Jim Manslab Gregory, who in another entry is calling on state and federal authorities for a full-scale investigation of the Bethlehem Police and the District Attorneys office.

    She even impishly mused about the gun "allegedly" hidden in Jimbo's hot red Camaro.

    I hope one and all will provide references for her. While Mr. Gregory distracts the gunman with his Mediterranean man moves, she will draw her weapon and dispense some old time justice.

    God, what is better than a hot woman, her gun and loyal manslab sidekick.

  2. Tricia Mezzacappa featured this headline on her recently re-opened blog: "Is West Easton The Ross Twp of Norco?"

    Coming from someone with a chip on her shoulder and a gun in her holster that sounds like a threat to West Easton officials.

    What kind of sick mind writes something like that just days after three people were shot and killed at a supervisors meeting in Ross Township?

  3. Someone who is mentally ill, like her.

  4. Remember this Bernie. Jim Gregory has Trisha's back, and she has his. they have pledged to defend each other. so if you go after her, you may end up dealing with Jim Gregory.

    He is a mensa martial artist, be careful. He has been seen cursing around musikfest and he looks buff and tuff!

  5. If he doesn't get the Mayor spot, he may run for the county council seat from Bethlehem in two years.

  6. all that plastic surgery has rotted her brain

  7. Coming from someone with a chip on her shoulder and a gun in her holster that sounds like a threat to West Easton officials.

    It's one of many veiled (and not so veiled) threats she has made. One difference between Ross Twp. and West Easton is that West Easton has a police officer present at council meetings, thanks to Mezzacappa's past conduct, though she has constantly written that the presence of a police officer is unnecessary. The recent murders show that Ross Twp. should have had one. West Easton leadership was wise to implement the policy of ringing a bell to gain entrance and to provide law enforcement to protect themselves and the citizenry from gun nuts.

    Now, before anyone starts about how Newell fired from outside with a rifle, a deterrent to that may be to start a new policy of lowering the shades on the windows in order to eliminate clear targets.

    Though no facility can ever be made completely safe there are simple precautions that can be implemented to reduce the risk from maniacs that own weapons. Just wait and see how many small communities now implement the same simple security measures that West Easton had to put in place because of Mezzacappa.

  8. "Someone who is mentally ill, like her."

    The Express-Times gave Tricia Mezzacappa a forum for her mental illness today by publishing her letter to the editor.

    "I feel compelled to speak out in support of an alleged criminal who was also a victim," she wrote. "I also have been pushed to the brink by my local government for the last 15 years."

    She added: "The desire for totalitarianism and this Hitler-type faction of political oppression in West Easton seems to mirror the exact predicament of Newell in Ross Township. I thank the Lord that I have had the patience to continue putting up with this tyranny."

    Patience? That letter was written by a woman who openly carries a gun and writes about shooting people and blowing off their heads. It was written by a woman who threatened the life of a Borough Councilwoman and was convicted late last year of disorderly conduct. It was written by a woman who was convicted recently of criminally harassing a Borough clerk. That clerk was so intimidated that she quit her job.

    I agree with one of the newspaper's online commenters who said: "This is one of the most repugnant opinions I've ever seen expressed in the LTE column."

  9. It's this type of conduct that makes people take pause and understand that her mental state is unbalanced. She is unable to comprehend that supporting an "alleged" murderer's rampage is unconscionable. Then, in justifying those who believe she has a histrionic personality, she brings the focus back on herself and her own problems.

    The Express-Times was smart for giving her the space she so desperately wanted. They saw immediately how it read and informed the public of a danger, without having to write about her themselves.

    She also needs to look up "Godwin's Law."

  10. Bernie when are you going to do a post about Geeting getting fired, having to move back with his parents since he couldn't afford to live on his own, drag his no doubt disillusioned bride with him, and then finally acknowledging that he needs to earn actual money rather than focusing on his 'stature' whatever the hell that means.

    This is gold - not Mezza/Manslab gold, but gold nonetheless!

  11. I ordinarily would object to this anonymous shot at Geeting, but he does deserve it. He is full of himself, is nasty, is completely unoriginal, and worst of all, has absolutely no sense of humor. Blogging is a meritocracy, and he failed on that score, although I have no idea whether he was really fired and don't plan on spending a second to find out.

  12. Everything happens for a reason and TM is now on record with the public as a true public menace and a person worth watching very closely indeed. Self destruction appears to be her MO at the moment and everything has lead to this moment. Beware LV residents.

  13. ""This is one of the most repugnant opinions I've ever seen expressed in the LTE column."

    Agreed. A disguisting LTE from a disgusting person.

  14. She is playing you again BO. IF you totally ignore she has severely limited publicity. Cannot understand why you continue to put yourself is such a position.

  15. Tricia exposed herself as someone who is incapable of thinking like a reasonable person. Narcissism, paranoia and vindictiveness have taken over. The fact that she carries a gun is very frightening and a cause of great concern for West Easton Borough government. Where is law enforcement?

  16. 9:55, and when she kills someone, you'll claim I should have paid attention.

  17. "IF you totally ignore she has severely limited publicity."

    Mezzacappa is looking to get power over other people's lives. That's why she's been running for various public offices for the past several years. Her bizarre behavior and irrational thinking needs to be exposed for the benefit of the voters. And sunlight is the best disinfectant.

  18. She has Easton law enforcement scared. She threatens a lawsuit against them and they cave in to her histrionics.

  19. This woman is mentally ill. This was my own conclusion after reading about her issues, and solidified today with her LTE. Then I came here and found like-minded (aka sane) people. I was saddened at first that the ET published it, but I agree with everyone here who pointed out that it actually does the community a solid. Exposing the full depth and breadth of her twisted thinking informs us.

  20. ET continues to censure comments that expose Mezzacappa for what she is, though. A comment that pointed out she also supported convicted pedophile, Michael Piper, was removed.

  21. ET does not moderate those comments. That's done by a sister company in Harrisburg. I saw your comment earlier today, and it was factually accurate and I thought it was relevant. I cannot explain the deletion.

  22. Mezzacappa is supporting her own LTE on ET, using all those accounts we know her to have.

  23. The LTE is horrifying. I really feel for the families and friends of the Ross victims. They're the ones who probably disagree the most with allowing this offensive and nonsensical letter to be published.

    However, I am glad 9:17 AM pointed out that this letter also serves to advertise Mezzacappa's lunacy. Perhaps that was their intention in running the letter. I feel badly for even giving the time of day to this woman and this letter, but I do understand that society must acknowledge and handle the folks who threaten innocent lives. Knowledge is power, and now a much broader base of people know about Mezzacappa's insanity.

    She has gone from being an amusing blog sideshow to a clear and present danger to innocent lives. I do hope that law enforcement is able to do something about her soon, before someone is hurt.

  24. By comparing the elected governments of Ross Township and West Easton Borough to "Hitler" and "tyranny" is clear and convincing proof that Tricia Mezzacappa is an ignoramus. I suggest she read some history books before making such a ridiculous assertion. She also could educate herself by taking a trip to D.C. and visiting the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Or, better yet, she could save up her money and visit the former concentration camps at Dachau and Auschwitz. She disgusts me!

  25. WAIT A MINUET, you can't just hire guards with guns. Act 235 needed for private hire as I understand the rule. This requires a psychological along with firearms competency!Of coarse I not might pass ,even though I have held firearms "close to the vest " since 1971, and NO ONE EVER was SHOOT UNINTENTIONALLY by me for your record.

  26. These I pads I mean SHOT not shoot,sorry about that.

  27. Mess with the Mezz, you mess with the manslab!

  28. Peter, this post is a joke. ... I think.

  29. Just learn that my old classmate from Kindergarten-- 3 grade at Farmersville, until I got kicked out, Frank Peranio live in Bethlehem Twp. as a kid .was hit 2 times in this building. I will pray he will recover.

  30. Peter, I am sorry to hear about your friend. I hope he recovers fully. I know someone who was inside the building when the shooting started. He was uninsured physically, but he was.quite shook up.

  31. Bernie , It must be!

  32. When I read the letter to the editor... I can not imagine how family members of the victims of Newell must feel reading a defense of him ... and her justification ("I understand")of murder: "government tyranny", "oppressive action on law-abiding citizens", "totalitarianism" and so forth, I could not help but think of the bigger picture impact that hyperbolic rhetoric has if repeated enough times. People actually begin to take it too seriously. It was disturbing to see the comments on the Express site defending the fringe.

    I would like to go on about different politicians, political movements, and news networks that have propagated enough the last several years that some unstable persons see themselves as modern-day patriots from the 1700s, but I end by quoting a video from the Annenberg Institution on "creating a constitution" in reference to the impact of Shay's Rebellion. Deja vu:

    "What it represents is a breakdown of law and order. And all their rhetoric is the rhetoric of the revolution -- 'This is a tyrannical government. This is a government thats not looking out for the interests of the people.' When Washington hears about Shay's Rebellion I think for him this is the low point of the whole confederation period.... He said,'its a triumph for our enemies that we are incapable of governing ourselves.'"

    Every generation must wrestle with the balance between liberty and authority. The extremes are indeed anarchy and tyranny. Fortunately, the vast majority of two centuries of Americans are capable of balance and respect for the rule of law.

  33. Bernie, before I hit the sake. I feel compelled to put perspective on OPRAH being whatever discriminated by a white clerk. In 1974 as we of the 2nd BN 8 th. Marines returned to North Carolina ,we had LIBERTY . So, Me and my buddy Bob Hite go south to Myrtle Beach. I approach a clerk at a local motel and proceed to ask what the rate is.We were at the THUNDERBIRD MOTEL and the clerk say's to me "WE DON"T RENT ROOMS TO MARINES" I said ya sure , how much is it? He say's hit the pike, I then grab him by his neck and attempt to strangle him somewhat ,and my buddy Hite gets a hold of my belt and pulls me away from the desk and say's'That's why they rent rooms to Marines". I felt like the BLACK MAN FEELS when he is rejected , the feeling after our commitment to this country ,after the Vietnam War and all to have a fu..#$% clerk tell me in effect 'I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH" Then later 20 or years later, I went threw the same crap with the hiring process in The City of Easton.I got over it,being a nobody She needs to get over it being a somebody. GOODNIGHT.

  34. Peter, there's a lot of truth in what you say.

  35. It was disturbing to see the comments on the Express site defending the fringe.

    With the exception of "Saoirse 32", most of the comments supporting Mezzacappa are Mezzacappa herself, using a number of accounts she set up with free email services.

  36. Stay out of Trisha's and Jim's life asshole. They deserve their privacy form you.

  37. Gregory and Trisha are only friends and always will be,
    She was one of the few that backed him and unlike the cowards who ran , stayed by his side. Even his wife didn't show at the PFA hearing. No wonder he filed for the divorce. My guess is that after the Ingrassia incident, he stayed clear of any relationships. Can't blame him.
    When he starts his radio show with Jolly Joe in a few weeks, then everyone who crossed him better watch.

  38. His wife did sign and have a statement notorized that in
    18. Years of marriage he never, ever abused her. Zito, of course, ignored that. Your comments on Wxpress are sickening OHare

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Well, luckily for him she still has the PFA on him yet.

    He will not go back to jail for anyone or anything, no matter how he feels about her

  41. "His wife did sign and have a statement notorized that in
    18. Years of marriage he never, ever abused her. Zito, of course, ignored that. Your comments on Wxpress are sickening OHare"

    1) The only comments I make at The Express or anywhere else are under my own name. You accuse me of what you do.

    2) I have an email exchange with yet another woman that you abused. So perhaps Judge Zito should hear about that as well.

    3) You need to stay off social media.

  42. Bring it on you lying piece of crap. Bring forward another
    Liar !!! You were disbarred for lying. So bring on another false witnesses. All my ex wives including Karyn Goldner will shoot your lies down

  43. Trisha knows you use other names. You forget, you were once friends. So stop lying. Stoffa knows too since he did it. Keep f ing. With me and Barbara gets his Emails to Trisha hand delivered

  44. Let's see. We have a cocktail waitress, your sister, your ex gF and a 4th woman I won't name. They are all lying and you are telling the truth. You now are trashing Gary Steak, who actually is the person who got you out of jail. I am not bringing anything on, but your probation officer might, if you continue to use social media. Lol. 8.

  45. 1) Mezzacappa is a confirmed liar. I have a libel judgment against her bc of her lies.

    2) I have no idea whether Stoffa posts under other names. Whether he does or not has nothing to do with me.

    3) You need to stay off social media.

  46. The cocktail waitress got a six hundred dollar gold chain meant for Lina . Yea, that's abuse. My sister is a liar and lied 9 times user oath. God will see to her. Lina was scared by ditalia's lies. Period

  47. You need to stay off social media. It's noviation for me to do so, so f.ck u

  48. Leave me alone. Go trash some helpless victim. You're good at that

  49. If Asteak reads your blog , it's no wonder his brain deserted him

  50. Everyone else lies and you tell the truth. Jim, the only time you did well in court is when you kept your mouth shut and let Asteak do the talking. That should be a clue to your Mensa intellect.

    To do a show with Jolly Joe, you'll need sponsors willing to pay at least $250 per hour or more. No one will pay to listen to your nonsense.

  51. Gregory is so full of himself he cannot SHUT UP and lead a normal, private life. His narcissism and bipolar disorder drives him to seek attention no matter what the circumstances are. Jolly Joe and JG on a radio show would be a train wreck. But people will tune in just to experience the "chemistry" between a hoofty and a sociopathic freak.

  52. Jimmy, STAY OFF SOCIAL MEDIA! The more you post, the more likely you are to end up back in a jail psyche ward. So, SHUT UP! Signed: a former friend.

  53. Fuck u former friend. Ohare stop the lies. The show is set! U r fu c k e d. Who said I'm Gregory ? I'm Harvey, lol. U want my real diagnosis, call brennen. I passed the mmpi. With flying colors. I was stressed. Wow. I'll invite you on the show with me and Harvey, lol
    But you are a coward. You can't take even Mario or Trisha on face to face cause they ll. eat your cowardly ass alive . So bring it on !!! Get off your fat ass and off this blog and go head to head with me. And Gregory can watch, lol

  54. Who is Harvey? Is he that ten foot rabbit that Jimmy Stewart talked to. York and Maura said Asteak should get his head out of his ass and file a civil rights suit instead of kissing OHare's fat ass..

  55. Actually Harvey said that, lol. Off to see Barbara!!!

  56. Barbara who? Streisand?

    TM, Mr. Ed called and wants his teeth back.

  57. Like that famous joke about having a pile of shit on the dance floor at a wedding reception.Too keep the flys off the bride.

  58. " U want my real diagnosis, call brennen. I passed the mmpi. With flying colors."

    Then why place the evaluation under seal? Why the need for psychotherapy? If you want me to see your evaluation, contact Brennan'c office on Monday and sign a consent form, and I'll go pick it up.

  59. Will Harvey be at Greggyplatz?

  60. "ou can't take even Mario or Trisha on face to face cause they ll. eat your cowardly ass alive"

    Every time Mezzacappa has taken me on in court, and it's been at least six times, she has lost. She's reduced to death fantasies. Fake Rev Mario Martinez is so incapable of arguing facts with me that he's reduced to demands for a fight. Violence again. And you ended up in jail for beating up women. How proud you must be!


  62. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/crime/gilberton-pennsylvania-police-chief-kessler-blocks-town-meeting-armed-militia-video

  63. I see, Tricia. We all understand that you're just thrilled this guy shot and killed people in his quest to rid us of tyrants. Collateral damage. You are one sick person.

  64. Mario has a good jab and right hook but if you circle to your right and work the body you have that match Bernie. I've seen Mario KO'ed in light sparring sessions at Pintabones and it was by a 17 year old, he has a glass jaw and the mustache is not giving him any extra protection.

    1. His ridiculous blogs have prettying marginalized him. He has basically knocked himself out.

  65. Tricia Mezzacappa posted her latest work of insanity on her blog today. It is a defiant video under the headline:"Ross Township Tyranny Has a High Price: Nice Work Douchebags."

    She bashes the township officials and portrays the shooter as the victim of government oppression.
    An accused murderer is the person Mezzacappa chooses to closely identify herself with. Of course, she also identifies with domestic abuser Jim Gregory and rapist Michael Piper.

    What soundtrack did Mezzacappa use for her video? Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It."

    Twisted? ABSOLUTELY!

  66. What kills me is that she and tea party wacko Wayne Schissler both accuse me of posting comments there under different names. I don't do that. Do they honestly think I am the only person who would be offended by her defense of a cold blooded killer, as well as her implied threat to West Easton officials? It seems they like to accuse me of doing what they do.

  67. I actually sent this email YESTERDAY (Friday) to the comment moderator, as a result of the accusations:

    Mezzacappa LTE
    From Bernie O'Hare bohare5948@aol.com
    To communitymgr communitymgr@advance.net


    I direct your attention to an appalling LTE penned by Tricia Mezzacappa, a person against whom I have a libel judgment and who is ironically suing The Express Times for ... libel. It has attracted a bit of interest, but I do not like being accused of participating in these online discussions when I am not. I have flagged the comments in question. Not only do they falsely accuse me of commenting, but they also make false accusations about my relationship with this mentally ill person.

    I am registered to comment at The Express Times under my own name and that is the only name under which I will comment. I personally do not believe in the practice of using pseudonyms. If you cross check the names I am accused of owning, like "Amend Wun", you will see they are registered with different IPs, and perhaps even different ISPs, than the one I use.

    Insofar as the supposed relationship is concerned, a PFA she filed against me in Court was dismissed on Monday on the basis that there never was such a relationship. Five previous attempts on her part to obtain a restraining order, based on some ridiculous allegations, have also been dismissed in Court.

    Please delete these offensive comments.

    Bernie O'Hare
    Lehigh Valley Ramblings

  68. Why is Jim G, back to posting? Has he completely lost his mind? The guy is seriously ill. The shame is that the court did not put him in a treatment center. Hhe sounds like a bomb ready to explode.

    He needs help but it sounds like many others need protection. Gregory is out of his mind and filled with rage. He still does not get that he and he alone was and is responsible for his actions. He should apologize to his "former" friends and ask them for their help as he tries to rebuild his life.

    The guy is just plain gone.

  69. Gregory is a woman beater, and my experience tells me those types are cowards. He doesn't even have the guts to post under his own name. Mezzacappa is the more violent of the two, and is far more likely to lash out. Given her penchant from driving around with a gun, I suspect she'll be arrested before Summer is out.

  70. Bernie, have you seen WEF. After prion and al that has happened I cannot believe it. They are again trashing the victim and draggin her and her mother through th emud.

    They are even naming private individuals that they are going to "get".

    At what point does a probation officer step in and have a sit down with his "crazy charge" and lay the law down.

    I predict Gregory will be serving his full term and be back in within a week.


  72. This is funny. Mezzacappa was posting links to her blog here, and now is complaining about those who actually look at her filth. I feel that I have to, but do not recommend it to anyone interested in an intelligent discussion.

  73. A petition drive has been started on the website Change.org in support of suspended Gilberton Police Chief Mark Kessler. The purpose of the petition, which is addressed to Gilberton's mayor, is to stand with Kessler "to protect his career from oppression!"

    Two West Easton residents are signatories. Of course, it was signed by Tricia Mezzacappa. But it also was signed by her neighbor and political sidekick Laurie Denegar. Mezzacappa added this comment to the petition:

    "I support Mark and his stand against government tyranny. My local government has threatened, and has taken steps to make West Easton Borough Hall a gun free zone. I will not allow my government to be a tyranny without fighting for the rights our founding father's gave us. If that upsets people , then fuck you. Hats off to Mark Kessler."

    If I understand her comment correctly, Mezzacappa thinks it would be "a tyranny" if she is not permitted to bring her gun into the Borough Hall, the place where she threatened the life of an elected official and also where she repeatedly abused a government clerk and caused her to quit. Mezzacappa's criminal conduct got her convictions for disorderly conduct and harassment.

  74. Word on the street is that Mezzacappa was seen with Kessler recently walking through West Easton Borough. Are you planning an insurrection, Trish?

  75. Tricia need's to be removed from society.

  76. I fear for our society with people like Tricia on the loose. She came to my attention tonight after reading her letter to the editor on LVL site. Scary stuff, her supporting Rockne Newell as victim. A quick Google search gave me all I needed to know about her. I admire your courage in keeping people informed about her antics. Not sure I would be able to do the same. The woman scares me silly.

  77. Hey Bernie. Chicken out? Well how abour this instead? You bring your fat ass down and take me on through a proxy? I promise not to beat your proxy up too much since you can't get up enough of your nuts to do it yourself. Bring your best buddy the fake angry priest alex and we will ralk gospel. What do you say? If you wont fight I bet I can at least embarrass your friends. Chicken shit? Or are you still rolling on the floor and foaming at the mouth looking for an excuse to kiss more ass? What kind of chapstick does Stoffa like you to use on hid ass cheeks? I bet Callahan likes the chery flavored one? Can you imagine me fighting that fat short and fake angry priest? What should we name this fight? Euthanasia!

  78. When their words fail them, they rely on guns and threats of violence. And whether it is Mezzacappa, Gregory, Fake Rev Mario Martinez or the Blog Mentor, they have already lost. In your case, Blog Mentor, you are so pathetically marginalized that even I have stopped looking at your blog. Who wants to read a broken record?

  79. 11:12, has the hallmark crazy anger of Gregory.

    The more that he proves he is still a menace to society the more he makes it clear he should serve out his sentence in prison. He clearly learned nothing from his week in the can.

    He is out and about and still bad mouthing people on the street and making veiled threats.

    Enough is enough. Mezzalooney will end up in jail eventually but her sidekick is already a con and on probation. He may have to have his ass picked up by the sheriff and hauled back to the county pen.

  80. Yeah, I'm not really sure whether that one is the Blog Mentor. Could be him, Gregory or Mezzacrappa.

  81. Tricia Mezzacappa had a busy day on The Express-Times website posting numerous comments in defense of her letter to the editor. Never once did she identify herself by name as the letter's author. At least a dozen new aliases (carnivalcream, wolfave18, etc.) suddenly appeared online to bash local government and express sympathy for the Ross Twp. shooter. Since Tricia doesn't have much real support she created a deceptive network of imaginary friends. How pathetic.

  82. And I have been repeatedly accused, by her and tea party member Wayne Schitter, of posting under numerous names. They accuse me of their own sins. I attempted explaining that in a comment that was itself deleted.

  83. Wait until the Gregory/Mezzacappa radio hour begins. Mr. O'Hare you your buddy Callahan and all those old "friends", will hear the truth about themselves over the airwaves. Are you ready for a dose of reality and all the political dirt on all these so-called leaders.

    You have destroyed so many lives.

  84. silent and unwashed massesAugust 11, 2013 at 2:43 AM

    1:49, if any radio station is crazy enough to put any of you (Gregory, Mezzacappa, the Fake Rev., Blog Mentor, the Mistress of the Blog Mentor, Donald del Asshola, Jack Delasandroili, or any of those Hilter Youth green-shirt wearing wackies) get ready for the lawsuits. Think you are in debt now? Wait until you lose everything because your mouthes are writing checks that your fat asses cant pay! LOL 8

  85. OHare, no one believes you when you say all these characters aren't you because they aren't that dumb.
    You are caught lying all the time. Why, all of a sudden should anyone believe you aren't lying about all these sick posts you display here and in the express.
    By the way, the rate is $200. Per hour and Gregory is having no problem getting sponsors. But don't be flattered. You'll be the last on his list for discussion.
    My guess is that he'd love to have you as a guest so he can crush all your lies, once and for all. He loves that crazy girl and he's sick about the direction everything has taken . He filed for divorce to protect his wife from this madness, so leave both of them out of your ridiculous blog. If you want to take him on, do it face to face, on the show or wherever. Stop the cowardly backstabbing

  86. It looks like Gregory is pleading for her to stop the attacks on his girlfriend, to no avail, on WEF. She better, or they'll both be in jail. Time to let it all die!
    There is enough other news in the world to address
    Other than Gregory and Mezzacappa. So start. Everyone's had enough of this drama.

  87. It's says on your own blog that you will delete any personal attacks but you continue to attack Mezzacappa ? Why? As far as Gregory goes, Pat Seimientkowski has his IQ results that you always mock. Why don't you ask her what they are. To push him constantly might be fun for you, but it's not smart. He read Sulla 's remarks too and his friends from the bloods will be out of prison too, soon. Unless you are suicidal
    You'd best leave that rattlesnake alone. He and mezz. Are obviously parting ways so if you want yo be his main focus, keep it up. But not a good idea. If you think your tough enough, stop using your fake characters and debate him one on one. Otherwise, shut the hell up. If its not you but it's those idiots Angle and Stoffa, my advise to them would be to knock it off. Hell , he'll kick Angles ass in any debate and despite how much he loves and respects Barbara, he will release those tapes without blinking.
    So, find another to prey on. There is a lot for you bullies like that coward Bill White, to talk about besides Gregory. He's done playing with you

  88. "He read Sulla 's remarks too and his friends from the bloods will be out of prison too, soon. Unless you are suicidal
    You'd best leave that rattlesnake alone. He and mezz. Are obviously parting ways so if you want yo be his main focus, keep it up. But not a good idea. If you think your tough enough, stop using your fake characters and debate him one on one. Otherwise, shut the hell up"

    Interjecting death threats to influence political debate proves you are unworthy to participate. Who exactly do you think you are?

  89. This is about the third time or so that Gregory has threatened to kill me ... anonymously. This time he's gonna' sic the bloods on me as soon as they get out of the can bc he's too cowardly to do it himself.

    I don't take death threats by woman beaters seriously.

  90. There is still an Equal Time requirement in the law. So how can an FCC-licensed radio station give mayor candidate Jim Gregory his own show without making FREE air time available to the other candidates? Would Gregory even be permitted by the court to do such a show while he is out of jail on parole and still subject to PFAs?

  91. I have not studied the issue carefully, but there is a FCC ruling that states the equal time applies to announced write-in candidates. So my guess is that, if he asked, Bob Donchez would have to be offered the same amount of time being afforded to Gregory.

  92. Bernie,
    Can you report who wins the raffle for the camaro at Greggyplatz? Thanks

  93. I may have missed a post but what happened with Gregory and Asteak? Dickhead mentions $2500.00 vs. being a millionaire on WEFP. My inclination is to believe....hope...he bounced his check. One more charge including intent to defraud as he has no visible means of support. Oh, I forgot, the UNITY PAC is alive and well!!!! No, wait...it never happened....no, It was all Lina's idea.....no wait, still waiting for lawyer to do paperwork.....no, pissed it away at the Sands. Yeah, that's it. Where is the money Gregory????? Thief belongs behind bars!!! Today!!!

  94. I'm inclined to think Gary demanded money up front before taking on the case. I suspect that Gregory may still owe money.

  95. Nice day Bernie, had to take a nap as I'm an old guy now. I can't believe what looks to be outright threats by somebody.If I was to digest the message traffic ,somebody is going to fall over the side shortly , they can't} will not] avoid getting in the drink on this type of outrageous mentality with no forward control. They are not properly baiting you to step to gunnels and lean over the side first.Wait in bridge.

  96. His only association with the "bloods" would have been to wash their balls in the can. What a maroon!

  97. If there was ever a just reason to do another Mezzacappa piece, it's her LTE about Rockne Newell being the victim and her using numerous LVL accounts in support of her own letter. It's beyond disgusting to know that the families of Newell's victims are probably aware that such a sicko would make the dead appear as criminals.

    The only good that can come of her letter is that the public will never elect her to anything. She is representative of everything that is wrong.

  98. She pulled her entry about Gregory's victim but the other posts are amazing. Even Gregory's post is a real laugher. I guess Gary Astek is on his revenge list as well.

    Watch out for those "bloods" Bernie.

  99. "Watch out for those "bloods" Bernie."

    If Jim hired a gang to do his Dirty Work....what was the Payout?

  100. I seriously doubt that Jolly Joe will sell time to the twins Gregory/Mezzacappa once he finds out that Gregory is a criminal on probation.

    Jolly Joe got tired of the negative publicity he got when Ron Angle had a radio show, with Gregory he will get it ten times over.

    I am sure within the first week, lawyers from multiple people will be calling Joe threatening lawsuits.

    Bernie, Gregory's own statement on WEF still mentions his ex and continues to go after Callahan and others. At what point does his PO step in?

    He is making less than veiled threats and completely unrepentant and still a danger to people.

  101. There certainly was enough to reel him on on Saturday night. 23 comments. All from him. Attacking his ex, her mother, the DA and a witness. They are obviously him but were posted anonymously. He will claim, as he did in Court, that it was his nephew, Mezzacappa or me. When it wass his own Facebook account, the judge did not buy it. But on someone else's blog, it is harder to prove. It can and probably should be monitored by authorities bc Mezzacappa's latest entries and LTE show her morphing from a racist Gladys Kravitz krank into a domestic terrorist who advocates overthrowing local government and defends the murderer of innocent people.

  102. We will not yet realize the political damage at this date by her exhibits . 'SHE" may have damaged and eroded away fine personal reputations of legitimate and well healed firearms owners. Her pot shots that will be taken by anti firearms groups as the norm of 'GUN OWNERS" will come up,as did the POLICE CHIEF that is currently 12 away from his desk!

  103. Perhaps more sane and responsible gun owners should speak up condemning such behavior and distancing themselves from the loonies like those two then.

    Mostly, I hear crickets, unfortunately.

  104. Jin & Trish shall not be silenced!

  105. I am sure that most gun rights activists are appalled by Mezzacappa. But let's face it. The second you take a public stand, you become a target. If it is against her, you become a literal target. That is presumably why you are here anonymously. What bothers me are those who publicly support her. One of them is Ronnie DelWacko. He publicly stands up for her while sending me private emails saying something else entirely.

  106. Do you think for one minute that Jim Gregory has any credibility or that anyone is going to listen to him. The so called dirt he has on all these candidates is probably nothing but old news. He may also wind up in jail if he states something about someone (slander or libelous) and can't prove what he is saying. Jolly Joe will never allow him on the air. Hell, he got his education from Ron Angle and he learned his lesson well.

  107. Jolly Joe is pretty good about letting people have their say. I remember when Joe DeRaymond and I spent a week as Ron's co-hosts, on what seems like a century ago. After one day, there were so many complaints anout both of us that we were fired, even though we were doing it for free. I was relieved, but Joe went in and begged Jolly Joe to let us stay until Ron got back. Jolly Joe relented, and we got better. Not great, but better.

    I imagine he will do what is best for his business. If Gregory can deliver the sponsors and agrees that his ex is off limits, he might get a shot.

    I have not confirmed this, and did not want to call Timmer on a Sunday.

  108. Greggy may want to debate you on the radio. Wear Kevlar.

  109. 6:14 YOU HERE CRICKETS, Sir, because you are an old shooter and probably was handling firearms as a kid.You,we didn't know any better then to cover up and now we have bugs and birds in our ears.I really know what your talk'n about.

  110. I would appear on his show if he paid me.

  111. Sorry, Hear not here,I'm deaf too!

  112. Bernie , Get some rest you are up almost as long as me. The OPPOSITION is getting rest to beat up on you again shortly, you need to have your astute faculties ready .They will overstep the bulkhead and go over the side ,if they don't drown in the screens first. But till then you need to be ready to man your 5 inch 38 gun mount. I'll bring powder charges and rounds up from the magazine tonight as you retire.2 Bells on first watch. I need to hot rack it now for an hour.

  113. What's the station frequency that Gregory is supposed to be on and what day? I'll listen for a few minutes just for the laughs and to hear the stupidity. I'll also know which sponsors to boycott.

  114. I'll post about the radio show at the witching hour.

  115. Peter, aye, aye. I am tossing in early tonight as I have to be in Whitehall early about a stolen car.

  116. your going to be blocked from WEFP soon enough, and you will never be welcome on Gregory's radio show

  117. Clinton, If I am not mistaken, I believe the bloods have a special affection for bleached, manscaped Mediterranean manslab anus.

  118. Taint nothing like bleached taint!

  119. " 5 inch 38 "

    you sir, date yourself with references to vintage, albeit obsolete, weaponry.

  120. To3;37 Date myself, NEGATIVE just no crew inside the turret not , radar guided w/computers but still on our ships. Check JANE's ships.Navy.com By the way the Marine Corps is presently in transition back to 1911A1's that is in .45Cal.ACP for side arms.

  121. Now radar guided, sorry this phone is ----------

  122. This woman is a disgrace to civilized society! She compares her delusional dealings that she is having in West Easton to the Ross Twp. tragedy. She knows nothing as to the facts that took place there before the shooting. She feels Rockne Newell was treated unfairly. Why because she is in line with the anti-government extremists. They don't want to obey the laws of government and rules of a civilized society BUT want the benefits of government for themselves but don't want them for you. Disability for Mr. Newell and wondering about unemployment benefits for her, after all her employment search is one failed attempt after another. She uses people to try to get somewhere in society. At one time you, Stoffa, Angle, COAF, Ron Delbacco, the list goes on and now she is trying to team up with Gregory. She will eventually run out of people and will be stuck with nothing but her pig and pig shit, exactly where she belongs! Her "gun packing" demeanor and flaunting it the way she does will eventually get her in trouble. Her frail, stick figure body will never match up to some thug that is just waiting to get that gun from her. What an idiot.....packing a gun and advertising it all over the valley. Karma will appear some day and can't wait to read about that.

  123. Give Tricia a beret,& allow her to become a Gaurdian Angel of West Easton. Problem solved!

  124. Clinton Oxford.....I'll go along with your previous comment about Tricia needing to be removed from society but NOT with the comment of giving her a beret with the Guardian Angels of West Easton. She may think she is the shit with her gun packing ways but no Guardian Angel is she.

  125. To besmirch the reputation of the Gaurdian Angel's with Tricia's ilk, was unintended. After reading the previous comment "Her frail, stick figure body will never match up to some thug that is just waiting to get that gun from her."....my only thought was that sometimes the Trayvon's of this world win.


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