Local Government TV

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Same Sex Benefits Pitched to Northampton County Council

EqualityPA's Adrian Shanker pitched same sex benefits for employees of Northampton County during Thursday night's Council meeting. He argued that the economic impact is minimal, in most cases being no more than 1% of the budget.

What budget? The budget for salaries or overall budget? 1% of Northampton County's annual budget would be $3.6 million, about a half mill of real estate tax. 1% of the County's personnel budget would me a more manageable $1.4 million. 1% of the money that the County brings in and spends on its own, would be $0.8 million.

I believe it's worth studying. But it would have to be done independently. At a time when we are spending $5 million plus of limited real estate tax revenue ($87 million) to pay for Gracedale, $3.6 million is too much to spend for same sex benefits. $0.8 million might be more manageable.


  1. if they let the fags have benefits then they have to let unmarried straight couples have the same

  2. You clearly are a bigot, but make a point.

  3. I believe he meant 1% of the medical care budget not the whole budget. And although the above guy is a bigot, He does have a point.

  4. Don't forget the million a year plus an extra 2.5% per year for the Human Services Palace

  5. $1 million per year is not 2.5 per cent of the budget. Incidentally, it is really stupid to keep arguing about something that was decided months ago and that appears will have no impact at all on the budget bc of the sales of Wolf and Bechtel. You lost that battle. Move on.

  6. If you can squander 26 million on a "SWAPTION" you can afford to pay these benefits.

  7. I see. Spend more money, without knowing the price. Sounds brilliant.

  8. The whole reason behind having any benefit package was to attract the best qualified in the market for hire ,the best.In my opinion,Many think they will not obtain a job at this county level because they are not connected so talent leaves town . Many have had inside ties and that trumps brains.Right?Now I know a lot of county folks are very dedicated and right standing people, but some got in because of politics ,period.Fact of life. If this shoe fits then allow it .if the hiring system is flawed then forget it ,what purpose would it serve in the public interest ?

  9. Ok if you ask Lehigh Valley Hospital the impact to their budget they will tell you it has had none. As a matter for fact the partner getting the benefit for their same sex partner has to pay taxes on the benefits received. So this is a big win for the state and federal government while having little to no impact on Lehigh Valley Hospital.

    The county is in the top 10 of Lehigh Valley employers (Lehigh Valley Hospital is #1) so the impact would likely be the same.

    There is no reason for the county to waste money on a study for something most employers and government who have done this nationwide will tell you there is little change to the bottom line of the budget.

    Plus Northampton County has traditionally kept millions stashed for healthcare above and beyond what the actuary tells them they need. This is one of the many little tricks Stoffa used to claim there is no money when there is plenty to balance the budget in Norco without a tax increase!

  10. Stoffa really screwed the pooch for future budgets. Forget discussing it because Bernie like the Press will sweep it under the rug and blame the next guy.

  11. why is a person a bigot if they use the word fag - that's what they are - gay, queer - homo -whatever that's what they are. And do we really care if giving the fags equal bennies cost money if it is the "right" thing to do

    you pc police are so full of shit

  12. Because you are not using the word to describe, but disparage them.

  13. What about heterosexual couples living together? Should their "partners" get benefits as well? Many couples, including those engaged live together for years before they tie the knot. They are loving partners as much so as gay couples. So why not extend benefits to all partners living together regardless of their sexual preference. It is no coincidence that only one county in the state extends health care benefits to GLBT couples living together. A line has be drawn somewhere.

  14. I think the difference is that heterosexual couples can legally marry while gay couples lack that privilege in Pa. Once they have it, I'd argue against benefits unless there is a marriage.

  15. What if your divorce is going to take time and you are living with someone? What if for some reason you can't yet get married? All men and woman living together face some of the same issues. They don't get bennies and probably shouldn't. There are ways to establish rights between all couples. If its about insurance well the taxpayer should not be on the hook. This guy said it was only about rights. Well again with half a brain it can be figured out. It's never as sile as they say.... It's a lifestyle choice and they really need to stop being so in your face....for many it is not any more then going steady and we all know how that goes. Give us a break.

  16. Sadly, Stoffa ahs left the county in such a precarious financial position, it could be year before the county can consider this.

  17. Talent leaves because the county doesn't pay.

  18. Have to agree, to a certain extent with 6:26. Straight unmarried committed couples should have the same too if the GLT community is to enjoy work place benefits.

  19. This is an issue that should not be addressed by Northampton County unless the state legislature recognizes same-sex marriage.

    If so, then the county should negotiate with the employees what benefits to cut in order to accommodate the increase due to having more beneficiaries among employees.

    Under no circumstances should the taxpayers be forced to pay for the increase.

    Maybe Shanker can suggest where the cuts in current benefits or services should come from, since he feels it's such a small amount.

  20. I live in a close relationship with my two spinster sisters. The three of us have a modest income and share all expenses required to pay for and maintain our small home. None of us ever married, and, in our late 50s, never will. We are a family. We pay our taxes and have worked hard our entire lives. Why aren't all of us eligible for my county benefits? Benefits should not be tied to the construct of "marriage," whatever that is these days. I don't think married folks, hetero or homo, are more deserving than the unmarried. Fighting discrimination with more discrimination is discrimination.

  21. A county to run, about 30 years of bridges to fix, pensions and a giant nursing home to keep afloat, Yep, we'll get right on -your- personal priority, sir.


    The Money Tree and Brewsters Millions Is a Plausible Movie, Don't Be Ridiculous Found Money Society

  22. Easy to calculate costs. Find out from Mayor C how many employees in Bethlehem take advantage of same sex bennies.Most male gay couples both work so each can get their own bennies. Different story with Lesbians with some having stay at home partners. So what are the chances of having more than two or three county employees that are Lesbian? If the public really wants to save $$ get the county to crack down on sick time abuse and workmans comp scams.The old back problems/chiropractor physical therapy bullshit.

  23. If you had been reading this blog, you'd know that the County has cracked down on both sick time abuse and worker's compensation claims. Worker's comp is about half what it was two years ago.

    Northampton County will need firmer numbers than the crap shoveled at it. John Stoffa believes in LGBT rights and has an openly gay son who I am proud to call a friend. But he is very tight with a buck. "Minimal" or "less than 1%" won't cut it. It's possible than an in house study could be done along the lines you suggest. Or maybe, with gay marriage coming closer, nothing should be done.

  24. So if someone is working for the County and already paying a percentage for "single" benefits, why wouldn't the county jump all over the fact that they that person would be paying more of their salary for "single + 1" benefits and the county getting more money?? They are self insured. What's right is right, obviously a policy would have to be put in place for proof of "partnership" such as length of relationship or joint account, etc. Great job Adrian and I am glad to hear Stoffa has personal experience in this topic with his son.

  25. This type of tautology has to be among the worst abuses of logic every published on this blog. That we should continue to discriminate against LGBT couples, while retaining the exact same benefits for straight couples, because of budget issues is ridiculous. You cannot, with a straight face, still accept the idea that we should continue to treat both differently. Either get rid of benefits for married couples period, or extend them to all. Full stop. It's called the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. Get with the 21st century.

  26. Tell me how much it costs before talking about logic or equal protection.


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