Local Government TV

Monday, August 05, 2013

Mezzacappa PFA Tossed

Judge Leonard Zito was taunted by Tricia Mezzacappa as “Cheesey Chito Zito” and as “baked ziti” during the Jim Gregory Protection From Abuse Act (PFA) saga. Thanks in no small part to her efforts on his behalf, Zito sent Gregory to Northampton County jail on a contempt citation. Today, he rejected her PFA against me.


A full-blown hearing was originally scheduled to be heard by Judge Michael Koury. But because he was swamped by other PFAs, he referred to matter to Judge Zito.

I arrived in Judge Koury's courtroom early, and watched several PFAs that were scheduled before mine. They are quite sad to watch, but might be one of the most important tasks a judge performs..

In one of the cases, a distraught mother told Judge Koury that her children - 8 year old twins - had bruises all over that she suspected came from their father. When she'd ask them, they'd get equivocal, not wanting to get their dad in trouble. To make matters worse, her son has bite marks from a young pit bull owned by their dad.

"Can you bring the children in here? "asked Judge Koury.

"They're with their father right now. He has custody until Wednesday," she answered.

"Can you text him right now and ask him to have the children here by 2:30 PM?" asked the judge.

She promised to do so, and later that day, I did see the two tots with their mother and another relative, on their way to see the judge.

I wanted to hug them.

Kids deserve a better life than that, and that's why we have PFAs. The criminal law is sometimes inadequate in penetrating the familial setting. Police are often reluctant to file charges that arise from domestic relationships. To remedy this shortcoming, the legislature created PFAs for spouses, children, household partners and those in very close relationships.

When I got into Judge Zito's courtroom, it was for a full blown PFA hearing. But it never happened. This is because, as I pointed out at the onset, Mezzacappa is nothing like those who deserve PFA protection. She has no standing, i. e., is not among the classes of persons designated for protection when the state legislature adopted this Act.

Judge Zito thought about my argument over the lunch hour, reviewing some of the pertinent caselaw. When he came back, he agreed.

I was ready to defend this matter on the merits, but saw no reason to subject a judge and a host of other people to her nonsense at the beginning of a busy criminal court week, especially when she really had no right to bring the action in the first place.

Instead of listening to two small children who almost certainly are entitled to some kind of protection, Mezzacappa would rather have the courts listen to her histrionics and outright lies. She brought her famous box, full of all the rejected complaints she's filed against everyone. She even subpoenaed Judge Richard Yetter, Easton police and District Attorney John Morganelli.

Judge Yetter's subpoena was quashed earlier that day. You can't subpoena a judge to testify about a matter based solely on his conduct within his judicial function. A Philadelphia lawyer had to come up and file a motion on Judge Yetter's behalf.

Morganelli, on the first day of criminal court, was forced to dispatch an assistant to keep an eye on things, another colossal waste of prosecutorial resources.

Worst of all was her subpoena to Easton police. The Chief and another officer basically wasted half a day on a matter in which their presence was totally unnecessary, taking them away from their duties.

At Mezzacappa's side, recently released Jim Gregory was dispensing his Mensa wisdom, proving he's learned absolutely nothing during his three weeks in jail.

Very patiently, Judge Zito explained to Mezzacappa that if she thinks I've committed crimes, she can ask that I be prosecuted. If police and the DA refuse, she can appeal those decisions. So now, Mezzacappa will clutter the courts with appeals of DA determinations that her complaints lack merit.

Good luck with that.

This is the sixth time that she has harassed me with baseless litigation. I have no reason to believe she'll stop now. That's why I plan to sue her, within the next month, for malicious prosecution. When she loses her house, her trust fund, her checking account and her car, maybe she'll stop.

Updated 9:32 PM to complete the story.


  1. Talk about 15 minutes of fame... these 2 idiots should not even be mentioned in any blog. Let them go quietly into the crazy world they have created for themselves. The less press everyone gives to them the better. This whole story about either of them is way past old. Its done, put a fork in it.

  2. I hope there is reason to believe she may stop harassing you.

  3. I wonder how thrilled Zito was to see her in there...again...with Gregory.

  4. Won't be long before Gregory, under the spell of Mezzacappa, screws up and lands himself back in jail. I give it a few days at best.

  5. They are both on a one way ticket to jail, oblivion, or beyond. Two nuts who are legends in their own minds.

  6. Did she call him "Baked Ziti" or any other ethnic slurs? That'll rub a judge the wrong way - even when being done by a trained massage therapist, assisted by Mensa's best.

    1. Strangely, she only referred to Judge Zito as "Your honor." I will have more later.

  7. It was surreal. Gregory was making fun of Ron Angle, who came down to testify since Mezzacappa had named him as my back up stalker. He has completely ignored sage advice telling him to keep his distance from Mezzacappa.

    To his credit, Judge Zito gave Mezzacappa ample opportunity to explain why she had standing.

  8. is "dispensing his mensa wisdom" a euphemism?

  9. I wish I were that clever, but that possible interpretation is entirely accidental.

  10. Will Mezz be packing at Greggyplatz?

    We can all sing, Tricia's got a gun!

  11. Did Gregory have his shorts, sandals, and peach shirt rolled up? What was his dress attire?

  12. See, Ron Angle is no COWARD. He is up front and early! Like Chesty Puller,in 25 degree weather in Korea, "Now we got them were we want them".Meaning he was surrounded over 11 to 1 by Red Chinese !Some day you get the bull and some days the bull gets you!

  13. I am very fortunate to have some very good friends who are always there for me, even though I do not deserve them. Three of my title searching friend were there, and I had several witnesses on stand by. Fortunately, Mezzacappa's case was rejected because she had no right to bring it.

  14. Well, Mr. Gregory certainly has learned his lesson. Judge Zito must have displayed incredible self control not to throw him in the pokey, to be the pokee, as it were. So Jimbo, if you are reading this, and we all know that you are...where were all of your union and political friends? Did you get through all the shutoff notices and dunning requests to see the support correspondence? Crickets?? Since last we met, you were tossed out on your ear by the labor council, lost your job/retired? bought expensive jewelry and a car, couldn't afford to keep a phone account open for NCP, served another PFA by of all people, your mother and sister, boned by countless inmates, conjured up crazy, even for you...Sicilian conspiracies and insulted the judge who let you go. You just can't make this up. Have you pawned your jewelry yet? Have they repossessed your Camaro yet? Has Mezzacrappa thrown in the towel on you yet? Oh yeah, I forgot, the PAC!!! Where is the money you thief!!!!

  15. Three title searchers? Is business that busy? Well Bernie, I will offer my process service to you if you need one free, just to see this opera first hand! But , I will add, that I hope Mr. G. controls himself and learns to go 'fishing' or gets some discernible hobbies to allow his mind to get straight. I can connect with him through osmosis ! May this be the end.

  16. Bernie, I'd testify anonymously on your behalf any time. I mean that, bro. Good work today; same to Ron. Glad I wasn't needed.

  17. I was an atheist and proud of it. I had lost God. However, then I found God. I prayed that the Gregory Mezzacappa saga would not end. I admit I am addicted.

    God answered my prayers, I am a new person. I am humbled and filled with love.

    Life has meaning again. The Gregory-Mezzacappa connection is back and with a vengeance.

    Praise the Lord.

  18. Bernie,

    I want to wish you good luck. Without you, I am having a hard time getting by. I just can't stand life anymore. And no one will talk to me. Even when I go out of my way to make conversation with people like at the supermarket or pharmacy people just ignore me and move on. It hurts. I have feelings too. I am not some stuffed animal. Without your blog, I wouldn't have a reason to get up in the morning. It is really disheartening to be alone in a world where there is so much going on and no one will even give you the time of the day. Sometimes I try to volunteer my time at the local high schools and colleges to help out at the sporting events, but now even the schools and institutions are taking those things away from me. I do it for free, but there is an insurance and liability issue. I have been doing it for over 30 years without any problems and never taking a cent. Now there really isn't anything else for me to live for especially when people won't even acknowledge me. If it wasn't for you and your paper; I would have offed myself a while ago. So I just wanted to say, that while everyone else makes fun of you, you really mean something to me. Thanks.

  19. 8:03

    Troll. I enjoy this blog for the Mezzacappa/Gregory saga, but if this is the only thing keeping you from offing yourself, you shouldn't let it stop you.
    Total bullshit.

  20. "Bernie, I'd testify anonymously on your behalf any time"

    I had it made out but would have a tough time serving it.

  21. See Bernie? They all make fun of me. I have never done anything to anyone and this is how they treat me. I just want to make a friend and I get smacked around. But anyway, thanks again.

  22. Greggyplatz sounds like the place to be! I'm gonna strap on my beer helmet take a few bong rips and saunter on down there hope to see the man slab in the flesh and put my game to work on that hairless, bronzed adonis.

  23. From SPG

    "Just a comment to clear up O'Hare's incessant lies and half truths. Today, I had to face O'Hare, a dangerous predator , who should be removed from the free world, in Zito's courtroom. The purpose of the hearing was to determine if my "relationship" with O'Hare could fall into the PFA statute.

    Zito said it did, but declined to grant it, because he said I should appeal Morganelli, who disapproved 4 criminal complaints I filed in the last year.

    Of course the O'Hare spin is that it got tossed for having no merit, when in fact , the judge did recognize that O'Hares behavior is escalating in the wrong direction, and he should be PROSECUTED for the crimes he commits.

    Hector, O'Hare is no better than Chrales Manson, just has people in high places enabling his sick criminal behavior. I hear skeletons shaking loudly.


    Sour Grapes? Go drown your sorrows in xanax and cheap boxed wine you hag.

  24. I missed you Jimbo. You and Tr4sdih are the best thing to happen to the Lehigh Valley since sex.

    Keep fighting the fight for sanity.

  25. Only Mezzacappa can lose and spin it into some kind of win in her warped mind. It wouldn't surprise me if she files another one and another, until she is once again instructed that such filings will have to be approved by the court.

    What a waste of taxpayer money this crazy broad keeps using in frivolous complaints.

  26. Greggyplatz is the most entertaining of all the platz. It has the Mediterranean Manslab himself there as host. A tantastic tanning booth, pig roast, high stakes poker table, karaoke, as well as a short shooting range. A ruby red camaro is being auctioned off at the end of the fest. Good times for all!!

  27. She will be sued for malicious prosecution in the next 4 weeks, and she will lose. Ron Angle, who she maliciously named as a Defendant earlier this year, will join ,re in this one. We'll see how many suits she files when she has no house to file them from.

  28. Her behavior is almost as bad as that kook that hit the priest in his stomach right in front of the deputies in the Court House. What are either of these two people (the witch and the priest beating kook) and Gregory thinking? Nothing! They aren't thinking!

    Do these people think that the world revolves around them? They berate other people for being selfish and self-centered, but they never self-evaluate themselves.

    Are they really that dumb or blind? Or do you think they realize their own stupidity but just choose to ignore it so they can still be prima donnas?

  29. While judges are listening to her selfish bullshit, children and others who really need help must sit and wait.

  30. I think Rick Orloski may be overloaded with cases at the moment, call up my personal attorney he specializes in injury cases but I think he can handle your malicious prosecution affair.


  31. Pennsylvania state police say a shooting during a meeting at a municipal building has left three people dead, correcting their earlier tally of four.

    State police in Lehighton confirm three people are dead and say the gunman had an ongoing dispute with township officials.

    True Story.

  32. Very sad. I am writing about it right now.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Sorry, i can't allow a comment that talks about violence against another named person.

  35. Jim Gregory and Trisha Mezzacappa are fighting for the common man. They know the corruption that exists and have been victimized by it. They have the guts to stand up and say, not to me.

    You have to give them credit for not shrinking in fear from the establishment.

  36. Tricia Mezzacappa, You are showing what lack of guts you have by posting anonymously.

  37. Bernie,

    You have at least two possible causes of action: A statutory action for Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings (known as the Dragonetti Act) and a common law action for Abuse of Process. Of course, you may have other tort claims as well.

    Good luck with this lawsuit and with the damages trial for your libel judgment, which I hope to read about very soon.

  38. She is going to be sued again, and i am going to fast track this one.

  39. El Fake-o Mentor-oAugust 6, 2013 at 8:31 AM

    once cagain the nutjob bottom feeding blogger overreacts and exxagerates.

  40. I wonder: is there anything to be gained by suing for mal pros, or any other cause of action? Even though you have ample justification, it seems to me to add kerosene to the fire. Mezzacappa has been clearly established as unstable--to say the least--so, why not take the high road and just let her rant? She's so unstable that you won't "teach" her anything by suing her and you know that the courts aren't set up to deal well w/people w/mental health issues, who otherwise function ok in the community. I don't know. You can get all the judgments in the world against her, but it doesn't seem to me that it will put an end to any of her harassment.

  41. The reason is to take everything she has and stop her from continuing her nonsense. i have a libel action and will pursue that to its conclusion. This action will be pursued to ts conclusion. Like I said, she can't continue her harassment when she has no house or car to harass from.

  42. Mezzacappa is like an addict. The only way she can get well and understand she has a problem is for her to hit rock bottom. That may well be in the form of losing her freedom in a criminal action, or her possessions in a lawsuit.

    She can't recognize her own bizarre behavior as being bizarre. Take, for instance, her immediately supporting a convicted pedophile under the banner of her faux Innocence Project of Northampton County. She's so focused on proving some type of corruption in the county that she fails to investigate the facts surrounding someone Gregory met in prison, who wrote her a letter claiming he was railroaded. If any of us were that stupid we would have issued an apology and admitted our mistake - then crawled under a rock. Mezzacappa simply removes her blog and pretends it never happened.

    That one insane act has ruined her politically. Nobody running for office will want her support and will outright disavow her when her blog supporting that pedophile is circulated by their opposition. Of course, her own future runs for any public office are finished before they start.

    Mezzacappa needs to see a psychiatrist. I hope Bernie is successful in taking everything but her shoes. That way she'll be able to walk away. Far away. Perhaps to survivalists in the deep forest of Oregon.

  43. Shoot! She doesn't have to go all the way to Oregon to live as a survivalist. All she needs to do is strap on her gun and go shack up in Gilberton with that crazy suspended police chief. They'll have plenty of company up that way.

  44. That's what the Fake Rev calls his blog, Saving Private Gracedale, from time to time. Kinda' like the NYT.

  45. Has anyone been to Greggyplatz??


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