Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jim Gregory, Political Prisoner

The policeman of love, Jim Gregory, has had the book thrown at him. Judge Paula Roscioli has set bail at $2,500 on each of five contempt citations filed against him late Monday afternoon by his ex-girlfriend. Gregory is charged with thumbing his nose at the terms of a July 3 Protection From Abuse Act Order that bars him from all contact with her, both direct and indirect. A hearing is scheduled for August 30 at 11 AM before Judge Leonard Zito. Unable to post bail, Gregory is in jail.

Gregory has previously been convicted twice for criminal contempt of the PFA. Those convictions stem from attempts to contact his ex via phone text messages, blogs and Facebook. Gregory contended that someone else, possibly his nephew or Tricia Mezzacappa, was responsible. At that time, Tricia Mezzacappa launched a venomous attack against Judge Zito on her blog, accusing him of being too old for the bench, among other things.

After his second conviction, Gregory was sentenced to six months in jail, pending the results of a sealed psychological evaluation. He was released after three weeks, thanks to an impassioned pleas by noted criminal defense lawyer Gary Asteak. Gregory later said that Asteak had instructed him to break off all contact with Mezzacappa,

After his release, Gregory ignored his attorney's instructions. He started a radio show at Joe Timmer's dying radio station, and included Mezzacappa as a co-host for four of his seven broadcasts. He played love songs for his ex and repeatedly discussed the PFA, attacking his ex's mother as well as one of the witnesses who testified against him. On Monday, he began speaking to his ex directly, offering her a job, imploring her to come back to him. "Lina, not only are you cute, you're adorable. You have a great body, great heart, great soul. You'd be a great salesperson for us, and you also have office skills."

One of the contempt citations is based on this direct or indirect contact. Other citations are for about 20 unwanted telephone calls from him, as well as three letters he smuggled to her while he was in jail.

On his radio show yesterday, Gregory admitted to calling his ex accidentally a few times, but states he hung up right away. He claimed the letters were OK because he was under the impression the PFA was being dropped. He has no explanation for his radio message.

Gregory has blamed several people for his current mess, from DA John Morganelli to Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan to a Bethlehem police officer who supposedly has his eyes on his ex. He can tell that to Judge Zito on Friday. Hopefully, he'll call him Zito, not Ziti, like he did on Monday.

Timmer, of course, has no interest in being responsible. So my guess is that Mezzacappa will do his show today.


  1. The hearing is not on July 3.

  2. Thank you for catching my error. I corrected it.

  3. Generally not free but here goes. Bernie, dissent if you wish.

    Mr. Gregory hinted that he will once again bring in his "circus" of character witnesses and "sworn testimony" claiming that his ex lied to get the PFA. Here is the rub.

    When the original PFA was entered, Mr. Gregory was told by his then friends and a few lawyers that he should immediately stop talking to his ex or anyone about the issue. Follow counsels' instructions.

    Chances are that at the hearing "for the original" PFA, the judge may have thrown it out. PFA's are issued so as not to "risk" harm to the alleged victim. They are not necessarily kept in force.

    Mr. Gregory ignored all advise and went on a one man rampage to obtain his "justice". He decided the PFA was meaningless and rather than wait for a full hearing on the PFA, he went on a verbal rampage against the alleged victim, the judge, the system and just about anything else in his path.

    Consequently he was charged with contempt of the PFA, again he went on a rampage and ended up in jail.
    He was released and he has again gone on a rampage of words.

    Now he has not only communicated with his ex and her mother, he has enlisted prison inmates to contact his ex. Prison inmates writing this young woman, all becaaue of Mr. Gregory.

    So on Friday he will again be before the Judge he called Ziti and he will again try to argue against the original PFA, yet again not comprehending that he blew that a long time ago and this is a hearing about another incident of contempt.

    To summarize, had Mr. Gregory listened to his real friends and his real lawyers, he may never have gotten anywhere near his current predicament. It is impossible to tell but the PFA may have been vacated for a variety of reasons. However, he has condemned himself and will continue to fight WWII, despite the fact that war ended almost 70 years ago.

    Sorry Bernie, delete if necessary but I cannot stand the complete lack of basic legal understanding of what happened that has lead to Mr. Gregory's incarceration and from my vantage point, will be his continued incarceration for flagrant violations of a court order.

    Again I am sorry, it is late and I am tired and buzzed.

  4. Your assessment is completely accurate. Why would I dissent?

  5. I'm half in th4e bag!

  6. Then we should all be half in the bag more often.

  7. widenst228Gary should be ashamed. He just made it worse for Mr Gregory. Gregory needs long inpatient treatment not jail. He is now a consumer of service not a provider of it.

  8. anon 1:19, what are you talking about??

  9. anon 1:19, what are you talking about??

  10. Dear friends of Jimbo G, do not despair.

    He is being well taken care of by his friend Spartacus-Maximus. You remember Spartacus Maximus, the blond Cali man with chiseled features and a god like presence that Jimbo met first time around.A true God amongst men is his muscular visage.
    Another innocent victim of the man.

    He was once just known as Spartacus but soon received the added name of Maximus due to the godlike appearance and size of his manhood.

    Jim Gregory with his petite Mediterranean features is a natural mate for Spartacus-Maximus and I know they are happy to be re-united.

  11. If I recall correctly, Gregory bragged on his show about having a business. He told his ex-girlfriend he wanted her to work for him and would pay her. He has an accountant and would be opening a new office.

    Anybody besides me wondering how he would be able to pay her, why he needs an accountant, and how he would be paying for a new office, when he doesn't have money to make bail?

    Typical Gregory bullshit. He's not only a loser, but a broke-ass loser. Too bad he spent all that PAC money on air time.

    You would think his new friends Jolly Joe and Budd would bail him out, since they encouraged him to make a fool of himself and never reigned him in.

  12. So my guess is that Mezzacappa will do his show today.

    There's somebody you would expect would bail out Gregory. Will she rescue her manslab, or use his incarceration to take over the unused airtime and spread her own lies over the radio.

  13. These people just don't get it. Jim goes back in jail and Tricia goes on the air calling his ex a prostitute among other things. She also stated that she is there with permission of Jim which means Jim knows that she is going to harass his ex.
    Then she gives advice to Governor Christie and paraphrases her comment with, "Governor if you're listening in"....like Christie will take time out of his schedule to listen to a nut job on a local almost defunct radio station. I had to turn it off. I couldn't take anymore.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Timmer is setting himself up for a nice lawsuit. How can he allow haters to continue after he knows that their ring leader is in jail for that reason???? I refused to listen to her today.

  16. Whatever medications Mr.Gregory was on, he must have slipped some to Mr. Williams.

    His ramblings today prove he should not be at the controls of a commercial station.

    He also needs some psychiatric help.

  17. Highlights from Tuesday's program, subtitled "Gun Control and aneurisms"

    The guest host was Tricia M. who the producer (Budd) admits he cannot remember her last name. Did I mention that he is the "producer"?

    Someone was accused of being a "fradulent fraudster" and it might have been Bernir. Bernie was definitely accused of stalking minor children at youth sporting events. The woman who received the PFA against Jim Gregory was herself accused of stalking him by Trish and the producer.
    Trish knows what she is talking about because, as she explained, she was the object of a stalker, causing her to relocate to West Easton.
    Unwittingly, the pair then started to criticize "deadbeats" in general, and ironically, accused these types of people of spending time gambling at the Sands Casino and performing Karioke. Are those not two activities that Jim Gregory regularly participates in?

    Wisely, although probably by accident, the "discussion" turned away from the case and toward gun rights and people with aneurisms.

    Oh yeah, we also learned that Budd the "producer" is from upstate, that he gained 90 pounds, then lost it, that he suffers from migraine headaches and that he used to work on an airport runway "where the noisy jets are..."

    Keep it coming Jolly Joe. You are onto something new and original - "Reality Radio".


  18. VOR, Your description of the show tightens the noose around WGPA and Timmer. His producer actually accused Gregory's ex of stalking him? Amazing.

  19. Mr. Williams is not a "Producer" he is a board operator with delusions of being a talk show host.

    Let's not forget he has a degree in Political Science?

    Reality Radio indeed?

  20. "Governor if you're listening in"....like Christie will take time out of his schedule to listen to a nut job on a local almost defunct radio station.

    That gave me a belly laugh, as well when I heard her say that. I said it out loud - "Yeah, like the Governor of New Jersey would be listening to a nut like you on a 2 watt AM station in Pennsylvania."

  21. How many picked up on Mezzacappa's jealousy of Gregory's ex-girlfriend? She can't understand Gregory wanting her back, blah, blah, blah.

    Trish is obviously desperate for a man and since she can't get one, she'll take Gregory.

  22. His producer actually accused Gregory's ex of stalking him? Amazing.

    Oh, yeah. Mezzacappa said that Gregory's ex-girlfriend was contacting him and was unable to move on.

    Nobody has heard a peep from the ex. Not on social media, or anywhere else from her about Gregory and their history. The only time we hear from her is when she rightly files a violation of the PFA.

    Dumbo Jim, however, spent everyday of his show discussing her, her mother, and playing love songs to her - even talking directly to her in some teenage style plea to get her back into his life.

    But, she's stalking him. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

  23. I must give it to Timmer he has given has beens like Ken Matthews a crack at it.

    Maybe he is into reality radio?
    Who will fill the vacant 7:00am slot next, I hear Leno will be needing a job soon.

  24. I have no respect for him. None. He knows Gregory is in jail gor violating the PFA, and then allows Gregory's wannabe girlfriend to do what Gregory himself cannot.

  25. Bernie O'Hare said...
    Timmer is setting himself up for a nice lawsuit. How can he allow haters to continue after he knows that their ring leader is in jail for that reason???? I refused to listen to her today.

    Then you need to get a tape and listen to it. Mezzacappa called you a pedophile with accusations about you following and photographing children, including one child of a woman from a previous relationship you had. Her child, not yours. You were the highlight of some very serious allegations, accusations, and innuendo.

    1. I see. She has made those allegations before, I sued, and already have a judgment against her for liability. Judge Smith has already ruled that her statements are per se defamatory. The fact that she repeats them demonstrates malice and is a basis for punitive damages. It is so yet another basis for liability against WGPA. And Timmer.

  26. "I sued, and already have a judgment against her for liability."

    O'Hare you keep talking about this judgment you have. But unless you pursue damages,including punitives, it means nothing. Go to trial, already. She owns a house. Take it from her. Unless you do that, she will continue to defame you with impunity.

  27. When she continues to defame me with impunity, it increases the likelihood of punitive damages.

  28. Bernie,
    Do the Lehigh Valley a solid. Tell her you'll give her enough money back to start over - If she moves to anywhere west of the Mississippi.

  29. Play your tape again...
    He said by her mother calling him and crying to him about her and her daughter's problems several times could be the same as her stalking him...
    You are running a thin line...

  30. He didn't say anything. He's in jail. I do not have a tape of today's show. Mezzacappa is good for nothing except telling outrageous lie after lie.

  31. Sure it could. And we have the word of Mezzacappa and Gregory that says it happened. 'Nuff said.

    MezzaKKKrazy needs a leash worse than Greganut.

  32. Why do you keep putting Timmer in your blame game? Why don't you buy air time..yes BUY airtime..WGPA is a business not NPR. You pay for time for your program or you get advertizers to pay that time..NPR uses (like you Bernie) taxpayer money. Radio is not FREE like your shitty blog... If you don't want to be talked about and ridiculed certain people then quit doing the same to them...I never come up you this stupid blog but hearing about your bullshit I wanted to check it out for myself. Now I am going to shut off the computer...If you don't like hearing on the radio about your ignorant rants you write,then turn your radio off or go back on NPR.

  33. "He didn't say anything. He's in jail. I do not have a tape of today's show. Mezzacappa is good for nothing except telling outrageous lie after lie."

    The he the writer was refering to was Bud not Gregory.


  34. I am done with the whole thing! Frankly I am done with everything!

  35. Bernie O'Hare said...
    Timmer is setting himself up for a nice lawsuit. How can he allow haters to continue after he knows that their ring leader is in jail for that reason????

    It is called the first amendment.
    Besides who are you to call ANYONE a hater when you are one your self..Stick and stones Bernie nO'Hair.

  36. Dirk said...

    I am done with the whole thing! Frankly I am done with everything!

    Me too!

  37. "Why do you keep putting Timmer in your blame game? Why don't you buy air time..yes BUY airtime.."

    Thus is some marketing scheme. Take money from someone who can't last 7 days without getting arrested bc of his on air behavior, and then tell the defamed parties to buy airtime to refute the defamation. Try again.

    I have another marketing scheme in mind, and it includes Timmer at the wrong end of a defamation lawsuit.

  38. "It is called the first amendment."

    Just as the second amendment does not give you the right to drive with your sidearm, the first amendment does not give you the right to defame people.

  39. Earl the Pig should be on the show. That would help complete the circus.

    Shouldn't Gregory be out on bail by now?

  40. Bernie said
    Just as the second amendment does not give you the right to drive with your sidearm, the first amendment does not give you the right to defame people.

    Well then Bernie why do you defame people here?

  41. If someone feels I defame them, they have every right to sue me. But I don't. Mezzacappa, Gregory and Timmer are engaged in wholesale defamation, and on topics that have already been determined to be defamatory.

  42. You defame evrybody Bernie everybody...Then you hide it by submitting it as an anonymous writer...

  43. Bernie said If someone feels I defame them, they have every right to sue me. But I don't. Mezzacappa, Gregory and Timmer are engaged in wholesale defamation, and on topics that have already been determined to be defamatory.

    Funny I havn't heard Timmer say a thing on this show..... There are suits against you Bernie..But you can't get blood from a stone.

  44. Mr. Timmer, just as a newspaper can be sued for a defamatory letter to the editor, you can and will be sued for allowing two mentally unstable people to engage in blatantly defamatory behavior at your station. After Gregory was arrested and hauled away for his conduct at your station, you allowed someone on the sir who is even worse. This reckless behavior will be sanctioned.

  45. I can't prove it, but I am guessing that several anoymous comments in today's thread may be from the female guest hostess of today's debacle on the station formerly known as WGPA. Also, please note that neither she, nor Budd (Call me the producer) Williams has bothered to deny what was said during the show.

    Where I come from, before you make outlandish statements and launch vile, personal attacks on another person's name or character, you'd better get the facts straight.

    1) Accusing Mr. O'Hare of stalking children and calling him and the behavior "creepy" is pretty serious...

    2) Accusing a person who has a legally obtained PFA with stalking the person who she obtained said PFA against is outlandish, childish and idiotic.

    3) Using the airwaves to circumvent the conditions set forth in a PFA comes awfully close to violating the order. It would be poor enough taste for Gregory to do this, but he has two (maybe three) agents doing his vile, disgusting work for him. Reserva a cell for the female host, the producer and the station owner, I say.

    In my personal opinion, the station manager does bear responsibility for what he allows to be heard on his station, and he should be called on this.


  46. When all is said and done this is all on the head of one Jim Gregory. Whether it is a mezza, Timer, Bud, etc. Gregory is the ex-boyfriend and set the wheels in motion.

    It is my sincere hope that the judge takes that into account on Friday. I hope he gives Gregory a big-time tongue lashing about law, life and reality and then gives him his additional six months in jail. His PO should endure he sits without bail until the hearing. He has proven he is dangerous and will not abide by the provisions of the PFA.

    All the others are creations of Gregory. Sadly his ex will be forced to deal with numerous people attacking her, prisoners communicating with her and God knows what else. Why? Because of Jim Gregory.

    Time to pay the Piper for the person with the PFA on them.

  47. What gives Messacrapper the right to talk about someone she doesn't know. She only knows the lies that a raving lunatic ,convicted criminal, well known lier , and woman beater says. JG's ex never stalked him rather she has been in hiding most of the last three months.In fear for her life because of him!She wants to go on with her life,he won't let her!

  48. WPGA unreality radio!

  49. I don't think jail is the answer for JG. He may be having some sort of mental health issues which all the jail time in the world will not cure. The legal system in the usa is about keeping beds full for 40k a year and not rehabilitation/treatment.

  50. anon 2:33 make the argument to the victims. He is getting the treatment he needs being with his fellow woman beaters, pedophiles and his good friend Spartacus/Maximus.

    1. Jail isn't a cure plain and simple. You can make fun all you want until it happens to one of your family. Mental health is no joke

    2. Maybe you should ask Bernie about his friend Rudas the child predator aka Clinton Oxford. Im sure the county jail time didnt cure his urge to watch 3 year olds in a bath tub. Bernie will delete this instead of discussing his good friend unlike Gregory

  51. Being a friend of Gregory and his ex, this all started 7 months ago when Jim came up with this U-PAC scam. Being a county employee at the time he could not do it so he wanted his ex to do it. With advise from Jim's friends she said no.How dare she say no to Jim!He was under so much stress moving forward with U-Pac thinking she would come around,he increasingly became more inraged. The day before his fundraiser is when he snapped.

  52. Using your goofy premise we could make that claim for all the prisoners. Gregory is as sane as you and he knew what he was doing. He had a psychological and they let him out. He is an arrogant ass who thinks he is above the law. There is a place for folks like that it is called jail.

    1. We could make that argument for half the prison population.

  53. @ 3:07 PM

    You sir, are a rude ass.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Clinton Oxford is a real person who signs under his name and has never hid his past in jail. Bob Rudas is someone I have known for many years and he was very good to me when I was down. You hate the sin, but love the sinner. Mezzacappa has a different agenda. She will deny the son when it is clear to everyone else.

  55. If Clinton denies he's Rudas I'll apologize, no problem

  56. @"If Clinton denies he's Rudas I'll apologize, no problem 3:21 PM"

    Why did you just pour gasoline on me & light a match? I don't play your Game, by Your rules. Enjoy!

    1. Just say it and I'll apologize

  57. Dont agree with JG or the Mess. But I agree with them that "Clinton Oxford" is a fake name. His FB page has him living in Roseto, but no one there has ever heard of him. Says he went to Bangor High, but he's not listed in any yearbook or as alumni. He has an extremely wierd blog. Maybe a jailhouse lawyer, who comments word for word out of the book.

    If you are real, I do apologize.

    Sign me as Bush Harvard

  58. I love how some people come on this blog anonymously and demand Clinton to divulge details. He has no obligation to do so. He is a real person who first became interested in this blog as a result of my stories about Rock Church and the living arrangements for recently released inmates. Mezzacappa and her Blog Mentor, who routinely comment anonymously and under made up names, would know who he is if either bothered to make an effort. But they'd rather slime someone who has done a pretty good job of turning his life around.

  59. Hide a child predator Bernie.....i sign mickey mouse under my name....get it? I proved you're a liar and have proof. A good lawyer always knows the answer to a question. Go ahead and delete.

  60. Well, I did a quick internet search for a Clinton Oxford and I found such a listing for Bangor, PA (age 39). I'm inclined to believe Bernie.

    1. I want to ser Clinton deny he's Rudas

  61. It's pretty obvious that some troll is trying to divert the subject from KrAzY Gregory and Messa, to this Oxford being a real person.

    1. He is a real person, he even signs underneath his real name.

  62. Is he allowed to be on the internet?

  63. Clinton Oxford is a made up name. Period. No story.

    I call BS

  64. Birds of a feather flock together

  65. And those with differences last forever

  66. And he who casts the first stone. Those are some words to live by.

  67. Another disbarred attorney

  68. Mezzacappa proves yet again that she is nuts.

  69. Bernie, do you have a thing with child molestors? You are friends with Rudas and the fake rev Alex. Birds of a feather flock together.

  70. @ 6:04

    Would you please identify yourself?

  71. Only if you and the fake rev. alex id yourselfs, Bernie!

  72. Assuming the statements are defamatory, how has the reputation of a self described bottom feeder been damaged in the community? What evidence will you offer to show that you are loathed any more that you were prior to the statements being made?

  73. @10:05AM:

    You give them credit for about 2 watts too many. I listened this AM - that was the most unprofessional radio show I've ever heard.

    (Bernie's cranky, fat, middle-aged blonde alter-ego)

  74. Why did Robert Rudas get disbarred?

  75. "He is a real person who first became interested in this blog as a result of my stories about Rock Church and the living arrangements for recently released inmates. "

    Pastor Chris & his Esquire brother, are acting as Dutiful son's, to Pastor Arlene's Direction.

    Know the History....

  76. http://youtu.be/vimZj8HW0Kg

  77. Anon- 7-13


  78. Omg TM has completely lost it! A little jealous of Jim's ex I'd say! I believe she now has a great case for harassment by TM. I'm sure Trish will once again play the old broken record.....why no, Judge Yetter, WEFP isnt my blog at all! Trish you are a truly heartless disgusting person.

  79. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0DTHEQgses

  80. The latest posting by Mezzacrapper on WEFP is one of the most vile and disturbing yet.

    Gregory's ex-girlfriend needs to have the DA look into this and file criminal charges of harassment. A co-conspirator with Gregory to defame and libel a victim that is under the protection of a PFA.

    MezzaKrazY is so insanely jealous of this woman it is only too obvious.

    It's a miscarriage of justice that allows this completely sadistic cunt to continue writing about a victim of abuse in this manner.

  81. Notify the Prison Administration. I'll tell you why, Later.

  82. Got the contact info? Never had a need to call them and wouldn't know who/dept. to ask for.

  83. https://corrections.northamptoncounty.org/PublicSearch.aspx

  84. "Bernie, do you have a thing with child molestors? You are friends with Rudas and the fake rev Alex."

    You'll notice the false accusation against an ordained Catholic priest who is loved by Easton's Lebanese community. Not very smart, Mezzacappa. But after seeing your latest post, you've done something even dumber. Your blog is designed to intimidate the victim into not testifying on Friday. I will present this to the DA's office tomorrow.

  85. The latest Mezzacappa rant on WEF is about as close to challenging free speech and crime as I can imagine. Does the young woman have legal redress?

  86. @ Oxford

    Thank you. Corrections has been notified and a hard copy of her entry has been made should she think removing it relieves her of responsibility. I've also made sure Google cached the page for future recall should it disappear from her hate blog.

  87. At this point it is no longer funny or a game. Neither Mezza nor Gregory need "treatment" or "help", they need to be punished for their crimes.

  88. To : Untouched Takeaway/UT:


  89. "The latest Mezzacappa rant on WEF is about as close to challenging free speech and crime as I can imagine. Does the young woman have legal redress? "

    She certainly has a civil remedy against TM and against Timmer. I believe Mezzacappa has crossed the line and has engaged in witness intimidation. I will make my concerns known tomorrow, but a cooler head than mine decides.

  90. Keep updating your printout, Bernie.
    MezzakRAzY is posting comments almost non-stop.

  91. Does MezzaKKKappa think that her latest blog and comments she is making will somehow gain her the attention of Gregory that she desperately craves? He may have put her up to it, but she will pay the price along with him. She's going to end up munching on rug in the female version of Gregory's jailhouse romps.

  92. She must be drunk again.

  93. While I think that is deplorable that Mr. Timmer allows Mr Greggory and Ms. Mezzacappa to be on his airwaves, for the record, there are some very good shows (business, sports, etc.) on this station.

    For the record I do host one of those shows (Business 101 with Scott Gingold) on Saturday's, 8-9am. My show focuses on helping current business owners as well as those would like to.

    I know that the sports show that follows me is very popular, and well liked.

    Please don't judge all of us by the actions of one board operator and two misguided and troubled souls.

  94. Scott,
    To be blunt, no one listens to your show. People have better things to do on a Saturday am like gym, tan, and/or do laundry. But hundreds post about and listen to our Greggy!

  95. Ain't nobody got time for that!

  96. Scott, You seem like a decent guy and I appreciate your comment. I urge you to tell Timmer to put a stop to this nonsense now. He is hurting your good name, along with every other person who has a show or works at that station. He is condoning defamation per se, and I believe he is allowing Mezzacappa to intimidate a witness in a criminal case.

  97. @"But hundreds post about and listen to our Greggy! 10:12 PM"

    That's because Bernie O' Hare, has the Machismo.

  98. Clinton, Nice of you to say, but even i don't believe that.

  99. According to your detractor's....you have the Ability to change the Weather, & circumnavigate accountability with impunity. You also have the "Juice".

  100. Hey O'Hare go fuck yourself! You and your kiddie ped buddies are nothing but pig shit. Get all of your friends together and kill yourselves. A lot of people have fooled tons of people. Just like the fake rev. Alex is fooling everyone. But guys like you and Rudas didn't fool anybody. Instead you all got your asses thrown out. Your time will come again when I will own everything you have and burn it in a barrel. I always wanted a jeep.

  101. Is that you Clinton or Bernie or Rudas or the Otter or the Banker or the angry priest Alex or Allentown School Teacher or the Volvo Driving Mom? Where are you and Casey hanging out these days?

  102. The shame of all this is very plain and simple........what was once a very good (as a matter of fact) an excellent Blog that was informational and intelligently written with great contributors (some anonymous) has turned into a National Inquirer scut sheet. I and all your readers wish this thing were over already. It is sick and disgusting behavior and the comments unfit for publication in any newspaper. C'mon Bernie, clean up the filthy comments. I have ny wifes picture in my wallet.

  103. No. I'll let them stand as an indication of what kind of person Mezzacappa is. You don't have to read them or this blog. This is a story about how a small group of people try to control others, both in personal relationships and in a much bigger way. Both seek elective office. Both intimidate and bully. You want me to turn a blind eye to that and i refuse. It appears most of my readers agree, as i had close to 6,000 hits today. But if it were just a few, I would be doing the same thing.

  104. The WEF post and her self written comments are off the charts. I just checked it out and it is unbelievable.

    One pointy(out of many) I would like to make with Ms. Mezzacappa, Mr. Gregory is an adulterer as he is married and had an affair. The young woman is not an adulteress as she is single. I guess you can stretch it and call her an adulteress, the Puritans would be proud. However, you are saying that a single woman in her 30's is more culpable than a married man in his 60's. If that is your position, I think you madam are fucked up!

  105. Just checked out Mezzacappa's putrid blog. On Wednesday morning she was on the radio bragging about her three degrees - bachelors, masters and nuring. For a well educated person to write such hateful garbage is shameful. She must have a screw loose.

  106. She must have a screw loose.

    More than one and definitely both of them on her neck.

  107. I believe Mezzacappa has crossed the line and has engaged in witness intimidation.

    It's a good argument considering the last of her comments quote some punishments that were handed out to prostitutes long ago. Pretty severe punishments, including beheading and stoning.

  108. "You want me to turn a blind eye to that and i refuse. It appears most of my readers agree, as i had close to 6,000 hits today."

    Bernie, keep up the good work. This is a scandal that needs to be reported. Jim Gregory was a county employee. He and Tricia Mezzacappa are candidates for public office. Unity PAC money was used to fund a radio show they both participated in. This involves the PFA law that protects victims of domestic abuse and the legal consequences for violating a court order. This involves the use of blogs and social media as a means of committing indirect criminal contempt. This involves the limits of free speech and the limits on the right to carry firearms. The issues are real, even though the main players seem like cartoon characters.

  109. Bernie,
    Can u post mugshot?


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