Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jennifer Mann Confirms She's For Sale

I've been highly critical of former State Rep. Jenn Mann ever since she used her position as a State Rep. in struggling Allentown to secure a a $10,000 state DCED grant for The Parkland Trojan Ice Hockey Club, a program for students who need little state assistance. In the meantime, I saw her do next to nothing for disadvantaged kids in downtown Allentown. It's always been her, as evidenced be her tendency to run dual campaigns for her own office as well as State Auditor in 2004 and State Treasurer in 2008. In the state house, any lobbyist could tell you, off the record, that she always had her hand out. If you needed to talk to her, you could get her tickets to the latest baseball, basketball or football game, like the Superbowl. She had an affair with one lobbyist, and thought there was nothing improper with moonlighting as a consultant with a company doing all kinds of business with the state. No conflict there, she insisted.

So while many oohed and ahhed over Mann, I had and continue to have little respect for her. It was certainly no surprise to see her ignore the working poor in her district to pander to J.B. Reilly and Allentown's NIZ. I was glad to see her quit her job in the state house to work as a lobbyist because all along, she has been working for special interests.

And now we have the revelation that she has been bought by Big Tobacco, reported by Colin McEvoy.

Do you really think the working poor ever had a chance with a fox like her in the henhouse?

Her successor in the state house, Mike Schlossberg, is one of her proteges. From Jersey to Muhlenberg to the Chamber to the State House, he's had no challenges, except maybe a chemistry course. Easy life. Nothing like the people he is supposed to represent.

Michael and Mann are both supposedly members of the party that cares about people.

But don't think I'm pushing a Republican agenda. After the Ross Township massacre, I sent emails to LV State House members, asking them what they would do about a state laws that arguably prevents municipalities from regulating firearms on their own property. Marcia Hahn and Joe Emrick never even acknowledged the email, apparently scared to death that just discussing gun control might upset wingnuts within their own party.

Some leadership. "There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader."


  1. Someone commented on your last post "Fucked either way."
    Another commenter was offended by the colorful language. Me, I'm more offended by a political system with two parties that don't give a tinkers damn about regular folks and an economic system run by and for the corporations and the rich.
    At the risk of offending----fuck that and fuck both those both those sold out political parties. I'm forced to agree,we.'re fucked.

  2. @9:53
    I don't see the reason for the foul language. Can't we all just be happy for Ms. Mann

  3. While we are on the subject of filth, now the NIZ wants to block Porn & Pawn (tobacco and alcohol are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED, PayDay Lending also--thank you Jennifer Mann).
    The whole thing strikes me as pornographic so why get picky,and Lord knows there is a crying need for Pawn Shops in Allentown. Hey, they are a solid alternative to Pay Day Lending. I thought the whole deal was about Free Enterprise. What? Did I miss something?

  4. Gosh Darn this whole unfortunate situation! At least we have Alan Jennings looking out for us little guys.

  5. When it comes to the NIZ, we all missed quite a lot bc the process was never transparent. We do know, thanks to Sy Traub, that mom-and-pop shops need not apply. So much for the rising tide.

  6. It will be okay BOH. Mr Jennings is looking out for the Mom and Pops.

  7. I would hope municipalities throughout PA join together in pressuring the State Reps to change the law regarding guns in municipal buildings. Maybe now Harrisburg will realize that nuts who threaten can and do follow through on those threats.

  8. As long as they can't get into the state house, what do they care? They are more afraid of the NRA than some crazed gun nut shooting up a municipal building.

  9. Mann's dad owns a Atown pawn shop on Hamilton Street

    1. Yea and thats eggxatly why there was a federal grant to paint the face of the building¿ There is not a conflict of intrest there¿
      The city that stole the cigarette and now there banning them¿

  10. Minorities have much higher tobacco consumption rates than non-minorities. Jenn is performing minority outreach. She's a horny humanitarian; just like Bill Clinton (whose charitable foundation is a fiscal and ethical mess). I love this country.

  11. This post is really shitty Bernie. You attack Schlossberg for no reason. He has worked for the chamber and has always had the urban core at the forefront of his campaign. Jenn is a hard worker and should not be shot doown for who she chooses to advocate for.

    I think your readers should remember that you came from priveledge and threw it all away. By your actions you hurt some of those members of the working poor by settling a law suit with Bethlehem Steel for nothing. People lost millions because of your actions.

    You had all the access and opportuniites. Your father (a great man) provided them and you spit in his face.

    Don't pretend to be the champion of the poor now that you are sober and supposedly have seen the light. This post shows how much of a disgusting hypocrite you really are.

    1. I'm no champion of the poor. But neither is Mann or, for that matter, Schloosberg. Mann is a phony who has always been in it for herself. I picked up on that long ago, while others are finally beginning to see the truth. Mile Schlossberg, her hand-picked successor, has absolutely no understanding of his district. He is from Jersey, and became familiar with Allentown when his parents sent him here to go to school. He got where he is by ingratiating himself with the movers and shakers in the urban growth regime. For all I know, he mows JB Reilly's lawn on weekends. I like Michael, but he seems to be advancing an urban growth regime instead of the people he was elected to represent.

  12. he, ease off Jen.

    She's IMPORTANT. She just co-authored a book. check out her twitter feed.

  13. Rolf, stay off this blog.

  14. I did not post the above comment, but Oeler has been told repeatedly to stay off this blog. He has lost the privilege of sounding off here.

  15. Whatever mistakes BOH has made makes not a bit of differance in this conversation. Jenn's proven to be for sale and her squandered promise nicely sums up why this lifelong Democrat is ashamed of his party on a local and state level ( not to mention national ---- sad ). In the end another pol for sale. No values to speak of. ( PayDay Lending?)
    The jury's still out on the kid. He does some good stuff but seems a little too ready to pander. Okay,way too ready. If his term on Allentown City Council was any indication he will be ready to kiss the party bosses asses early and often. In the Bjg Water Sell Out he was a profile in lack of courage. Be a looooooonnnng time before that sleezy creepy-ass maneuver gets forgotten.
    It's tough here in Lehigh Co. Right wing bazaaroo nut cases on one side and dirty dealing valueless hollowed out piss poor excuses for Democrates on the other.
    Guess its not much better in NorCo.
    What was that thing 'bout being f%#ked either way?

  16. I am not so hopeful about Schlossberg. He
    Is leadership style would be described by me as panderer to the powerful.

  17. Scholessburg so loved his urban constituency that he couldn't wait to sell off their precious water assets, couldn't kiss the ass of the most anti-open government mayor in living memory often enough, couldn't curry enough favor with the develop at any cost Chamber types. Mark my words, the worst tendencies of Cunningham and Mann behind a pandering facade of nicy boo Kenedyesque bullshit.
    A family guy who when the surface is scratched and push comes to shove goes with the money and power interests every time. A real man of the people and champion of the little guy. Just like his phoney pal Jennings.

  18. A mostly minority population has no idea how to run important things like water systems and the like. Just look at the mess they made of Allentown. It's best that rich white people run these things. Jenn and Shlossberg and the smart people in and around Allentown know this. Those minorities who were removed from the arena district would have been out of place there and more of an impediment to improving the place. A better core of Allentown will help them prosper in environments where they are better suited. Again, Jenn and Shlossberg know this and have been very helpful in fulfilling Allentown's vision of a safer destination for people with honest money.

    Allentown Progressive, probably not Geeting

  19. Bernie,

    Mike got to where he is by following orders and being a good team player. It is safe to assume that is how he will roll in Harrisburg. He is the epitome of a politician.

    Scott Armstrong

  20. I ALMOST NEVER say this. I gotta agree with Scott Armstrong.

  21. The way this all sounds I would find it hard to believe that there is anyone out there who would make an exceptional leader worthy of mass approval. Anyone. Has there been anyone in the not to distant past who passes muster? Your right Bernie,round and round,over and over till its almost a fools game.

  22. Julie Harhart, now theres a mover and shaker

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Scott, I like Mike. I agree with him on some things. But I think he's a sell out on most issues.Also, he's never suffered adversity, so how can he understand it in the people he represents. I'm not talking about getting a "C" instead of a "B".

  25. Could a local government petition drive make any headway with Harrisburg on changing the Universal Firearms Law? If you would be willing to draw up such a petition..I would be more than happy to take it to our council for approval as soon as next months meeting. I think it has a very good chance of being adopted and supported by Bangor borough council.

  26. Dave, I am working on some proposed changes to the Uniform Firearms law, not too drastic, to address and prevent what happened in Ross. I want to get the entire LV delegation to the House to support it. I will have something together over the weekend. I am disappointed that two House members did not even acknowledge my initial email, but won't let that stop me.

  27. Sadly..I am not surprised at their silence on this matter..the politics of gun ownership..being what they are. I applaud your efforts and will do whatever I can as an elected offical to help change this law so as to protect the safety of the public at governmental meetings. This is insane and we are truly defenseless at the moment. Our police officer wanded every person who attended our monthly meeting this past Monday night. I thanked him afterwards for keeping us all safe.

  28. I knew Jennifer Mann when she first decided to run for office and I supported her. She was a good person who wanted to genuinely serve the public. Unfortunately, she was ruined by politics within a couple of years and now she is just another slimey, sleazy, self-serving hypocrite. Politicians like Pat & Heather Browne and Jennifer Mann drive the decent, well intentioned people away from serving in public office.

    This new gig of lobbying for tobacco companies is just another new low in her disappointing career.

  29. Just remember....people vote these people in year after year after year.

    Elections have consequences.

  30. So obviously, Jenn Mann is not your favorite. Despite your opinion, her office has always provided exceptional constituent service and Schlossberg has kept this effort going. Must a person be a native from the Lehigh Valley to be effective? Who writes the rules, You? Scott Armstrong? His wife can get a pension by educating others but union teachers aren't allowed to? Bernie, you provide an outstanding service and I certainly don't always agree with you, I respect your opinion and you provide a unique insight on many topics. Jenn Mann was passionate about her role in politics and worked tirelessly for her district. Many others in Harrisburg couldn't or wouldn't work as long or as often as she did. I saw her support a fundraising event for an individual, not from her district who was dying from breast cancer and Jenn stayed the entire night. She gave a generous donation and wouldn't accept a receipt. I saw her buy cheesesteaks and beers for a group of Midshipmen at an Army vs. Navy game and she made sure she didn't get recognition for it because I was the only one from the Valley to see this happen. I think you are way off base here. Just my opinion.

  31. Jenn Mann is certainly not my favorite. She is a phony who was in it for herself, and who always had her hand out. She never received any real scrutiny, and did nothing for the people in her district that actually helped them.

    Ad for constituent service, I question what you say unless you've been in several offices. If you have, and this is what you see, I will accept it.


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