Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Hooray and Up She Rises

Like the great humpback whale, Northampton County's Centralized Human Services Building has breached the surface and is rising day-by-day. Located at 2801 Emrick Blvd. in Bethlehem Township, construction of the 3-story, 66,375 sq ft building is well under way. Project manager Jim Gentile tells me that 90% of the steel is up, metal studs are going onto the exterior and concrete floors have been poured.

The project is on schedule for completion by next March.


  1. This is an overpriced and unneeded building that is basically a gift to the developer. It will cost the county more to pay the lease than any increase it receives from the state.

    Delete this if you wish as well. You tend to do that with the inconvenient Truth.

    Nice undistinguished square building but since we will be paying for everything in it and its maintenance over and above the lease, the county won't be able to afford employees or services. Still, nice building.

  2. I will delete your needless and anonymous personal attacks. That's not truth, just hate.

  3. I can already see window replacement horrors associated with the county's failure to properly maintain its properties. The building should go unnamed. Each toilet and urinal, however, should bear the name of one of the sleepy spendthrifts who wasted this money.

    This is a classic money-wasting mistake. SSDD.

  4. Ahh the Union Goons are at it already. This building will be easily paid for by the savings from the sale of Gracedale and the over budget expenses it cost the taxpayers. Just can't wait for that day when the sale goes thru and the union is gone.

  5. Bernie didn't the union receive a succession clause in there last contract? So they stay but we as tax payers still have a useless building.

  6. Gracedale isn't being sold and this will simply become another money pit - just like every other county property. We know how this movie ends. We refuse to learn. Hey, it's only money, right?

  7. Yeah, fuck the children, the mentally ill, those with disabilities and veterans.

  8. "Bernie didn't the union receive a succession clause in there last contract? So they stay but we as tax payers still have a useless building."

    At the time the sale was being considered, only USW had a successor clause. Now I believe both unions do. If I am mistaken, someone from AFSCME will nail me.

  9. "Yeah, fuck the children, the mentally ill, those with disabilities and veterans"

    Agreed! It is better to use the money for a big white elephant named after a lifetime bureaucrat, than spend it on children, mentally ill, etc. Services aren't as good for ribbon cutting and political photo ops.

  10. The rent on this building alone will save the taxpayer 200,000 a year compared to what it costs them for the wolf and bechtel buildings. It will be cheaper to run than one of the buildings, for electric, heat etc. and all human service functions will be centralized for easy access for all county people who need a one stop place. With Lanta bus service from all corners of the county. You people are so full of hate and disinformation that you will never see the savings that this project brings to everybody in the county.

  11. No you don't want the money spent on this building, which is not being named after anytone, so you will have more money to throw at unions and Gracedale. It is sad that the 18,000 people who need human services are ignored by selfish people like Gregory and Barron. Neither did a day of military service, but they want to stick it to our vets and would prefer that the kids eat lead paint at Wolf.

    The issue has been decided. The building is going up. Time to move on and quit dwelling on a battle you lost.

  12. anon 9:46, bullshit info. About as reliable as the estimates on the Wolf and Bechtel buildings and the cost of finishing the new building.

    You keep on spreading the manure, harpo and collect those pensions.

  13. Can you feel the hate? Battle's over.

  14. 10:09. You are dense. They sold the Wolf building for MORE than they thought. Hey but don't let the facts get in the way of your stupid campaign for county council

  15. 5:52 am. I didn't think school teachers got up this early when on summer break. Good luck with your campaign.

  16. Ego monument to whom?

    This will bring NORCO into the 21st Century.

  17. Bernie you know NOTHING about Steve Barron. He never ever said that vets, children, etc do not need human services or a building. You twist words so they work for your bottom line. You are a sad soul who alienated his own family and lost his career and you hate that Barron has both. The things you did to lose your law license are deplorable-what about the people you screwed you low-life piece of garbage? Steve Barron is 10 times the man you could ever hope to be.

  18. Yeah, but Barron can't pass the BAR exam and Bernie had no problem passing.

  19. I would doubt this has anything to do with any county council campaign, since Bernie has said the lease is a done deal. Nothing to really campaign on. It is however offensive to those who know what the impact will be on services and knowledgeable employees not fooled by the poor children and veterans propaganda.

    The Department has been letting the old buildings rot for eight years. They screamed at Mr. Barron for telling the truth about the asbestos they let us breath for eight years. You think employees believe your bunch cares about our health, that's a laugh. They have not filled positions and created huge backloads. Now the building will solve everything??

    After the Gracedale scam, people are more aware of the nonsense spread by this Admisntration. Unfortunately we have a clueless county council that doesn't even know when they are being used. When services are diminished for the children and veterans to pay Mr. Gentile for the outlandish lease, you will be long gone sopping cocktails with your multiple public pensions harpo.

  20. It is employees, among others, who urged County Council to go with this lease, which will be beneficial to the children and seniors and veterans who use human services. It is a few loudmouths, like Gregory and barron, who don't really care about the 18,000 people affected. It is Barron who pushed for row officers being elected bc it will mean more offices for Democrats. People like him, and woman beater Gregory, have demonstrated quite clearly that they don't care about people. People like you are only worried that centralized services might lead to a reduction in union jobs. Given the surge in county population and in people needing these services, you have nothing to worry about. But your paranoia and your real motives are very apparent.

  21. Sorry 3:13. We meant mayoral write in campaign. Thank you for your insight, even if you are fired and have an axe to grind. Go hide under a rock.

  22. 3:13 is a hopeless ass.

  23. Let us be clear. Say what you want but Mr. Gregory revealed the truth behind this building and what happened? He was pushed out of his job and ended up n jail.

    Things that make you wonder about the Stoffa gang. Mr. Gregory had the goods on all the backroom deals with some county councilmen to get this overpriced building put up. All of a sudden he gets a PFA on n him and a judge throws him in jail and loses his job.

    We will all be glad when Stoffa is gone next year. Thank you Mr. Gregory, even though you have suffered for your honesty.

  24. Gregory is a woman beater who threatened and intimidated his ex after a PFA was entered against him, and went to jail largely bc of your lousy advice, Tricia Mezzacappa.

  25. 1:54
    if in backroom deals you mean Open Public Meetings then all records are on the recordings of council chambers. I love the way you make stuff up about back room deals and all the paperwork etc. Jim G. If you have proof that people did things illegally to get this building built, we want to see it, all of it, you have a forum, you have west easton pig print as your blog, scan all evidence and post it or shut the fuck up and go away you stupid ignorant fool.

  26. Lighten up Francis!

  27. Not all employees urged County Council to go with the lease of a new building. Certainly, the line staff at the Bechtel Building in Bethlehem was opposed to it. The space at Bechtel is poorly used and could have easily accommodated additional staff from the Wolf Building. Then, the County might have rented another space, preferably in Easton, for the remaining Wolf building employees. Unfortunately, as noted, that ship has sailed. Now clients can drive to Bethlehem Township for assistance.


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