Local Government TV

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Gregory Parole Hearing Tomorrow

Prominent Attorney Gary Asteak has picked up the fallen Jim Gregory banner. He's filed a petition asking Judge Leonard Zito to release this Bethlehem Mayoral candidate on parole. After all, Gregory has a race to run and candidates to help. 

A psychological evaluation of Gregory has been completed, and Judge Zito has scheduled a parole hearing for tomorrow at 9 am.

Gregory is currently serving a six month sentence for criminal contempt of a Protection From Abuse Order PFA obtained by his former girlfriend. His sister also obtained a PFA against him.

His jail sentence is the result of two contempt convictions. A third contempt citation was dismissed when his ex, who filed the charges, failed to appear. Her mother tells me she was unaware of the hearing and would have been there had she known about it, but has no desire to pile on.

What Judge Zito and Gary Asteak do not know is that, while on prison, Gregory has sent three notes through letters from three different inmates. These notes are apologetic, but still violate the PFA. 

So it's unclear to me whether Gregory, a self-proclaimed Mensa, has learned that no contact means no contact.


  1. Is Mezzacappa coming? and will she be packing?

  2. Gary is good and expensive. Wonder if it is pro bono, wouldn't know why.

    If the three notes were sent, it means that he still doesn't get ot.

    he fundamental problem is he makes up his own definitions to reality. Tough call for the judge.

    1. Gary is a very good lawyer and my guess is he.will be compensated. If Gregory finally understands that he may not contact his ex, he will be released. If he does not get it, he will be there a little longer.

  3. He wil be released tomorrow....end of story!

  4. I doubt very much that Mezzacappa will be welcome, at least not to Gregory.

  5. That would be an insult to his victims.

  6. Lets hope the judge sets PFAs on both Bernie and Trish as this has gotten way out of control for two adults. Both have crossed the line of free speech and have libeled and defamed one another.

    1. Could not disagree with you more. TM is bizarre, vicious, disgusting, and dangerous.

    2. Her PFA Is a disgusting abuse of process littered with her usual lies. My guess is that the Court is tiring of her nonsense, especially since she is now intent on ridiculing them and the District Attorney.

      Her real objective is to silence anyone who spotlights her vicious and criminal antics.

    3. Between her and Gregory - I do not know who lies more and contradicts themselves in the same sentence. TM's vile view and repulsive rhetoric is only topped by her sense of entitlement.

  7. My recollection is that Jim Gregory hasn't admitted he did anything wrong. His position has been that his ex-girlfriend is to blame and he was set up. If he doesn't change his attitude, he will probably remain in jail. If he listens to Gary Asteak and is sincere and remorseful, he may have a shot at early release. Gregory's affiliation with Tricia Mezzacappa, before and after he was jailed, was a huge mistake. Her bashing of Gregory's ex and Judge Zito was an absolute disgrace.

  8. Contacting his Mother for money was unbelievable!!

  9. Mr. Gregory has paid for his mistake. We can't even be sure what really happened. It is time to forgive and move on. The man has suffered enough. This may forever haunt him and his ability to hold public office.

  10. We can't even be sure what really happened.

    Thanks to Mezzacappa's blog and Gregory's FB page everyone is sure what happened. Gregory violated the PFA Order placed on him. It wouldn't surprise me if Gregory is released Mezzacappa's blog will be back up again. They're both game players.

  11. He was physically violent towards 2 women. then attempted to intimidate them. IGNIRING A JUDGES ORDER!! All the time blaming everyone else!! Between him and TM, I do not think I have ever read as many lies

  12. If he is paroled tomorrow, it will be a slap in the face to all victims of violence.

  13. This may forever haunt him and his ability to hold public office..........Ability to hold office?? Again, you are kidding everyone, right? He couldn't hold himself or his tongue. He has thrown the finger at any type of authority with the belief that he is one week ahead of everyone else. Guess what? He isn't ahead, he is instead incarcerated and receiving protection which is more than his family and ex-girlfriend received. Forgive and move on? In a society based upon social justice, once you cross a line, it is incumbent upon that person to pay back society. I don't see where that has even begun. Nothing that he has done while under legal pressure has shown he is willing to change and be a useful part of society. On another angle, he is 61, holding a serious criminal record thus rendering him unemployable, a former union hack, notorious in the community. His meager retirement will be pissed away if it isn't already spent on legal bills and still the question begs to be asked....where is the PAC money????? Keep this jerk off in prison and let us rest easy.

  14. If Judge Zito does parole him, then the judge should be removed from the bench, immediately. This would be a slap in the face to all who have been victims of predators like the Mediterranean manslab/douchebag. Keep the change Gregory!!

  15. Judge Zito has an obligation to be fair, not vindictive. He stated that, once an evaluation was complete, he'd consider releasing gregory. I think it will depend on Gregory and his attitude. He was obviously ill, but if he is responding well to treatment, and if his own ex is not opposed, the fair thing to do is release him ... on a short leash. The PO will likely have a lot of control over what happens to him.

  16. Bernie,
    What makes you believe that he has come to any sense regarding this? The man is certainly intelligent and can in all probability, fake out an individual looking to evaluate him. To think that he suddenly found religion and will be a model citizen is a pipe dream at best. I'm not convinced that he should fulfill the entire six month sentence but this short walk in the park is not enough. As you have mentioned, there are other issues hanging over his head. Releasing him is just giving a desperate individual more rope to hang himself and perhaps hurt others. I am quite sure Gregory is aware of potential charges and issues surrounding his freedom. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

  17. If he is released tomorrow it will be interesting to see how long it will take him before he is using social media to try to contact his ex. If he does he should be put right back in prison and forced to serve the rest of his sentence. Also, if he did try to make contact with her through other inmates, under no circumstances should he be allowed out early. In reference to the posting at 5:59 p.m.; he is the one with PFA's, contempt of court charges, possible illegal videotaping, possible misuse of PAC money, etc. He bought this on himself; no more excuses.

  18. It may be politically expedient to remove Jim from the Prison tomorrow, before he causes an insurrection amongst the Inmate's. If the D.A. is going to charge Jim with other Crime's....now is the time.

  19. First OJ then Greggy

  20. Lets pray that Mr. Gregory is released. He deserves another chance to show what a great person he is.

    If he stays in any longer he may lose his house and his car. The time for mercy is now.

  21. Using inmatesto contact his ex.... That must make her and her family feel real safe.

  22. I always considered the parole he was given initially, as the mercy from the Court. He fk'd that up by being an asshole. Now, 2:58 asks for mercy again for Gregory because, (sniff) he may lose his house and car. That's what happens to criminals.

    As for prayers, I'll pray for those he abused.

  23. Is the Mediterranean Manslab back on the market?


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