Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Will Mezzacappa Open Carry at Bethlehem City Council?

My Bethlehem Press colleague, Dana Grubb, is a great photographer. I've had an opportunity to work with him twice now, at high school graduations and am always amazed at his work. He's really an artist, much like blogger Michael Molovinsky or some of the people who take pictures for The Morning Call and Express Times. They are a special breed whose work at a public event might tell you more than the most carefully crafted story. But they keep no secrets, and are always willing to help out someone like me. For all his kindness, I have repaid Dana by getting him on Tricia Mezzacappa's hit list. Let me tell you the story.

On July 4, Tricia Mezzacappa took a break from bashing Jim Gregory's ex-girlfriend and came armed to Christmas City. She was there for a reading of the Declaration of Independence at Payrow Plaza. Hey, we all know how dangerous it is in that part of town. Although there were plenty of Republicans there, a library and church is in the vicinity. She could run into those damn Moravians, and they might invite her to one of their so-called love feasts. So she came prepared.

Dana was at this event, too, taking pictures for The Bethlehem Press. I was home, having overslept Nazareth's kazoo parade for the second year straight. I received three phone calls and texts from people at Payrow Plaza.

One of them sent me pictures.

When Mezzacappa later saw those pictures posted on my blog, she put two and two together and came up with five. She assumed Dana must have taken those pictures, even though I actually have a picture that includes both her and him. Next thing I know, she is attacking both Dana and some dude who reeked of weed.

That dude was actually Towelie.

Mezzacappa complains,
"I was unlawfully accosted and illegally detained by some punk in a yellow shirt and long hair [Towelie], standing next to that ghoulish wacko Dana Grube who was taking photos for the Bethlehem Press. In the presence of Grube , who was there to harass me, the punk said that I was unlawfully carrying a firearm without a license.

"Tempted, (but kept my mouth shut and left) I had a fleeing [sic] thought to show this ass what unlawful is, in regard to a firearm, like pistol whipping his face bloody and unrecognizable. ... "
After this, Mezzacappa sent my editor an email, complaining about Grubb, suggesting that he dump us both. Morning Call terrorist columnist Bill White has a copy, which he probably got from Obama or Kelly Gross.

According to White, Grube denies having ever met Mezzacappa or having interaction with her. But not being an award-winning broadcast journalist like me, White never spoke to Towelie. He tells me he was at the event, "helpin' people out with towel safety and proper towel use. It's important!"

"Wanna' get high?"

He can't remember what he said to Mezzacappa. In fact, he can't remember what he had for breakfast.

"Wanna get high?"

Mezzacappa, who is currently suing the District Attorney to force him to file charges against one of her admitted personal enemies, intends to be at Bethlehem City Council tonight.

"Stalking is legal for the untouchables, and Mr. Dana Grubb ( one of them) and Officer Peacock ( a lazy gun hating loser) will be the subject of courtesy of the floor at the next City of Bethlehem Council meeting."

In addition to Dana Grubb and Towelie, Mezzacappa also intends to complain about a Bethlehem police officer.

Will she come to the meeting armed? Will she be driving Jim Gregory's red camaro?

Stay tuned.


  1. Mezzacappa seems to have a lot of free time. Does she have a job? Or is she just another angry, unemployed troublemaker?

  2. I don't really know. I'm not a very good stalker.

  3. She is back on the market Bernie and she drives a red Camaro!

  4. When is some citizen going to annoy Mezzacappa to the point that She pulls out the Rosco and gets it shoved up where the sun don't shine? Her behavior is going to cause a train-wreck and bystanders will be hurt.She should cease and desist this outrageous behavior

  5. Mezzacappa is a train wreck waiting to happen. You can't open carry and threaten people. She should be taken to task. If you legally open carry, great for you. It is your right. If you legally open carry and make threats against other individuals you should be arrested and mentally evaluated. Pistol whipping or threat of pistol whipping someone in the face until bloody is not normal speech or normal behavior. Get er done before it is too late. Arrest her get the evaluation

  6. She has been going off the rails for some time now. Maybe tonite is the night she finally gets arrested because I don't think Bethlehem is going to put up with her nonsense like West Easton does.

  7. Constantly engaging her in Public discourse will allow her zealous vitrol to spew forth. Her own words will condemn her then. Please have a video cam handy & keep up the pressure! We can win this Legal battle to prevent Tricia from continuing to harm others, with more community involvement from concerned citizens of NORCO.

  8. Need a ride to the meeting Bernie?

    You 2 can have makeup sex...

  9. Would someone please ask the Bethlehem City Council tonite for a statement about Jim Gregory? Thanks.

  10. "Would someone please ask the Bethlehem City Council tonite for a statement about Jim Gregory? Thanks."

    Why on earth would Bethlehem City Council make a statement about Gregory?

    "You 2 can have makeup sex..."

    I never once touched this person. Or her pig.

  11. I doubt Tricia Mezzacappa will be at the City Council meeting. She's very brave bashing people from behind her computer keyboard. But she was AWOL when Jim Gregory was being convicted in court and hauled away in handcuffs. Coward! She was AWOL when attorney Rick Orloski tried to take her deposition. Coward! She's not ready for prime time. She doesn't have the guts to show up tonight openly carrying a gun.

  12. Bring a camera. Make sure the battery is fully charged.

  13. Please have a video cam handy & keep up the pressure!

    A video camera isn't necessary with witnesses. If there is any "pressure" on Mezzacappa she created it herself in the form of things she has said and done. As she likes to say, "Karma is a Bitch."

  14. Tricia Mezzacappa calls BPD Officer Peacock "a lazy gun hating loser." I don't know the officer but I Googled his name and came up with this bio from The Express-Times (July 11, 2012):

    "Grayson Peacock, 26, of Kunkletown, Pa., graduated from Pleasant Valley High School and served four years in the United States Marine Corps Infantry where he served three deployments in Iraq."

    I also learned that he graduated from the Allentown Police Academy as the "top shooter with a 99.3 percent average."

    That's the dedicated young man Tricia Mezzacappa chooses to trash while proclaiming her loyalty to convicted and jailed domestic abuser Jim Gregory.

    Good job, Trish. You prove once again that you are a self-centered fool who lacks basic human decency.

  15. If there is any "pressure" on Mezzacappa she created it herself in the form of things she has said and done.

    Like her latest blog talking about how she is taking DA Morganelli to court. Posting as her alias, Doug Camaro, she's looking for anyone to support her stupidity and personal vendetta against a West Easton Councilwoman.

    She's a hateful loser who thinks people actually give a shit about her.

    "Now is your chance , people of Northampton County, to show up in solidarity and support Mezzacappa. She is fighting a tough fight by prosecuting the DA. She will not be able to call anyone as witnesses in this hearing, that is why all of your faces need to be seen in court. If you support her cause, take a break from your schedules, do the right thing, and show up in courtroom 1."

  16. Quite an impressive curriculum vitae for Officer Peacock.

    Easton police, Bethlehem police, West Easton officials, Mayor Panto, Executive John Stoffa, DA John Morganelli and the judges have been putting up with her nonsense for years. She has been a total waste of their time. As a citizen, she has a right to be a pain in the ass, and they have have handled her with the patience of Job.

    Now she is crossing the line and going from being a pain in the ass to criminal.

  17. Are there convictable grounds to file a complaint with the D.A.? Private citizens should take action.

  18. Will the LV hold a Justice for Tricia protest AFTER she shoots someone...like the one for Trayvon?

  19. "Now she is crossing the line and going from being a pain in the ass to criminal."

    She crossed that line a long time ago. The numerous incidents you set forth in your defamation lawsuit could have been pursued as crimes: harassment, stalking, terroristic threats and false reports to police. She has victimized your lawyer and officials in West Easton Borough. She also has victimized Jim Gregory's ex. So far, her criminal liability has been limited to convictions for disorderly conduct and harassment. My guess is that is going to change soon.

  20. Hindsight is free. It is unfortunate that our tax dollars don't pay for foresight. This is a preventable tragedy with Soap Opera status. Then the Fed's get to ask what went wrong.

  21. See you in courtroom 1 on Friday Bernice, I'll bring facts and legal acumen while you bring a few members of the poison posse and a wardrobe befitting of a post apocalyptic panhandler.

  22. Tricia Mezzacappa says that on Friday she will be "explaining to a judge that prosecutorial discretion does not apply" to the leak of her application for a license to carry concealed firearms. She's pissed because - after the sheriff realized she is a dangerous nut - her license to carry was revoked. That's why she's now openly carrying a gun and threatening to pistol whip anyone who looks at her the wrong way.

    Mezzacappa, as usual, will be acting as her own lawyer on Friday. I'm curious. Did she learn about prosecutorial discretion while studying accounting in college? Or did she learn about it in nursing school or from one of her massage customers?

    Here's what the Pennsylvania Superior Court has said on the subject: "The district attorney is permitted to exercise sound discretion to refrain from proceeding in a criminal case whenever he, in good faith, thinks that the prosecution would not serve the best interests of the state...This deferential standard recognizes the limitations on judicial power to interfere with the district attorney's discretion in these kinds of decisions."

    I hoping this freakin' idiot's case is assigned to Judge Zito.

  23. Hey Tricia @ 2:38 PM - If you were gainfully employed you wouldn't have time for this nonsense. Remember that "idle hands are the devil's workshop." Get a job!
    Signed, Poison Posse Member

  24. Dear Poison Posse Member,

    If a witness to her illegal behavior would file a complaint, she would be convicted, and barred from possessing a firearm & working with vulnerable people.

  25. Can we as responsible citizen's form a Posse akin to Curtis Sliwa & the Gaurdian Angels with the purpose of bringing Tricia Mezzacappa to Justice. We are all talk and little action. Too little, not soon enough....or to Late. Tricia is just lookig for her "Perfect Justifiable Homicide". She has ex-husband abuse issue's, to which, Jim is currently fufilling.

    Is the writing on the wall not apparent?

  26. Clinton Oxford, armchair psychologist, reformed criminal, and mental midget. You sir have an alarming obsession with both Gregory and Mezzacappa my sincere recommendation would be that you show up for the Friday hearing and witness how a well researched Pro Se litigant approaches a grave injustice, in this case a DA's inability to prosecute the mastermind of a shocking breach of privacy.
    If you want to imitate Curtis Sliwa go right ahead the world could use more beret wearing buffoons.

  27. Doug Camaro said...
    "how a well researched Pro Se litigant approaches a grave injustice"

    To whom it may concern"

    You should be commended for your ability to navigate the Pro Se Judicial process. It means you are Intelligent. Your Pro Se status does not transfer from case-to-case & may need to be reviewed....base on your ability to pay Judicial Cost.

    Shall we play a game?

  28. Yeh you Peter J and Bernard can play circle jerk after court on Friday to lessen the blo

  29. "You sir have an alarming obsession with both Gregory and Mezzacappa "

    I am your welcoming committee. I have not arisen to your level....you have sunk to mine.

  30. Hopefully Judge Zito will also get to hear her appeal of her 6-27-13 conviction of harassment against the West Easton Borough clerk.

  31. With this heat wave, that masculinity from the prison can be smelt a block away. Jim is all svete'. Where is Norco Twink?

  32. "...witness how a well researched Pro Se litigant approaches a grave injustice, in this case a DA's inability to prosecute the mastermind of a shocking breach of privacy."

    Tricia, you are the mastermind. You breached your own privacy back in June 2012 by copying third parties (Mayor Panto and others) in an email to Sheriff Miller regarding your LTCF application. That's why, when the Sheriff responded to you, he also copied Panto and the others. Shocking!

  33. Doug Camaro, are you going on Friday to support Mezzacappa and Harvina?

    I wonder if the guy that reeks of marijuana is going to take some time out of his schedule to be there?

    Hey "punk with a yellow shirt and long hair", where ever you are... come forward and be heard, we want your side of the story!

  34. Will Brenda be in court Friday along with Naturesells and the rest of her imaginary friends?

  35. @4:22, Da Twink is in tha clink (intentionally) for getting airlocked in Center City Easton's fountain. He is currently petitioning Buskirk to get Jim G in his cell so he can service him with his kool aid coated pencil thin lips. He will not bottom for Greggy as there are rumors of his karate background make the possibility of a donkey punch too great.

  36. Don't forget to bring a towel

  37. One day, a dude bet his ass on being released on his release date.

    Later that night....the winner sauntered into the cell, with a towel & a bottle of lotion.

  38. "Doug Camaro" is just one of many names used by Mezzacappa to create the false impression that she has support.

  39. Sadly the Twink has been sent to Lehigh Countypp

  40. Clinton, very well played!! Do you want to play a game?---that is great. I do think someone---Trisha--needs to change her drawers after that.!!!

  41. Does anyone have the current commissary item list prices? Thanx.

  42. Lets be fair here. Hopefully the prison will take into account Mr. Gregory's age and at least house him in the air conditioned section of the prison. He is not a criminal. He made a mistake and is paying a heavy price. He may get the entire sentence thrown out on appeal.

    There is even a good chance that eventually he will have his record expunged and this imprisonment will be whipped from all public records.

    In one sense this is a huge and tragic misunderstanding.

    Mr. O'Hare I am sure you can at least see that. Please keep us informed of Mr. Gregory's condition while incarcerated. You should consider a visit an getting his side of the situation.

    1. Oh boo hoo. All Jim had to do was keep his mouth shut and stop attacking everybody including the judge.

  43. Let's be fair indeed. Gregory is a convicted criminal. He has been convicted twice for criminal contempt, a misdemeanor. He beat up two women. Then he began a pattern of intimidation and abuse on the Internet, which abused them even more. His real friends encouraged him to get help, and he refused. So now he will get help while he sits in jail. You are not his friend. You are an enabler. If it was your daughter being victimized by gregory, you would want him castrated. And no, he can never get this expunged.

  44. Gregory needs help but I doubt he will get it in prison. He needs a full medical and psychological work up and any pharmacology and psychotherapy and psychosocial supports recommended. Sadly this will not happen in jail. He also needs to stay away from blogs, papers, and polics for awhile. He needs to build his life back after this terrible episode.

    Clinton is a tool who knows only how to insult people and cut and paste PA codes. He is an anymous coward and politico back seat driver with a poor pen name. He is obsessed with making hateful remarks because he himself is insecure and has unfulfilled life. A bottom feeding blogger?

    Riddle me this Clinton....
    What does a pen name and real name have in common?

  45. Clinton Oxford is a real person and that happens to be his name. What's yours?

  46. Anon 10:07 and what do you suppose his victims need to rebuild their lives?

  47. Mr. Gregory was abandoned by his Democratic friends. He will now support Republicans.

  48. I can't think of a single Republican candidate that wants anything to do with Gregory

  49. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wdiPTyMuOyY/UeX7sn6N3DI/AAAAAAAAAFw/4j1LusGeLwE/s758/653ec7dd710162251c6.jpg

  50. "Gregory needs help but I doubt he will get it in prison"

    A motion can be filed to remand Jim to a Mental Health facility, in lieu of Jail. Do some Legal research Tricia.

  51. Tricia, if you need a copy of the sample motion, for Jim, I can e-mail it to you. You can file it on his behalf.


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