Local Government TV

Friday, July 12, 2013

Second PFA Entered Against Gregory

Following a 45-minute haring, Judge Leonard Zito has entered a seconf Protection From Abuse Act order (PFA) against Bethlehem Mayoral candidate Jim Gregory, ordering him to stay away from his sister, mother and their Bethlehem residence for the next three years.Gregory shook his head in disbelief, uttering "Amazing" as he walked to the rear of the courtroom.

Represented by Bethlehem Attorney Michael Deschler, Gregory's sister testified to an incident in May, when he pushed her to the floor, knocking her back three feet, cursing at her and then gloating as she lay on the floor. He did so knowing that she had five previous back surgeries. After being banned from the home, he returned earlier this week and began pounding on the door. He eventually let him in the back door, and tried to grab the phone out of his sister's hand as she dialed 911.

Gregory's defense? He was there in July to retrieve a firearm he might have accidentally left there. He also disputed his sister's account of the May incident, suggesting that she was under the innfluence of prescription drugs.

"Perception and reality are two different things," he said.

As his sister walked awaty from the well of the court, Gregory's sister was holding her right arm in the air, in obcious discomfort. But the pain in her face existed before the hearing and was obviously caused by her brother.

She and Gregory's ex-girlfriend, his other victim, hugged each other before Judge Zito began hearing the contempt case she filed against him.

Instead of flip flops, Gregory was attired in a suit and tie. His sidekick, Tricia Mezzacappa, was absent.

Testimony on Gregory's contempt case will continue after lunch. Gregory is claiming that nobody can prove that he is the person who is actually leaving Facebook and other messages for his ex.


  1. Update very much appreciated Bernie. Thank you.

  2. Yeah, this is good stuff!

  3. Very dissapponted in mezZ abandoning da slab, i woulda been like Tammy windette steadfastly iin a verticle state

    1. Bad things all too often happen to good people, jim g got railroaded by the norco justice system

  4. Was he going to turn the firearm in to the BPD?

  5. What a good friend TM is

  6. ...said the delusional enabler.

  7. I am embarrassed to admit this, but I cannot get enough of the Jim G. saga. If I were not concerned that he actually hurts someone, I would say I wished it would never end. I always wonder how he can one up himself, and somehow he manages. Please keep us updated, I am literally clicking refresh waiting to see what happens!

    -Embarrassed but can't help myself

  8. HaHaHa....above comment, so true!!


  10. I'm not praying for him...

  11. @ 1:43 Seriously....Mr. Mensa may be an effective union activist, but immature passive/aggressive blackball tactics don't work well with the Judiciary.

  12. It is about time Gregory gets what is so coming his way. Mr. tough guy is going to find out just how tough he isn't. My fear is that Gregory gets 60+ days and Mezzaloonie goes vigilante and attacks Lina. If for some reason Gregory does NOPT go to jail, this part of the judicial process should be reviewed and rebuilt.

  13. Im praying for trish mess to be thrown in jail.

  14. Not sure how effective a union activist he is since he was booted from Labor Council. I love his comments about how he is "strongly supporting" John Brown. Like his strong support means anything, anywhere. He is a waste of space. Bring on Northampton County Prison. At least they don't have to feed him lunch today.

  15. Cavity search...please bend over and cough Mr Gregory

  16. and he is now in jail


  17. No matter what legal outcome, Gregory, Trisha, AND the Blog Mentor are perfect examples of troubled individuals who would be wise to move out of the area and begin anew.

    Seriously, these folks need a CLEAN slate to work with.

  18. Why wasn't Tricia Mezzacappa there? Jim went to court with "the mess" two weeks ago when she was convicted of harassing a government clerk. Maybe she was too busy planning her birthday party or cleaning up pig shit.

  19. Will the City of Bethlehem have to move Mayor Gregory's swearing in ceremony to January 13th so he can attend?

  20. He has pledged his support to both John Brown and peg Ferraro.

  21. Wow, I guess the over won!! Yeah Jim, this was all a big conspiracy and the whole world is against you! Guess you have a new friend to cuddle with tonight Boo!!! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! At least Lina, his sister and mother can sleep safely tonight. As for the pig (s) I guess they are out of luck, bad luck that is. I guess Trish will have one guest less for the weekend..

  22. "Why wasn't Tricia Mezzacappa there? Jim went to court with "the mess" two weeks ago when she was convicted of harassing a government clerk. Maybe she was too busy planning her birthday party or cleaning up pig shit."

    She was in and out of the second hearing. She tried to start trouble before it started, claiming as i walked by that something stinks.

    Then, after the second hearing was over, she was poised outside of judge Zito's chambers, ready to pounce on him.

  23. John "downtown" Brown needs all the help he can get. But not from this clown. Callahan has my vote, all my family (who are Repos), and 80% of the people in Bangor. WORST! MAYOR!! EVER!!!


  24. "Gregory had announced his intention to mount a campaign in the Bethlehem mayoral race. He was later informed that because he is a registered Democrat, he could not run as an independent because the primary has already been held. He had planned on mounting a write-in campaign."
    I have to think he may be the mountee rather than the mounter. hahahahahahaha!! really LOL!!!

  25. Bernie O'hare, the Nancy Grace of the Lehigh Valley ...

  26. Complex needs 3 telephone books to reach the keyboard

  27. Hey, Complex is an athlete, and a very good one. I had no idea he blogged until just now. This is a bad year for me. But I hope to do a race with him this Fall or next year.

  28. If Gregory is 60 years old, then his mother must be in her eighties. It must have been very difficult for her to have to testify against her son in court. I'm glad that Zito saw through Gregory's obvious lies and placed him in jail. Hopefully, he will now get the help he needs.

  29. His mother is nearly 90 and did not appear in court. Only his sister. I felt very bad for her as she sat there. She had such a sad look on her face.


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