Local Government TV

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mezzacappa Seeks PFA Against Blogger O'Hare

I'm beginning to lose count of the number of times West Easton Wingnut Tricia Mezzacappa has sued me, but she's done it again. My writing about her ridiculous gun antics and her brief alliance with the now jailed Jim Gregory, have really set her off. People who suffer from histrionic personality disorder, as she does, don't handle criticism well.

She's been barred from applying for restraining orders against me without court permission, so she's tried something new.

The PFA.

That's right, she's filed under the Protection From Abuse Act, the very law she was criticizing on her poofed blog only last week. Now that Act applies to family members or people involved in some kind of relationship, not drama queens. But that did not stop Mezzacappa. She just claims, falsely, that we are current or former sexual or intimate partners.

In her petition, she claims my recent acts of abuse include writing about her firearm, her employer, allowing someone to list her nursing license number on my blog, blogging for two years that she is mentally ill, a liar, unfit to carry a firearm, and unemployable. She complains that I use my blog to "disgrade", embarrass and intimidate her, and am "alianating" her from jobs, the police and friends.

Let me stop for a moment and state, as clearly as I can, that I do consider Mezzacappa mentally ill, a chronic liar, unfit to carry a firearm and completely unemployable. I make these statements about her because they are true and because you have a right to know that this is one political hopeful who is malicious, totally out of her mind and downright dangerous.

If that embarrasses her, too frickin' bad.

If she thinks filing a suit will scare me from continuing to tell the truth about her, she should know better by now. Lord knows, she's tried it enough times.

Her claims about my writing provide no basis for a PFA. Nothing I write about anyone would put that person in reasonable fear of bodily injury. I am very careful about that, and delete any comments that suggest violence. Not one word I've written about Mezzacappa would ever place her in reasonable fear of bodily injury.

But Mezzacappa claims there's more. I walk by her house and drive through West Easton, she claims. The only times I've been to West Easton in the past two years have been to visit Borough Hall and, once, the treatment center. I have studiously avoided not just her house, but the entire street on which she lives.

She adds that when she goes to the courthouse, I am always there. That's because I search titles for a living. She complains that I follow cases involving her, and that's true. I believe the people have a right to know about her. In addition, I have a a libel lawsuit against her, and judgment has been entered against her. She protests that I attend public meetings. Too bad.

She also rehashes her now tired claim that in 2011, I kicked her pig. Originally, she claimed to have filed a police report about it. But I've been able to determine she made no call or report about this matter. This is odd because she's complained to police about just everything else, including her dark-skinned neighbors. So Mezzacappa changed her story and claimed the phone must have slipped out of her hand as she slipped in pig piss or something.


In 2012, things got really bad. She saw me at a West Easton Borough Council meeting and this infuriated her. She stormed home, and then called police to claim that I had fed her pet pig rat poison and left a note on her stoop saying, "Dead pigs make good ham."

The reason for this false report was her anger at me for daring to cover a West Easton Borough Council meeting. There never was any evidence tying me to anything because I never did anything. I believe she made the whole thing up because she suffers from histrionic personality disorder.

Now, she's embellishing the 2011 pig kicking story.

At first, she claimed that I kicked her pet pig, after which she agreed to go on a hike and even got a bite to eat with me after a fairly intense session. She claims I then attempted to intoxicate her and exposed myself or something of that sort.

That's version #1.

In March, she told Judge Beltrami that I raped her, too.

That's version #2.

I would think she might have remembered something that traumatic a little sooner than 2 years after the fact, but that's me.

In her written complaint to the court yesterday, she gave version #3. "I believe that he put drugs in my drink - because I woke up the next day with bruises and I didn't remember the ride home from the restaurant. Then he took off his clothes in my house and presented himself in my direct physical path - so I don't know if he raped me because I don't know how I got these bruises all over my body."

Judge Edward Smith, who was forced to listen to her bullshit yesterday, refused to grant a temporary PFA. He has scheduled a hearing for August 5, 11:00 AM, Courtroom 4.

That's when we'll all be subjected to Version #4.

I will defend this alone. My attorney has been savaged by her for simply doing his job. He does not deserve that kind of treatment. No attorney does. So she will deal with me. She will not like that.

I am tired of her repeated false statements, and suspect the Court is frustrated by her nuisance litigation. She is a chronic liar, is repeatedly lying to the Court that she has also insulted, and I intend to make that very clear. I believe her obviously false statements in open court are contemptible, and could be punished on the spot.

Just as Jim Greogory is being released, she may be going in.

Drama queens belong in a theatre, not a courtroom.


  1. Hey BOI, when Gregory gets out he is filing a PFA against you too.

    Its nice to be loved.

  2. "Then he took off his clothes in my house and presented himself"

    Who the Hell do you think you are O'Hare, Carlos Danger?

    I hope you at least washed up first and presented yourself well.

  3. Bernie,

    You should just own up that you did it (even though you didn't), apologize, and announce for mayor in NYC. You will be leading in the polls by tomorrow. :)

  4. "Dead pigs make good ham."

    Damn straight!!

    Be sure the sections of meat are preserved with a good salt brine mix, or smoked and cured in a smokehouse. I helped my grandfather when he butchered and I remember some of these lost skills.

    Do it right and you can be eating some of that dead pig all winter long.

  5. Earls prolapsed rectumJuly 25, 2013 at 2:10 AM


  6. "Judge Edward Smith...has scheduled a hearing for April 5, 11:00 AM, Courtroom 4."

    Typo? Should this be "August 5"? Or is the court date either in the past or next year?

  7. Be there on time Bernie and be sure to present yourself well. that means wash first and wear clean underwear. Or go freeballing like Jim Gregory.
    Either way, be sure to wash up.

  8. BO,
    You seem to be more obsessed with her than she is with you. Time to move on.

  9. This could explain why her blog went, "Poof!" and disappeared. She had written numerous times that you wanted a relationship, but it didn't happen. Her stories put a bit of a crimp in her claim that you were in a sexual relationship.

    Also, how many times has she hidden behind "(insert any name on her hate list) is a public figure" to write her insulting and disgusting accusations against them, or to simply call them nasty names? Even some private individuals, like Gregory's ex, she gleefully tried to destroy. It seems when she ruined other people's names in a Google search that was acceptable. It is her 1st Amendment right, she would claim.

    Mezzacappa received some perverse satisfaction in trying to ruin people with lies and accusations. She is now realizing the results of her past actions. To paraphrase her blogs' header, If she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

    While I'm sure you know how to present your position to the judge, do include her past writings that there was never an "intimate" relationship and remember that she'll probably claim the blog you copied them from isn't hers, as I think you said she had tried that against Garcia?

  10. Bernie,

    Be sure to challenge her character. Her "Innocence Project of Northampton County," that took up the cause for convicted pedophile Michael Piper, demonstrates her character sufficiently.

    I wonder if she ever thanked Jim G. properly for sending that pervert her way. Perhaps the conversation went something like this:

    Jim: Tricia, I've got a friend in here that told me a story just like mine. He said his girlfriend set him up and he was convicted because the system is corrupt. He didn't give me any details, but he's going to write you a letter. Publish it and we'll expose the entire system!

    Tricia: PERFECT!!!

  11. Aint no sunshine when she's gone

  12. The entire "Leaked LTCF fiasco" began when TM lied on an application form. Which is illegal.

  13. BOH, I hear the real PFA is being filed by the pig "Earl". He is having nightmares at the thought of being turned into picnic hams and chops. How would you take to being threatened to being a breakfast sausage or a liver pudding. Sorry you will lose the PFA fight with Earl. You can't kick a pig when he is down. I want guardianship over Earl if Mezzacappa is committed. I need some pork to grease the palms of local politicians supporting Earls real buddy, Jim Gregory.

  14. Then after she gets her LTCF approved, she announces it to the world on her blog. A normal person such as myself and 99.99% of gun-owners, keeps quiet about this.

    She goes on to state she would like to shoot a certain person resembling BO, first on her blog, then on The Express/Times website. The E/T removes her right to post comments, so she creates new characters like Doug Camaro and Matthew Deesnuts.

    After losing her LTCF, she begins to illegally carry her gun in her vehicle, and the vehicle of a convicted felon who is in prison. This is illegal.

    She then starts carrying her gun to public events, where she puts hundreds of people at risk. She starts several confrontations with others, and writes on her blog about assaulting these people.

    Bernie she is a meanace to society. Use her own words to convict her.

  15. I'm no supporter of TM, but like it or not, it isn't illegal listing references that wouldn't vouch for her. Stupid? Yes. Illegal? No. The Sheriff's office didn't do their job and thanks to a deputy it appears her having a LCTF has been corrected and the Sheriff has a larger staff to deal with the increase in applications.

    But, the subject of this blog isn't about her LCTF. It's about another waste of taxpayer money and the courts time hearing Mezzacappa's BS filing.

  16. Funny, I thought lying on a government form was illegal. Silly me. Next time I do my taxes, I will quote you.

  17. @8:30

    Feel free to quote me... in the context of listing references. You can choose anyone who knows you, to list as a reference.

  18. Why hasn't the Express Times reported this? They're usually right on the O'Hare/Mezzacappa saga. Must be that lawsuit against them, eh?

  19. Jesus, how much of my taxes is this woman slurping up that could be spent on other things? How ridiculous.

  20. How was the sex?

  21. Isn't Mr. O'Hare covered under "Freedom of the Press", reporting on a Political candidate, during an Election year?

  22. Bernie,

    If I remember correctly you won the libel case against her by default. What is the next step in that matter?

  23. "Feel free to quote me... in the context of listing references. You can choose anyone who knows you, to list as a reference."

    That's the problem, 8:40 AM. Attorney Orloski did not know Mezzacappa. He had never met her. He only knew about her in the context of suing her on behalf of a client. At the time his only interaction with her was a letter he sent a few days before she applied for the LTCF. In the letter, he notified her of the litigation, and she responded in emails by calling him names. It was all published on Mezzacappa's blog in April 2012. I suspect that listing Orloski (and Stoffa) had something to do with her psychological need to be a defiant asshole.

  24. "If I remember correctly you won the libel case against her by default. What is the next step in that matter?"


  25. Tricia what are you doing. You're selling me down the river LOL. Call me. We're having baked ziti for lunch again. They're killing me. It isn't even vegetable ziti. While I am here, I find I look pretty good in orange.lol. it goes with my tan. Going fricken nuts finding ways to scale this fence. It was easier to see the guvornor. LOl. Whatever you do, don't sell the camaro. Remember it has about 500 horses. That's a lot of oats to feed. lol We won't have to worry about oats after I sue these asshole. The omly oats we'll have to worry about is when we sew our wild oats. At our age, we'll probably have a crop failure. lol. This is a pretty friendly place. Just yesterday some guy named BUBBA winked at me and gave me two thumbs up. Waiting for my mental evaluation.lol These fricken people have no clue they're dealing with a "mensa mentality". I'll eat them for dinner, faster than earl eats that slop you feed him. Tell all my fans I still love them. All except you know who. lol Gotta go now. It's lights out. I take this time to reflect and I take myself in hand. You know what I mean. wink wink. No that wasn't meant for you Bubba. Sorry, fotta go.

  26. @10:23

    Please provide the statute that states it is illegal to provide a reference on any private, local, state, or federal form that would not give you a favorable review.

  27. Bernie,

    I'm sure you will be very well prepared at the hearing. However, I think you should find an aggressive lawyer to represent you for purposes of cross examination of Mezzacappa. If you try to question her yourself, the hearing will probably turn into a circus and you will end up looking as foolish as her. An experienced lawyer will be better able to expose her lies, under oath, once and for all. If you want to protect Rick, find another lawyer. I'm sure lots of people would gladly contribute to your legal defense fund. Just a suggestion.

  28. 10:42, I appreciate your suggestion and actually agree that danger exists. It is never smart to represent yourself.

    But it is simply unfair to ask any lawyer to have to deal with her any more than is necessary. Rick Orloski has been very good to me,. You could not ask for a better lawyer, for someone who really cares about his clients. People like me have given lawyers a bad name. But people like him help people.

    I feel very bad for him and his family and what they have had to put up with as a result of her histrionics. He has already dealt with several of her ridiculous motions. and the non-stop venom from her on her blog and elsewhere. So I will take this one.

  29. "Please provide the statute that states it is illegal to provide a reference on any private, local, state, or federal form that would not give you a favorable review. 10:37 AM"

    The implication of a character reference is that the person listed knows you, regardless of whether they would give you "a favorable review." Orloski did NOT know Mezzacappa. He had NEVER met her. In effect, she swore that Orloski knew her when she did not believe that statement to be true. Her false statement was intended to mislead a public servant (the sheriff) in the processing of her LTCF application. Check out Crimes Code sections 4903 and 4904.

    § 4903. False swearing.
    (a) False swearing in official matters.--A person who makes
    a false statement under oath or equivalent affirmation, or
    swears or affirms the truth of such a statement previously made,
    when he does not believe the statement to be true is guilty of a
    misdemeanor of the second degree if:
    (1) the falsification occurs in an official proceeding; or
    (2) the falsification is intended to mislead a public
    servant in performing his official function.

    § 4904. Unsworn falsification to authorities.
    (a) In general.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the
    second degree if, with intent to mislead a public servant in
    performing his official function, he:
    (1) makes any written false statement which he does not
    believe to be true;

  30. District Attorney John Morganelli exercised his prosecutorial discretion not to bring charges against Mezzacappa. If he had charged her with false swearing or unsworn falsification, and she had been convicted, she would have lost her nursing license. These are considered crimes of "moral turpitude" by the PA Board of Nursing. In this case, the DA's prosecutorial discretion worked in her favor.

  31. Charging her and convicting her are two different things. Although she was characteristically deceptive, don't know that there was enough for a conviction for the reasons already expressed here by an anonymous commenter.

  32. Thank you, Bernie.

    That statute applies to questions of "Have you been convicted of a felony?" and other statements of fact that is provided to direct questions on the form. No DA can make a case against somebody who lists a reference that didn't talk about them favorably. That's why references should be checked. If she had listed people and contact information that actually didn't exist, then I could see a case of knowingly falsifying the document.

    The Anonymous Commenter

  33. So, bottom line, it's OK to lie on a government application?

    the other commenter

  34. Attn: the other commenter
    perhaps you should look up the definition of reference.

  35. Her references could have surprised us all and said she was OK. No crime listing them. Just stupidity and desperation.

    The anomalous commentor

  36. Here are a few points...
    1. Some posts here that are anonymous are Bernie. There is no one else that knows that much information on this issue not to be him.
    2. Free speech does not extend to libel, character assignation, or preventing one to be gainfully employed. References about this woman and stopping her from employment will be a huge issue when court comes.
    3. A simple solution by a judge would be to put PFAs on both of them.

    1. 1. I post under my name and only under my name. She likes to accuse me of doing what she and her blog mentor do.

      2. Nothing I have written about her forms any basis for a PFA. She is wasting the court's time.

      3. At the hearing I will demonstrate conclusively that she is a liar. Judges don't like it when people lie to them. I will ask the court to take the appropriate sanction

  37. Title 23-Domestic Relation's, doesn't appear to apply to Bernie & Tricia, as they did not have the prerequisite relationship for Domestic Relation Statute's to apply.

    By Tricia's own admission's, they were neither a "couple", or "intimate".

  38. 2. Free speech does not extend to libel, character assignation, or preventing one to be gainfully employed.

    A point that Mezzacappa never understood. Mezzacappa did the damage to herself on her own blog. Some of the many examples:
    1. Writing that it was "too bad" a police officer didn't shoot a H.S. girl with a real weapon, instead of tasing her.
    2. Calling a victim of domestic violence a prostitute, other offensive names, and assisting her offender in continued harassment.
    3. Harassing a borough clerk and being found guilty of that harassment in a court of law.
    4. Threatening to drown a public official, and threatening to punch a borough solicitor. Pleading guilty of disorderly conduct for those offenses.
    5. Writing her fantasies of joy about using her gun to take a life with a hollow point bullet. "Kersplat. PERFECT!"
    6. Supporting a convicted pedophile, as an example of corruption in Northampton County.

    I could go on all day with things she's written and done that make her unemployable. A potential employer had to only read her blog to realize that they wouldn't risk their company, or personnel by having Mezzacappa on the grounds.

  39. PFA is not just for couples Clinton.

    As recent example from Gregory's family

  40. The only information posted here that hasn't come from a public source is posted by a named source - Bernie.

  41. Someone has a real fake lawyer hardon about references. Buy a dictionary. A request for a "reference" may cause one to logically "infer" you want someone who will vouch for your good character but it does not guarantee such.

    As to what Mezza did using Oreloski and Stoffa it seems odd but it is not or never will be a crime. she did not lie, she did not make up any names. In fact Stoffa had cordial conversations with her even telling her that her red shows gave him a hardon. As to Orloski, maybe in her demented mind she thought he was a "peer" even though they were professionally at odds that he would respect her as a person. Don't know and neither do you.

    The reasons are endless, your hatred of Mezzacappa is blinding you. The only culprit in the LTCF was the deputy who leaked the form and in my opinion Ms. Gross. The DA has decided not to prosecute her and that is his prerogative.

    Also, the county has not hired more sheriffs to call references as it is a waste of money and is not done by a majority of counties. It should be discontinued by the state, it is meaningless in 99% of the cases and would be not only a waste of money but take more time than one needs to wait under the law to get an LTCF.

  42. Gregory and te pfa holder lived together for 3 years. That qualifies her for a pfa

  43. She know's all of Jim's dirty secret's. We are still waiting for Jim Gregory's Tell-All Manifesto to be released....from behind Prison wall's!

  44. Edgar,
    It will not be long before Gregory is walking out of the Sally port, as you are walking in. He will hand you his orange jumpsuit, then speed away in his ruby red muscle car to re-load Mezz at the Rifle range.

    In two weeks flat he will be a greedy racist republican who is a lifetime NRA member, bible thumping pig lover, with closets full of swank designer shoes.

    Wait and see, Edgar...and while you're at it, please croak

  45. Mezzacappa, I can tell you that Gregory, when released, will have nothing to do with you. He may have learned the hard way, but he learned.

  46. The point isn't that a reference must vouch for the applicant. The point is that, in Mezzacappa's case, she listed a reference who didn't know her and had never met her. Their only contact was Orloski's letter informing her of an impending defamation lawsuit. Let me repeat: she listed a reference who did not know her and had never met her. That's dishonest and intentionally misleading.

  47. She should just ask the Sheriff if she could change her reference from Orloski to Jim Gregory. Problem solved.

  48. I have 50 bucks on Bernie, another 50 on trish getting sanctioned

  49. Is the Camaro a v6?

  50. Tricia is GUILTY!

    § 7512. Criminal use of communication facility.
    (a) Offense defined.--A person commits a felony of the third
    degree if that person uses a communication facility to commit,
    cause or facilitate the commission or the attempt thereof of any
    crime which constitutes a felony under this title or under the
    act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled
    Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act. Every instance where
    the communication facility is utilized constitutes a separate
    offense under this section.
    (b) Penalty.--A person who violates this section shall, upon
    conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $15,000
    or to imprisonment for not more than seven years, or both.
    (c) Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    "communication facility" means a public or private
    instrumentality used or useful in the transmission of signs,
    signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any
    nature transmitted in whole or in part, including, but not
    limited to, telephone, wire, radio, electromagnetic,
    photoelectronic or photo-optical systems or the mail.

  51. Bernie, of you think Gregory has learned any lesson you are sadly mistaken. Apparently he is far from remorseful and still thinks he has done nothing wrong.

    His victims are still in need of protection and he has yet to understand that he is and forever will be a con, a number.

    He is still trying to use people like he is trying to use Mezzacappa.

    No remorse from a woman beater is not sexy.

    1. I'm getting hints from some sources that he has cut Mezzacappa off completely and feels very badly about some of his behavior. If that is true, it is a good thing.

  52. The Camaro is a v6 and still parked at his dojo.

    1. That's a chick car not a hotrod

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Why is Jim being released from Prison before his 6 month's are up?
    So he can violate his Probation & recieve 6 more month's!

  55. If he is released, it will be after an evaluation.

  56. "he has cut Mezzacappa off completely and feels very badly about some of his behavior"

    It's called situational awareness.

    1. It's called losing your freedom

  57. Sounds like trish is getting good advice from the blog mentor. Wait until that relationship fails, Bernie will have a couple years of blog material.

  58. Must disagree Bernie. You don't know Gregory that well. He thinks of himself as smarter than anyone around. that would include any psychologist.

    He is ate very own local D grade Carlos Danger, he just doesn't get it. He played Mezzacappa because he could and she was playable. He stepped back when she was not useful. I know you hate her but she is far more ill and dense than Gregory. Frankly she was just another victim, willing but a victim just the same.

    He tried ne way to get out ad saw that wasn't working for him. He is now changing strategy. he will play the system to his advantage when given the chance.

    Hopefully the psychological evaluation takes into account interviews with people who have known this guy for years. This is more of his manipulative gamesmanship. Would not be the first time and in his case will not be the last time.

    The thing he and Weiner have in common is they think they are OK and the world is wrong, unless they have to pretend otherwise.

  59. I'd agree mezzacappa is far more ill and more dense than Gregory.

  60. "Hopefully the psychological evaluation takes into account interviews with people who have known this guy for years."

    It will not.

    Any concern's may be addressed to the sentencing judge's chamber's.

  61. There is NO way this court, nor any judge who does business there, is about destroying Mr. Gregory (and later Mezzacappa). The leash will be very long.

    I expect Gregory to be released soon to a treatment program that does not include incarceration.

    These are not common criminals, but troubled, maybe sick, individuals who are against the wall due to finances, depression, perhaps substance abuse.

  62. I'd agree with you. I don't think anyone, including Gregory's ex, wants him in jail any longer than necessary. And though Mezzacappa likes to utter death fantasies, I'd rather see her get help than a jail cell.

  63. I expect Gregory to be released soon to a treatment program that does not include incarceration.

    These are not common criminals, but troubled, maybe sick, individuals who are against the wall due to finances, depression, perhaps substance abuse."

    6 month's means 6 month's. There are Forensic Treatment Option's available to the Court.

  64. Re: the PFA, if it were even appropriate, it would seem TM is the one stalking Bernie. His work has him present in the courthouse. She is complaining he is *there* when she comes in. Hello, TM.-- If you don't like seeing Bernie there, how 'bout staying away?

  65. Hey all! I was googling "pig rape" and this was the first site which came up! Some good stuff here. Thanks.

  66. Clinton makes sense on the Gregory issue. Clinton, Gregory does not accept responsibility for his actions, he nmmever has in the past and he will again he will again, pardon the expression, con whomever he can to get what he wants. Now he wants out.

    I tell you within less than two months he will screw up if released.

    Does he deserve to sit in Jail?? Did his girlfriend and sister deserve to be beat? Did they deserve to be harassed?

    Mr. Gregory has a history of crazy. It has escalated to violent crazy.

    Unlike yourself Clinton, Mr. Gregory does not consider himself a convict now and a convict forever. His word against any other citizen in the future is worth crap in the eyes of the law.

    I get the compassion and I get Treatment but I don't condone violence, especially on women. I do not for a second think Mr. Gregory believes he did anything wrong. His personality cannot accept that. He will now start a new phase of his con on the public. Remember in his Mensa mind he is the smartest guy in the prison and able to outthink anyone..

    If released his victims must not hesitate for a moment if he violates any provision of his parole, he must go back to his cell.

    Thank you form your experienced perspective eon how this kind of crap goes down.

  67. Hugh Jassoal makes a good point.


  68. The point isn't that a reference must vouch for the applicant. The point is that, in Mezzacappa's case, she listed a reference who didn't know her and had never met her. Their only contact was Orloski's letter informing her of an impending defamation lawsuit. Let me repeat: she listed a reference who did not know her and had never met her. That's dishonest and intentionally misleading.

    But hardly illegal. That's what your opponent is saying.

    She could have listed Tony the Tiger or Anthony Weiner. It's not illegal. Stop.

  69. I do not know much about obtaining a gun permit. A quick google search revealed PA is a "shall issue" state and apparently that means references are often not checked. This incident revealed to the public that they are routinely ignored in our area. Of the parties involved prior to the leak, who was more likely to know how insignificant references are to obtaining a gun permit? What was the purpose of leaking the information?

  70. Pa is a shall issue state, but only AFTER the Sheriff conducts an investigation. References aid that investigation, but Sheriffs have not been checking them bc they are overwhelmed. In fact, when this was leaked, it did become very newsworthy. I am assuming the Sheriff who leaked it was trying to cast a spotlight on a problem. He was also probably trying to help out a friend, Kelly Gross, who has been victimized by Mezzacappa repeatedly. Her conduct has even included death threats. I would not call references an insignificant part of a LTCF application.

  71. Some points:
    1. The Sheriff was supposed to check references and if he did not then he should be held accountable.
    2. You can list anyone on the application.
    3. Kelly Gross needs to get charged and be held accountable for her scheme and crime.
    4. There is pattern here in NorCo that certain people are not hel accountable.
    5. One can transport a gun in a car unloaded.

  72. You are wrong. You cannnot transport a gun in this state, loaded or unloaded, in separate compartment or not, without a LTCF. There are common sense exceptions to this rule, spelled out in the law. But NO you may not get in your car with a gun without a license. I have linked to the law numerous times and am not going to do so in every post. That is the law. Stop posting misinformation. Violate it at your peril.

    If Kelly Gross is charged, Mezzacappa should be charged. The case against both is weak. It seems to me that the DA limited the law's enforcement to the sheriffs directly involved. While I do not think even the deputy should have been charged, I understand why Morganelli would hold law enforcement to a higher standard.

  73. "5. One can transport a gun in a car unloaded. 10:53 AM"

    Sorry but that's only true in limited circumstances such as going to and from a shooting range. Otherwise, transporting a gun in a vehicle without a LTCF is a felony. If you are violating the law, 10:53 AM, then you should be "held accountable."

  74. If character references were not important, the uniform application for a LTCF would not ask for them. They are an important safeguard. The burden should be on the applicant to ask each reference to provide the sheriff with a letter vouching for the applicant's character. Problem solved without expending additional manpower.

  75. The talk about charging Kelly Gross is crap stirred up by one spiteful individual, Tricia Mezzacappa. The DA made his decision regarding prosecutions. Keep in mind the Sheriff revoked Mezzacappa's LTCF upon further review of her application. And that's the issue she wants to distract everyone from.

  76. @11:37

    You got it right. The only one commenting about how Kelly Gross should be prosecuted is Mezzacappa. She's so jealous of Ms. Gross that she has continuously tried to degrade the woman and called for her resignation at every opportunity. Only Mezzacappa would be such an idiot as to challenge DA Morganelli's decision not to prosecute.

  77. "She could have listed Tony the Tiger or Anthony Weiner. It's not illegal. Stop. 8:47 AM"

    My understanding is that Miss Mezzacappa will have her day in court regarding the appeal of her LTCF revocation. Let her explain under oath to a judge the legal merits of listing as a reference Mr. Orloski, whom she did not know and had never met. "But your honor, it was not illegal. I could have listed Tony the Tiger. Now give me my license back."

  78. She can also bring up Stoffa's hardon claiming she thought that meant he would vouch for her.

    The media is still hiding that one.

  79. The media is hiding nothing. You are simply insane.

  80. The state and federal government spends upwards of 20 billion a year on marijuana. This money could be better spent on education.


  81. You're the worst character I ever met, Towelie.

  82. If I could get high I could remember the guys name who's running for governor. He supports the legalization of marijuana and other good things.

  83. John hangor, he has my vote. Kathy Kane is a nasyy


  84. You are wrong!

    2nd amendment stands!! Sorry

    You are allowed to transport a gun unloaded in a car from state to state and in this state. Look up federal precedents.

    According to the 2nd amendment one is allowed to bear arms period. No license at all!!

  85. John hanger and towelie could reform education by legalizing marijuana. Stop wasting money that could be spent on education and job training. 20 billion a year could be better spent teaching basic life skills and job training.


  86. If you are traveling from one state to another, I believe there are special rules in place. But no, if you want to open carry somewhere, and have to drive to get there, you need a license to carry. It does not matter whether the gun is loaded or in a separate container. I have checked this out with highly placed law enforcement officials and know I am correct.

    Also, the Second Amendment does not give you an absolute right to carry. Right now, I am reading a history of Northampton County. At one time, no gun sales were permitted without permission from local officials. And this was during a time in which people had good reason to be armed.

  87. District of Columbia v Heller, 2008
    McDonald v City of Chicago, 2010

    Again, a citizen has the right to bear arms. Period

    The next citizen needs to expand the fight and squash this nonsense once and for all.

    Our framers of the Constitution did not want citizens to not have the right to defend themselves against any tyranny including from their own government.

  88. Repeating your own nonsense does not make you right. You do NOT have an absolute right to bear arms. Period.

    In the Heller case, the US Supreme Court stated, "the right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose".

    For example, you have no right to march down the street with a bazooka or a rocket launcher. The state has an interest in protecting us from you if it deems that you are a wingnut. In fact, we could use a few more safeguards to protect against people with mental issues like Mezzacappa.

    By the way, the Supreme Court has a little more validity than some anonymous comment.

  89. I Think readers can research the cases and conclude for themselves.

    There is a reason most guns in this country are not registered.

  90. If you cannot get a lctf you probably shouldn't own a gun


  91. Bernie

    § 6106. Firearms not to be carried without a license.

    a. Offense defined. -- Any person who carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license under this chapter commits a felony of the third degree.


  92. In her petition, she claims my recent acts of abuse include... allowing someone to list her nursing license number on my blog...

    If you actually want to respond to this particular part of her complaint she had made this publicly available, before it was posted to your blog.

    From one of her websites, www.triciamezzacappa.com:

    Trcia (sic) Mezzacappa is a licensed RN in the Commonwealth of PA, license number RN548717. Verification of this license can be done on this web link http://www.licensepa.state.pa.us/. A clean criminal history through the PA State Police was run in April 2013, and is available upon request.

    I wonder if her criminal history is clean after being found guilty of criminal harassment in June 2013?

  93. Her nursing license is public information that she has listed herself.

  94. On July 9, Tricia Mezzacappa wrote a blog entitled "Let's Have a Discussion about PFA Laws, and What They are Designed to Do." In her blog post she complained that she had been unable to file for a PFA against Bernie O'Hare because she had been told by court personnel that she didn't qualify.

    She wrote: "Ask baked Zito why the judicial system will not protect me from this abuse. I'd love to know the answer. All of my filings go in the garbage, thanks to John Morganelli, and the lazy PFA staff at Northamptom County who tell me I don't qualify."

    Mezzacappa didn't qualify because she and O'Hare had not been married to one another, had not been living together and had not been involved in a "sexual or intimate" relationship. At least one of those conditions is required under the PFA statute. Court personnel told Mezzacappa she didn't qualify. She knew she didn't qualify. So what did she do? SHE LIED!

    A couple weeks after publishing that blog post Mezzacappa filed for a PFA and falsely said she and O'Hare were involved in a sexual or intimate relationship. In the meantime she conveniently removed her entire blog from public view. Was she trying to cover up her July 9 statement and other contradictory evidence? Of course she was. That's what liars do.

    The Petition for a PFA that Mezzacappa signed and filed ends with this: "The facts and statements contained in the above Petition are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements are made subject to the Penalties of 18 Pa. C.S. §4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities."

    I hope the hearing on Monday focuses squarely on Mezzacappa's intentionally false statement that enabled her to get this case on the court docket. The judge should sanction her for wasting everyone's time. In addition, O'Hare should insist that she be charged under Section 4904. He may be able to make that demand directly to DA Morganelli, whom I understand Mezzacappa subpoenaed as a witness. Wouldn't it be fitting if Judge Zito is presiding?


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