Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jim Gregory Defends Geniuses

The wisdom of Jim Gregory:

"OHare is on his blog daily mocking Gregory's Mensa IQ. Gregory laughs about it and could care less.

"However, it should be pointed out that there are actually way more gays, God bless them, out there then Geniuses. That makes one with a genius IQ. A distinct minority. People with the IQ of a toad, like OHare and Bill White, love to mock people like Gregory because it makes them feel superior. They aren't, they are pathetic , pathetic bullies just as those losers who pick on gays and other minorities It's sad and they are depraved individuals. Many people see a high IQ. As a blessing but once it's out there and you are " outed". As Gregory. Has been , you are equally mocked with derision by those who feel threatened, just as any minority. That is why Mensa was formed. It wasn't to say we are great and we are special. It was formed for self protection. I'm sure Gregory is seeing why. What he sees through his lens on life is different than what others see. Many brilliant men , and especially women, are and have been prosecuted and persecuted for seeing beyond what others do."


  1. Counting down the time before Gregory wins a libel suit against O'Hairy, tic tac tic tac tic tac....

  2. Jim, you are just not as smart as you think. the lens you are looking through is called mental illness.

    There are treatments available for your "curse".

  3. I know of no geniuses who haven't mastered proper use of commas, periods and quotation marks. I know a few fourth graders who still write this way, but no geniuses.

  4. Just so I understand this. a genius is always attacked like gays. However abusing women even family, is ok because you are a genius.

    He is right. I cannot see life through his lens. maybe I need some lens cleaner.

  5. If this article contains the actual words of JG he is really in need of some serious help. Fridays court appearance should be quite interesting. I would assume his family and friends have repeatedly tried to get him help but he has refused and now finds himself in a very serious situation. I don't see how he could possibly think things are going to get better for him. It is pretty bad when your family has to have you escorted from their house and file a PFA against you. There is no doubt that he either needs to be in a treatment center or jail. At least that way he cannot harm anyone. He seems to be out of touch with reality at this point. Sad.

  6. Well said Jim, O hare has lost everything in HIS pathetic life....the only thing He has is this toilet paper blog.....Keep your chin up and You will shine....You have My votr for Mayor!!!

  7. Jim should run for mayor of CrAzYtoWn. Is campaign work eligible under work release?

  8. My vote is for Gregory. he is a perfect fit for Bedlam. Home grown genius.

  9. Gregory is not from Bethlehem he is from quakertown. He is a product of that public school system.

  10. Jim Gregory, the genius, thinks his new squeeze, Tricia Mezzacappa, is a "brilliant girl." He compares her to Abraham Lincoln. Seriously. He said on her WEFP blog: "I once read a piece about Abe Lincoln's IQ. They said one of the proofs of that was strong reaction to social injustice. Tricia is blessed or cursed in the same regard." He concludes his comment with this big announcement: "Gregory has formed an alliance with her to fight these lies and bring forth the light and truth of these matters."

  11. Bernie the latest entry by Gregory on WEF under PFA discussion is a direct attack on his ex. He tells her if she proceeds she will be going to jail. He threatens any and all who oppose him.

  12. "Lina has been used through this whole episode by Callahan, Morganelli, and Stoffa. The sad thing is that she isnt even aware of it. Probuddy Cohen, asked her to consider a joint PFA before Zito's hearing. She said no. Now, she'll have to live with the consequences. Robin will be there to testify about the recording device. Lina will be arrested for giving false information to Law Enforcement. Lina will also be charged with purjury once Jims witnesses testify. She can also be arrested for taking a picture of her and Jim fighting without his permission. If there is sound, even those morons like Detective miller woukld realize she broke the wiretapping laws in Pa. She also can be charged with theft. The computer she stole from Jims home was his and his alone. He purchased it before he moved in. The police department will be sued and sued for millions for their illegal search and seizure. Although Rybak talked gregory away from Gary initially, Gary "the Hammer " Asteak will be his lawyer for the suit and the criminal case. No more Pd's like Batman who give wrong advise!!!!! Its Asteak all the way for the suit and the criminal hearing. Everyone involved in this sordid episode of lies and deceptions will be fried
    to toast and marshmellows. Except Lina. Jim, being the fool he is, still believes in her. Why? Only Harvi knows. Yea, found out that Jims new Bo is named Harvi, short for harvina. She is harvey's twin sister. Throughout his life Jim always dated mostly tall women except those he married.
    Anyway, since Lina left, Harvi is his girl, lock, stock , and Barrel!!!! She knows he still loves Lina but doesn't care. As long as Lina's gone, she's happy. As he always told lina, possession is nine tenths of the law, lol...He is happy as a clam. She'll even get conjugal visit if he goes to to jail. Cant wait. No more women in the house with harvina there but she allows overnight stays, lol. She thrilled with his divorce filing..."

    This is just wrong!

  13. @ 2:34 None of his allegations are relevant to the matters before the Court, therefore, won't be heard. Even with an "offer of proof" as to relevance.

    The Trier-of-Fact, is free to believe All, Part or None of the testimony given. The simple fact that Jim's victim showed up at the Court Hearing, says more to the Judge, than anything Jim could possibly say.

    Gary Asteak doesn't perform miracle's for under 5 figures.

  14. So Harvey is a love doll, who knew?? I guess we can start the over/under pool again. I'm feeling like 60 days is a winner. Then we can start another one on when his car gets repossessed. No shoes, no shirt, no dice!!! Pucker up Jimbo!!!

  15. "Anyway, since Lina left, Harvi is his girl, lock, stock , and Barrel!!!! She knows he still loves Lina but doesn't care. As long as Lina's gone, she's happy."

    Is it possible that Harvi (Harvey's twin sister) is Tricia Mezzacappa and the reference to "lock, stock and Barrel" is a reference to the barrel of Mezzacappa's gun, which she now openly carries? If so, veiled mention of a gun barrel is not very smart under the circumstances. Stop digging, Jim and Tricia!

  16. Man, there's a novel in this morass.

  17. Sounds to me that Gregory will be allowed to cross examine his accuser and witnesses as well as testify this time.


    Because he now has an attorney.

  18. Hopefully his attorney advises him how to act in court as well as how to dress!

  19. " he now has an attorney."

    I hope so bc he needs one.

  20. " I'm feeling like 60 days is a winner.

    I'm saying 30.

  21. "Jim Gregory, the genius, thinks his new squeeze, Tricia Mezzacappa, is a "brilliant girl." He compares her to Abraham Lincoln."

    They do look alike.

  22. JG's a member of Menses. It's a select group of weird guys who have steroid wieners and shave their privates. If making a bitter mockery of the judge and his signed order is a winning tactic, JG may indeed be Mensa material. I'm seeing the book being thrown at him. I'm seeing 90 days. Once in there, I see it spiraling rapidly downhill, with additional charges and/or wedding bells.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Yet he can't figure out when to use a period


  25. His lens is grammatically flawed and his logic is as twisted as his sista, MessedupLuna, the Beast from W-East.

  26. I'm seeing all the shit leading up to something bad happening. This isn't mental illness, it's deviant behavior and it's getting serious. These judges and cops, I hope, see that and are reacting to it. What I see are serious, thinly veiled threats, and posturing to support those threats, and an indifference to the consequences. I hope the targets in this situation are taking this seriously.

  27. I am sure that the Mediterranean manslab with his dark complexion and petite features is ready for prison. His karate prowess combined with his Mensa genius and unique life lens will make him King of the cellblock.

    That or the Queen of the cellblock.

  28. Oh, by the way, you have more enemies than Bernie!!!

  29. Wow 8:32, tell us how u really feel!

  30. anon 8:32 is not ambiguous about his feelings for Mediterranean manslabs.

  31. I do what I can....

  32. Seeing all the mistakes in that entry and his troubles, I can only assume his "genius" is in the form of being an Idiot Savant. He's an expert at ruining his life.

  33. "keystone cops but with Harvey's help he will exact payment. Miller is going to pay big time. Hope the blow job was worth it Lolita"

    Is there a threat to a police officer in there?

  34. "Defective Miller, Callahans water boy and the Lolita's latest conquest has filed another search warrant for Gregory's house today."

    The saga continues?

  35. Bernie,
    We are missing something here as three times to search for nudity pics seems outlandish and excessive.

  36. What is the over/under that on Friday Gregory will be doing the jailhouse rock?

    If he does go, I bet he is the prettiest inmate.

  37. The answer to all of Gregory's problems lie right here in this link:


  38. Doubtful Friday will go as the rapist OHare and his phony characters think. A dead toad is smarter. Than Bernie and prettier. Gregory defended no one or nothing anywhere. As he will point out to Zito, the Bethlehem PD have all his electronic devices. Oops, there goes all her contempt charges down the tube
    Then , when his witness testifies that Lolita knew of the surveillance camera a year ago, bang, Lolita will be getting attention from the lesbians in jail. Ouch, that hurts! Best bet, don't show up Lolita. Robin will be there and you'll be arrested by your new lover, detective Miller.. Sucks for u.
    TM. PS. Mensa, Mensa, Mensa. Eat up, lol. WEF.

  39. It is called "Due Process."

    And we are supposed to believe you because ... ?

    Because this whole time your statements have been soooo true. And not one thing has been capable of shredding anything or poking any holes of doubt through your defenses!

    Come on. Both you and your new found friend, even your Blog Mentor have been proven wrong. Multiple times.

    I wouldn't believe one word out of your mouths (plural) if Elvis himself came back to life and told me to trust in you.

    Grow and set and step up to the plate. You have nothing else to lose. At least do the honorable thing and take your punishment like a man. Because you and your new friends have cried like bitches for these past several weeks.

  40. "Best bet, don't show up Lolita"

    More victim intimidation. You do have a mental density problem and complete contempt for the rule of law.

  41. @2:45 A.M. You demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge of the Law & Judicial Process.

  42. The bullying, intimidation, and harassment on West Easton Footprint is getting worse and worse. I hope that the police and courts are watching everything closely. Hopefully more contempt charges will be filed. At this point he probably needs to go to jail. I find it interesting that he doesn't appear to say anything about the PFA his own Sister and Mother had to file. What excuse could he possibly come up for that. Does he not have one ounce of respect for his family. I believe he is very ill at this point; however, it cannot be used as an excuse for his very scary and illegal behavior. It is only a matter of time before someone really gets hurt and I hope the court recognizes that tomorrow at the hearing and either put him on a psychiatric hold or put him in jail.

  43. The 2:45 AM is obviously from Gregory and is definitely another attempt to intimidate his ex. He does this so easily that I can only conclude he has spent a lifetime abusing women psychologically. I feel very sorry for his family. I did feel sorry for him, but not anymore.

  44. Not long ago, I surmised that Gregory's recent deterioration could be physical or could be the result of a gambling addiction. I do think it is the latter. I am hearing more and more about his financial woes. Even he is beginning to admit it.

  45. Financial problems are certainly not surprising. My question is....where is all the PAC money that he raised? The PAC was never approved yet Gregory took money and some of it cash. He should be charged for fraud as well. Then again, anyone stupid enough to give this moron political money deserves to lose it.

  46. I went to the union hall on the night of his fundraiser bc i had heard about the charges that day and wanted to speak to him before writing about it. When i arrived, i did see him counting a bit of cash, but cannot recall how much. If he accepting money or a PAC he never formed, he did defraud people. But they have to notify authorities before charges can be filed.

  47. Detective Walsh of the DA's Office should pay Tricia Mezzacappa a visit to question her about her blog and how she has used it to intimidate the victim and witness in this ongoing case. Pistol-packing Trish needs to be taken down along with her new BFF Jim Gregory. No great investigative skills are required by the detective. The evidence is all there in writing. Simply log on and hit print.

  48. "Not long ago, I surmised that Gregory's recent deterioration could be physical or could be the result of a gambling addiction."

    Sometimes, we over-analyze things.

    Maybe his issues result from one simple factor: He's a tool. He was a tool, he is a tool, and I suspect he will always be a tool.

  49. Delusions of grandeur. Paranoia. Conspiracy theories.

    These are just a few of the things any reader can tell about Mr. Gregory, based on Gregory's OWN WORDS.

    It won't be long before the TM/JG alliance unravels. You can't store gasoline and explosives next to each other for long - an explosion is imminent.

  50. "So Morganellis office keeps signing these ridiculous search warrants to rape Gregory's house. The second one was so badly done (they had probable cause to seize the wrong computer). That they had to file a third warrant."

  51. Word is Norco twink has had to have himself committed. his excitement over the release of video and pictures was just too much.

  52. If he only had a brain

  53. Hooray for the Blue Grill!


  54. It's like Christmas Eve. Asshole is going to jail. Reality is going to hit and hopefully justice will be served. Mensa THIS!!! Thief!! Maybe I'll go to the Sands this weekend because it will be a lot cleaner!!!

  55. WHAT kind of ASS-Hole wants to bring a gun into a restaurant for their birthday party? And then tells the world about it? Criminally Insane!

    If the DA doesnt do something about this menace, something very bad will happen. Her firearms should be removed ASAP!

  56. I am a member of the NRA and I want to protest Mezzacappa.

  57. He was in Court today (Thursday), to seek a continuance of his PFA hearings. I understand his request was denied.

  58. She gives responsible gun owners a bad name for attention only. I hope somebody doesn't get hurt by someone under the influence

  59. Innocent people don't seek to delay their day of exoneration.

    The awesome Gary Astek couldn't get a continuance for Jim?

    Is Jim suicidal? He has no way out.

  60. Agreed. To extend a PFA is lunacy!!

    The burden of proof is on the accuser and if you are innocent you want it cleared up right away.

    But in this case it does not seem this person is makin sound logical decisions. Truly sad what this has become.

  61. Bernie, was Gary Astek there representing Gregory?

  62. So far as i know, he was by his lonesome.


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