Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Gregory Cyberbullying Leads to Contempt

Following a one-hour hearing in a crowded courtroom, Judge Leonard Zito has put an end to a one-month Internet campaign of intimidation and bullying from Bethlehem Mayoral hopeful Jim Gregory. Judge Zito entered a Protection of Abuse Order (PFA) against Gregory, ordering him to stay away from his ex-girlfriend for the next three years. In addition, Gregory was found guilty of indirect criminal contempt on the first of three citations that have been filed against him since entry of a previous temporary PFA. He was sentenced to a fine of $300, as well as six months of supervised probation. Zito deferred taking evidence on the second and third citations for contempt.

Gregory was festooned in flip flops and a shirt that could be described as pink, mauve or burnt orange. He was accompanied by femme fatale Tricia Mezzacappa, who attempted to have me ejected. Gregory signalled her to stand at his side, but deputies would not permit her in the well.

Represented by prominent Allentown Attorney Leighton Cohen, Gregory's ex testified to an assault on May 15, the entry of a temporary PFA, and subsequent contacts she received from Gregory, both by texts and on Facebook. Her testimony was corroborated by a mutual friend, who also described visible injuries.

Gregory had no witnesses. He was provided subpoenas yesterday, but never served them. Steelworkers union boss Jerry Green did come to the hearing, but was never called as a witness.

There were between five and six deputies in the courtroom, a pretty good indication that Gregory's conduct has concerned County officials.

"What am I gonna' tell my boys," Gregory was heard saying in the hallway, after the case was over. He can tell his boys that he is now a confirmed cyber bully who beats up women. He can now brag that he has a criminal record because indirect criminal contempt is considered a misdemeanor. He can even brag that his record will never be expunged.

Did he learn anything?

I doubt it. My guess is that he will violate probation and Judge Zito will hear the second and thr\ird counts of criminal contempt hanging over Gregory's head. One courthouse observer claims he won't make it through the weekend. My prediction is one week.

The Over/Under on a Probation Violation, Updated 10:15 PM: I'm giving it a week. Another friend says ten days. But a third courthouse observer, who claims Gregory won't make it through the weekend, appears to be headed to a free cup of coffee from my personal stash.

After a few hours of silence, Gregory has started up again, this time in response to The Express Times story about his hearing. He's apparently lost all respect for Judge Zito and wants the DA's office investigated, even though it has nothing to do with the PFA. His attention-seeking pal, Tricia Mezzacappa, claims Hizzoner "needs to be dumped into a convalescent home for past prime lawyers and judges" and that Greogry is being "unjustly persecuted" because of his Bethlehem Mayoral bid.


  1. Zito didn't do anybody any favors here. If the judicial system is not going to enforce a PFA, then why do we have them? Gregory is crap and on the way to more bizarre behavior. I hope Lina stays far, far away. He wont last the weekend.

  2. JG is the same as Mezzacappa. The urge to continue posting on the Internet will be uncontrollable. I would bet something new will be seen before Friday.

  3. can we have a pool?

    I say he violates the pfa tomorrow, 8 PM.

  4. I'll take the under. He's unhinged by noon.

    Jimmy The Greek

  5. festooned = brilliant. For some reason that made my day. Thanks .

  6. Bernie, based on the info you gave me yesterday, I went to courtroom #4 with Judge McFadden presiding. Apparently it was the wrong room. I actually saw you walking in from the outside when I was going down the hall to #4. What room was it held in?

  7. It was in #3. It was moved. I almost was there myself.

  8. Who was the Atty representing Gregory? 3 years no contact seems pretty strict. No one wants a women to be abused but PFA's are widely abused. Wonder what Judge Zito saw, I find him a pretty fair Judge.

  9. I believe I pointed out that Gregory represented himself. Judge Zito asked Mike Corcoran to stand in as a stand by. Three years is the standard on a PFA unless the parties agree otherwise. Given the number of comments here and on F/B that were obviously from Gregory, Judge Zito had every reason to be concerned. Yesterday alone, Gregory was making remarks claiming that his ex is too beautiful for this world. He needs to be kept far away.

  10. His outfit was him hoping to get locked up over the holiday weekend and party at the YMCA...

  11. Let's hope that Gregory will become old news fast and his days of infamy are OVER.

  12. Will this conviction prohibit his employment in Human Services & Public Office?

  13. Did Zito let him introduce his sex tape. Or discuss his tie in to Callahan and Morganelli?

    Also on the Express article, Gregory has already post5ed that Zitos's opinion was an outrage and insane. He is appealing and wants the trial in another county. He is right, the judgment was an outrage the abuser should be in jail. This will have zero effect on him. he is crazy and dangerous.

    I give props to the young woman for standing her ground. Did she appear sincere and fearful to you BO?

  14. 7:03. I believe he has already been canned. Not sure but that is the word in the Department.

    He is going to try and collect unemployment but the county will probably fight it.

  15. Considering what he does, his past insubordination, and the evidence that he was using client Sands cards, I don't see how the County can do anything other than fire him. He will sue, but I'd rather see that than a client sue the County over his abuse.

  16. I guess his "enabler" friends were there.

  17. 7:07, Judge Zito did not let him get into any of the bullshit he has been trying here. His ex girlfriend, aside from being quiet and nervous, did very well.

  18. 7:17, Mezzacapp, one of his enablers, was there. Jerry Green was there, but not to encourage his wacky behavior. Maryann Schmoyer, who "likes" everything he has posted on Facebook, was a no show.

  19. I don't think Gregory has the balls to repeat his past contact attempts. He's been caught, spanked, and warned. He knows that if he does it again he will be needing a chastity belt for his ***hole and a Hannibal Lecter mask for his big mouth that gets him in trouble. The big bad Karate Warrior would end up being the Bukkake Bitch for an entire cell block, for the price of a pack of cigarettes.

  20. 6 months of no imbibing alcohol, or patronizing establishments that do, while on Probation? Jim will be violated the moment he says Fuck You his P.O.
    He will not comply willingly. If past actions are predictive of future performance, Jim's personality will defy Authority & correction leading to his incarceration. He has not yet made the mental transition from Respectable Citizen-to-Scumbag Convict.

  21. He can't go into a bar for six months? what else does probation prohibit? If it prohibits spray tans, he is screwed.

  22. I am sure dressing like a Mardi Gras float really helped his cause (eyeroll)

    If it looks like a douche, dresses like a douche and acts like a douche...

    Mezzacappa is no better. Water seeks its own level and both of them are sub-catacombs.

  23. Remember, this is the first hearing on a contempt charge. He has two more coming.

  24. case by case basis as to his conditions. Non-compliance with an official Order is no longer a option. Jim is now a Convicted Criminal & has lost certain rights because of it. His house can now be searched @ a moments notice without a warrant. He can also be stripped searched. He is in for a rude awakening.

  25. Please don't tell me that was him commenting on the Express Times article from today's hearing.

  26. Mezzacappa's WEFP entry and her comments put to it do nothing but damage Gregory further. To imply JG is being "persecuted" because he is a write-in candidate for Mayor is ridiculous. As if he ever had a chance and is seen as a viable candidate. He never had a chance at winning.

  27. "He can also be stripped searched. He is in for a rude awakening."

    Careful with the language there Clinton. Norco twink read that line and had an episode. Word is he is petitioning the BPD to do the search.

  28. It's getting weird on here

  29. Still think that picture is really weird. Sort of like some kind of gay porn picture. Creepy smile.

  30. Old Jimbo is on the Express site making an even bigger ass of himself.

    That pales in comparison to what is being written as "Anonymous" comments on Mezzacappa's WEFP. Personal address information, accusations of prostitution, vulgar name calling, etc. Gregory's ex will need to get another PFA against The Mezz. On that one I'd set the over/under for a violation at 30 minutes.

  31. I believe "probation" for a PFA does not require you to report to a probation officer. You are on probation for the offense but if you violate the order you will be sentenced to jail.
    Jim claims that he has a mensa rating of 132. He admittedly took the test on-line and was never tested by the "Mensa Organization". If he had a IQ of 132 "mensa rating" he would not be in this trouble. What do you think his real IQ would be.

  32. Arriving to court in flip flops at 60 years of age is very disrespectful to the court, which was done on purpose I would assume. After reading his comments on the Express Times article it is clear he learned nothing. As to the comments on West Easton Footprints, they look like cyberbullying. I think after this hearing he really has no credibility or respect in the community and very few friends left. Unfortunately I think he will be charged with contempt again in the near future. I am very happy and proud that his ex stood up to the bullying and harassment. He needs to take responsibility for his actions.

  33. Maybe he was in flip flops because he spent his money on Mezzacappa's high heels.

  34. Only a fool or an arrogant person goes to court dressed like that.

  35. Jim & Tricia are obsessed with harming this woman. Private citizens are encouraged to put a stop to it by any means available.

  36. "I believe 'probation' for a PFA does not require you to report to a probation officer."

    I do not know but will find out. The judge called it supervised probation.

  37. Gregory is an immature imbecile whose 15 minutes of fame are about to end. He will lose his job and all credibility. He will turn vicious and attack everyone who has "wronged" him, including Stoffa. But the county will be better off without this nitwit as an employee.

  38. " Private citizens are encouraged to put a stop to it by any means available."

    I am sure you mean by any LEGAL means, but am adding this to make it clear.

    I just was over and looked at the disgusting things posted. I owe someone a cup of coffee. He'll likely be arrested next week.

  39. Posted on WEFP "Anonymous Thursday, July 4, 2013 at 7:06:00 AM PDT
    How stupid are he dent and Brown people.
    Gregory has reams of stuff on Callahan and hell give it to them free of charge if they ask. C'mon Shawn, be smart. Gregory is pissed because the police have his stuff. He's ready to crush Callahan. Even if that corrupt ziti makes something up and jails Gregory! He can still get visits from the press. Gregory would love it in prison. He could sing like a caged bird and blow them all away. There's be a riot there the first week he'd be in. Better have the cops run his stuff back Dents boys are on their way. Why would they spend millions to beat you when they can get this stuff free from Gregory???????"

    Gregory is going to "SNITCH"? Will you RAT on your Union Brothers too?
    Loose Lips Sink Ships

  40. So if we are to believe Gregory, his girlfriend was/is a prostitute and Jim knew about it, including those she allegedly sold sex to, including, allegedly, Bobby Gunther Walsh, Atty. Cohen. Callahan....I guess this makes Jim out to be a pimp??!! And still, we are to believe that Gregory funded her alleged gambling habits but she wouldn't spend her ---pardon the pun--ill gotten booty?? Just too funny to believe. Wait until the folks at NCP get ahold of the ex-cop and confirmed asshole.

  41. His ex girlfriend should not be subjected to that kind of abuse. Since he is on probation, I would suggest emailing this nonsense to adult probation at http://www.nccpa.org/emailthecourt/?T=Adult-Probation

  42. Bernie, the blog on Mezzacappa's site is disgusting. The threats and personal attacks are just plain mean. Once again it is obvious Gregory is posting. he keeps getting his pronouns wrong, uses his favorite slang and same sentence structure. he should be considered in violation of this terms of probation.

    His comments about the Mayor, Sletvold and so many others show how out of touch he is. Many statements about people "getting theirs or being toast" sound like threats.

    I am glad you sent a link to the county. I think Judge Zito and the DA should also be aware of this blog entry.

    I always thought he was a harmless nutty goof. Now I believe he is a dangerous crazy maniac. He has some very deep seated anger issues that he projects on people, some of whom have been his biggest supporters. he should be on a 302 commitment but for thr4 safety of all he should be in jail.

    No question the young woman is again being threatened.

  43. Isn't she in her mid to late 30's?

  44. His ex GF is around 38, making her about 22 years Gregory's junior. In my book, she is a young woman.

  45. What were 26 comments on Mezzacappa's blog, including a graphic reference to anal sex, are now just ten comments. It has dawned on Mezzacappa and Gregory that their disgusting Internet behavior has repercussions for them both.

  46. Am I correct that a number of comments that could be considered abusive and harassing were removed from West Easton Footprints. I hope they were sent to the probation officer. I would tend to agree with the 1:16 p.m. posting; I wouldn't doubt if those comments were posted by JG. You can almost tell from the way the sentences are worded and the same language being used that they continue to be from the same person. Of course only the court could make that determination. I do see another contempt charge in the near future.

  47. You are correct. There were 26 comments, posted anonymously, by TM and by "Jim Gregory." The last one was very graphic. These comments violate the PFA and continue to intimidate the ex. I forwarded a link to the probation office and posted that I had done. Mezzacappa responded by deleting most of these offensive comments and blaming me. Had she been concerned about this, she should have deleted them right away. But she did not do so until she realized that there are now repercussions that did not exist before.

  48. Bernie,

    I have an open tab with 25 comments currently there. If I refresh in a new window there are only 11. I don't know how, but is there a way to save and forward? To Whom?

  49. Do me a favor. Copy the open tab onto an email and forward it to me at BOHare5948@aol.com. Too bad you don't have the 26th comment. That is among the top ten in disgusting comments since i began blogging.

  50. They're blaming Bernie now for those posts. I guess those dimwits don't know what IP address does. You better destroy your new phone jumbo lol

  51. Bernie,

    Did you get the email with the 25 comments.? Are you able to open the attachment?

  52. Got 'em. Thank you. I will forward to probation and Mezzacappa and Gregory are free to try to blame me.

  53. Apparently he is also saying he has a "juicy" story about Jerry Seyfried. Christ, this guy has now thrown everyone under the bus that has tried to help him in the past. He is clearly disturbed.

    No question it is Gregory. Those two nuts have their own style of writing and you can tell them apart fairly easily.

  54. It should be interesting to see what happens over the next few days. If he did post all those intimidating and harassing messages he would clearly be in contempt once again. Maybe going to jail for a little while may force him to get the help he clearly needs. It is amazing to me that he doesn't seem to show once ounce of remorse or shame for his actions. He needs to take responsibility for his behavior. His comments in the Express times story and his comments about the article shows he is not looking at the reality of his situation. It really is pathetic.

  55. Title 18 § 2709.1. Stalking.
    (a) Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of stalking when the person:
    (2) engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly
    communicates to another person under circumstances which
    demonstrate or communicate either an intent to place such
    other person in reasonable fear of bodily injury or to cause
    substantial emotional distress to such other person.
    (b) Venue.--
    (1) An offense committed under this section may be
    deemed to have been committed at either the place at which
    the communication or communications were made or at the place where the communication or communications were received.
    (2) Acts indicating a course of conduct which occur in
    more than one jurisdiction may be used by any other
    jurisdiction in which an act occurred as evidence of a
    continuing pattern of conduct or a course of conduct.

  56. From what I read about tracking back computer usage, when the DA and Probation Office get involved regarding the string of comments that appeared on WEFP it will be an easy task for them to gain a Court Order to have Google provide the information on the incoming Internet Service Provider's (ISP) accessing WEFP and then to have those ISP's turn over the logs that show the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the devices used. ISP's will provide the names and addresses of the device owners, along with other information. Somebody (or somebodies) may be in deep poo soon.

  57. Bernie, what is with the constant references to you being a "rapist"? What the Hell is that all about. Sounds like a real slur.

  58. From what I read about tracking back computers, if law enforcement follows up on the comments made on WEFP it's easy enough for them to get a court order to have Google turn over the ISP (Internet Service Provider) information of users accessing that blog and the times. They can then have the ISP turn over the logs and IP (Internet Protocol) information (that includes names and addresses) of the device owners. Those responsible will be discovered.

  59. 10:34, Mezzacappa is now claiming that, after kicking her pig, I raped her. She keeps adding crimes as time goes by. I have a libel judgment against her.

  60. There are some out there having seen her would kick her and rape the pig. But I don't think anyone should abuse a pig. Or a woman for that matter.

  61. Aren't pigs prohibited by ordinance within city limits?
    Does the city's Trash Hauler accept pig shit in residential garbage collection? Improper disposal.

  62. It is a borough. Regardless whether there is an ordinance, she is entitled to rely on their inaction. Raising the pig issue would be perceived as vindictive and would give her support she does not deserve.

  63. If your opponent is of a Choleric temper- seek to irritate him.

  64. "What am I gonna' tell my boys"

    Nothing, he doesn't have any boys or kids for that matter. Marrying the mother of grown-up boys doesn't make them "your boys".

    This guy lives in a real fantasy world. A grade A loser who deserves to be alone.

  65. In regard on how to save comments in the future...

    Get a screen shot. If the page is long, you may have to do them in succession to get all the content.

    Or, if you have a pdf printer ("dopdf" is a decent one--you can pick it up for free at on the CNET downloads place, a good trusted site), you can hit "print" or ctrl+P and virtually print the page as a pdf file. It may play with the formatting a little, but that doesn't matter. The content will be captured.

    Either method will show the day and time the file was created in the properties too, essentially proving the content did exist at that point.

    This is something that's good to know for content capture in general, not just this case.

  66. I wonder when he will realize that he has a PFA against him, contempt of court charges against him, his house has been searched by the police on more than one occasion, he now has a parole officer, he may no longer have a job, he doesn't seem to have many supporters let alone friends, and he seems to spend his time looking at or typing at the computer. I am sure a lot more can be added to this list...When the Hell is he going to take responsibility for everything that he did to bring himself to his situation. He seems to be getting worse. It certainly is not going to get better for him unless he makes some positive changes now.

  67. Wonder who is posting comments today on West Easton Footprints...

  68. 1:35, Thanks very much for that.

  69. Is that picture supposed to be3 some sort of homo erotic porn? The weird pose, the high heel, the scary stare?

  70. Norco Twink wants the tapes to be released.

  71. The promonant attorney rightful name should be Blighton Cohen, defender of allentowns most notoriuos slumlords/drugdealers and the blight of an innercity property were his cohort Frann Sonne as well as himslf operated for the blighting of allentown pa because of the close proximity to lehighcounty courthouse for there paperwork suffle at the barristers club¿


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.