Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

GOP: It's Where The Girls Are

Joe Kelly, Jack Spirk and Willie Reynolds, despite being ardent Democrats heavily involved in the John Callahan Exec campaign, were at Hotel Bethlehem when Callahan opponent John Brown had his fundraiser there on Monday night. They were at the bar, likely sipping iced tea. You might think they were there to spy on Brown, and they might tell you that themselves. But I know why they were really there.

Eye candy.

Lucy Lennon, who is running Brown's campaign, has posted pictures from the event. I noticed something odd. Almost all the women are totally hot, while the men are so frickin' ugly that Hotel Bethlehem had to turn off their surveillance cameras.

Here's a perfect example.

Lucy Lennon is simply gorgeous, while Ron Angle looks like he's auditioning for "Gorillas in the Mist".

Shall I go on?

OK, there's this:

Can I be held in contempt for saying a judge is hot? She's not a judge yet, so I'm safe.

Then there's this:

Is it me or does Hayden Phillips (on the left) look like a bullet head? He is a Marine, and I imagine if an artillery unit ran out of rounds, they could use his noggin. The dude in the middle, who is at every GOP and tea party event, is about 18' tall, and all he ever says is "Fe Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Irishmen." Then, on the right, there's the pen protector club. They're all still reading the Harry Potter series.

So if you want a shot with something like this ...

... I guess you have to go to one of these fundraisers. I would recommend wearing a Roman collar and pretending you're gay. Women love to reform guys.

At least that's what I'm told.

Aren't Democratic women hot, too? Of course they are, but they're all swooning over John Callahan, Don Cunningham, Sal Panto, and ... well that's about it.

Your odds are better with the GOP. Just walk up to a woman and say "Don't tread on me" or something.

Putty in your hands.

Blogger's Note: I know most of the men I insulted in this post. I can tell you I was hacked and you're really very pretty. Honest.


  1. Brown will win when he exposes the Truth about the Callahan people. Nice touch with the insider spies at the event.

    That is just the tip of the sleaze factor iceberg.

  2. This post was written to make people smile, not for some political hack to go on about how Callahan is doomed. Give it a rest.

  3. Republican women are repressed sexually. Can you blame them look at the guys.

    Come over to the sexy side ladies. When they cut loose, they cut loose.

  4. is that blonde lou pektor's daughter?

  5. looks like lisa pektor.

    surprised to find her at a Brown event

  6. She does look like Lisa Pektor. She is quite pretty, and last time I checked, was a Callahan supporter.

  7. "Come over to the sexy side ladies. When they cut loose, they cut loose."

    I don't know. The Dem men are pretty ugly, too. I think these women are going to have to flock to the independents. Or move.

  8. This is getting too much like an Anthony Weiner episode. Let's have more respect for the ladies.

  9. Lucy always hangs with the olds guys..money might have something to do with it....didnt see her sidekick with her (Hector Nemes) did she kick him to the curb because He's not a big shot anymore????? As for Callahan, he was probably in the bathroom with a waitress......

  10. Were there any Gay's in attendance other than Willie?

  11. Wrong on 2 accounts Anon 9:17...Hector was there,he's in the picture below..and more importantly-Hector is, and always will be a big shot,that's why we all love him in the city of Bethlehem. We miss him at the BPA.

  12. The revenues don't miss Hector at the BPA.

  13. nice call lumping me in with the pocket protector crowd...now I have to formally hack your systems to change myself into a young cool hipster.

  14. Paul, An unethical hacker got to me.

  15. anyone notice ... Hector isn't at the Casino as much since He isn't with BPA?????

  16. Callahan is a dog, has been a dog, his wife knows he's a dog!

    Why doesnt anyone ask Johnny C about the hookers?

  17. Democrats feature women who make the guys look hot.

    Anita Lay

  18. Ha! Love a guy with a pocket protector:) Very funny blog Bernie!

  19. "Joe Kelly, Jack Spirk and Willie Reynolds"

    Three of the Callahan Clan, keeping things honest, in their own way. Meet part of the brain trust of next years county government.

  20. This is getting too much like an Anthony Weiner episode. Let's have more respect for the ladies.

    God forbid a compliment of, "Hot" is given to women. Anthony Weiner would have added a picture of his junk in a hotdog bun to the story.

  21. "Hot" sounds awfully Sexist to me ...

    ... but what can you expect from the party that conducts Wars on Women and wants to prevent me from getting free contraceptives and abortions?


    1. I don't think that a simple and sincere acknowledgement that the women at that fundraiser are beautiful or hot translates into a desire to deny them free reign over their magnificent bodies.

  22. Gracedale blew through all its cash in half a year and you're apparently the culprit, according to an Express online comment. What office do you hold, Bernie? I must have missed your election. The referendum dopes really did win the battle and lose the war. In your capacity as an elected official responsible for Gracedale, when will the money pit be sealed?

    1. Angle, Stoffa and I are pretty much responsible for all the evil in the world.

  23. "The women who attended had great personalities." Better?
    I have to remember not to hold the door for you, or give up my seat to you. That would be sexist, as well.

  24. My aunt's sister was there, and I don't see her portrait. She is the grand lady part of the Grand Old Party in the Bethlehem precincts.

    1. I apologize for being unable to include everyone. But I will agree that I only presented a small sampling of the pretty women who were there. Had I known, I would have gone. I'm much prettier than Ron Angle.

  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B4r6L9scDE

  26. The girls love a snazzy dressed fascist.

  27. What was the ratio of Republicans to teabaggers?

  28. I know for a FACT that Jack Spirk drinks club soda

  29. @9:18.. Just for the record, Willie is not Gay. Just because he supports their rights does not make him gay. You are such a bigot!! So if you thought you could hit on him, think again.

  30. LOL! Great post! For those who don't know, it's called PARODY... Look it up.

    Alfonso Todd

  31. " Willie is not Gay."

    Of course he isn't. I never took that comment seriously. Nor should you or anyone else. It is designed to get precisely the kind of reaction you just gave. This used to happen to Schlossberg all the time, too.


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