Local Government TV

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tough Choice

The President's decision to intervene in Syria presents an unsavory choice: allowing a monster to use chemical weapons to terrorize the innocent; or allowing other monsters aligned with al-Qaeda to terrorize the innocent.

What's the right choice?


  1. let the assholes kill themselves - let's kick back with a few brews and save 50 mill a day as well as our own military which we can use to build homes for our own takers

  2. It is time the US stops playing world cop and sit this one up.

    Our adventures in libya or iraq certain did not bear fruit.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I doubt anyone has an appetite for further military engagement other than chickenhawks and liberal interventionists. Unfortunately, Susan Rice and Samantha Power, Obama's advisers, fall into that latter camp.

    I've given Obama a lot of credit for his relative reluctance to get involved and insisting on "leading from behind" in Libya, but this latest announcement feels like a punch in the gut. What folly. 12 years of war and no lessons learned.

  5. 93,000 have died thusfar. Now, that 150 have been killed with chemicals (so was reported on the evening news this week) a "red line is crossed" that had not been crossed for the other 92,850??

    Obama should never, ever, ever, have drawn a line in the sand. "Read my lips...." is never a winner in the long run.

  6. Another friggin' waste of money on clans and factions temporarily united to defeat a common enemy. Once completed, they'll fight each other for control and tell us we're infidels. Let's hope that this one doesn't end up with us having boots on the ground and more kids wasting their short lives for the sake of corporations getting contracts to keep our war machine making them money.

  7. Your facts are completely false. The President told us during the re-election campaign that al Qaeda was on the run and not a problem. He ridiculed Romney for mentioning Mali. The President vanquished al Qaeda and Boston never occurred (Benghazi either). Our current NSA advisor repeated five times that Benghazi was a film review that got a little heated. There is mo such thing as Terror. Islam is a peaceful religion hijacked by bad guys.

  8. I for one have no faith in the pronouncements of the President and his administration and no faith in the mainstream media to verify the veracity of their claims. That skepticism is based on a pattern of parsed words and statements, outright lies, withheld information, and a general arrogance and demonstrated contempt of the constitution on the part of the president and his team. To all of this media either merely repeats the administration’s line, makes excuses for apparent lies, and buries and under reports important stories.
    With all of this in mind, should we feel any confidence about another intervention in a foreign conflict?

    Scott Armstrong

  9. Keep our kids out of there !!!!
    When are we going to learn?
    When Syria threatens us, then we should get involved.

  10. Like we ignored what was going on in Afghanistan, where Al-Queda found safe harbor under the Taliban and plotted 9/11?

    I'm not saying jump in, but we can't afford to just sit back and wait anymore.

    I do think we should not be teaming up with Al-Queda under any circumstances. We know what they want for us. That the President is doing so, is sheer stupidity.

  11. It is time for the people of our nation to stand up to our government tyranny against ourselves and other countries.

    We cannot allow our own government to spy on us.

    We also have to put an end to meddling in other people's conflicts and affairs.

    We need to worry about the citizens of our own nation and our own well beings and liberties.

  12. Molovinsky is a GODJune 15, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    screw this, let's save the stairway walls in little Lehigh parkway

  13. The blog mentor wants everyone to pay attention to him, but drives them all away with his hate. Even worse, he's boring. Even I can no longer read his blog. I have better things to do with my time than read the same nonsense over and over and over. You've become irrelevant and have done it to yourself.

    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

    But it must be hard, what with all the time you spend rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth.

  14. I honestly don't think the Obama administration is capable of intelligent action in such a difficult area of the world. Unfortunately, Obama boxed himself in with his earlier comments.

    I agree with others, this should be one to stay FAR away from. Neither side is worth losing any American life over.

    I feel sorry for our Lehigh Valley Syrian community. They have thousands of relatives over there.

  15. How about this.... we stay out of Syria. Did not we learn in Iraq and Afghanistan??? We can not afford this and frankly, we are not the world police!!

  16. Back in the Bush days, the media beat him up about how he claimed WMD's were used on Iraqi people and we must stop Saddam Hussein. To this day every liberal I know says Bush lied about WMD's in Iraq and it cost us trillions and many good American lives. Now their great leader Obama is repeating everything we heard about Iraq only this time it's Syria. Now my liberal friends and the lame stream media say it is true because Obama says so. Guess we will see very soon.

  17. 11:31 -

    I also remember that the fact that Hussein had used chemical weapons against his own people in Iraq was not enough for the liberals (in the press or otherwise).

    Now the use of chemical weapons seems to be adequate justification for involvement in Syria.

  18. This is a proxy war with Russia. If we're not prepared to stand up to Putin, better to wait for a stronger administration. Putin sees Obama as a lightweight. Best to stand down for now. We don't have the stomach to fight Russia after a decade of wars.

  19. Russia and the U.S. have had the same goal since the break-up of the USSR. Capitalism and shared control of the world's oil supply, while trying to keep China's improving economy from bankrupting us with debt. Russia learned its lesson in Afghanistan so they are strictly in the weapons supply business. We forgot the lesson we learned in Vietnam and are repeating the same mistake by having a "presence" in the Arab conflicts. Our infrastructure is crumbling, we're Trillions of dollars in debt to China, and the homeless are increasing - but our corporate controlled government is going to get us involved in another Muslim conflict. When does it end? Every male in my family history served this country since the Mexican War. I convinced my sons to sit it this bull***t out. I won't be supplying additional cannon fodder for a Vietnam in the desert.

  20. not another drop@3:35, all that opinion, all those wars, all that courage, but no john hancock?

  21. Earl's new "Daddy" is a stunning Mediterranean manslab who drives a brand spanking new american muscle car,happy father's day Bernie!

  22. There are actually three factions in Syria ... The weakened Assad secular government which many Christian ex-patriots in the area give more credibility for the protection of their former villages ... The Rebels which are mainly muslims perhaps of unknown stripes and thus of valid concern to area Christians ... And the lawless who use the situation to raise money for themselves by kidnapping.

    By the way local Obama worker told me was going to force me to leave the neighborhood by putting it out that I voted for Obama which I didn't ... I told that individual didn't you work for Obama ... He said it was his twin brother ... But the problem here is he doesn't have a twin brother.


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