Local Government TV

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pistol Packin' Momma Invades GOP Fundraiser

Lt. Governor Jim Cawley was the featured speaker at a luncheon fundraiser on Friday for State Rep. Marcia Hahn at Easton's Hampton Inn. Several state representatives, newly elected Judge Jennifer Sletvold and retention-seeking Judge Emil Giordano attended. So did pistol packin' Tricia Mezzacappa. With a gun in a holster. Yessiree, Bob, she thinks it's completely normal to brandish her piece in front of the second highest ranking official in the Commonwealth.

She was asked to surrender her weapon or leave. She chose the former, but still had a Pa. State Trooper shadow her until the event was over.

I believe Mezzacappa is open carrying because the Sheriff has revoked her license to carry concealed.

While she certainly has the right to prance around with her gun in a holster, she does not have the right to transport her gun in a car. That requires a license.

Under Pennsylvania's Uniform Firearms Act, a "firearm" is defined as follows:
"Any pistol or revolver with a barrel length less than 15 inches, any shotgun with a barrel length less than 18 inches or any rifle with a barrel length less than 16 inches, or any pistol, revolver, rifle or shotgun with an overall length of less than 26 inches. The barrel length of a firearm shall be determined by measuring from the muzzle of the barrel to the face of the closed action, bolt or cylinder, whichever is applicable."
A license is required for "carrying a firearm concealed on or about one's person or in a vehicle throughout this Commonwealth." There are exceptions for hunting and going to the range, but not for political fundraisers.


  1. I had a lucid dream last night where Mezzacappa was a special forces army ranger deployed in Burma on a mission to overthrow the military Junta, I was a vegetable vendor in Naypyidaw who was recruited by her to provide intel. Her primary weapon was a S&W model 29 and had a switchblade as backup, ultimately she became a double agent for the Junta via brainwashing and made an attempt on Aung San Suu Kyi's life at her estate.

  2. Are you sure that was just a dream?

  3. Not your call. She may have intended to go to a range. Again, just your hate and not fact.

  4. Not my call is right. But she was not going to a range. She went to a GOP fundraiser.

  5. If the gun is in a case and it is in the auto and empty, she is perfectly legal. If she had it loaded while in the car she is illegal. She needs a permit to have a loaded gun in the car. She may not have a loaded gun in the car even if she is going to the range. A permit is needed. If you know for sure the gun was loaded, and she transported it in the car, she is in real trouble. If she did not stop at a range on the way to the fundraiser she is in trouble. She had to get the gun to the fundraiser someway.

  6. She obviously drove there, and just as obviously had a firearm in the vehicle. I do not believe the law makes any exception for unloaded guns in a case. It seems clear to me, but I have been told this is a "grey" area.

  7. I remember when this blog spent most of its time irritating local politicians. Was more interesting. It seems now every other story involves some Northampton county nutter. I think you should go back to covering the news and let the mental health authorities worry about Trish and Gregory.

  8. I will continue doing what I do, and you can start your own blog. Both Mezzacappa and Gregory are local politicians. One just lost a County Council race and is still running for borogh council. The other is running for Bethlehem Mayor.

  9. The reason you don't have guns in cars are because of the so called "drive-by shootings". Any gun in the car is a violation unless properly permitted, or transporting to a range, or going hunting. It is that simple. Why wasn't she arrested on the spot?

  10. Is this a picture of her sitting on JG's car; the same day the shoe picture was taken? This story is getting stranger and stranger. I don't think anyone could make this up! I do hope that the police do look into whether carrying this was done in a completely legal manner. I know I would feel very uncomfortable if I was attending the fundraiser.

  11. That picture is cropped from a photo of her atop Gregory's new car, taken the same day asthe shoe picture. I do know that people attending this fundraiser were quite uncomfortable. I do think she committed a crime if she hs no LTCF. But that is not my call, and I know police areunfortunately quite busy with more serious matters.

  12. All we need is Barron to join this duo.

  13. He is one of their favorites. Mezzacappa has extolled him while Gregory gets fed inside information from that snake.

  14. EPD is well aware of her pistol packing and the fact that she intends to "test the waters" by carry it with her in public buldings. Including those where she has made death threats and intimidated and harassed people. When will the public's safety be more important than her "rights"?

  15. I believe that when she drives with a gun and w/o a LTCF, she is in violation of the law.

  16. Are you sure she was there? Over at her blog, she claims that she was at her house all day working on the appeal to Kelly Gross' appeal to the RTW case.

  17. She was there. I heard about it from three people who were there.

  18. I never heard that you had to be going to a range, just that you couldn't carry a firearm loaded in the car without a LTCF. If you unload it for transport then reload it when you reach your destination, you'd still be legal.

    Maybe I'm wrong about that but common sense would say otherwise. How else could you get a newly bought firearm home from the store, or even move your firearm when you change residences?

    I really think it's how you transport it (loaded vs. unloaded) rather than where you're heading (the range).

  19. I have links to the law. I suggest you read it. In a vehicle, a "firearm" includes " designed to or may readily be converted to expel any projectile by the action of an explosive or the frame or receiver of the weapon." It makes no difference whether it is loaded or not. You MUST have a LTCF to carry in a vehicle. There are several exceptions for hunters, taking it to or from a gun shop and for the firing range. If it is going to or from a shop it must be unloaded and in a secure wrapper. If it is going to or from the firing range it must be unloaded.


  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. 11:11 is correct.

  22. Tricia broke no laws. The only thing she did was have a gun in a holster at an event. She was asked to surrender the weapon during the event and she complied. That is more reasonable than O'Hare is at most gatherings.

    She or anyone has the right to carry an unloaded and unconcealed weapon in their vehicle.

    No one has shown the gun was loaded, therefore she is innocent of all these hate based accusations.

    You boys need to grow up. You can't handle an independent woman. O'Hare is angry he made his naked play and it backfired.

    Now stop harassing this woman, big men.

  23. Looking at the law (and I have provided the link), it's pretty clear that 11:11 is wrong. The comment at 1:35, posted anonymously by the Wicked Witch, indicates she carried the weapon in her vehicle. It makes no difference that it was unloaded. She committed a crime.

  24. You are wrong. Your hate has blinded you.

  25. Um, I think I know who is being completely irrational, and it's the kook who decided to brandish a revolver around the lsecond highest ranking official in the state. As for the law, it is clear. If you think you van carry your gun in your car simply bc it is unloaded, you are going to get arrested eventually.

  26. What in the world would make her think that she would be allowed to walk around armed, among VIP's and the Lt. Governor? I'll bet you her appearance at that event now has her name added to the "watch out for" list at future events. If Homeland Security didn't have her on their radar before, they do now.

  27. poor bo is eating his heart out

    the combination of over tanning, plastic surgery, cheap necklaces and even cheaper shoes is too much for him to bear

  28. " it's pretty clear that 11:11 is wrong"

    I don't care one way or the other, as I have a legit LTCF, but at any of the many classes I attended on the subject, I was always taught 11:11 is correct.

  29. If Tricia's LTCF is revoked, then why weren't her firearm's relinquished to the Sheriff?

    It is all fun & games, until someone seriously gets hurt by the action's of a mentally unstable individual.

    Unfortunately for NORCO citizens, that is what will happen before they recognize it. How many innocent will be harmed? Warning signs abound. The Tragedy of Tricia's imminent meltdown is avoidable. Live's depend on it. Before it is too little, too late.

  30. Again this is Kerrs addition to the GOP

  31. If her LTCF is revoked, she only has to surrender her license. She can still own guns to protect her home, and she can open carry. But she cannot carry in a vehicle.

  32. "I have a legit LTCF, but at any of the many classes I attended on the subject, I was always taught 11:11 is correct."

    Do me a favor and read the law. I've linked to it. Tell me what you think.

  33. "What in the world would make her think that she would be allowed to walk around armed, among VIP's and the Lt. Governor? I'll bet you her appearance at that event now has her name added to the "watch out for" list at future events. If Homeland Security didn't have her on their radar before, they do now."

    She suffers from histrionic personality disorder, and has to draw attentions to herself. This is not a good trait in a person with a gun.

  34. The second amendment was written in the days of the horse and buggy. The second amendment doesn't give you the right to carry except in your horse and buggy. You can't change the second amendment. You guys are the real nut jobs if you think you can have her arrested for having a gun in her car. If tested in the courts, you will lose. You have to prove intent......

  35. You get evrything wrong as usual. Thank God you are not a practicing lawyer. Now we all know why.

    Wrong .

    Yes, I can carry. Yes I did carry. I was asked very politely by Executive Service Trooper to lock it in the safe up front. I said that if I am disarmed against my will, it will happen peacefully, and I will call my lawyer.

    He returned and told me Cawley was OK with me carrying.

    Noting that this was an event for Marcia Hahn, I ...(no one else) I, repeat....I asked Marcia what she preferred, and she said to lock it up out front, so I did.

    I did not know the Lt. Governor was there, did not know that was his Executive Officer, and later had a nice conversation with both.

    No harm done.....

    You just cant accept that you were tossed out of my house on your fat ass

    grow the hell up and move on with your life

  36. You can open carry, but only an idiot would prance around the Lieutenant Governor, brandishing a firearm. As usual, you did what you could to make yorself the center of attention, instead of Marcia Hahn. And no, Ithe Uniform Firearms Act does NOT permit you to carry in a vehicle unless you have a LTCF, regardless whether your gun is loaded. You will eventually discover this the hard way, the way you discover everything else.

    What a maroon!

  37. Thank you for the clarification Tricia. We realize your spurned boyfriend hates you and he and his poison posse continues to attack you with lies and hate.

  38. The comment at 12:21 comes from Mezzacappa.

  39. The Officer was very friendly .....this was not "drop it or leave."

    I was asked to lock it up, not told to. There is a difference.

    Makes you go hmmmmm, when people are so childishly frightened of a woman carrying a gun....

    Maybe some of these folks have such a guilty conscience (like you O'Hare) inside their blueberry sized brains....that they go alll wacky helter skelter and think everyone wants to shoot them....

    so glad that piece of shit Kelly Gross now feels so much more safe after she trashed the careers of three people, to get her hands on a single solitary piece of paper.

    You and Gross should be publically ostricized and stoned by the citizenry.

  40. And also MORON, techinically, even though the event was a public function, it took place on private property.

    If Dr. Amin had asked me to put it away, there would have been no further discussion about it. He owns it...its HIS choice, not mine, or Hahn or Cawley or his trooper.

    You act like I have no clue about firearms, no training and no knowledge...WRONG

    The criminals who are being chagred with felonies are you, Gross and Orloski. Maybe you'll finally accept that fact when you are sitting in a cop car, shackled like a jackle!

  41. I'm not defending Gross' behavior, but it seemes to me that your own deceitful LTCF application is what led to the problems that ensued. But thankfully, your LTCF has been revoked, and you are now reduced to making a spectacle of yorself in your constant attempts to make yourself the centerof attention. I am also relieved that the people saw through you and resoundingly rejected you as a candidate for County Council. It is also only a matter of time before some police officer arrests you for driving around with a gun in your car.

    Peoplevare not frightened of a woman carrying a gun. They are frightened when it is someone like you, who is mentally disturbed. And only an inaniac would think it is perfectly normal to have someone totin' her piece in front of the Lieutenant Governor. You made an ass out of yourself in front of your own party, as usual.

  42. I was asked to lock it up, not told to. There is a difference.

    The same way a cop "asks" you to step out of your vehicle. They aren't asking. It's a polite command.

  43. Mezzacappa can't be counted on to tell the truth about anything. Had she refused to disarm herself, she would have been ejected. had she resisted, she would have been arrested. Frankly, I think she should have been arrested anyway bc she broke the Uniform Firearms Act in transporting her gun to that event.

  44. We are so lucky the legal profession let go of one of its members in 1986 when the Supreme Ct Disciplinary Board took you out of service.

    You had no command of the law then, and no command of the law now. BTW, a week ago, I voluntarily showed an EPD Officer my unloaded pistol with ammo separated, kept in separate compartments in my vehicle. No laws broken dumbass.

    Kelly Gross will be sued until she chokes. The last laugh isnt hers.

    The Peg /Angle deal will hopefully backfire on two headed snake Peg. I lost because a team of republicans, egged on by Angle and Peg/Snover spent 24/7 for an entire 2 months smearing my name. ...no other reason. The only losers are the taxpayers, because with people like Peg on board, we will all be living in communal tents like villagers . No one is watching out for the taxpayers.

    You lack of ability to move on with your life has me fearing for mine. If you hate guns then stay out of my path.

  45. Tricia Mezzacappa proves yet again why her LTCF was revoked. The fact that an Easton police officer has not arrested you yet does not mean you won't be. You clearly are in violation of the Uniform Firearms Act. It bars any person who does not possess a LTCF from transporting one in his or vehicle. It makes no difference whether the gun is loaded. Firearm includes any "weapon which is designed to or may readily be converted to expel any projectile by the action of an explosive or the frame or receiver of the weapon." In other words, it includes unloaded guns.

    There are numerous exceptions to this law, permitting you to carry in a vehicle to go to a gun shop, firing range, hunting, fishing, or even dog training. There is no exception that permits you to carry an unloaded gun in your vehicle to attend a political function attended by the Lieutenant Governor.

    Even if you had such a right, only a fool would be stupid enough to brandish a firearm in front of judges, state representatives and the lieutenant Governor.

    As for your comment that I had better stay out of your path, what exactly are you saying? Be more specific. If you carried a copy of the Constitution in addition to a gun, you'd see that i have rights, too, and i have every right to assert my opinions, regardless whether you are or are not armed.If you think your implied threat is going to scare me away, you better think again.

    What your disgusting comments, both here and on your hate-filled blog do prove, is that you are mentally unstable, threaten people with the language of violence, and have no place in public office.

    It is not Peg Ferraro, Ron Angle, Lee Snover or anyone else who has done this to you. You have done it to yourself.

  46. Tm the C.O.A.F supports you, stay calm and with the Lord Jesus Christ.


  47. Another lunatic. With Gregory, it will be a trifecta.

    The Fake Rev supported you by endorsing five other people for Council.

  48. You have consistently gone out of your way to stalk, follow, provoke, intimidate and harass me for almost three years straight, in person and online

    I have never had so much trouble with a set of discarded sloppy seconds in my life. You misunderstood our very casual and very brief relationship, and my only regret was not pressing charges, as I could easily have done.

    You and your poision posse claim I am mentally ill, every day of the week, and try to broadcast nationally that I should not have a gun, a permit, or a right to carry, open or otherwise. Thank God you have zero influence on those who get to decide this.

    Gross is a power monger who claims she fears for her safety, yet , refuses to use the wonders of technology including fax and email and even snail mail. She prefers that I throw myself into her physical path, then cries foul. She's so afraid that she makes it impossible for me to stay out of Borough Hall, but then bolts doors shut and installs 16 point camera systems inside and out. I think we can easily do the math on this one to see who the mentally ill person is. She may be better off with her own firearm, that is, if she can pass the PICS system...and that is a big IF...it would save Joe Taxpayer tons of cash, and the EPD tons of time. She sucks every ounce of oxygen out of the system because she is a very unstable angry woman with an axe to grind, and a DAD who enables all of it.

    She fixates on the idea that her life was somehow threatended , when really it was an outstanding choice of words for a corrupt lunatic who should never hold any office which serves the public.

    Its POT KETTLE, all over again, on this blog, every day, every week.

    This blog is a manifesto of OCD sadistic predatory behavior


  49. Tricia Mezzacappa, You have repeatedly filed both criminal and civil actions against me, and they have repeatedly been dismissed because they are a pack of lies by a mentally disturbed person. I have a libel judgment against you because of your lies. You threatened to kill Gross, and were convicted of disorderly conduct. You face two harassment prosecutions this week. You filed a deceptive LTCF application. You brandished a firearm at an event that included judges, state representatives and the lieutenant Governor. You have just now threatened me physically. I think it is safe to say you're nutz.

    The reason you make up these stories is bc you suffer from histrionic personality disorder. Nobody believes you, Tricia. You tell too many lies. When people reject you, you get mad and start with the threats and death wished. I better not cross your path. You're going to choke Kelly Gross, or drown her. I am not afraid of you, but thankfully, voters are.

    And so long as you hold yourself out for public office, I will keep the spotlight on you.

  50. "You misunderstood our very casual and very brief relationship,"

    To be clear, there never was ANY relationship, other than that as walking companion. My friends tell me that is what really bothers you. It's like frickin' Fatal Attraction.

    Give it a rest already.

  51. We will see what Jim Martin thinks.

    I hope your histrionic attorney who tosses molotov cocktails at his own office is disbarred just like you

    2 peas in a pod, PERFECT

  52. Knock yourself out. At least it will get you out of Northampton County for a time. Jim Martin will view you exactly the way Morganelli, Easton police, judges and everyone else views you - as a nut.

  53. Sure will....

    ummm histrionic? That would be you

    Now you are the spokesperson and divine holy grail for judges , EPD, DA??

    Wow you really are as egotistical, conceited, overimportant and grandiose as ever, ....kinda why I wanted nothing to do with you in the first place

  54. Tricia Mezzacappa, It takes no spokesperson to recognize that the DA, judges and Easton police have consistently rejected your complaints about me. That is because you are a liar. You would be prosecuted, except they all know you're nutz. You just proved it again by brandishing a weapon in from of the second highest ranking official in the state.

    Your name in Italian - translated half a head - is completely appropriate.

  55. Asshole....

    How is holstering a weapon suddenly brandishing? Did someone tell you that I pointed it at someone? Did someone say I took it out of the holster? Where are you getting your info? From Emil? Jennifer? Jim Cawley? Marcia Hahn?

    You are a filthy lying scumbag O'Hare

    Who has 1/2 a head?

    Who was disbarred in disgrace? BTW alcoholism was never mentioned anywhere in the Disciplinary order. "Serious mental illness" was..

    Did you do anything about that "serious mental illness"??

    The county has a tantastic MH/MR program for people exactly like you

    It must be the rapid weight loss followed by equally rapid weight gain that has caused you to be completely delusional and disorganized beyond description


  56. "I hope your histrionic attorney who tosses molotov cocktails at his own office is disbarred just like you"

    You mean the one you listed on your LTCF application as a reference bc you thought he would vouch for you?


  57. Tricia Mezzacappa, Do yourself a favor and get a dictionary. The word brandish includes an ostentatious display, as when you prance around at a fundraiser with sprayed on pants, 18" high heels and a gun in a holster.

    As for my sources, I was contacted by three different people, disgusted by your behavior. That should be your base, but you have alienated them all with your histrionics. I understand the only person at your table was the state trooper.

    Incidentally, this post has nothing to do with Kelly gross or my suspended law license. But because you are unable to defend irrational behavior, you try to change the subject.

    How many names do you use at The Express Times site these days. I know they suspended your account after you posted death wishes as Tricia Mezzacappa. Has Pigface817 been suspended, too? Posting as Naturesells, you are getting deleted left and right. You are also posting there as "friendandcatholic," Saintaugustine" and other names, agreeing with yourself. in fact, the "RMM" comment here was likely you, trying to create false support bc you lack the real thing. .

  58. From the Pa Chiefs of Police Ass'n: "Carrying a firearm in a vehicle requires a permit, no matter where you are, subject to the exceptions mentioned earlier (to
    and from the range, unloaded; etc.)."


  59. Dude Looks Like A LadyJune 23, 2013 at 6:23 PM

    Can we please address the elephant in the room: the Adams Apple?


  60. Oh you to crazy kids, arguing like an old married couple. Kiss and make up already. You know you are still hot for each other each other.

    Bernie, no one walks around in another persons house naked if they don't care.

  61. That's certainly true. But it never happened and your comment is just one of many lies told by Mezzacappa, against whom a libel judgment has been entered. You won't ID yourself.

  62. Just returned from the Easton Democratic picnic where we had a Congressman, a judge, a candidate for Lt. Gov. and a couple hundred people who weren't carrying guns. I'm going to start attending the more exciting Republican fundraisers. They are far more exciting.

  63. Wait until the human sacrifices start!

  64. Bernie I have been in a media blackout for three days away.I can not believe any responsible person would act like this around nice people. Now,I am a 2nd Amendment supporter and participate as you well know.Remember what I had posted about trust,it's a matter of trust,and that comes with consistent straight forward demeanor . I'm sorry, I could not under the conditions support her actions at this event.

  65. And you wonder why you are in the Hall of Fame....this back and forth is exactly why.

  66. "You and your poison posse claim I am mentally ill..."

    Well, Tricia, aren't YOU the one who filed a statement in court claiming YOU were taking potent controlled substances for a type of mental illness? YOU said these controlled substances were so potent they rendered YOU "unfit." YOU are the one who made that claim and YOU even told the court your claim was based on your experience as a registered nurse. YOU made that claim to the court while your application for a license to carry firearms was pending. It was YOU!

  67. 8:29, that may be, but I will not allow that insaniac get away with posting lie after lie. This is NOT a newspaper. It is a blog, and its interactive nature allows the truth to emerge. The truth is that Mezzacappa isvseriously troubled, a possible danger to others, and should never be allowed near a public office. If this means I get lumped into some hall of fame, so be it. But unlike the gatekeepers inthe mainstream, I am willing to get my hands dirty.


  68. 18 Pa.C.S. § 6106: Firearms not to be carried without a license

    (a) Offense defined.--

    (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), any person who carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license under this chapter commits a felony of the third degree.

    (2) A person who is otherwise eligible to possess a [FN1] valid license under this chapter but carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license and has not committed any other criminal violation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree.

  69. The state statute seems pretty clear. Unless someone has a valid license to carry, transporting firearms in a vehicle is illegal subject to several exceptions. Transporting a firearm, even an unloaded one, to a political fundraiser isn't covered by any of the exceptions and shows incredibly poor judgment. I hope the Sheriff and the DA look into the case. At a minimum, this incident should be brought to the attention of the judge during Mezzacappa's appeal to get her license to carry restored.

  70. You do see that she should not have had it on her person.....either!

  71. it clearly states she should not have had it on her person as well

  72. If stopping at an event on the way to a firing range, one will not be guilty of anything.


  73. Don't be ridiculous. The law does not allow you to attend political functions along the way. You broke the law. I believe you should have been prosecuted, but that will happen soon enogh. Police get very nervous when they see people totin' guns all over creation.

  74. Why does anyone think she is physically atractive ? It looks like her flesh is separating from her bones and she is drying up like a prune. She sits on her butt so much it is disappearing. Yuk!

  75. She is still hot and there is something just incredibly sexy about a hot woman carrying a pistol!!

  76. In court you can testify to any thing you want. If the judge believes you, you have no problem. If you were on your way from the range or to the range and you made a stop along the way, fine, testify to that. You didn't want to leave the gun in your car because you felt it maight be stolen (after all you are at a Republican fundraiser and all Republicans love guns) than carry the gun with you and testify to that in court. Let the judge decide. A good lawyer will win this case easily. There is no intent to do intentionally do something wrong. Your second amendment supports you.

  77. boy does she look chubby in that photo

    Jim must be wining and dining her all over the valley at the best restaurants

  78. I still think she is HOT! T.M. I would like to go on a date

  79. She's a butter face.

  80. In District of Columbia v Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment "codified a pre-existing right" and that it "protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home" [9][10] but also stated that "the right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose". They also clarified that many longstanding prohibitions and restrictions on firearms possession listed by the Court are consistent with the Second Amendment.


  81. "I still think she is HOT! T.M. I would like to go on a date"

    Because she suffers from histrionic personality disorder and wants to be the center of attention, she posts comments like that about herself here, on her blog and elsewhere. She also impersonates people and I suspect she impersonated the Fake Rev here in this thread. Some weeks ago, she impersonated another person, Jack D'Alessandro. In fact, one of the persons she was impersonating asked her to stop, but she refused and now is facing a harassment prosecution on June 27.

  82. "In court you can testify to any thing you want. If the judge believes you, you have no problem. If you were on your way from the range or to the range and you made a stop along the way, fine, testify to that."

    That's an obvious lie, Tricia. You really need to stop telling so many of them. Judges are very good at spotting liars, and I suggest that you stick to the truth.

    Nobody is going to prosecute you over the fundraiser, or you would have been arrested that day. I have no intention of pushing the matter bc it would be correctly construed as a vindictive action by someone who is at odds with you.

    Moreover, police have better things to do.

    But sooner or later, if you drive with a gun in your car, you will be arrested. It doesn't matter whether it is loaded or in a separate carrier. You will be arrested.

  83. "Nobody is going to prosecute you over the fundraiser, or you would have been arrested that day."

    This matter should be brought to the attention of local law enforcement and the district attorney. Just because she wasn't arrested on the spot doesn't mean the incident can't be investigated. She recently had her license to carry revoked, and I understand her appeal to get it back is pending. This matter needs to be pushed in the interest of public safety.

  84. You may be right, but i will not make the complaint for the reasons I already state.

  85. no I am a 46yr old male I think she is hot

  86. My issue with this story is ,what range? If she was at a local range she would be on record having been on the property. Once again a integrity issue that is not commonly violated by authentic fire arms handlers.Example, wife asked you have been gone all day, what were you up to? I say ,I was Golfing ,she say's I don't even own clubs ...Oh O!!! Now What ?

  87. "You may be right, but i will not make the complaint for the reasons I already state."

    Why doesn't Rick Orloski make the complaint? He has credibility with the sheriff and the district attorney. He can print out your blog post and mail it to them along with a letter of complaint asking for an investigation.

  88. Though Rick is well-respected, i think he would avoid making a complaint himself for the same reasons I would. There is nothing preventing you from doing so.

  89. That pic with those short athletic shorts and pistol are .... just hot and she doesn't even have her make up on!! Who cares about her silly antics.

  90. Hey fatso, there was a state cop there you freaking moron..

    Duh, if it was illegal, he'd have arrested her. How dumb are you!!!!!!!!

  91. I feel sad for this person. First of all, how horrible to live your life in irrational fear enough that you feel the need to be armed. Second, how sad it is to get overly involved in such negative and stressful altercations at every turn. I think this person, whoever she is, should reassess her life and make some positive changes.

    As to the licensing issue, isn't a LTCF different from a standard ownership license? Isn't an ownership license what is needed to carry a weapon in a vehicle?

    I have no idea because I don't live in fear. It's statistically irrational and bordering on paranoid delusions.

  92. 9:22 aka Tricia Mezzacappa, the reason you weren't arrested is bc the state trooper did not know you and likely assumed you already had a LTCF. Had he known that yours had been revoked, I have no doubt you would have been cuffed and taken away.

  93. 9:42, I have linked to the la. It has been cited several times here. You need a LTCF to carry in a vehicle.

  94. Maybe I"m looking at this the wrong way, but why are elected officials fundraising the week of the budget hearings? Both parties are doing it.

  95. Replies
    1. It might be worth noting who attended.... Just a thought.

  96. Keep fighting the good fight Trish!

  97. Hey Trish, word on the street tis old J. Gregory is holed up in your house. Is that true? No one has seen or heard from hin in weeks.


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