Local Government TV

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Morganelli Ends Gun Permit Leak Investigation

NorCo DA John Morganelli
Northampton County DA John Morganelli, at a June 12 news conference, has announced the end of an  investigation into a the leak of a confidential concealed carry gun permit application. Criminal charges have been filed against one Deputy Sheriff. Two others have voluntarily resigned. No other charges will be filed.

This matter arose in late March, when someone anonymously provided Allentown Attorney Richard Orloski with a copy of the gun permit application, considered a confidential record under state law. This application was prepared by West Easton resident Tricia Mezzacappa, a former Republican County Council candidate who finished last in the May 21 Primary. She listed both Orloski and Executive John Stoffa as references, though she knew that neither would support her application.

When the application was leaked to Attorney Orloski, he objected strongly, as did Stoffa.

Neither listed reference had ever been contacted by the Sheriff's office because of the volume of applications.

A subsequent investigation into the leak revealed that Deputy Sheriff Darin Steward copied the application when he was at the Sheriff's Office for a Sunday morning union meeting in early March. He also showed it to Deputy Sheriffs Tom Bachik and Pat Crivellaro, both of whom were aware that Steward intended to leak the matter. Neither made any effort to stop him. According to Morganelli, their behavior was at a minimum a "malfeasance of public office."

The DA decided not to charge them because both have since resigned.

Steward provided the gun permit application to Kelly Gross, a long-time friend, on March 15. Gross, President of West Easton Borough Council, is no friend to Mezzacappa.. Last November, Mezzacappa was convicted of disorderly conduct after an obscenity-laced tirade at the Borough Hall, during which two witnesses testified that she had threatened to drag Gross to the Delaware River and drown her.

Morganelli called Gross a "civilian" and declined to charge her.

Morganelli acknowledged that there is no conclusive evidence establishing just how the application ended up with Attorney Orloski. Both Steward and Gross deny that they supplied the gun permit application to Orloski.

Finally, Morganelli considered charging Mezzacappa for supplying what might be false information on a gun permit application. But since she is herself a victim, he decided against charging her.

Steward has been charged with disseminating information on a gun permit application, a third degree felony, and obstructing justice, a second degree misdemeanor. He faces fines up to $30,000 and up to nine years in jail. He faces termination as a Deputy Sheriff, and has been suspended as a part-time police officer in Upper Nazareth.

Morgsanelli indicated he is willing to consider some form of nontrial diversion for Deputy Steward, under which charges could be dismissed after a period of probation. "Maybe his intentions were good, but the fact is that he is a Deputy Sheriff," the DA concluded.


  1. Welcome to the hall of fame!!! Hahaha!!! You douche bag!

  2. Don't hate me bc you can't be me.

  3. Un all fairness, She did not forge anything. She has the right to list anyone as a reference, even if is a stupid choice, that is not a crime.

    Since Stoffa has exchanged sexually charged emails with her, she may not have thought he was a against her as you make it out to be. Both the COAF and Mr. Gregory have the emails.

    You cannot get over the fact that as crazy or bad as she may be, on this one she was the real victim. the law cannot prosecute based on your "feelings" about this woman.

    the system designed to protect her rights, screed her over. Even if she was a troll living under a bridge, she is an American troll who has the right of fair and equal treatment by an agency of government. She received neither.

    The man is guilty.

    By the way she looked hot on WFMZ! I bet you regret your actions towards her.

  4. Nobody accused you of forgery. It was a fraudulent application in which you misrepresented that two people would vouch for you. The DA decided against a prosecution bc you were supposedly a victim as well, although I'd give the guy a medal. You apparently missed the part of the WFMZ broadcast in which the DA announced that Kelly Gross "was in fear for her safety." That doesn't make you look hot. It makes you look like a loon.

  5. By the way she looked hot on WFMZ!

    Ted Bundy was considered "hot" too.

  6. gross walks away - just doesn't sound right - but then it's norco

  7. Gross is a civilian? She serves in a public position. John should have clarified his statement by noting that Gross is a Democrat civilian. Mezzakkkrappa is a nut. But Kelly Gross should be charged, especially in light of the recent uproar over violations of the public trust by public officials. Her reasons may have been mitigating. But she broke the law and the DA is looking the other way. Nobody's records are safe in NorCo.

  8. "SHe feared for her safety"

    What digbat on the planet feels safe knwing they have someone elses social security munber in their hands?

    She committed identity theft and should be thrown in jail. ...if she soe scared she should carry a gun...Oh wait, she cant pass PICS

    feared for her safety my ass. She's a criminal vile thug with an axe to grind

  9. Excuse me....does anyone realize that West Easton Boorugh and Kelly gross who claim to be so afraid keep making Mezzacappa show up at boorugh hall?

    they make her pre pay for minutes when they could easily post them on a websire or use email or fax.

    what a crock of shit.

    If you are afraid of some one them keep them away from you and dont make them come to borough hall she is such a fat liar and i'm not voting for her ever agin all they do is raise our taxes get rid of her

  10. Tricia, wipe that foam off your mouth and get off the floor.

  11. HOT ????? I would'nt let her such My lollipop.. Hot You must be blind...the only victim here is the Sheriffs Deputy and if the Sheriff "RANDY MILLER" had any balls He would stand up for his men but we all know he doesnt so what a surprise...thank God Bethlehem is rid of this wannabe

  12. 3 deputies lose their careers and an elected official skates? Uh, wow.

  13. yeah stand up for the corrupt three. That would be perfect.

  14. No justice was served, Gross starts the whole damn thing, 3 deputies are now ruined and unemployed and she get to walk away unscathed, after asarting the whole thing

    I hope all 3 unemployed deputies get together and sue Gross until she chokes

  15. I believe the DA is absolutely right to hold law enforcement to higher standards than others, even Mezzacappa.

  16. What Gross did was wrong. She played upon her friendship with Stward and used it to get confidential information. But when the press called her, she was unavailable. She let her friend hang out there. I know she was scared, but she acted without integrity in this matter.

  17. There was no social security number on the app. No identity theft. Mezzacappa, who narrowly avoided prosecution herself, is making things up again.

  18. I am on the phone right now with the DA to alert him to the comment you just made.

    "There is no social security number number on the App. Mezzacappa is making things up again"

    Guess you must have a copy of it.

    BTW, it was listed

  19. There's an old Notre Dame HS relationship between Morganelli and the elder Gross. He was never going to touch Kelly. That's how elected officials get away with violating public trust. It's a matter of whom you know

  20. No Mezzacappa, my recollection is that it was not there. And of course I have a copy. When my attorney called me about the app, I did not believe that Mezzacappa would be so crazy as to list Stoffa and him as references. I thought he was being set up and insisted on seeing it. But go ahead and knock yourself out. It will be about the gazillionth time you filed a complaint about someone.

  21. Hey Mezza,

    We know its you writing most of these comments. You're a spiteful, jealous person and it shows. You have no class and probably never will.

    Instead of spending your time on this blog, shouldn't you be preparing a defense for the two DA- approved criminal harassment cases you have coming up?

    By the way, did you pay that fine yet for your disorderly conduct conviction?

    Don't you have a lawsuit against the Sheriff that needs your attention?

    Don't you also have to work on your lawsuit against Tom Shortell and the Express-Times?

    Don't you need to do some legal research to sidestep that pesky libel judgment you have staring you in the face?

    You should be happy that DA Morganelli didn't charge you for filing a false license application. Your choice of references (especially Orloski) is what started "the whole thing."

    We're all waiting for Orloski to add to your legal troubles by filing a much deserved lawsuit against you. Hurry up and do it, Rick.

  22. If Orloski is or was aware of the crime that brought a classified document into his possession, he's duty bound to report it. Did the deputies give it to him or somebody else?

  23. As explained in the body of the post, one deputy took the LTCF application. It was provided to Kelly Gross. It was sent (emailed or mailed) to Orloski by someone anonymously. Gross and the Deputy deny that they gave oi to Orloski. Orloski immediately reported it to the DA.

  24. Was Gross asked under Oath if she sent Orloski the app? If not, why not?

    A crime was committed and it sounds like more than one deputy was involved

  25. If Gross was a private citizen, John would be in her like stink in shit. As a fellow D and friend of the family, she gets a pass. Just because it's Mezzakkkappa doesn't give public officials the right to break the law. She should never have been in possession of the illegally obtained documents. She should come forward and tell all she knows. Three deputies have been properly sacked. She owes everybody and explanation, as does Morganelli. This small town bullshit is why John will always be seen as small town and not statewide timber.

  26. Mezzacappa is a private citizen and a conservative R. She got a pass from Morganelli.

    It's called prosecutorial discretion.

  27. "By the way she looked hot on WFMZ!"

    Histrionic personality disorder.

  28. "Was Gross asked under Oath if she sent Orloski the app? If not, why not?"

    Because the Constitution is a bit more inclusive than the second amendment. Under the fifth amendment, a person cannot be compeled to incriminate himself.

  29. Then let her plead the fifth under oath.

  30. Mezz needs to accept that she won't always get what she wants. Such as being elected, lawsuit windfalls, respect, and her hit list of enemies falling victim to her voodoo chants. The more she screams and yells about those conspiring against her, the more the public sees her as a vindictive loser with nothing but a personal ax to grind. She couldn't even get her own R party to endorse her because she is so hateful in her writings and infantile when using imagery to portray people. What a mezz she is. The only reason she wasn't given that award from Bill White was because the chicken shit knew Mezzacappa would be filing another lawsuit and he didn't want to get stuck in her mucked up life. Her complaints of her privacy violated? She told everyone she had a permit. She had already made her address known to the public. Other than her own stupidity of using references that wouldn't have vouched for her, how was her privacy violated? The person responsible for the document's security is facing charges. After he released it nobody else is responsible for it. For those who think Mezzacappa did something criminal in giving references of Orloski and Stoffa, you're wrong. The reason for references is so they can be checked. I hire workers and on more than one occasion a reference has told me that I shouldn't hire the prospect, but to not reveal their honesty to the prospect in order to keep the peace between them. Some dimwits either have no friends, or think they do just because someone talks to them civilly. This wouldn't be a story if references had been checked like they were supposed to be.

  31. "We're all waiting for Orloski to add to your legal troubles by filing a much deserved lawsuit against you. Hurry up and do it, Rick."

    I second that motion. Anyone who reads through Mezzacappa's disgusting blog would be shocked at what she has written about Orloski. He has all the evidence he needs to sue and win. It would truly be a public service.

  32. Good riddance to the 3 deputies. They were a disgrace to the county, and law enforcement in general.

  33. You certainly are a hater, Tricia. What an unhappy person you must be.

  34. "Good riddance to the 3 deputies. They were a disgrace to the county, and law enforcement in general."

    Mezzacappa is a disgrace to the nursing profession, to her political party, to her Italian heritage and to her family back in Jersey.

  35. You know? Not for nothing? But there are 3 people out of a job. And for whatever reasons there are and where the blame can be place; one pinpoint thing stands out, Mezzacappa.

    Her craZiness, her game-playing, her being an asshole, and/or whatever is the central theme behind the fact that there are 3 deputies without a job. And probably, they will not be able to get a job in their trained skills of law enforcement because of this.

    Her misery seeks no discrimination. She has now invoked her madness again. This time 3 people lose their jobs. When is she going to wake up? When is someone going to do something? Who else is going to have to get their lives messed up by her madness?

    I would hate to be in her shoes, period. But I would really hate to be in her shoes when she gets whatever it is she has been dishing out. Come-uppings and karma will be really bitchy for her.

    I hope she is proud of what has happened? I hope she is proud of what ever it is that she thinks she may have accomplished? Because there is not any way she can make this right, again. There is no way that she can ever pay back to those 3 guys that lost there jobs, messed up their good names, and messed up their futures.

    May God have mercy on her.

  36. Tricia M is a hot, stunning middle aged woman. You rarely see that here in the valley, especially involved in government.

  37. Anon 8:59 AM-Why on earth would Sheriff Miller stand up for three Sheriffs deputies who knowingly broke the law?? You must obviously be one of the idiots who lost their job over something only you could have prevented. They got what they deserved. They knew what the were doing was wrong and "conspired" to cover each others asses if it came out. I'm glad they're gone. I would have pressed charges against the other two as well. And no, I'm not Mezzacappa. Shes not the only one who thinks they got what they deserved.

  38. TM has an Adams Apple and KG engaged in a criminal conspiracy to violate public trust. Some of us haters hate both sides of this mess: TM, because she's a dangerous nut; KG because she's a dangerous public servant with no regard for law or privacy. Take your pick. They're both disgraceful.

  39. 9:17 AM - Haters are the most dangerous people of all. And you're a self-admitted hater. Talk about disgraceful. DA Morganelli gathered the facts and did his job. He considered public safety, public trust and privacy issues. If you don't like it, you can hate him too.

  40. Here's my question: Why is a person's application for a license to carry a concealed firearm confidential? Why don't I have a right to know who in my community may be walking around with a loaded gun? It should be a public record.

    How can the Sheriff be held accountable with regard to issuance of these licenses if no one can know what he is (or is not) doing?

    I don't understand all the outrage about this issue, except that guns have become a sacred cow in our country for politicians. We can't even get better background checks, despite the massacre of innocent children in Connecticut six months ago and all the other gun-related tragedies. That's the real disgrace.

    Upon the leak of her application, Mezzacappa's license to carry was immediately revoked by the Sheriff. That tells me the license never should have been issued. Public safety (including the safety of our children) is the overriding issue.

  41. Actually, the application is clearly confidential. But nothing in the firearms law makes the license itself confidential. I can think of many good reasons, most beneficial to license holders, why that should be public.

  42. I can think of many good reasons, most beneficial to license holders, why that should be public.

    A two-edged sword. Just as many may not want it known that they have a license. Where there's a license there is usually a weapon and making it public could attract a thief. It might be a neighbor, or even the neighbor's drug using kid. That's why most of us who own and can carry don't advertise it, or brag about it on a blog. Obviously Mezzakkkappa had no qualms in having hers known or her desire to actually use it when she wrote about it often enough. She waived any expectation of privacy. Unlike TM, the vast majority of gun owners hope to never be placed in a position of having to use their weapon against another person. Only crazies write about killing somebody with adjectives of satisfaction.

  43. I have to agree this is a two-edged sword.

  44. "Where there's a license there is usually a weapon and making it public could attract a thief."

    As with all things there is a balance to be struck. I would rather err on the side of transparency and avoid secrecy. I'd like to know if my wacky neighbor has a license to carry. Or, at the very least, I would like law enforcement to fully vet him before issuing the license. I would like the license holder to have some firearms training as well. Is that too much to ask?

  45. These deputies battled Sheriff Miller and held him accountable to the union contract, so it was in his best interest to get rid of them. Unlike the Napolean sergeant and his lackey Mexican sidekick, they would never sale out. John owed Randy a favor since one of the sheriff clerks who previously worked in the DA office is bringing in an extra 10000 dollars a year doing work that is not sheriff related. Ask anyone in the office. And she is a union steward. She is cutting the throat of her own members. Likewise, Sheriff Miller failed to charge a deputy with theft of services for forging time sheets for many years since he is a friend of Jack Panella. Documentation and witnesses the deputy stole 2 hours one day, and he was given a counseling session. Three other occurances and he was finally made to pay back 1 hour. Miller makes a federal case out of this recent incident, but cowers under political pressure. A newt has bigger balls than him, as the napoleon sergeant can tell you from the reach arounds he gives him. And talking of sergeants, the civil sergeant gives one of his guys 5 days off and a job transfer for conduct he himself engaged in. This sergeants car was seen numerous times outside a juvenile p.o. house when he was working overtime. A clerk in the office told his wife and she had to transfer out due to being harassed. Talk about being a hypocrite. And lets not mention all his trips to West VA to visit his son when he was suppose to be staying in PA. As long as one kisses Miller's ass, they are OK. Miller selectively enforces the law and policies depending on who you are.

  46. The issue really is ,a matter of trust in all cases. Do we trust a person with a firearm around our children in a school yard? Ok, who is he or she .Police officers are vatted so you can almost with out exception believe they would not hurt any one, so your defensive instinct fall and it's ok for him or her to be in the yard with your kids with out alarm.These are the result of natural primal instincts of preservation.

  47. I admire and respect Sheriff Miller, but you raise some serious concerns. If you are one of the deputies who was forced to resign, why not just fight the matter if this is all true? Why go away? At the least, why notgo down swinging? Why would one of the dailies report that your numbers are disconnected?

    You can email me to discuss this matter in more detail. If just some of the tings you say are true, they should be exposed. But I don't know if they are.

  48. Keep swinging that brand new hammer......I guess you have to its your new job.

  49. Fact: Elsie Stoudt performs criminal history checks for the DA office at the tune of about 10000 per year in overtime despite all the clerks in the DA office having access to J-net. Stoudt works in the sheriff's office, not the da office. She does not do these checks for any other department, since each does there own - children and youth, pre-trial, probation, etc. Only the da office extorts this service from the sheriff, and he obliges despite needing more deputies. Bigger issue is that Stoudt is a union steward. This type of behavior was what Archie was doing with the girl who transferred to the prison - giving overtime to someone who does not work in the department where the work is generated. This scam has been going on for years. Miller refused to address it because he is in Morgenelli's pocket. Ask him how he managed to cover up one of the county detective's car getting shot up in the murder outside the PR Club last year when the detective was not on duty at 2 in the morning. Miller is more corrupt than any of these 3 deputies, but he is in bed with the DA. No wonder John has $$$$ to give his employees raises since the sheriff is wasting taxpayer money out of his budget to do work the da office should be doing.
    Fact: Deputy Todd Miller worked 11-7 at ESU and still managed to leave work, go to Bangor to change into his sheriff uniform, and get to the Courthouse for the statrt of his 0830 shift. This may have happened one day a week for the last 15 years. However, he would leave at 3pm but still get paid for 8 hours every day. This was reported to the Chief by numerous employees, and he turned a blind eye. See why he is now Chief. Documentation given to Sheriff, but he claimed camera was not working for 6 months. Sounds like the AV Napolean sergeant and his Mexican lackey sidekick were not doing their job. Concrete evidence is in the hands of the Chief and he refuses to release it. May get demoted or resign like Onembo. Lot more out there, just need someone to act on it. Got any connections with the AG. You brought down Onembo, lets keep going.

  50. Onembo was not brought down. He resigned, and did so on the basis of what people were willing to say., on the record, to those in authority. I haven't seen you do that. Instead I see you refer to someone's "Mexican lackey sidekick." When you use bigoted languauge like that, you destroy yourself before you start. I will look into this, but want you to contact me. BOHare5948@aol.com.

  51. Anon 10:43 pm-Was Deputy Sheriff Todd Miller disciplined for his actions??? Since you're naming names, why do you continue to be anonymous? Have the balls to put your name to your words.

  52. Anon 10:43 pm-Was Deputy Sheriff Todd Miller disciplined for his actions??? Since you're naming names, why do you continue to be anonymous? Have the balls to put your name to your words.

    12:22 PM

    He's not anonymous of course this is one of the three who no longer work for the Sheriffs Department and is sour. Grow up and get a job looser.

  53. Bermie, why not remove the bigote language?

  54. Bc I drew attention to that portion of the comment that engaged in bigotry and condemned it. I am uncomfortable with the other allegations bc no one has written tome, despite two requests. If I get no email soon, I will delete the comment in its entirety.

  55. Bernie, I'll be in contact with you soon and give you all the records and documentation you need to uphold the allegations anonymously posted. Todd Miller was disciplined by given a full time job. This guy "stole" tens of thousands of dollars over the years and a blind eye was turned. Chief Zieger has records in his possession right now that he is refusing to surrender. The sergeant who wrote Miller up had four separate occurances and Miller had to repay back 1 hour after the fourth incident. No penalty for stealing the first 3 times. And the records the Chief has reveals many more occurances. Co-workers watched him walk into the building after 830 for years and still sign in at 830. The Chief refused to talk to the now LT. for 2 weeks when she brought it to his attention. Miller had a liscense to steal and knowingly did it. Sheriff Miller refused to properly charge Todd since it would be political suicide due to Todd's relationship with Panella.

  56. It's really fun to read that the same guy Bernie attacked for being a greedy union puke is now working with him "anonymously" to uncover some earth shattering truth. This "anonymous" poster is better served using his newly acquired free time to visit a mental illness professional and get his psych drugs adjusted. Just saying...

  57. Anon 10:59pm-You seem not to have your facts straight. How do you know that Deputy Miller was not disciplined? Did you see his file?
    Why bring Chief Zieger into this? And what does any of this have to do with 1 deputy losing his job for committing a felony and 2 others for conspiring to cover his ass(all their asses for that matter)? Maybe you're not one of the 3 that lost their job, maybe just a disgruntled sheriff's department employee.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.