Local Government TV

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mezzacappa: We Don't Need No Steenkin' Bridge Repairs

In five minutes before Northampton County Council last night, Tricia Mezzacappa demonstrated convincingly why she finished in last place during last month's primary race. For the past few months, the County has pondered repairs to 18 bridges, as well as generators at Gracedale. But Mezzacappa last night insisted nothing's really wrong with any of them.

"What's so detrimental with these bridges in Northampton County that we have to do a bond? she demanded.

"It's unsafe and it's about time we do something," answered Council member Bruce Gilbert.

"Doing one bridge at a time using liquid fuel tax just doesn't cut it anymore," added Council President John Cusick. "It's not sexy, but it's a core function of County government.

Member Scott Parsons noted that 21 bridges have been identified as in serious disrepair, but only 18 of them will be repaired because bond proceeds must be spent in thrre years and it will take that long to do 18 bridges.

County Council will vote on this bridge bond on July 2.


  1. Wads her new hunk Jimmy G. there with her?

  2. I'm sure he was there in spirit. Gracedale goon Maryann Schmoyer was there to egg her on, and has been enabling woman beater Gregory with words of encouragement, too.

    Nice people..

  3. Sure would like to see her walk across a metal grate bridge in those red flip flops.You might have to rescue her Bernie.

  4. And the very next day, she'd try to have me arrested for stalking her.

  5. They won't get all those bridges done in 3 yrs...

  6. I thought the Brookinds Institute determined that if we fix our roads and bridges, people would use them.

  7. TM pooh-poohed the need to close down the Hugh Moore Park bridge because she goes across it every day. Well, that's scientific proof that there is nothing wrong with it! Too bad the pile of rusty beams didn't collapse with her on it. What an airhead.

  8. A death wish allowed by anon 2:32.

  9. If I thought the anonymous comment at 2:32 was a death wish, I would have deleted it immediately. I don't wish for bad things to happen to anyone, not even her.

  10. did ur 5 incher stiffen up when you saw her in that stunning outfit?

  11. Hard as it may be for you to believe, that pistol packin' momma does nothing for me.


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