Local Government TV

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mezzacappa Convicted of Harassment ... Again

Following a morning of testimony before District Judge Richard Yetter, Tricia Mezzacappa has been convicted of harassment a second time and fined $200, with 30 days to appeal. "This is the second time," Judge Yetter told Mezzacappa. "I don't want to see you back here."

Last November, Mezzacappa was convicted by Judge Yetter of disorderly conduct and fined $200. That charge followed a Boro Hall tirade in which two witnesses testified she had threatened to drown Kelly Gross.

Mezzacappa actually had two hearings today for harassment. Two private prosecutions were approved by DA John Morganelli, and scheduled back to back.

The first case involved Matthew Dees, a West Easton resident who was repeatedly impersonated by Mezzacappa. The second involved Jill Garcia, a West Easton Borough Clerk who has been habitually taunted and cursed at by Mezzacappa.  While complimenting Dees for an excellent presentation, Yetter found Mezzacappa not guilty on the basis that her online impersonation actually was done to harass others, not him. But Jill Garcia's charges stuck. Garcia was represented by Attorney Christy Schlottman.

Instead of an attorney, Mezzacappa came to court accompanied by Jim Gregory. He was dressed in a storm jacket despite the fact that it was 9000 degrees outside.

The first thing Mezzacappa did was confront me.

"You claim I am armed and dangerous and mentally ill, and here you are," she accused. She made the same accusation to Garcia, who had to be there. The presence of two or three Wilson police officers is a pretty solid indication that others also consider her armed, dangerous and mentally ill.

Mezzacappa tried denying that she is the publisher or author of West Easton Foot Print, forcing Dees to prove it. "I'm just going to sit here and let him go on 'till 7 pm," she said, opening the door to page after page of damaging admissions. Dees introduced blogs in which she discusses her squabbles with West Easton, her pet pig, her candidacy for Borough Council, pig stories, and even blog that included her emails.

"I think he needs a psychologist more than he needs a court, but let him vent," she said at one point.

In addition to her online impersonations, Dees introduced evidence that Mezzacappa had actually called his employer to complain about him, making scurrilous suggestions and calling him "potentially dangerous."

Mezzacappa took feigned offense to Dees' reference to pig stories, referring to her pet as an "ailing, sick, dying pig."

Yetter noted that Pennsylvania recently adopted a law proscribing online impersonation. But Mezzacappa was charged with harassment, which Yetter considered a flaw.

In the second matter, Mezzacappa was less lucky.  West Easton Borough Clerk Jill Garcia testified to Mezzacappa's online taunts, as well as remarks made to her at Borough Hall. She recounted threatening and abusive behavior, which included constant kicking and banging at the doors to Borough Hall after being told to wait for a police escort.

"We're afraid of her," she said, telling Judge Yetter about Mezzacappa's fantasies of putting a hollow point bullet through my skull. She also described a bizarre gun video made by Mezzacappa, containing words like "You better outrun my gun" and ending with a coffin and a picture of the West Easton web page.

"That's not what a normal person does," said Garcia. "I really believe she would do these things. She doesn't seem reasonable to me. "

Garcia complained that prospective employers and even her children can see the hateful and hurtful things Mezzacappa has posted about her.  

"I just would like it to stop," she told Judge Yetter. "It's relentless. I don't want to come to work now." 

I doubt that will happen. All of her hateful comments about Garcia are still on her blog. That's something Judge Yetter may want to consider when Mezzacappa asks for a payment agreement on her fine.


  1. Bernie, I think it is tome to stop persecuting this woman. She has paid enough.

  2. I didn't file the charges, nor did I approve them. What i did do is attend the hearing so that a factually accurate account can be told. It seems that a court has found that she is the persecutor of a poor boro clerk who is paid next to nothing to be taunted in person and online by a bully.

    If she fails to remove the offensive posts, I will make sure Judge Yetter is aware of her lack of remorse when it she seeks the inevitable payment plan.

    That's a promise.

  3. Yo BO! Don't be hatin on the Mediterranean manslabs clothing style. He will offer to meet you at his Karate class.

    He now appears to be posting on the WEF site. Some of the pots are even more out there than TM's.

  4. A nice suit is no problem in summer when you're shaved down and going commando.

  5. Why didn't you take any pics Bernie? I want more MANSLAB!!!

  6. won't these fines interfere with her plastic surgery payments?

  7. 6:42, I am unable to take pics in a courtroom. Outside, I could, but I suspect she'd get violent.

  8. Wise move. She is armed and unbalanced. Wonder if there r bullets in that gun?

  9. you are a dick Bernie!! when people on this blog say something you don't like about your girls(you know who we are talking about) you delete!! give this chich a break if I could get her # I would take her on a date in a min.she is HOT!! you just wish you could have her!! look @ the pic on your blog, you then her?? no contest, she will win alday long


  11. Bernie who the Hell wants pictures of her, we want the Mediterranean manslab pic's.
    Any word on when those explicit bedroom romp films will be available.

    Twink and many others can hardly wait.

  12. Bernie,

    I am no lawyer, but I am confused about something. WEF is so obviously TM. There is zero doubt since she writes in the first person, posts pictures of herself, and has copied her personal correspondence showing name, address, etc. It seems like such an insult to the court and the judge to try and deny that it's her blog. It does not get any more dishonest. So why no charge or threat of perjury? Also, according to your reporting, which I completely believe, she was disruptive and rude during Dee's presentation. Was there even a threat by the judge of a contempt charge? Why do they even tolerate her? I just don't get it.

  13. They shoulda asked for probation, that'd be supervision, counseling, mental health evaluations, etc. and on failure to complete, the case would be kept alive. Probation is often worse than a finite sentence or fine. -nlv

  14. This blog was created for haters!

  15. NLV, That's pretty unusual in a summary case.

  16. 10:05, Judge Yetter gave Mezzacappa every benefit. She is presumed innocent. But Dees was ready for her, and proved she has direct control over that blog six ways to Sunday. Judge Yetter stated after about twenty minutes that he was persuaded on that point.

    Throughout it all, she was rude and disrespectful. Se had a habit of yawning so loudly that it was distracting. She also asked some very personal questions to Garcia, and wanted Kelly Gross put up next to her so she could prove that Kelly weighs more than her.



  17. Yes, but in a second conviction, the first being for a similar offfense, the argument that former conviction was not taken seriously, presuming the first was also merely a fine, is fairly compelling. I have not followed this saga in detail, mostly just here. -nlv

  18. Check out Doug Thorburn's "How to Spot Hidden Alcoholics: Using Behavioral Clues to Recognize Addiction in its Early Stages." Available on Amazon.com @$12, and worth every dime. Yes, not all alcoholics fit the stereotype derived from our picture of the end-stages of the disease. Methinks TM fits the profile. I wish every judge and defense attorney would commit this book to memory, and handle the TMs of the world according to Thorburn's analysis.

  19. anon 11:36, careful with the "hidden alcoholic" comments. You could apply that to Bernie. Now would that be nice?

    Stop hating on Tricia, big boy.

  20. This is a factual account of today's proceedings. It is the second time since November that she has been convicted because of her own hatred.

  21. I thought making "BAD" comment's towards someone else's life or personal bodily harm. Was way more serious than just this woman getting "FINES" Although I don't know the Full Story on MRS Mezzacappa or what she's all about but I would say to her just pay your FINES & live your life & try to stay out of Trouble in the future. You will get more respect out of PPL if they think your not an ASS. Or trying to cause problems

  22. Dear 2:09 AM, you oughtta be in bed at that hour, beauty sleep and all that sort of thing. Lack of sleep also has negative implications for cognitive ability.

    The phrase "hidden alcoholics" is part of the subtitle of an important and interesting book, not a "comment." Mr. Thorburn points out that alcoholics are alcoholics not because they want to be, not because they have low morals, but because a genetic prank leads them to metabolize alcohol differently than non-alcoholics do.

    As for Bernie, he has openly dealt with his alcoholism, to his credit, and is at this point a fully functioning recovering person.

  23. Anon 1:50, So you say.

  24. doit is sick she keeps writing all these comments and act like someone else did it, one sick chick. not at all good looking!!

  25. If she looks this bad on the outside, image what she looks or smells like underneath all of that? Bacteria like to grow in dark and warm places. Smelly!!! Poor Earl and Jim.

  26. It only took three days to start the harassment again. Looks like you are going to get your third strike in front of the Judge. Way to go Trish.


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