Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mayoral Candidate Jim Gregory Faces Second PFA Contempt Citation

When you lie with the pigs, you get dirty.
Yesterday, Bethlehem Mayoral candidate Jim Gregory failed to appear at a news conference that he himself scheduled at the office of an attorney who does not represent him. While that was not happening, Northampton County Senior Judge Lawrence E. Brenner cited the politico for contempt of a Protection From Abuse Act Order originally filed against him on May 20. This is the second time he has been charged with contempt. A hearing is scheduled for July 3.

Gregory, a Northampton County mental health caseworker, was ordered on May 20 to stay away from his girlfriend, surrender his firearms, and make no attempt to contact her in any way, even through third parties. But the ink was barely dry on the PFA before Gregory was charged with contempt for continuing attempts at contact via phone texts, emails, and through third parties. Yesterday's contempt filing indicates that Gregory has persisted in this behavior.

The contempt petition alleges he emailed his victim's ex-boyfriend, offering to sell him nude pictures of her. In this missive, he brags that he possesses "sex tapes" of her with a police officer, which he claims to watch nightly with his friends.

He has made attempts to contact her through a cousin, instructing her to have the victim meet him for Monday bus trips to a casino. In addition, he makes this threat at a Facebook message to a mutual acquaintance:
You need to tell [Redacted] that it's time to make peace..I realize she isn't the driving force behind this effort to malign me, but the folks who are behind this will be prosecuted. Unless she plans to join them in custody my advise to her would be to get her lawyer to call me ASAP. Everyday that goes by brings more revelations of what she has done. Not good for her.
On June 17, he directly texted the victim with three pictures of his back yard, taken from his bedroom window.

Most damning are his Facebook messages to her:.
Hows it feel to be on channel 69 boo! How's [Redacted] taking this. After convincing you that I was having an affair with my wife, which is hilarious, he has pushed you into all these other mistakes. Except you, [redacted], is the embarrassed one now, not him..More to come, talk to Leighton..Soon

No harm, no foul.. Easy, did you get that [redacted].Time to end all this craziness. I have been drug through the mud already. i dont want you to be anymore. Talk to Leighton. He's a great guy. We speak often. I love him..He 's as funny as hell. Now end this , so we can get on with our lives. I will allow you to do that. leighton and you should both know you absolutely have nothing to fear from me. As far as those who convinced you to do all this, they are toast.

Now, the pictures, the emails, the sworn I witness testimony comes out and you are all toast. I warned you enough

Sorry about the mention of still having that naked picture you sent me that the boyfriend took of you. Bet you didn't tell him about it.Sucks for you. Now are you going to stop lying? Everyone believed all your lies. That brought us here. Now, it is my turn
Judge Benner has scheduled a hearing on this contempt citation for July 3, just in time for the fireworks.

Gregory is currently the subject of a criminal investigation based on allegations that he was secretly filming sexual trysts with his girlfriend. Gregory admitted installing a camera in a wall clock inside his bedroom because he thought his girlfriend was either stealing from him or having an affair.

Gregory's behavior has become increasingly erratic in recent months. In February, he took out a $100,000 line of credit on his Bethlehem home. He appears to be gambling excessively. Then in April, he delivered a rambling speech to Northampton County Council, asking for the heads of his boss, his boss's boss, and Executive John Stoffa.


  1. I don't know why I am sharing this, but I made myself a promise. I am not going to comment on such subject matters anymore. I won't fan any flames on these kind of people. They have a serious mental illness. I see why you report such things Bernie, and I agree with you. These types of things need to be reported. But I won't be commenting on them. It doesn't help these people in the long run. Anyway, Gregory get help, please. You really need it!

  2. I think many of Gregory's friends have tried to tell him to back it down a bit and get help. He won't listen and becomes belligerent.

    It is sad. He is creating all his own issues, yet he is projecting all his problems onto others.

    He is in need of help but doesn't believe it.

    He actually believes he knows more than the county officials, the city officials and the police, DA, lawyers, judges and just about everyone else. Mr. Marcus and Ms. Kelly have tried to help him but their hands are tied.

    He is a sad case. His hookup with Mezzacappa is the same as throwing a match on gasoline.

    He has really gone off the deep end. for all his past crazy this is the most crazy this guy has ever been.

    Bill White could do a series on him.

  3. Bernie you raise an interesting point. In this new electronic age. How does facebook enter into the violation of a PFA. I mean with the friends and constant news feed how can a judge determine what is attempted contact and what is conversation on a large public forum. It would seen this could be an issue in the future.

    Obviously Gregory thinks he can play the system. However, leaving personalities out of it, it sounds like it may be an interesting legal question going forward.

  4. If a real relationship has developed between Mezzacappa and Gregory then the future for both of them doesn't look promising. I expect they'll be in court against each other within a year on some type of domestic dispute.

  5. PFA hearing should be private ... anyone can say anything doesn't make it true ...what goes on in someones bedroom is there buisness and if this guy needs help seems to me instead ofbashing him ,help him.

  6. To truly help Jim would mean to document his erratic behavior for the purpose of Mental Health involuntary commitment proceedings and preventing him from abusing the power of Public Office for personal reasons.

  7. GREGORY go to the vet and get put to sleep...YOUR USELESS!!! Bernie please start writing about something else this is getting boring....

  8. I really believe JG needs serious help; however, he cannot be allowed to continuously violate a PFA and face more contempt of court charges without some consequences. I question whether he even realizes that he could go to jail if he keeps trying to intimidate and harass his former girlfriend. I hope someone can talk some sense into him and convince him to get help because his behavior is getting worse. Unfortunately I doubt he would even listen to his family at this point. Sad.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. @ 9:08 It amazes me as to how ignorant you are as to the law & courtroom procedure. You are all bluster, with no Legal sense.

  11. mmmmm lina , tricia and elaine

  12. gregorys other lawyerJune 19, 2013 at 11:47 AM

    Gregory is smarter than all of these morons combined. You will see it in court. His IQ was tested by Mensa stanford Binet at 132. Mensa tested him in a supervised setting at 128
    he was sick then...You have no idea what you are up against Bernie.. ask his girlfriend. She used to say

    You are as crazy as a fox. Mayor Callahan , thanks to todays article has his fingerprints all over this now. he is done for. If hector Nemes testifies at Gregory's hearing, and he will be supeonead , he will talk about the mators prostitute

  13. the mayor and his prostitute chapter 1. 69 news has it all at ten

  14. keep deleting Bernie. The mayor is done for Charlie Dent wil put you on staff now..

  15. the whore of babylon will look like cinderella compared to her if this goes to court

  16. the truth comes out saidJune 19, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    Gregorys friend, Chuckielove told him about linas affairs. lina told chucks wife she was screwing everyone. now what , lina.

  17. finally figured out that you are backing a whore Bernie. Guess that makes you her pimp. sadly everyone is using her because she is so damn gullible.. Harvey told her that

  18. finally figured out that you are backing a whore Bernie. Guess that makes you her pimp. sadly everyone is using her because she is so damn gullible.. Harvey told her that

  19. are the sheriffs looking for Gregory could be hard because the bethlehem police have all his communication devices.. sucks for the sheriff and bpd. Told you I wasnt Gregory.. I am a friend and you are a moron if you think this is Gregory

  20. Callahan is now toast. Brown wont have to spend a penny when the 69 news story comes out..Not a penny. say hi to

    Executive Brown.

  21. I hope you like the inside of a cell Jim, because it looks like you will be there for awhile. Only question is if it is a padded cell or not.

  22. Callahan is now toast. Brown wont have to spend a penny when the 69 news story comes out..Not a penny. say hi to

    Executive Brown. We didn't even have to spend a penny now that channel 69 has the evidence of Callahans infidelity on tape. Gregory will take a polygraph, will Callahan ?

  23. kiss, kiss Bernie, better go find Brown

  24. Da tripod will be ok, god blessed him with brains , good looks, and grotesquely large genitalia.

  25. oh yeah , this communication device doesn't exist..It was lost yesterday bye bernice

  26. oh yeah , this communication device doesn't exist..It was lost yesterday bye bernice

  27. How much does booby donkcheese pay for these hatchet jobs boonie?

  28. I am a friend and you are a moron if you think this is Gregory

    That proves it now, because Gregory has no friends!! Stop the nonsense and go to the ER.

  29. All I can say is WOW! I hope this isn't Jim posting.

  30. I wish I was on Jims ex-girlfriends list for when she did not want wrinkled manslab.

  31. The headline in the Express Times was weird.

  32. Can Northampton County order Mr. Gregory to employee assistance programs to start the road to recovery

  33. Comments identifying the victim, obviously being posted by Gergory, have been deleted. You might have bullied and beat her in your home, Gregory, but you won't be doing it on this blog.

  34. I'm sorry that I have to post this, but I don't see much difference between jim gregory, other bi-polar politicians, bill o'reily, mike fleck, seam hannity or the rest of the lot. I got out of their rat race. thank fuckin' tom keifer.

  35. I can't speak about the national names you mention, but Gregory makes Fleck look like the sanest person in the world. Moreover, Fleck can actually sing. I can't think of anyone who comes close to him in outright nuttiness, and who has actually held office.

    Nutty is fine with me. But i am concerned that Gregory has an underlying problem that has overwhelmed him in recent months. I don 't know if he has gambling problems or whether it is something else.

    If hevwere to admit he has a problem and ask for help, I'm sure he would get it. I think even his ex would be willing to let bygones be bygones. But he has not reached the point yet where he has realized that his real problem is him.

  36. ohairless is not in the least concerned. he is enjoying every minute of this drama in his own perverse way - happy to find someone sicker than he and his ex girlfriend.

    what a sad little specimen he is

  37. What an anonymous little coward you are.

  38. Bernie,

    In your last post about Gregory you wrote this:

    "He has taken and used money cards that are provided for them by the casino. He does have their permission, but is this really voluntary?"

    Even though I don't understand what you have written or what that is, it kind of sounds criminal.

    Can you explain what he is doing, because I have not any clue what that is? I am just curious, because I really don't understand it. Thanks!

  39. Did anyone see the caption in Gregory's Facebook page? He has a real serious problem.

  40. I have been to the Sands exactly once and do not gamble. I have nothing against it, but it's just not for me. From what I understand, the Sands makes money cards available to certain patrons who gamble there. It's like getting a gas discount at Giant. Gregory uses money cards that the Sands makes available to his clients. As I understand it, he does not steal from them bc they give him permission to use them. It would be like me giving you my Giant card so you can get 10 cents off a gallon. I don't believe it is appropriate for a caseworker to have any kind of arrangement with his clients, just as I would consider it inappropriate between a teacher and student. They are not in equal positions.

  41. 9:09, that may be very true but it doesn't stop you from being a miserable little bastard who is used or rejected by everyone you try to associate with. Thus you rejoice in other's woes so you can feel better about your wasted existence.

  42. Then we agree that you are an anonymous little coward. Thanks.

  43. I have my reasons for being anon - you however can't help but be a mean and pitiful little asshole

  44. I know JIM is crazy!, but if he thinks John Brown will win (or is a goof mayor, or is executive material) then Gregory is INSANE! Brown is gonna get toasted. And JG help is gonna make it worse.
    Brown=Gregory/Mezzacappa axis of evil.

  45. Mayor Brown does not have a realistic shot of becoming Executive of Northampton County. He is ineffective in cleaning-up his own polluted town, much less the Entire county.

  46. "I have my reasons for being anon - you however can't help but be a mean and pitiful little asshole"

    Like I said, thanks for admitting that you are too cowardly to identify yourself.

  47. Reader of this blog see how you abuse people whose position you disagree with who are foolish enough to ID themselves.

  48. TIC TAC

    Dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude.

  49. Exactly what "tape" is being referred to regarding the mayor?

  50. "Reader of this blog see how you abuse people whose position you disagree with who are foolish enough to ID themselves."

    In other words, you are an anonymous coward.

  51. And you would appear to be a mean spirited bully boy,always happy to play favorites. Who's foaming at the mouth now?
    Where is your buddy Clem? He enjoyed your crude hunting and bashing missions.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.