Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

LC GOP Committeeman Resigns ... To Support Tom Muller

Ben Long, a young Lehigh County GOP Committee member, volunteered in Dean Browning's primary race for County Executive. He's now a former Committee member. Yesterday, he resigned, claiming he will support Tom Muller, the Democratic nominee for Executive.
I cannot in good faith support Scott Ott as my candidate for Lehigh County Executive. I feel that I would be doing a disservice to the Republican voters who elected me. Although Scott may be the chairman’s preference, when you do a comparison of the two candidates, Tom Muller is far and away the most qualified. Under our committee rules I cannot support a Democrat, so it is with a heavy heart that I announce my temporary resignation.
Let me be clear, I am not leaving the Republican Party. What I am doing is fighting to take back the Party that I fell in love with. For me to sit back on the committee and say nothing would serve no purpose. I truly believe that Scott Ott’s philosophical viewpoints are far outside most Republican thinking. By my actions I hope to save the Republican Party that has been hijacked by Wayne Woodman and Scott Ott, I will do everything I can to see to it that Scott Ott is not successful in November, so I have decided to help the Democrat Tom Muller.
He claims he is not leaving the Republican Party, but "fighting to take it back".


  1. bernie, i'm forced to ask who is ben long, and where did this press release come from? browning had said that he would support the party choice. did long or browning send you this release?

  2. OMG - sounds like honesty to me

  3. Mike,

    I know Ben. This is something he did on his own. It will come as no surprise to you that there is a lot of dissatisfaction within that committee.

    Scott Armstrong

    1. Dissatisfaction is one thing, this is something else. The reason parties hold primaries is to allow the voters to choose the candidates. They have done so, but Mr. Long can't seem to accept that the voters didn't choose his preferred candidate.

      So instead of accepting the will of the voters, Mr Long wants to act like a three year old and undermine the candidate who defeated his preferred candidate (Dean Browning)?

      That's unfortunate, and contrary to the stated position of Mr. Browning, who has said he would support Scott Ott.

  4. What a pack of lies.

    So Mr. Long believes that "Mr. Ott's viewpoints are far outside most Republican thinking". Maybe he should check the election results of 2011 and this year's primary.

    It would seem that Mr. Long has a difficult time accepting the will of the voters.

    If Long really believes that Muller's record of higher taxes better reflects his own viewpoint, perhaps Long should consider switching parties as well.

  5. scott @5:51, i pride myself as independent, and an unpartisan observer. mr. long is entitled to close the curtain and vote for muller in november, but his letter is simply injurious to the local republican party. perhaps he will find a home on the conservative wing of the democratic party.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. No one is saying that Long can't vote for Muller or anyone else in the general. However, he obviously is not suited to be a Republican committee person.

    2. Right. Lever pullers only in the GOP committee. Who care if the candidates aren't qualified.

    3. No, you can obviously vote for anyone. Publicly supporting a Democrat, however, doesn't fly when you're a committee person.

    4. Clearly you can't read: he isn't a committee person. The GOP hates independent thinkers. He had to resign Bc to support the best candidate. Imagine that! He put his love of Lehigh county above the tea party extremists and the GOP.

  7. The will of the people is decided in the general election, not a republican primary. No wonder the Republican Party can't govern. They don't even know when the elections are. We will see who voters feel is more qualified: a low-profile rush Limbaugh wannabe or a man experienced in running large businesses and managing resources. Mark this prediction: ott loses, schweyer an chreighton lose, dougherty has a scare, woodman resigns, the gang of three packs it in before the 2015 election. The tragedy of the tea party in Lehigh county is a folk legend by 2017 as reason is restored.

    1. The will of Republican voters was expressed in the Republican primary. Long might not like that result, but it's ridiculous for Long to state that it is Ott who is out of line with Republican thinking.

      That Long then takes the extraordinary step of endorsing the Democrat in the race is more telling. Perhaps young Ben is actually a Democrat.

      That's fine, but Long has to be honest with himself.

    2. Party has nothing to do with the best candidate. That is what ott and woodman can't seem to understand and it will lead to their loss. 45% of the GOP said that ott isn't qualified. Many wont vote for ott in the fall. He is on the wrong side of the equation. Bravo to all of them that cross the lines.

    3. 8:06 -

      45% of the voters preferred Browning. You can speculate all you want as to why, but it's a big stretch to think they didn't think Ott was qualified. The reality is that a very large majority (in the political sense) obviously though Ott was well qualified and the best candidate.

      Most of us, except Ben Long and a handful of other Browning supporters, realize that we don't always get our way in primaries and recognize that now is the time to come together and focus on the real threat to your pocketbooks - Tom Muller.

      To believe that a majority of Republicans, or Democrats for that matter, are going to vote for the architect of the 16% tax hike is delusional.

  8. Sure. We can mark your predictions. When you sign your name.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. @6:35, by coincidence today i posted about my low regard for the blogosphere, and your comment is part of that estimation. i would have criticized mr. long just as readily if he were a democrat, and attacked that party with such subversion. it is he who claims to be a party activist, but apparently only when the nominees suit him. talking of subversion, your enthusiasm to attack me reveals your identity, and puts to rest the notion that you care about anything, but hate blogging. good day.

    1. Why must a party activist blindly support a party nominee who isn't qualified for the job? He is proving to be the independent minded voter you claim to be yourself as a blogger. That is good!

    2. This is pretty simple, so please read it slowly so that you can comprehend it:

      A party activist (committee person) doesn't have to support anyone. But you can't actively or publicly support a person from the other party.

    3. An activist can do whatever the hell he wants, especially when his party nominates an unqualified candidate. Perhaps you should learn that committee people and party activists aren't the same thing. Not everybody is blind to good govt.

  10. Ben: you are a little boy. Taking your marbles and going home? We will miss you! Like diaper rash.

  11. Ben: Scott Ott was the preference of the Republican Party voters. There was an election. Your guy lost. He spent 2x what Ott spent. He still lost. Your way or the highway. Have a good trip. We will not miss you.

  12. Muller must be ecstatic over this news. After all, Long's support can now do for Muller what Long's support did for Browning.

    Oh wait, that didn't turn out so well.

  13. I don't think Browning was well served by some of his advisors who, like Long, made the primary about personally destroying Ott. That came through in Browning's campaign literature and likely turned a lot of voters away from Browning.

    What Long is now doing is a continuation of the same tactic.

    Browning would be wise to distance himself from Long, publicly denounce what Long is doing, and reiterate his support for Ott.

    That would go a long way toward helping Browning separate himself from the tactics of his advisors and help rehabilitate his image in the eyes of voters. That would be beneficial if Browning has any future political aspirations.

  14. First, whomever this clown is helped Dean to a crushing defeat, despite all that money and all those negative ads. Then, after the majority of R voters predictably rejected a 16% tax raiser, he says he knows what Rs really want, a Democrat. Hard to make this stuff up. Whomever Ben Long is, his coming out party via this blog has painted him as somewhere between sore loser and just plain stupid for thinking Browning had a chance. That, or Scott called him a nasty name and he's upset.

  15. "The GOP hates independent thinkers."

    Hatred is a strong word. The GOP dislikes RINOs, but often accepts them in predominantly blue areas where they weren't going to win a philosophical battle. Getting Brownings and Ferraros is preferable to Pawlowskis and Callahans because every once in a while the RINO will vote your way. You don't get any by giving the seat to a D. In redder areas, you needn't settle for RINOs. Reverse the colors and parties and you have the same occurrences among Ds. Extremism on both sides creates debate. In the end, however, both parties usually opt for the pragmatic approach to obtaining and keeping political power.

  16. Ben is right the party has been hijacked, Ott has no job history doesn't own property and he tells us how taxpayers money is being spent. GO BEN!

  17. " did long or browning send you this release?"

    I got it from Ben, not Browning.

  18. Ott is the likely winner. But, Tom will make it a close race. The independent voter has a big impact here.

    Ott is the Tea Party idealogical choice.

    Tom Muller is the centrist Demo (former Rino).

    But, no matter who wins the county exec job just doesn't have much impact. It's all in the judiciary arena.

  19. MM, Since the Blog Mentor admitted you were right, I have deleted his two comments.

  20. Ben is a good kid. Takes balls to do this. I respect him for doing what he thinks is right in his heart. He personally thinks the party has tacked to the extreme and he's doing something about it... even if he gets crushed for doing it.

    That's character. Remember, he didn't have to resign... he could have forced the party to remove him. Resigning before that circus was the right move. Clean break and do what he thinks he has to do.

  21. "Whomever Ben Long is, his coming out party via this blog has painted him as somewhere between sore loser and just plain stupid for thinking Browning had a chance"

    My own experience with Ott tells me he is both thin-skinned and an extremist. Ben is following his conscience. He has that right.

  22. I appreciate that most people will find that I followed my conscious and I did what I thought was right. There comes a point in everyones's life when we need to stand up for what is right despite the consequences or any false and mean spirited attacks that will come my way.

  23. "Ben: you are a little boy. Taking your marbles and going home? We will miss you! Like diaper rash."

    I don't find this offensive, it just makes you look unprofessional.

    1. Ben: get a mentor. You are making a fool of yourself.

  24. bye bye RINO

    the Democrats can love you all they want

    happy spending

  25. This is Earth shattering and will likely sway the election. The endorsement by an unknown supporter of a losing primary candidate, revealed on a Democrat friendly blog is nuclear. Nice work Brad. Or was it Brian? Bob?

  26. So Ben Long, his favored candidate in one race defeated in a fair and open election, can't find any other Republican candidate's campaign to work on in the fall and has to resign as committee person?

    He could just as easily stayed out of the County Exec race and worked for a Republican county commissioner, township supervisor, or school board candidate, but instead he'd rather support a candidate from another party.

    It would seem to me that he is actually a closet democrat and was just looking for a reason to quit. That's his choice and ok, but he needs to be honest with himself.

  27. @2:53, putting on a pundit hat, i would think that unless dean issues an overdue disclaimer, he has a mentor.

  28. The Wayne Woodman Scott Ott dominance of Lehigh Co. politics needs to come to an end ASAP.

  29. The Wayne Woodman Scott Ott era of Lehigh Co. poltics needs to end.

  30. Mike,

    As a friend I ask you, what is your beef with Dean Browning? He is a great guy and did a lot of good on the board of county commissioners. His one sin was to not go along with Wayne on the "send back" vote because it was pure politics. For that Wayne and company destroyed him. I will be voting to raise taxes 8% this year as a school board director because we cannot even pretend to provide even a basic education if we balanced the budget with only teacher lay-offs. Should I be labeled a RHINO? Shall I also be destroyed by the local committee because I have violated their tenet of no tax increases?

    Scott Armstrong

  31. It's RINO. And, yes. If we want our taxes raised to continue to pay for horrible results, we can elect liberal Democrats.

  32. 7:14,

    Then you are an ideologue and an idiot to boot!

    Scott Armstrong

  33. Republican In Name Only


    How hard is that to comprehend?

    No wonder the City Without Limits is the way it is ...

  34. scott, i have no beef with dean. dean does have a history on this blog. considering that a supporter of his is now endorsing the candidate from the other party, no comment from dean seems to say something. you on the other hand do have a beef with woodman and ott. i really don't have a position or passion about any of the players, i'm simply observing what is being said, and not being said.

  35. scott, p.s. i have nothing but admiration for everybody on the school board. it's truly a thankless job, with nothing but tough choices.

  36. Scott's a good egg who succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome a while back. As an R in a city where Ds have destroyed democracy, he's identifying with his captors and seeing things their way. In business and on the street, it's called going native. There's only so much that even the best of us can take before folding. He gets points for fighting before giving up and going along.

  37. These responses are what is wrong with the current temperament of the Lehigh County Republican Committee and why I am no longer a committee person.

    Thank you for proving my point.

    Scott Armstrong

  38. @8:39, it must be frustrating to be so insightful and yet sign your name anonymous said.. if scott succumbed, which he didn't, at least he still uses his name.

  39. Hey, I resigned as a committee person over dissatisfaction with hypocritical nominees several years back, how come I didn't get a post then! I should be pissed :-) . -nlv

  40. Mike,

    What has just happened to me tonight on this blog is, in a microcosm exactly what happened to Dean Browning. It was all to easy to demonstrate.

    The is the new Lehigh County Republican Committee.

    Scott Armstrong

  41. I recall a time when 1/3 of all ccommittee people resigned when Lovett was elected over his predecessor. These things eb and flow, which is why the parties and the people have elections. I dont see a problem there -nlv

  42. Bob Lovett never smeared good Republican elected officials by calling them Rhino's over a single vote.
    Nice try.

    Scott Armstrong

  43. I know Ben and his family, I have nothing bad to say tthere, but what the post does not say is that he worked hard to get Scott elected over Browning as Commissioner, all edged RINO comments then, so unless you have something more, I see one person who has a right to his opinion but no great conspiracy. Sorry. -nlv

  44. Scott

    Actually, the Party then did abandon the commissioners who voted for the lessor alternative to the now famous 70% tax increase, shunning them for voting for a lessor alternative and allowing the more onerous increase to take affect.


    So yeah, been there, done that. Eb & flow, like I said.


  45. Let me set the record straight. I worked foe Dean, Dean is a good friend and mentor to me. My decision to endorse Tom is no reflection on Dean. Dean is in no way obligated to say anything. Him and I are two different people. Please have some respect for a man who has been a friend, his integrity and conviction is something I admire. Call me names, call me a rino, whatever you like, but leave Dean out of this.

    Ben (notice I leave my name)

  46. Scott -

    You twice insinuate that anonymous posts here are what is wrong with the County committee. Yet I don't see where the posters have identified themselves as committee people.

    Could it be that you're letting your personal issue with Woodman cloud your thinking? Sometimes PEOPLE disagree with you, not just committee people.

  47. Muller IS a republican. Just not as looney as most in the GOP leadership in LC.
    And keep that stuff from Mr Armstrong coming. It's a scream !!!!!

  48. Muller is a self-centered prick, who sold his soul to the Dem's in order to help the political power group that gave him a job, keep theirs.

    He has shown a lack of character and a desire for greed and a bigger pension by his move. The Lehigh County Democrats deserve to be boycotted by real Democrats for talking real Dem's out of running to endorse a politically connected Republican.

    Scott Ott may be nutz but at least he is an honest and principled nut. Muller is neither. No more arrogance in Lehigh County government, we have had more than enough.

    A Democrat that will vote for Scott Ott. At least he is hi sown man and not a corporate creation built on bs.

    Leigh county employee's are tired of Muller and the old Cunningham crew. they are just too much into themselves.

    Political Freedom for Lehigh county. People take back your government form the insider power brokers.

  49. The comments speak for themselves.They are as cheap and snarky as one would expect from those who cowardly post as anonymous.
    Bob Lovett recruited a slate of candidates to run after the 70% tax increase.
    Scott Ott and Wayne Woodman tried to stop a 16% tax increase with the send back vote. Dean knew the numbers and understood the sendback was more about politics than good government. He was proven correct the next year when the so called reform team failed to undo the 16% increase. These are the facts.
    Huge difference between Bob Lovett and Wayne Woodman. Bob was a manager, Wayne is an autocrat.

    Scott Armstrong

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. Rolf,

    Honestly I have trouble following the logic of your post. However, if you think I haven’t spent time “championing Conservatism and taking on the evils of Progressive Liberalism and the Democrats" you haven’t been paying attention. That is not my fault.

    Scott Armstrong

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. You completely missed my point. I did not call Bob Lovett any names. I simply pointed to another time where many disgruntled committee people left. That is not an unusual occurrence. As to Dean's vote. I helped Dean during his first election to Commissioner. I had him in my home and hosted events. Dean chided the 70% increase. Then when it came Browning's turn in 2010 with a 16% increase on the table, Browning did not vote for the lesser 13% alternative, leaving the send back as a final option. -nlv

  54. And I sign my posts, -nlv i.e. northern lehigh valley logic. You know the moniker. Don't mix me with the anonymisers.

  55. nlv,

    I wasn't directing any (anonymous) criticism towards you. Always respect your point of view.

    Scott Armstrong

  56. NLV is David Najarian. Though this post has nothing to do with Dean Browning, Najarian will acknowledge (if he is stll honest) that he hates the guy. He is part of the Gang of Four who ran against Dean. He believes Dean tried to hold up his money for preserving his farm.

    What this really is about is a young man who sent me an email, not a news release, to claim he supprts Muller. He was a Browning volunteer, so of course, this must be Dean's fault. Though Dean stated during the campaign that he would support the Rnominee and stated o. Electio. Night that he would supportb the R nominee, that is not enough.

    He apparently must do so five times a day, and nust disavow the comments of anyone who supports Muller because he reads this blog,

    Give it a rest already.

  57. Scott, you don't undertand Rolf bc he is insane. None of his comments here are welcome. He knows this.

  58. Bernie, your off on this one. Scott A brought up Dean in response to my comment about the committee, and I simply responded to Scott. And my beef is not that Dean held up money, where the hell did you get that! My beef was that Browning said he supported the program, but criticized me for participating. And I did not say one iota bad about Mr. Long, or suggest that Dean disavow him. Don't lump me in that group. My dialogue today was not snarky in any way. So please don't try to make it out for more than it was. Thank you. -nlv

  59. Scott, I missed your comment in there after I fired off against Bernie. Thanks for the clarification. -nlv

  60. Dave, I am not off on this one. The very first comment tries to blame Browning, and so it continues. Defend Ott. Defend Woodman. But I am getting sick of the Browning bashing. I have asked you once to drop it. Now please drop it already.

  61. If you're talking about 7: 57 and that ilk, and all those that followed, those were not my comments. What are you talking about? Scott brought it up at 9:41 last night. My first post here was 9:55 last night, topic being the committee. My first mention of the person you now say I can not speak of, was in response to Scott's 7:27Am post today. I may have an axe to grind, but I did not grind it here today. -nlv

  62. Dave, I don't know how I could be more clear or how you cokld be more dense. I am talking about the VERY FIRST COMMENT posted on this story, trying to blame this all on Browning. Now drop it already. I have had enough.

  63. Actually, I stand corrected. I did mention "Browning" in reference to Mr. Long's prior work as a Committeeperson. Neither off topic nor axe grinding. -nlv

  64. That was not me, so don't try to make my entry more than it was. -nlv

  65. This is embarrassing taking shots at a person for making a decision based on his own political action and thought. It is amazing to see the amount of disrespect that has been shown here. It is disheartening to see first hand what goes on in our political world it really is

  66. Wow. I suppose i need to spend more time reading comments, so i can get accustomed to the idea that it's okay to skip past responsible debate and simply use name-calling, unsubstantiated inferences, and ongoing feuds/wars as a basis for making statements. People (approx. half of the commenters, maybe?) should be ashamed. Really.

  67. Scott Armstrong is a solid conservative. He is not a RINO. He is a good man trying to do a very difficult job. I proudly voted for him. Vic Mazziotti

  68. Ben: if Dean Browing is your mentor, as you said above, did you talk to him before endorsing a Democrat? If you did, what was his advice?

  69. Bernie,
    I think I made the point loud and clear that my decision has NO reflection on Dean whatsoever. Can you please delete any future accusations of Dean being apart of some "scheme" This was my idea.

  70. Ben: you said that Dean Browning is your mentor. It is fair to ask if you talked to your mentor about your decision to endorse a Democrat. Did you?

  71. No answer Ben? Have trouble with truth? I see why you supported Dean. Two peas in a pod.

  72. Dean had nothing to do with my decision, Wayne

  73. Now once and for all leave Dean out of this. You are all bunch of cowards, be a man and reveal yourself.

  74. As Ben's sister, I personally know that he was and STILL is committed to the Republican Party. He has given so much time and energy to fight for the causes he believes in. I do not know many people who have dedicated their lives to their passions as much as he has. I want to thank each of his mentors whom have guided him in this process. I am proud of you bro!

  75. Ben's sister, I am a bit surprised by the reaction here. Ben is a young man, decided he preferred Muller, and resigned as Committee member before speaking out. He has that right. I would not expect any candidate to be loved universally by members of his own party. But i would expect people in their 50s and older to be a bit more tolerant.

  76. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  77. Good bye Burnie. I am done with this blog. I am pulling a Ben!

  78. If someone were to ask me to describe someone who worked hard on a campaign, the LAST person I would think of is.. Ben Long! He PRETENDS to work hard. This is just an oppty to chat chat chat about a non-issue. Ben resigning as committeeperson will NOT affect the Nov. election at all. Do I feel he did the right thing...of course not. Whoever advised him did not think about his future. When he runs for office as a Republican...this will surely be brought up as an indication that he is not a loyal person. You can still be a committeeperson and not like the candidates.... I've done that for years!

  79. In total agreement here, Scott!

    Huge difference between Bob Lovett and Wayne Woodman. Bob was a manager, Wayne is an autocrat.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.