Local Government TV

Monday, June 17, 2013

Gregory Moves On to New Heights

It's been a rough few weeks for Lehigh Valley Labor Council VP Jim Gregory. His girlfriend has left. He's been charged with harassment and served with a Protection from Abuse Act Order (PFA). Then there's a contempt citation for continuing to contact his girlfriend after the PFA. Got a suspension from his job as, believe it or not, a mental health caseworker. Then he announced an independent bid for a Mayoral candidacy in Bethlehem, only to learn that election laws prevent it. His anonymous "lol" comments have earned him the derision of Morning Call columnist Bill White. Like me, White needs eardrum transplants after listening to Gregory's YouTube rendition of "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone." Lesser men would raise the white flag. But that's not Gregory's style. He's instead on the prowl, looking for a new soulmate.

A cocktail waitress from the Sands? Nah, the Mediterranean manslab has gone Asian. His new love interest is a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig, who was delighted by the high heels.

As Gregory would say, "LOL."


  1. I`M confused. Is this about "The little old lady who lived in a shoe ? or "One little piggy goes to market ?" or "Once upon a time in West Easton Trish and Jimmy lived happily everafter ?"

  2. Something tells me he's found his other half. I hope he and the pig are very happy.

  3. Is this the Tricia pig? Is he now part of the pigs family with Tricia?
    This gets more confusing everyday.

    I thought he was trolling the Sands for another woman.

  4. Now he is hooked up with Tricia or her pig or both.

  5. pigs of a feather flock together

  6. Oh
    Can't wait to read about these two in the papers when they piss each other off.

  7. So he doing a pig, is that legal?

  8. He's probably done worse, especially if you count Mezzacappa!

  9. Hi tic tac,

    auuuughh!! looks like someone is jeaaaaalous

    He's a MAN....I repeat, a real MAN

    do you know what that is tic tac?

  10. Hey Trish, how would you know? Is it because of your adam's apple? You are a real man, too!

  11. @WEFP, is there room in your Ridge St attic for a little man slave who will satisfy Jim G's extracurricular carnal urges?

  12. Really Trish! You should start listening to the Blog Mentor a little more. He picked a real winner for you when he matched you up with the Fake Mustache guy. This new guy is just a poser.

  13. Trish will shoot Jim if he hits her.

  14. sucks to be bernie..trish dumped his affections when she couldnt find his penis..Now his head is spinning because she is with Gregory...A little worried Mr. Stoffa You should be

  15. The main question here is " where is Bernie's missing penis,

    Maybe up a little fellow's butt. Look out Boy Scouts

  16. just a rumor Bernie. I'm sure it's not true, lol

  17. "West Easton Foot Print" is just one of many names used by Tricia Mezzacappa. So as I understand it, Gregory is now aligning himself with a racist recently convicted of disorderly conduct for death threats, and who walks around with a gun in a holster bc her LTCF has been revoked. Good choice, Jim. I don't see how Bethlehem voters say No to you now.

  18. Bernie, Good title. Thats what Mezz said when she saw Gregory's package

  19. They won't say no. If you and White keep giving him all this publicity, he will win..No negative press, remember, duh.

  20. I'm sure Bob Donchez is writing his concession speech right now. Lol. 8.

  21. He can write without having Morganelli hold his hand.. Wow, who'd have guessed

  22. my guess is that Morganelli won't let the Bethlehem police raid his house like they did the other day. I heard Narlesky is screwed for signing the warrant without having an evidence. Damn
    immy, what were you thinking?? Judicial review board, here we come..Bye

  23. The waitress at the sands is running for Miss Pennsylvania.

    He gave a a diamond necklace that was supposed to be given to Lina after his event. But she took off. Sucks for her.

    The girl at the Sands has a boyfriend and a great family. Stop slandering her Bernie. She has some bad friends.

  24. " I heard Narlesky is screwed for signing the warrant without having an evidence. Damn "

    So let me get this straight. Are you telling me a search warrant was executed on your home? I'll have to stop by the magistrate's office. Thanks for the tip, Jim Gregory.

  25. Bernie, ever think about writing the great American novel?

    Politics, intrigue, criminal acts, backstabbing, pyschotic behavior, a puppet-master "blog mentor" operating while shielded from view even though everyone knows who he is, a potential transvestite, beastiality, shoe fetish, fake religious guy, death threats, an 'enemies list' that includes 1/2 of the Valley, judicial misconduct that really isn't, an unelected aristocracy and the role it plays i all of this, etc.

    Why write fiction when the truth is so much more interesting?

    I want a signed copy as payment for this idea.

    The Banker

  26. Banker, I have been toying with the idea of putting this all together. But it would have to be a novel. Nobody would believe the truth.

  27. True.

    Damn it'd be funny though...

  28. I find this very scary. If these pictures are current, where did they come from and is this being done to send a message? I find nothing funny about this at all. There is something really wrong here. I am scared just looking at the shoe picture and the look on his face.

  29. According to MezzaKKKappa's blog,the pictures were taken yesterday during a visit that Gregory made to her home. There are some of her, too, sitting atop his car, wearing a gun in a holster.

  30. There is a video, too, in whiuch Gregory says something about "this union" sending some kind of message to Stoffa and me, but I'm not getting that message. I don't find this scary at all, just goofy.

  31. "There are some of her, too, sitting atop his car, wearing a gun in a holster."

    That seems like very poor judgment for someone who recently had her license to carry firearms revoked and who claims to be so concerned about violations of her confidentiality.

  32. She's not exactly known for exercising good judgment.

  33. Had nothing to do with her pig or her, or her shoe collection. I am after her amzing gun collection

    its outstanding, and a little on the scarey side too

    but i like that



  34. That shoe says it all.

    You can't buy good taste.


  35. Birds of a feather...

  36. a new axis of evil?

  37. Between them they have three pending cases of criminal harassment and a protection from abuse order. There also is a firearms license revocation appeal, a libel judgment, a lawsuit against a local newspaper and who knows what else?

  38. Tricia & Jim claim to represent the Majority of Norco resident's. What does that say about us? What a bunch of Flaming Asshole's! Welcome to Northampton County P.A.

  39. "The shoe represents the Stoffa connection to all of this"

    Is this the new power couple of the Lehigh Valley?

  40. They both support John Brown, and will be carrying his water (hint, hint)

  41. And Baron and the Gracedale goons are supporting Callahan. The county is chock full if nuts on all sides and up the middle.

  42. Barron and the goons supported McClure. Von Footinmouth thought there was a job in it for him, and now is trying to worm his way back in with Callahan. I can't speak forvthe Mayor, who seems like a decent guy. But I'd tell the gold digger to go pound sand. The goons Are irrelevant. I am sure Callahan will talk to Irwin and Justus James, but the Fake Rev and his mongrels have demonstrated they are irrelevant.

  43. Perhaps this "union" is a good thing. It might result in a little less anger and crazy from them -- two desperate people who have found one another might ease each others tortured souls and wrecked lives.

  44. Just when you think things cannot get any weirder…they do!

  45. Love the pose. Can't hide Mediterranean manmeat sexy!

  46. Their matching Adams Apples are simply too much. I eagerly await more Jimmakkkappa updates.

    Warmest regards,
    Chuck Woolery

  47. You mean new lows!

  48. well Bernie, I see you had fun all day while I was away. Enjoy it while you can you degenerate. No matter who beoomes executive, you are toast. No more courthouse access. No more getting info before the people involved in the situation have it..You are irrelevant. You are nothing but a pimple on a toad's ass. You and Stoffa won't survive Gregory's press conference. You have a dump for a house and live in squalor and even Earl lives a better life. He 's a lot better looking too , but that's not saying much.

  49. What's wrong Bernie..The BPD. shut you out? No info on the raid? They took half naked pictures of his girlfriend and they won't let you see them? Guess Callahan has you on the way out already..Sucks for you!

  50. Yo BO! What is with the Ch 69 story about Gregory and the hidden camera behind the bedroom wall clock that the cops seized? This is getting better all the time. Apparently the Med lover has been taping his bedroom exploits.

    Oh Man o man!

    How about that twink!

  51. Looks like I'll be doing another Gregory post.

  52. He really seems to be surely threatening to sue a lot of people. Wonder if anyone gets a cut of his docket/attorney fees? Wouldn't have to raise taxes after you collect all of those fees.

    Jim you are a coward! Taping people without their consent. Truly a coward! LOL!

  53. Taping her without her knowing is kinda' creepy and may very well be a wiretap violation.

  54. The whole thing is just plain ole creepy.

    Can you image the smell left in your nose after that scene??? LOL!8

  55. I can hardly wait to get up tomorrow and read the next chapter in the Gregory file. Maybe I will just stay up and wait for the post.

  56. Does the guy work or is he sucking off the tax payers with some fabricated excuses why he can`t ?

  57. Ugliest damn pig i have ever seen.

  58. 11:23, I don't like to see people fired,but he does not belong around people with mental issues.

  59. WFMZ has an up to date report. What a sleaz bag.

  60. first of all, what clock..Only Bernie would put a clock in the bathroom/ Now again, he creates all thee lies and fake anonymous people to attack Gregory..Here's the problem. No tapes exist. Who the hell said their was a bathroom clock? If she was stealing from him or having an affair on him as was reported, then wouldn't the tape be in the bedroom. If she knew she was being taped, as she told the police, why didn't she say anything. Again, what tapes, what clock? You might want to wait till the police report comes out first. Gregory tipped off channel 69, you assholes, not the police..How freaking stupid are you bernie?? You keep digging yourself in deeper and deeper. Call 69 , all of you fake posters. See who called it in. If Gregory wanted this hidden, why would he release it, duh????

  61. From the 69 report: "Gregory told 69 News that he installed a wall clock containing a camera in his bedroom because he thought his girlfriend was stealing from him and possibly having an affair."

    It is Gregory, not me, who admitted he was taping his girlfriend without her consent. That is a 3rd degree felony, whatever the motive.

  62. Gregory called the Call, the Express, and channel 69 to report this home invasion. He also mentioned it on his facebook page last week, duh...So, how is he the bad guy. If she saw any evidence, why didn't she take it when she burglarized his house on May 16th with her buddies???
    No, no tapes exist, no clock exists and no evidence exists that he did anything wrong. She lived in his house for three years or so, after she had an affair with him prior to moving in. She left on May 16th..No one said there was tapes, only a surveillance clock that didn't work, lol. It was junk and it was thrown out years ago , soon after it was purchased by her using his card. If there are no tapes and she filed a false report to the police, then she will be arrested. Stay tuned!!!!oreon

  63. Who mentioned the "bathroom", now that is doubly creepy. The news did in fact claim it was Gregory who admitted he had a hidden camera in his bedroom.

    Norco twink is having seizures thinking about those Jim Gregory sex tapes.

    Bernie, if you tape someones sexual activities without their knowledge, I believe you can go to jail.

  64. You are such a fool OHare. She and her lawyer are playing you like a fiddle. She lied about the harassment complaint, and she lied on the PFA report. As of this day, she has shown no evidence to prove anything she has said. Now she lied again, to the police, and got caught. You can multiply her lies by two hundred using all your fake names, but it doesn't change them to truths. Sucks for her, sucks for you.. So , keep it up. You will just embarrass her more. The police also confiscated half nude pictures that were taken by herself or her boyfriend at Gregory's house. She then sent them in a text to Gregory. He now owns them! The police stole this property. Sucks for them. She also sent Gregory a nude picture of herself from the waist up that her boyfriend had taken. That was his property also. Did the police take that also? It's missing.. Good luck with the post Bernie. You'll just prove yourself to be absolutely wrong again and again, and again. Why did you kick and probaby poison Earl the pig, Bernie. Were you jealous? Sad!

  65. I just read the report on WFMZ. Unbelievable. Does he really believe he can still run for mayor with another legal problem looming. Also, does he think women would vote for him after this? If this news report is correct, I hope that he is punished to the full extent of the law and I hope she sues him. What an invasion of privacy.

  66. Wait a minute her boyfriend, she and Gregory took nude bedroom pictures? I never heard of a two guy and one woman threesome. Sounds a bit a-fay, if you catch my drift.

  67. "She and her lawyer are playing you like a fiddle."

    I have not and will not speak to her or her lawyer until this is over.

  68. "Bernie, if you tape someones sexual activities without their knowledge, I believe you can go to jail."

    If he tapes her in a private setting without her consent, no matter what she is doing, he is wiretapping. He has admitted doing this to Channel 69. He also purchased and placed a camera inside of a clock to spy on her. He admitted that, too. Even without an actual tape, they can charge him with attempt. He's in trouble.


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