Local Government TV

Friday, June 07, 2013

Gregory Mayoral Bid Illegal?

Jim Gregory has announced his intention to run for Bethlehem Mayor as an Independent, but there is a question whether he may do so legally.

According to Northampton County voter registration records, Gregory voted in the Primary election as a Democrat. Under what is known as the "Sore Loser" law, he would have to have been registered as an Independent no later than April 22.

I have tried confirming this with election officials, but have no definitive word yet. The link below pertains to elections in 2010, but I am unaware of any changes that would enable Gregory to run as an Independent.

Gregory can still wage a write-in campaign. As someone who claims he just missed being a Mensa, Gregory probably knows this.


Updated Sunday, 6/9: Northampton County election officials agree that Gregory is unable to run for office as an Independent, though he can wage a write-in campaign.


  1. As someone who is covered by civil service how can he be in apolitical campaign. This guy is all over the place with his actions. Can't a doctor give him some calm down pills?

  2. According the article in the Express-Times, he is planning to 'retire.'

    A well-researched news article would have explored the party registration issue.

  3. I believe his "announcement" is already at odds with the civil service regulations. I heard that one of his own union representatives stated that he is now in violation of civil service regulations and if they are notified he will have to withdraw his announcement or resign, immediately.

    Some say he is already fired. All a mystery with this guy. Good Mayor material for Bedlam. Word on the street is Callahan will be endorsing him.

  4. HahHahahaha. What a freaking joke! This is a joke right? Sad and frightening.

  5. As detestable as JG is, the Sore Loser Law is unconstitutional and an affront to democracy. The major parties love it, though. That should tell you all you need to know about why it was crafted.

  6. As a former employee of NorCo and a former court appointed employee, not only would we have to have cut our ties with our jobs before announcing our candidacies, we were not even allowed to publicly show support of any candidate. We couldn't put a sign on our property, a bumper sticker on our cars, a pin on our lapels, or attend any public political functions - victory party or fundraiser. And nothing about that was unconstitutional.

    It is funny over at the Express-Times website. Ole Gregory is trying to shout down comments on their comment section. He is trying to be a bully again against any information that might shine forth the truth of him. This guy at the very least needs anger management!

  7. I didn't know you could change your party registration after the primary. The reason being is that you can vote for anyone you want and it wouldn't require a party change to vote R D or I. That used to be the law. Has that changed? U don't need to be registered I to run as an I in the general election. When did that change?
    Gregory is a simple nut job that will do anything to draw attention to himself.

  8. If this "sore loser law" is true, can you answer this question? In Upper Mt Bethel Twp, Jerry Geake lost the primary election. He then switched parties and ran in the general election and won. Would this not be illegal? He is now a supervisor. Does it not apply to him because the slate belt is another galaxy?

  9. As car as the civil service regulations on what political activities can and cannot be done, the following link breaks it down. In the may not do section, item number 8, states they cannot run for office


  10. I will withhold judgment until I hear Tricia's opinion.

  11. Not quite the same thing. Geake lost the primary, but his opponent withdrew her candidacy from one of the parties. This enabled party bosses to appoint him as the candidate, which is permitted under the Election Code.

  12. If I'm not mistaken, Geake lost the Dem side and won on the Rep side. He then ran as a rep and won.

  13. He lost, and was appointed to be the candidate after the nominee withdrew.


  14. Jimbob was on Channel 69 again claiming he just learned he can't run as an Independent so he will resign his job and run as a write in for Mayor. This guy is too much.

    Word was that he was already canned. Apparently he is now the Easton Express site positing as jimmaina going nuts.

    What will he do next for headlines? Maybe he will campaign naked or use the sex tapes he says he has as campaign ads.

  15. He poses as both "jimmania" and as "tomfoolery."

  16. Bill White should scourer his old columns and news articles and write the "Gregory Chronicles, descent into madness" it would get him a Pulitzer Prize.


  17. I don't know which is funnier, his column or the way Gregory is lashing out over it at both The Express Times and Morning Call.

  18. Where did Gregory write his own column? I missed that one. I would like to read it. I bet you that is a real page turner!!!

  19. It's a Bill White column. As "tomfoolery," Gregory is lasing out about it there. And in an Express Times story about his wacky candidacy, he's posting as "jimmania" and liking his own comments. It's hilarious ... I sometimes wonder whether he isn't doing some kind of performance art.

  20. Bernie,

    How in the world do you attach these kind of people all the time? What is your secret?

  21. "I'm a violent torpedo of love"

    HAHA! That is priceless. Bill White should get a Pulitzer for that alone.

    His latest column and the comments by are gold.

    You guys should go national with this.

    Gregory could be the first person to be put in Whites Hall of
    Shame, twice!

  22. I just read White's column. It is hilarious. But those comments have to be Gregory. Gregory is ahh a little ... ahh ...

    "... a violent torpedo of love!"

    Those comments are priceless!

    But if I have a fever and need a prescription, definitely Jim Gregory is not the drug and the cure. It is more like Ron Shegda and his lovely moobs! Or the tickler of the Fake Rev. I heard someone has pictures of him doing the deed with cRaZy Mezzaluna. Imagine the smell in that room?!?!

  23. I just read the Bill White column and it was funny! If the posted comments were from JG it seems like he is not prepared for everyone making fun of his running for mayor. After all, his running at this time is very ridiculous. I really think he needs to concern himself more with the PFA he has against him and the contempt of court charges. Talk about deflecting from some serious serious problems. This whole thing is a bit strange!

  24. It's like being nibbled to death by ducks.

  25. Gregory 2013: Shock the City!!!

  26. @ "Anonymous said...
    Gregory 2013: Shock the City!!!10:52 AM"

    Is this a shock & awwwwwwww campain for pity? Pity the City!

  27. Disaffiliation by Independent Political Body Candidates
    Any person who is a registered and enrolled member of a political party during any period of time beginning with thirty (30) days before the primary and extending through the November election is not eligible to be the candidate of a political body in the November election held in the same year. The Political Body Candidate’s Affidavit includes a required declaration of disaffiliation.

  28. Well, Jimbo can always stage a write-in campaign. That is if any of his supporters can write.

  29. It seems as if the once sturdy "Tripod" doesn't have a leg to stand on.

  30. His posts n the Bill White article on the Call website are pure platinum. He is the best.

  31. He is winning!!!

  32. Half-wits and nut-jobs can be forgiven for just about anything if they screw up while attemtpting to do something that is reasonably good. JG does everything with only himself in mind, and he is indifferent to the consequences of his actions, or the actions caused by him through others. He is none of the above. He actually creates his own problems, makes those problems worse, pulls other people in, and then looks for more problems... JG is an Asshole. What boggles my mind is how the hell did some of these other people allow him in to begin with...?

  33. "Bethlehem 2013,Gregorymania!"

  34. "The Jim Gregory Story"...this fall on Fox with Charlie Sheen in the title role.


  35. I saw the picture of Jimbo Gregory in the Express-Times.

    Hitler called and wants his pose back!


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