Local Government TV

Friday, May 03, 2013

Why Callahan Leads the NorCo Exec Race

Callahan asks young Bethlehem citizen to recite Pledge of Allegiance. 
Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan, asbestos lawyer Lamont McClure and Toll Bridge retiree Glenn Reibman would all like to be the next Northampton County Executive. I have no access to polls, but he's going to win. I make this prediction because of the campaign mailers.

Both Reibman and McClure are spending their money attacking him. Today alone, I received two corny attack mailers aimed at Callahan from Lamont McClure. Last week, it was Glenn Reibman who even used a Callahan look-alike to deceive voters.

But while these guys are down in the gutter, trying to drag Callahan down, he's knocking on doors.

This race is over. McClure and Reibman just don't know it yet. But on Saturday, Reibman will host a Kentucky Derby party. It only costs $100 a pop.


  1. No access to polls. How is it exactly that you make you're predictions? Are you a wizard? Yes he's knocking on doors; hopefully out of Bethlehem where everyone knows his tricks. Before defending him please be reminded that most that are valued fans of bernie actually know a thing or two and are very welll aware of hus questionable actions.

  2. He may win as the least objectionable of the three. The latest poll actually has Callahan and Reibman in a dead heat. In the city of Bethlehem, Reibman is leading.

    Some people may have to look for other jobs.

  3. The latest poll actually has Callahan and Reibman in a dead heat

    no, it most certainly does not...

  4. Apparently, the Express Times agress with you.

    And who the heck believes they are in a dead heat? If you think that, I have this great deal for Northampton County. You swap some of your current, low-interest bond debt...

  5. Bethlehem area money makes Easton area money look like cushion change. This race was over before it started. Panto wouldn't have fared any better against the Bethlehem machine, even with the Easton-Fleck-Allentown-Pawlowski partnership. NorCo is a barbell with uneven weights on its ends. Bethlehem and its interests will always prevail over Easton's. Money money money.

  6. I think all four candidates lack leadership and vision.

    Reibman - failed as County Executive.

    McClure - fails to attend County Council meetings.

    Brown - visited his son on public money.

    Callahan - where to start. Sewer system falling and borrowing money from that fund for gerneral operating costs. Bond issue included $3.5m to pay for delinquent medical coverage bills. Audits show material deficiencies. Casino money was supposed to LOWER taxes not MAINTAIN them.

    Can the county residents be so stupid that they elect someone who wants to make the county look like the city!

  7. " The latest poll actually has Callahan and Reibman in a dead heat. In the city of Bethlehem, Reibman is leading"

    Reibman has no polls in the field because he can't afford it. So, no the latest poll does show a dead heat.

  8. "Casino money was supposed to LOWER taxes not MAINTAIN them. "

    WRONG! The casino host fee is an impact fee, not meant for tax relief at all. It was has been used to bolster and stabilize the public safety of Bethlehem.

  9. " Are you a wizard?"

    Yes, but I don't have to be one to make this prediction. Just look at the mailers. The attack ads are coming both from Reibman and McClure, and both are aimed at Callahan, not each other. That's bc, i n their eyes, he is ahead.

    The poll having Reibman and Callahan in a dead heat is probably the same one that had Arcealay coming in third.

  10. Maybe the latest fleck poll shows that. This race is over. Callahan wins by a huge margin embarrassing the others.

  11. Why is McDumb robo calling with an "unknown caller" caller ID?

    I thought that there were laws not allowing this?

  12. There are not. This is political activity - core political speech. You can stop commercial calls, but not that.

  13. I think Callahan and Panto would have been a good race.

  14. my vote is for mclure ... he has proven to be a respectable and honorable person. the reason i will vote for him is because every individual who came and spoke at council meetings was given the respect they deserve by him a quality i personally admire . he fought with the taxpayers for gracedale another issue i supported and he didn't waver on that ... callahan hasn't done anything for bethlehem except raise taxes ... he's a nice guy .. but i don't see him winning this election ... we shall see..

  15. Sal opted out. I am glad to see him backing Callahan instead of Reibman, who has sadly made himself a Pawlowski flunkie.

  16. 10:03, Asbestos lawyer Lamont McClure is a panderer. It did not take a rocket scientist to see that public sentiment was with Gracedale. He pandered to that sentiment, but does not give a rat's ass about Gracedale or its residents. He votes against tax hikes bc it is the politically popular thing to do. He opposed bi-county health bc, once again, it was unpopular. He panders to AFSCME and SEIU, thinking it will get him 7,000 vote from county workers and families. It will not bc I personally know that many of those vote are going to Callahan. On top of everything else, his attendance is abysmal. He has the worst attendance record of all Council members. His legal and judiciary committee has not met for over 3 years. Also, he has a reputation as a nasty person. You can see his mean streak at times on Council.

  17. Callahan would have mopped the floor with Sal, which is why Sal is not running. Fleck and Pawlowski would have been in his corner. But Forks Township alone would have gone 99% for whoever was running against Sal. He's considered the anti-Christ up there.

  18. Anonymous people telling us what "polls" are saying. What polls? Who paid for them? What is the margin of error?

  19. stoffa pandered to AFSCME to!!! he attended picnics with them etc.... they are a fact of life in the county. i don't know if he's nasty or not , the same can be said of stoffa the difference is he fought with the taxpayers and stoffa turned his back on us. when you have a job i would imangine it would complicate attending meetings and such... i guess we'll see. i also like reibman he stood behind gracedale to.

  20. How about calling Callahan a pill pusher. His job before becoming mayor. I guess you did not know that Bernie

  21. I like the way he is laughing as he recites the, "pledge of Allegiance".

  22. Everyone was laughing bc the boy asked, "Do I have to say it?" It was a nice moment, and there's nothing wrong with smiling during the pledge. Don't you like your country?

  23. "How about calling Callahan a pill pusher. His job before becoming mayor. I guess you did not know that Bernie"

    He was a regional sales manager n the pharmaceutical industry, and was making much more money then as well. So far as I know, there is no WSJ expose on the practices of Pfizer, where Callahan was employed ten years ago. But there is a WSJ expose on the Angelos law firm, where "maclure" is currently employed. His employer looks pretty bad, and I think I should probably give that story a separate blog entry.

  24. you're a wizard alright, Callahan can rest easy now that you predicted a win. just like the referendum, county VOTERS will decide.

  25. Oh I now that the real "We the People" wll decide this, and I predict the real people, not the phony, will go with Callahan. The despair in the "Maclure" and Reibman mailers tell me that, too.

  26. Callahan will not win Bethlehem--The people there will be happy to get rid of him and don't want to see him as a county exec. Next step for him is back to pill pushing. Just be reminded people--if he does get in be prepared for TAX increases.

  27. The Mayor will win Bethlehem big and if you don't believe that your not playing with a full deck, or your name is Fleck. It was nice seeing Fleck buttering up Brown at the trades meeting. Mark my word, his next pay day. Key point is Bethlehem is not Northampton county, the winner will need to carry more than one city and only one candidate is out and in font of the people in ALL communities. Mayor Callahan's comments about working with each community to help them find what works best for them and not a cookie cutter approach is so refreshing. Imagine a politician listening to the people...



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