Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who Are You Voting For ... and Why?

Instead of telling you for the 55th gazillionth time which candidates I like and why, I'll let you use this space to make your last minute picks in whatever race you want to discuss. Is democracy really dead in Allentown? Will John Callahan get more than 50% of the vote in the NorCo Executive race? Can Dean Browning beat the man who beat him a few sort years ago? Will Bob Donchez and Willie Reynolds be able to work together, once the politics ends at 8 PM? Will racist Tricia Mezzacappa become the standard bearer for NorCo Republicans?


  1. I vote for mezz cuz she is total hottie and has a dirttee mouth

  2. I am a Republican. Instead of just giving my vote to Brown, I am going to write in Ron Angle instead. Hopefully others will do the same. He is good for politics and loves his fellow man. He shouldn't be allowed to just sit home. If he won't run, maybe we can try to force him into coming back.

    And I am going to do the bullet for County Council; I am just going to pick one and it will be a fresh face. I like Hersch.

  3. Peg Ferraro deserves to be kept. Don't be foolish. Vote peg

  4. No way. It is time for someone that doesn't change with the wind. She is wishy-washy. Time for new blood. She should enjoy her years in retirement and take more advantage of her free time. If she wants to remain in politics, looks like the NorCo Republican Committee needs help getting reestablished.

    Yet, I speak only for myself. I am not sure how other voters feel. But her behavior is quite insulting. I believe she doesn't profit anything by her multiple stances. She is a nice person, but I believe politics have passed her by.

  5. 12:04, You're half right about MezzaKKKapa. He does have a filthy mouth.

  6. I hope Todd, Kim, and Donovan win in Allentown. I can't vote for them because I don't live there. But I hope that stir some things up.

  7. I am sure "Hersch" is thrilled to be lumped in with Angle.

  8. No way Callahan gets over 50%. He will win. Ferraro wins easily..Seyfried, Heckman, Meyers, and Hunter will win. Donchez will win. In Bethlehem Council, Dolan, Evans and Callahan will win..After that probably Waldron.

  9. The county council has been like a boat without an oar or a clue. We desperately need some experience, since Callahan and his gang will be coming in. So county experience somewhere is a must. I am voting for Jerry Seyfried and Ron Heckman. I like Peg in the Fall but despite her experience she is just to wishy washy.

  10. The notion that democracy is dead in Allentown is laughable. I say that because I am pretty sure open and free elections will occur. This is not North Korea O'Hare... stop implying that because you don't care for the results there is no democracy. You know better!!

  11. My vote for Allentown City Council is Mike Molovinsky... oh nevermind he does not even live in Allentown but rather South Whitehall. But he does love to throw stones.

  12. God Bless Lamont McClure

  13. Jennifer Sletvold for Judge

    Becasue she has run a positive campaign, she is best qualified and has a strong work ethic

  14. My prediction for Allentown:

    Hendricks, O'Connell, Glazier and Bell win the primary. This will alter the leadership on council, with Pete Schweyer taking over as council president (for a brief stint before running for, and winning, a State Rep seat). Then we'll go through another shitty appointment process, with the same tired old candidates submitting their names, either in hopes of a Pyrrhic victory or simply out of delusion -- see Pearson, Dennis.

    Guridy's and Mota's fates are tied, but I think enough people are angry about the water lease, the lack of pushback from city council against the mayor, and, for at least one of the members, the poor attendance -- regardless of the medical issue in question. Frank Concannon stepped down because he could not devote the time to the position. Cynthia should do the same.

    In the fall, without a Republican opponent to draw votes from him, Mike Donovan will get enough of the disaffected Democrats, Independents and Republicans to oust Ed. This is the "Anybody-But-Ed" Syndrome, and it's coming home to roost after the horrendous lack of transparency with the mayor's dealings.

    Feel free to debate...

  15. I am voting for Tom Carroll for judge in northampton county because he seems level headed and genuine. As a republican I have had many chances to meet with him and mrs.sletvold. She was nice enough to me but when I saw the way she treated people who were helping her it made me question if she is really sincere at all.

  16. Spadoni for judge. Best choice
    McClure for executive
    Top 5 for norco council
    Donchez for mayor
    Top 4 for Bethlehem city council

    Exit pole
    Hope for best
    Worry about November

  17. donchez, evans melnick go down in flames - boobys face cracks, adolf evans pouts, melnick proves he is a loser bethlum rejoices

    browning wins - odd ott and his fellow nut cases ask where that train came from

    Callahan stomps - mcclueless still is. reiberman grows hair, brown moves to nj BO gets reserved seating in council chambers

    TM loses - sues entire county for voter fraud

    seyfried, heckman win - sanity meter in Norco raises 50%

    no speaky da englash allenswamp council members lose and turn in their rubber stamps palolousy just buys more rubber stamps and does as he damn well pleases antway

    fake rev, barron, green and gregory sit in union hall eating stale cake

    all political consultants laugh all the way to the bank

  18. Bob Donchez for Mayor!

  19. Willie Reynolds for Mayor. He has worked hard to be here today!

  20. Blog Mentor, I'm off to vote for your favorite entrepreneur Alfonsooooo! Holla back!

  21. Vote Melman, Todd and Velez for Allentown City Council. We need voices on council that are not afraid to be independent of the Mayor.

  22. Went to the polls and voted. Workers said this is the lightest turnout ever. I voted for Seyfried and Heckman. Why aren't there any signs out for Seyfried. I don't understand what is he trying to prove. If he really is serious about winning don't you think he would have campaigned. Not even a mailer from him. I know who he is. Not everyone else does. He may be making a huge mistake. This will affect this vote. Big mistake on his part. He may taking things for granted here.

  23. When you vote for Todd don't forget his "associates"


  24. Voted for William Reynolds could not stand all the negative ads put out by Donchez. Anyone who waste that much money on trash talk and junk mail should not be spending my tax money! Also voted for Abe Kasis young attorney who could bring good ideas to the bench.

  25. Where are all the free campaign parties tonight? I want to have some fun. I usually go to these and have a drink here and a drink there and some food here and some food there. It's a great nite out and its free. Where are you going to be? I want to party with the Gregory crowd. They know how to party. Wild women and all that. How about "Black Belt Gregory" who beats up women and "Kung Fu Jerry" who beats up midgets. That'll be the entertainment.

  26. No Borso, dumb as a bucket of a rocks

  27. Voting for all Rs for council except Mezzakkkappa. Pick the right five, folks.

    Sletvold for judge on the R side. She's the only registered R, I believe. Keep the roaches out of our kitchen.

    Good luck to all candidates, except Mezzakkkappa. She should get anal fissures and accidentally sit in acid.

  28. Anonymous said...

    Where are all the free campaign parties tonight? I want to have some fun. I usually go to these and have a drink here and a drink there and some food here and some food there. It's a great nite out and its free. Where are you going to be? I want to party with the Gregory crowd. They know how to party. Wild women and all that. How about "Black Belt Gregory" who beats up women and "Kung Fu Jerry" who beats up midgets. That'll be the entertainment.

    Callahan's is at Blue's

  29. "Why aren't there any signs out for Seyfried. I don't understand what is he trying to prove."

    If Jerry has to campaign in the primary, he shouldn't bother running at all. He will be the top vote getter. Ron Heckman will do well=, too.

  30. "The notion that democracy is dead in Allentown is laughable."

    When three of seven council members are appointed, and the people are completely ignored, it is a fair conclusion. Allentown is Reillyville.

  31. "My vote for Allentown City Council is Mike Molovinsky... oh nevermind he does not even live in Allentown but rather South Whitehall. But he does love to throw stones."

    Now go back to rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth, Blog Mentor.

  32. Reibman's party will be at the very place where Gregory, a Reibman suporter, does his karaoke - Larry Holmes Ringside.

  33. Turn out uber light! Even in Bedlam.

  34. I'm voting for Alfonzo Todd, because he stands for everything, and Mr. Hendricks, because he doesn't appear to stand for anything.

  35. NorCo Council Dems:

    1) Gerald (Jerry) Seyfried. - A former Executive, former Council member and former cabinet level official, I know nobody more knowledgeable about the County than he. Jerry claims Amanda Seyfried gets her good looks from him.

    2) Ron Heckman. - This former Council member and former cabinet level official claims I have a shrine at my estate, containing candlelit portraits of Charlie Dent, Ron Angle and John Stoffa. And he's right!

    3) Deb Hunter. - She's run once before and barely lost, but has continued attending meetings and even participated in the County's first ever Citizen Academy. She is an independent thinker, and like any good teacher, does her homework.

    4) Kerry Myers - Unlike most of today's crop of politicos, this man has spent his adult life as a volunteer. In his case, it has mostly been in youth sports. He brings passion and a pledge to remember our veterans.

    5) Christen Borso. - She has been attending meetings for months, is a well-recognized business person who can bring that perspective to Council, and is another grad of the Citizen Academy.

  36. NorCo Council GOP:

    1) Peg Ferraro. - I am still very upset over the way she deposed Ron Angle. But she has the experience and, in many respects, is often the wisest member on NorCo Council. Being objective, she'd have to be rated highest.

    2) Seth Vaughn. - This Physician's Assistant threw a big scare into Ken Kraft in the district race two years ago. Like Ken, he's a Marine. He's also an Iraq War vet, and brings that perspective along with his medical knowledge. Vaughn regularly attends Council meetings as well.

    3) Glenn Geissinger. - Like Democrat Kerry Myers, Geissinger is known for volunteerism. Like Republican Frank Hesch, he runs a small business. A former Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Geissinger has been a regular attendee at Council meetings.

    4) Frank Hesch. - A co-founder of the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce, he is a well-regarded small businessman, the kind of Republican we all tend to admire.

    5) Mat Benol. - Despite his Libertarian and tea party leanings. Benol is no extremist. He listens to what others say, and attempts to build a consensus. He is a frequent meeting attendee.

  37. Willy For Mayor--- isn't it time for another boy?

  38. NorCo Judge: Doesn't matter. The Supreme Court is going to declare that judges can serve past 70.

  39. NorCo Exec. Callahan. - He had an opportunity to enter into a swaption and had the good sense to say No. Glenn Reibman entered into this risky financial maneuver. Then McClure voted against ending it. Maybe McClure would be better informed if his committee attendance was higher than 15%.

  40. Beth Mayor. Donchez is the best of two good candidates.

  41. Beth City Council: Eric Evans, Karen Dolan, Melnick, Waldron.

  42. Anybody whose LDS gets my vote.

  43. bernie, the blog mentor, who i call the antagonist, also visited my blog last night, where he speculated on my death.

    on topic, not one person i encountered in the morning diners expressed any interest or knowledge about this primary. i expect a very low turnout. i did notice a campaign worker in the west end this morning, clip board in hand, with a pawlowski sign taped to vehicle. apparently, the administration has a get out the vote effort underway in allentown.

  44. Allentown City Council, Kim Velez, Alfonso Todd, David Melman. They stand for democracy in a city that has not had it for years.

  45. "bernie, the blog mentor, who i call the antagonist, also visited my blog last night, where he speculated on my death."

    In the first comment he ever posted on this blog, he expressed a hope that Jim Martin would explode and die. He later explained it was a cartoon term, but subsequent comments about martin and too many others make it very clear that he does actively wish for the death of others, much like his Northampton County counterpart, Tricia Mezzacappa.

    It's hard to feel sorry for people who want you dead.

  46. Cynthia and Julio.
    Because the Mayor requests that it be so. The Mayor is smarter than the rest of us. That's why.

    You got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!
    The place is a freakin' JOKE!

  48. Mota. All the way baby.

  49. Any and all Mormons.
    I love their sense of humor.

  50. I will only vote for a person that has excepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Period.
    Here in Allentown and Lehigh County that gives us many fine people to support.

  51. "that has excepted the Lord Jesus Christ"

    This is the opposite of what you intended to say. ... I think.

  52. Reibman pulls out a miracle in NorCo. Callahan's complacency finally catches up to him.

    Allentown - Guridy, O'Connell, Glazier, and Mota. Davis wins the 2 year term.

    In a shocker, Jen Sletvold wins the democratic nod for Judge.

  53. South Whitehall InquisitorMay 21, 2013 at 12:40 PM

    definitely not voting for tori Morgan or Tom Johns in South Whitehall after all the criminal charges and stealing announced today about former employees

  54. In the Republican primary I voted for Dean Browining because of his strong professional background in finance and his long term residency and property ownership in Lehigh County. I trust him, and I just don't know enough about Scott Ott's background.

    No republicans on ballot in City of Allentown, but I'm routing for independent minded candidates Melman, Todd & Velez on D side. I was able to vote for several Republican school board members who have a shot thanks to cross filing. Over the past 20-30 years, ASD (and the City of Allentown) has been victimized by the type of bobbing head all-Democrat boards that get praised for being nice people, get invited to all the social functions and maintain the status quo. They NEVER stand up for the tax payers by making the difficult but right decisions.

  55. Mota. YES!
    Guridy. YES!
    Because they work for the people.

  56. Mayor Ed is the days big loser. He's running scared. With good reason.

  57. Has Mota even returned from Venezuela or the Dominican Republic or wherever the hell she was?

  58. Guridy y Mota

    Es para usted!!!

  59. Carmen Bell--sorry, but the last time Lehigh County saw a slate elected to office, we got screwed (that's a reference to Scott Ott). Couldn't bring myself to vote for the incumbents or Daryl's non-positions. You want independent, look at the candidate that didn't need to be a slate to run. All we get with Todd/Melman/Velez is a different group of heads bobbling to somebody else's commands. Bell has been indy since day one.

    Santiago for district judge. Qualified and fresh face. Rooney is a union lackey. Sure hope he's enjoying that pension. Does he need another. Schlottman is just scary and is a Woodman pawn (her robo calls come from the same number as Scott Otts).

    ASD board: Welsh, Bishop, Lamb and Whooley. Zimmerman is an extremist and Ramos is political operative (former Republican Committee Exec Director... AKA mini Scott Ott). We don't need extremists or political operatives on school boards. We got both in Scott Armstrong.

    I hope my R friends vote for Cusick/Browning/Dougherty and restore some reason to their party. If they send in Schware, Ott and Aquilla for the general, they will lose the Exec Office AND control of the Bd with Osborne being re-elected chair and a D as vice chair.

  60. I'm for Daryl. I like a man who stands up for nothing.
    Plus he will have the time to devote to the position once he retires from the Allentown Police Dept and gets that nice, big, fat Allentown Police Dept. pension. Thank you Julio!

  61. That young fella B. Bonilla,ASD BOARD, man is that kid a major hack in the making or what man?

  62. Bernie,
    You are a dishonest trainwreck nutbag.

    Stop being so overly content to live off of a woman.

    Grow a set and get a job.

    No one feels sorry for you.

    Mezz is no racist, you and Angle are.

    If you would put as much energy into a job as you do a blog, you would not have to run around in mary janes and your tic tac suing people for libel.

    Dirtbag, get a life

  63. Wow, what a light turnout. I was number 52 in my precinct.

    (since its a numbers game I did not vote for two more for mere sake of it)


    with the choices I had, Callahan

  64. It's going to be a tight vote considering only 10 people voted in the Lehigh Valley in this election.

    Probably could have done this with a show of hands around a good dinner on somebody's patio.

  65. I voted Reibman. Better than Johnny Casino and MIA McClure.

  66. I voted for John Brown. I don't care about the little Indian.

  67. Bernie the extremely light turnout not only in the entire county but even Bethlehem may shaker some folks up.

    The old voters are coming out and not many of them.

    I think this bodes well for familiar faces.

    That whack job Gregory ahs been visiting polling places. Can you believe he is out showing his face and acting like nothing happened. Doesn't this guy have a job as of today.

  68. With Reibman papering the County with door hangers using Fleck-ish paid canvassers off the street and the McClure camp completely MIA, the only question at this point is just how much Callahan wins by. I think he gets 60% or comes damn close.

  69. Callahan will get les than 50%, he may win but your landslide is a Callanista Corps pipe dream.

    A very low turnout may help Reibman

  70. Exit polls are showing McClure then Callahan then Reibman off by a huge margin

  71. "EXIT POLLS." You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.

  72. According to the Fake Rev, McClure is the choice of "We, the People." He's about to find out that he represents neither the word of Christ nor "We, the People." The people will reject McClure handily, primarily bc he is an asshole supported by people like the Fake Rev and Barron, who are even bigger assholes.

  73. "Exit polls are showing McClure then Callahan then Reibman off by a huge margin"

    yes, yes...keep your dream alive for another couple hours.

    Mclure may upend reibman, but neither gets out of the 20% range

  74. @6:47
    I just don't see Allentown as having any big problems.
    Things are looking up there.

  75. "I just don't see Allentown as having any big problems."

    Psst, 6:53.

    April Fool's Day was LAST month ...

  76. And we reject your buddy the real fake rev. AlEx. Cant wait to show up with fog horns and noisemakers. It is going to be one helluva reception!

  77. Let's be honest. Large parts of Allentown are in the toilet. Schools are a mess and nobody with a choice wants to send their kids there. There is no republican party and the democrats are led by creeps . Lehigh County could give two shits. The newspaper is a total fucking joke and even Lehigh Valley Ramblings won't cover it ( except to back a kid that most likely has never lived there.)!

    Can you say fucked-up boys and girls?

  78. As I posted in an earlier post and on Tricia's old blog. Please respond to this Bernie. The Tila Tequila of West Easton really needs to take a chill pill. I'm concerned. :(

    "The heart of Tricia’s appeal was that she was just a regular person in politics who happened to be extremely good-looking; a sex symbol who would talk to you back. And she successfully used the goodwill she built up to hopscotch into mainstream fame before falling back to the sort of modest following she had at the beginning of her nursing days – this time, a following comprised of O'Hare-haters rather than other nurses. And her rise and fall would be fine, and sort of karmic, except she’s clearly mentally unstable, and while she was given plenty of attention, she never received any of the help she clearly needs.

    West Easton has changed what it means to be a politician, and while that does help people court fame through grassroots support, it also makes it hard for fragile people to keep a healthy private life – and since Lehigh Valley Live celebrity is a more fickle type of fame than traditional political growth, the mix of no filter and no safety net can make for a disastrous combination.

    Tricia's the original example of how people will “connect” with you, “hike” with you, and vote you in office, but they won’t really know you – and they’re not there to help. Everyone wanted to be Tricia's friend in the Republican Party when she was there to provide titillation, but those same followers are nowhere to be found as she continues to exhibit profoundly paranoid characteristics. That’s why it’s useless to have O'Hare as an enemy when he isn't changing her deranged outlook on life at all."

  79. FYI, "Tricia's old blog" is a mistake. She's never had any old blog. I meant her current blog.


  81. Looks like she' going down in flames. With 17% of the precincts in, she's in last place!

  82. Jesus Christ will save Allentown. Pray to Jesus Our Lord for redemption.
    God bless our Mayor.

  83. Sorry, I haven't looked at that post in a few hours.

  84. With 26% of the vote tallied, Callahan is crushing his opposition. He has 51% of the vote. McClure has a scant 21%. Callahan has McClure beat 2.3 to 1. So much for the Fake Rev, his fake exits polls and his fake claim to be the voice of the people. The real people are speaking right now.

  85. I have read about her before. I think she needs some rehab to recover. She actually seems kind of badass and edgy when you get to know her. Not that I support some of her police calls. Still, she's someone I would hike with. On my list of honorable politicians, she's better than Angle because Angle is a RINO (by 2015, he'll be a Democrat and on the council again after getting voted in by blue collar people), but not as honorable as Casey Jr., Toomey, or Dent who are some of the best politicians to ever grace Pennsylvania. I also think that Glenn Reibman is the best Democrat just because he keeps it real and is a gangsta. Plus, he was a teacher too.

  86. Callaghan seems gangsta but he is a little to socialist. McClure is a little too vague but I respeck that he wants to lower taxes.

  87. Mezzacappa is so far behind that if she were a horse, they'd put her down.

  88. What about the W.E Council race, not everybody is a fan of "Grossville"

  89. She'll get on the ballot since she is unopposed, and will be crushed in the Fall.

  90. the lack of quality candidates is disheartening

  91. hey 7:53 go fuck urself. Pick on someone that can defend himself.

  92. Continue to mock Lamont all you want, but his folks will help Brown win in General and so will Charlie Dent and the Republicans..Bethlehem will have little to no turnout! So keep mocking the Gracedale crew..They will become an ankle on Callahan's leg..
    No way he wins..

  93. Is the picture accompanying the latest SPG blog recent BO? If so I hope you dust off spandex and hit the road soon, yo yo dieting es muy mal! Bueno Suerte mig amigo, vaya con dios.

  94. No. That is a photo from several years ago.

  95. Donchez v Reynolds update?

    The bald guy with the hot girlfriend wins because he has all the sizzle and must-have endorsements from all the key people (the rehabilitated Johnny Casino, specifically) ...

    ... as well as all the critical 'important' special interest groups that always play the best for the media and casual observer, no?

    Seat Of Edge

  96. Callahan states he wants to attack county pensions!!
    Well Bernie, we shall see where that statement gets him come November. You will see the NORCO Dems pull for Brown and crush Callahan.

  97. Norco dems will unite and support Callahan. Supporting Brown is foolish. Callahan will win and labor and the dems will support him. Callahan made the pledge to retain Gracedale and he will receive the support he deserves. As a McClure supporter congratulations John and lets move this county forward. People supporting Brown have a personal vendetta and are a non factor.

  98. It is quite obvious that women will win elections. Both women won the "D" election primary and Hunter was first. Borso was fourth. Seyfried nor Heckman could beat the women vote. If Seyfried wants to win in the general, he better make up his mind that he will raise and spend some money. He should have been high vote getter. You can't run on your laurels. You must remind the people of what you accomplished during your career.

  99. 11:28.

    You have no idea what you are talking about...The best hope Callahan in regard to labor is to have them stay neutral..That won't happen..Dent and the Republicans will cut him off at the knees..You will have no races in Bethlehem to bring anyone out..McClure's people are the Gracedale crew. You really think they'll support Callahan?

  100. Who gives a fuck who they support? This election proves they are irrelevant.

  101. Think the Mezz will ever figure out that hate blog of hers has killed her chances at being elected to anything now or anytime in the future??? Put it on the Internet and it's seen forever. Her finishing far behind gives me a little faith that voters do sometimes make the right decisions.

  102. Bernie 11:37 and others is the sad, sad Mr. Gregory. He was running around all the Bethlehem polls today making an ass of himself.

    He has proclaimed he will put his "support" behind John Brown and so should all Democrats. Last I heard all the county Dem winners congratulated John Callahan as did the losers and all pledged to work together for victory in the Fall.

    I think Mr., Gregory is moving around armies that don't exist much like the Fuhrer in the bunker.


  103. The dems support Brown....many will. When your own party turns on you then it's time to go with the other. At least you know your enemy and don't e pect certain things. Callahan going after pensions will bring out the unions for Brown. Brown can't sell Gracedale. He'll have a dem council. So unions have little to dislike Brown for. Anyway Callahan has too much experience and knows how to get the taxpayer. He has proven he can't be trusted in more ways then one. I expect Brown is intelligent enough to surround himself with good people. He is not full of himself. And thank you county voter for putting Trisha in her place. LAST....the republicans aren't as dumb as the Callahan voters. No quality in either one.

  104. Despite the hatred of both Gregory and fired fireman James Schlener, Callahan won convincingly among the voters of their own party. If Deocratic voters are unwilling to listen to these public sector union assholes, what makes them think Republucans will? And incidentally, Republicans would embrace a candidate who believes in pension reform. The pension crisis is why most municipalities are going broke. Schlener and Gregory should concentrate on what they do best - beating women and posting anonymous slurs.

  105. Jim Gregory at 7:54, get help. Talk to your lawyer and close your mouth for your own good. You won't but your MENSA brain should tell you to.

    Seriously, you are less and less relevant. Even the unions have washed their hands of you.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.