Local Government TV

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Two Additional NorCo Deputies In Hot Water Over LTCF Leak

Northampton County Deputy Sheriff Darin Steward, who is facing felony charges after disclosing that references are not being checked on concealed carry applications, waived his preliminary hearing yesterday, according to The Express Times. That's a sign that he's probably going to apply for ARD, a special program for first offenders in which charges are dismissed after a period of probation.

Two other deputies - Tom Bachik and Pat Crivellaro - are reportedly facing disciplinary action over this incident as well. Neither has been seen at the courthouse for weeks.


  1. He should get jail time or be banned from being a law enforcement officer for life. He betrayed the public trust and his badge.

    Whistleblowers don't pass confidential information on private citizens to old girlfriends.

  2. But I thought you told the ET that you forgive him. Is this yet another lie, Tricia?

  3. Immaterial to the case.

  4. Advanced Rehabilitative Disposition=No Incarceration

    Welcome to Justice.

  5. Mezzakkkappa's case is an unfortunate one to fight for, but the issue is larger than that nut's behavior. In light of the PA State Police keeping permit applications lists and disclosures of private information at every level of government, the offenders should be dealt with very harshly - if not made examples. Breaching public trust is the most damaging thing any public employee can do. In cases of corruption, private citizens are routinely bargained with in order to severely punish public officials.

  6. When you make examples of people, that is not justice. It appears that Darin will seek ARD, but I doubt any jury would ever convict him. I know I could never vote for his guilt.

  7. ARD probation in Deputy Steward's case would be justice. The application for a license to carry concealed firearms is not a joke. Mezzacappa intentionally misled the Sheriff on her application in order to gain approval to carry a gun.

    What game was she playing by listing attorney Orloski as a character reference when Orloski was suing her for defamation? Orloski is someone she often refers to as "Sick-O Rick-O."

    If anyone is an actual "Sick-O" its Mezzacappa. She also misled the Sheriff by not revealing she was under a doctor's care for a mental disorder and was taking several potent medications. In fact, in a court filing she made while her firearms application was pending Mezzacappa asserted these medications were so potent they rendered her "unfit" to defend against Orloski's defamation lawsuit.

  8. The information in Mezzacappa's firearms application was no longer confidential. Mezzacappa sent emails to third parties revealing her identity and the fact that she had applied for a LTCF. Upon approval of the license, she shared that information with other third parties.

    In June 2012, this blog quoted from an email the Sheriff sent to Mezzacappa and to several third parties regarding her license approval. Mezzacappa herself published a comment on the Express-Times website stating that she had a LTCF. She also published an article on her own blog involving an encounter with an Easton police officer in which her LTCF was discussed.

    What the deputy did may have been wrong, but Mezzacappa had already given up any expectation of privacy she may have had. That's why ARD, and eventual dismissal of the charge, would be justice.

  9. ARD is the right call. That way, they can return to breaching the public trust immediately.

  10. Didn't Sheriff Miller release an email to you?

    How is that not a violation?

  11. Administrator Perogative.

  12. does gross receive any ramifications over this?

  13. "Didn't Sheriff Miller release an email to you?"

    He did not. He responded to an email that Mezzacappa sent with copies to numerous other people. He copied the same people, and I got it via one of them. She violated the confidentiality she claims is so sacrosanct.

  14. The so-called anonymous posters hate Mezza just like
    Bernie. I guess it is OK to break the law and betray your official trust if it is against someone you don't like or hate.

    Why the hell arte the restrictions on information there? It is the law, she falsified nothing. If she did Morganelli would be prosecuting her.
    She listed two names. The incompetence of the Sheriff's office took it from there. It took it to the point of breaking the law.

    As a county insider he may escape prison, he shouldn't. The jury will be made up of people who can judge dispassionately and not just with the O'Hare and his poison posse hate.

    The man broke the law and the public trust. His work in law enforcement is over. End of story. A jury will find him guilty because that is what he is.

  15. "does gross receive any ramifications over this?"

    From what I hear, prosecutors are looking at the person who falsified her application.

  16. "The man broke the law and the public trust"

    It is legally impossible for Deputy Steward to have violated the law bc Mezzacappa herself had already made public her LTCF application. Steward acted in the highest traditions of law enforcement by casting a public spotlight on =a systemic failure to check references.

  17. The only "confidentiality" that was legally bound to be held was by he deputy sheriff. Mezzzacappa is a private citizen and can say what she wants. She violated no law, nor did she give cart blanche to the Sheriffs office to break numerous confidentiality laws by her actions.

    You make a terrible attorney because you have lost all your rational sense. The man is so guilty he will plea bargain to escape jail.

    The honorable thing to do would be to admit his guilt, turn in his badge and put himself in the mercy of the court.

    You people are real boneheads about the nobility of breaking the law when it suits your own personal agenda's.

    Why the Hell do we have laws in the first place. Assclowns.

  18. Mezzacappa vitiated the confidentiality. It's that simple. Once there's disclosure, the privilege vanishes.

  19. "It is the law, she falsified nothing. If she did Morganelli would be prosecuting her."

    I read in the Express-Times that the reason the Sheriff gave for revoking Mezzacappa's firearms license was falsification. If she submitted an intentionally misleading application, Morganelli should be prosecuting her.

  20. Maybe that's why this matter is still under investigation.

  21. A letter from Miller provided little reason for the about-face, saying, "We have received information you have falsified your application," the appeal says.

    Prince claims in the appeal that Miller had no right to revoke the license under the law, saying falsification was not grounds for revocation.

  22. "Why the Hell do we have laws in the first place. Assclowns."

    First, Tricia, you lose any shred of credibility you may have left by name calling.

    Second, legal rights may be waived and often are. For example, the Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination may be waived. Confidentiality between an attorney and client may be waived. Medical privacy may be waived. The confidentiality provision in the firearms law is no different.

    In this case, Mezzacappa waived it by her intentional and voluntary disclosure to third parties. Once the toothpaste is out of the tube you can't put it back.

  23. The law says the Sheriff may revoke a LTCF for "good cause." Falsification of the application in an effort to intentionally mislead authorities seems like good cause to me. I'd like to hear attorney Joshua Prince argue to a judge that it isn't.

  24. Sheriff Miller saw her application before the permit was granted and laughed at the references she listed. This was of no concern to him initially, but now it is an alleged crime. Sounds like negligence on his part. Then he revokes the permit based on the word of Stoffa that he would not have provided a positive character references. E-mails then are delivered to the Sheriff referencing an exchange between Stoffa and Tricia in which Stoffa mentions that a sexual correspondance was "hard on" material. Who the hell is telling the truth. Seems to be Tricia.

  25. Your cmakes no sense. MezzaKKKappa vitiated the confidentialityof her LTCF, before it was granted, by publicly discussing it in an email that went to numerous people, including Bob Freeman. I have the email. I know the truth. In a disoute between Mezzacappa and anyine concerning the truth, I would believe anyone over her.

  26. Mezzacappa is guilty of lacking credibility, self-restraint, common sense, civility, and exhibiting a number of anti-social behaviors. She even fits all the criteria of being a sociopath - not a psychopath, as some might think - there is a difference.

    Sadly, she did not break any laws by listing references that would not support her carrying, or even owning a firearm for that matter. Which in itself shows that she is unable to find even 3 people who trust her with a weapon. She must be very lonely in her little world of hate and revenge.

    I would agree with O'Hare and that doesn't happen with much frequency. When Mezzacappa released her own LTCF information she waived her right to privacy. That will be the main point for the defense lawyer to use when representing the deputy. Unless its a plea bargain I don't see a conviction, nor will Mezzacappa receive any type of monetary windfall she is playing for by claiming her privacy was violated.

  27. "Then he revokes the permit based on the word of Stoffa that he would not have provided a positive character reference."

    My understanding is Mezzacappa's license was revoked on written evidence provided to the sheriff by attorney Rick Orloski. This evidence included incendiary rhetoric and threats of gun violence directed at Orloski, his client and others. Unfortunately for Mezzacappa, there's a paper trail. She put it all in writing.

  28. The Orloski reference is not being disputed. But Stoffa claimed in newspaper accounts that he would not have vowged for Tricia back when she got the permit. The E-mails contradict what Stoffa said. Stating the message he received from Tricia ws "hard on" material shows Stoffa is lying. Print the E-mails Bernie, you know where you can get them. Sheriff Miller has copies of them.

  29. MezzaKKKappa,aka Half a Head,

    When you first met Stoffa, he was nice to you and joked with you. But that changed, as you very well know. When you applied for your LTCF, I know for a fact that Stoffa would never have given you a good reference. You know that, too. At that time, you were publicly attacking him on your blog and at others. He considers you a menace. You essentially falsified references that you knew would speak against you.

  30. In court the revealing emails will be brought up. She may have a point on that one Bernie.

  31. Mezzacappa, in middle age, still loves to play the sex kitten role. She parades around in stiletto heels and provocative clothes flaunting herself. But its irrelevant whether she was "hard on material" or not. Stoffa was one of her character references. Last time I checked character had no relation to physical appearance. The issue was whether she should be licensed to carry a concealed firearm, not whether she should be licensed to give lap dances.

  32. Provocative exchanges of emails may have led her to believe he would have vouched for her.

    Lets wait for the trail of the law breaking deputy. then we will see what happens. Fortunately the DA takes the failure of an officer of the law to uphold the law very seriously, as he should.

  33. There was no provocative exchange of emails. Like most people with a histrionic personality disorder, she is a tease. I was copied on these emails, which occurred when she was conning us into thinking she liked us. She was saying something about her weird shoe fetish, and Stoffa went along. He humored her. Big fucking deal. And that was well before she went off the reservation and began trashing everyone, including Stoffa. At the time she applied,she knows damn well that Stoffa would never have given her a positive reference. In fact, there are other emails prior to that, from her to Stoffa, in which she trashes him. She should not be talking about emails bc she will only hang herself. That's what happens to liars. They can't keep it straight and trip themselves up. That has been Tricia all along.

  34. And when the lies fail, she starts name-calling and making death wishes.

  35. Bernie, I hope Stoffa's wife feels the same as you. I have been told the exchange was quite racy between the two. Fine line between sexual "humoring"and "horndoging".

    Either way he should have known better, He is old enough to be her grandfather for Christ's sake.

  36. He humored you, and I ignored you. The only person who looks stupid in those emails is you. And there are many more in which you are even more disgusting. It's called histrionic personality disorder. Another word for it is ho.

  37. Stoffa could have ignored the E-mails, but he chose to reply in a sexual manner. Makes him just as much of a ho as the other party. Only difference, she is not married, and Stoffa is. Stoffa may need Rudas once his wife finds out.

  38. I thought the issue was whether the sheriff had "good cause" to revoke Mezzacappa's LTCF. What does that have to do with racy emails? What does that have to do with Stoffa's wife? Orloski is the one who contacted Sheriff Miller to object. He is the one who submitted written evidence of Mezzacappa's bad character, including threats of gun violence. Good cause will be determined by a judge based on the relevant facts, not on Mezzacappa's shoe fetish.

  39. What is histrionic personality disorder?

    An overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention;

    Use social skills to manipulate others;

    Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior;

    Act very dramatically, as though performing before an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appear to lack sincerity;

    Not think before acting;

    Make rash decisions;

    Be self-centered and rarely show concern for others.

  40. Sorry, no one will believe that she is a tease...good cause to revoke has nothing t o do with racey emails.

    Listing Orloski is not a false reference. There are some people left in this world who can separate professional vs. personal circumstances.

    Maybe she thought since he is suing her, he already knows she has no criminal history, and hast escaped from a mental hospital. In all fairness to trish, she will prob slam dunk the case. Sunjective criteria cant be used in A LCTF check anyway.

    Plus, she has those double chins, thick, meaty arms, beefy thighs and a fat beer gut. No one would seriously think she was flirting with them.

  41. She exhibits a histrionic personality disorder, and purposely listed two people that she knew would never support her application. She did so bc she is an attention seeker.

  42. bernie this is why you are disbarred. you would make an excellent carnival worker....stationed at the ferris wheel....

    same motion, over and over and over

    same lies over and over and over

    all you do is lie

  43. Yet it is the histrionic personality, Tricia Mezzacappa, who has been found liable for defamation.

  44. Stoffa's actions are relevant in this investigation. His interactions with her indicated a relationship of some sort. The sheriff revoked her LTC based on a random and subjective discussion with those character references. Her lawyer will have a field day with this one. Given how the Department purposefully and maiciluslyy leaked her confidential information to a former girlfriend.

    All the words of the subjective haters out there will have little meaning when the court rules based on the facts of the case.

    Right now it would appear that she will win. Also the Deputy will plea to avoid jail time.

  45. Her lawyer is part of the deputy investigation? Or her dealings? I like how the Express Times points out the quote that she wishes she could shoot someone with a hollow point publically. Let's her lawyer have a day with that one. TM will argue...but I won some stupid RTK arguement and ET says nothing about that???

  46. "Her lawyer will have a field day with this one...Right now it would appear that she will win."

    Yeah. She will win just like she won her disorderly conduct trial. (No field day for attorney Phil Lauer; Mezzacappa convicted!) She will win just like she won O'Hare's defamation suit. (Objections dismissed; default judgment entered against Mezzacappa!) She will win just like she the won the election for West Easton Borough Council in 2011. (Mezzacappa finished 4th in a field of 5!) She will win just like she won the election for County Council. (Mezzacappa finished last in a field of 15). The woman is a loser, a liar and a danger to public safety.

  47. For being such a loser, she still managed to give Stoffa a "hard on." Doesn't say much for his character now does it.

  48. Like I told you Tricia, he was humoring you while I ignored you. Now go hang around in some bar.

  49. "Doesn't say much for his character now does it."

    John Stoffa's character is not the issue. The only relevant issue is Tricia Mezzacappa's character and reputation. She is the one appealing the revocation of her LTCF. I suspect attorney Rick Orloski has plenty of damning evidence of her bad character and reputation and will make an excellent witness.

  50. The entire "character and reputation thing is up in the air as far as LTC laws are concerned. The most important parts of the application are the medical test, the criminal check and specific personal information. The references are a joke. This case may be the vehicle to have them thrown out.

    If one passé son the other objective criteria. Who hives a damn what an ambulance chaser and a horny old man think or say.

    I think the laws may very wall change based on his case.

  51. It is now Saturday night, two days after this posted, and Mezzacappa is sill weaving her web of insanity. Take your drug cocktail.

  52. Of course you haven't seen deputy Bachik around the court house. He got himself banned from the court house from all the judges. Just a reminder of what a great guy he is.


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