Local Government TV

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Evolution of John Callahan

Callahan and Dent together at Pulaski Park
One of Lincoln's most endearing qualities would probably get him branded a flip-flopper today. He was one of those rare people who could learn from his mistakes; who was willing to listen and actually change his position if he was persuaded he was wrong. His thinking, both about slavery and religion, evolved for the better as time marched on. Very few people possess that quality. Believe it or not, Johnny Casino, sometimes referred to as the frat boy Mayor of Bethlehem, is one such person. He is the wild and rambunctious Prince Hal who evolved into Henry V. And this is thanks, in no small part, to his failed Congressional race against Charlie Dent. The lessons he took from that stinging defeat made John Callahan a better Mayor. It made him a better person. It transformed me from one of his harshest critics into one of his many fans.

Back in 2010, when Callahan first announced for Congress, he played it safe, ducking issues. He even refused to take a position on Obamacare until it was adopted by Congress. Now, he leads from the front. He pushed for a single hauler trash proposal in Bethlehem, knowing that it is unpopular in certain quarters and could hurt him in the Executive race. He owes the voters his best judgment, and gave it to them.

Washington handlers, three years ago, kept Callahan under wraps. He failed to respond to emails or phone calls from bottom-feeding bloggers because the DCCC had scripted his race in advance, with absolutely no regard for transparency. That made me suspicious and led to RTK requests and numerous other headaches for Bethlehem officials. Now, Callahan's office sends out news releases as a matter of routine, and the Mayor was even willing to sit down on several occasions and explain his stewardship of Bethlehem in great detail.

When Callahan ran against Dent, the City was still reeling from the Great Recession, and city finances suffered. His finance guys engaged in a decades-old practice of juggling funds between different city accounts, This was done to eliminate the need to borrow, but City Council often had no idea it was happening. Now, that practice has been eliminated, and City Council is fully apprised of interfund transfers.

At the worst possible time in the Congressional race, an independent audit revealed a serious deficit and numerous other internal control problems. Not only did the City address those internal controls, but it finished the last two years in the black.

While all this was going on, Callahan managed to eliminate $90 million in long-term debt, helped create 5,500 jobs and managed to get the City's S and P bond rating increased from "neutral" to "positive." He also implemented a Continuous Improvement  (CI) program, which encourages workers to find better and more efficient ways of doing thins. A restaurant permit that used to take 42 days now takes 14.

Callahan is a much better Mayor in 2013 than he was in 2010, primarily because he is one of those rare individuals who is capable of  implementing continuous improvement to himself, not just his City.

That's my assessment, but the real test of Callahan's success is what Bethlehem voters think. In 2010, when he ran for Congress, Congressman Charlie Dent took six Bethlehem wards from Mayor John Callahan on his way to a 56-38-6 victory in a three-person race that also included independent Jake Towne.

Three years later, in a three-way primary, Callahan won all but one Bethlehem precinct. He walked away with 1,886 votes, 53.4%.

Bethlehem voters have obviously noticed that Prince Hal has become Henry V.  Below is the Bethlehem tally.

precinct callahan mcclure reibman
1n 25 5 18
1s 19 9 12
2 25 5 8
3 18 11 13
4 29 13 26
5 48 19 33
6 92 26 24
7 92 26 24
8 84 21 34
9-1 35 16 20
9-2 48 17 20
9-3 96 45 51
14-1 125 41 49
14-2 156 61 77
14-3 125 58 67
14-4 70 36 42
14-5 93 52 71
14-6 95 64 59
14-7 144 39 35
14-8 105 48 42
15-1 101 32 37
15-2 139 62 73
15-3 76 55 46
16 28 6 12
17-2 3 0 8
17-4 18 5 7
total 1886 731 909

Updated 11:30 AM: Callahan won every Bethlehem precinct! - As explained in a comment, "Callahan won all the precincts in Bethlehem. The 17th Ward is counted in two parts, but is one precinct. Part of the 17th ward in in the 17th Congressional District, part in the 15th."

Let me add that Blogger Jonathan Geeting, who is an expert on ... everything, has called this a "remedial" political analysis because I am comparing a Democratic primary in a local race with a general election in a Congressional race. That's certainly true.

But unlike Geeting, I took the time yesterday to tally the Callahan vote in each Bethlehem precinct and share it with my readers, especially since I heard all kinds of claims that he is unpopular in Bethlehem. Also, I do think there are similarities. In both races, Callahan's character was the chief issue. It appears that Bethlehem voters, who know him best, have a higher opinion of him now than they did in 2010. Also, since there are so few Republicans, their primaries really are the general election.


  1. Still a frat boy.

  2. Yeah, yeah. You told us all this "rare" and "Lincoln" shit about Stoffa and the guy has been an incompetent disaster.

    The county has barely survived his coma style of leadership.

    Here comes the Frat boy. Yeah

  3. Stoffa is a good man who follows his conscience and does what he thinks is in the best interests of the County, instead of what some political hack or public sector union dude tells him to do. He is very close to Lincoln in my estimation, the most Lincolnesque elected official in the LV.

    Cunningham is a Prince Hal turned Henry V. If he were not Bethlehem voters would be tired of him after ten years. Most of the anonymous nonsense is just that - nonsense.

    1. Bernie - don't you mean Callahan and not Cunningham?

  4. like him or not JC has done a lot of good things for the city and the citizens. He will do the same for the county.

  5. Great job Callahan..... Good bye, Fleck, Jim G, Jim S.....

  6. Easton City Council member Michael Fleck announced Wednesday night that he will resign on July 9, and that he and his young family are moving to Allentown. Any West Ward resident interested in finishing Fleck's term can file a request to be considered with council, Panto noted, adding that it has been council's informal policy not to appoint anyone who will be a candidate for a full four-year term.

  7. So, so funny..Only shows your ignorance politically. Gregory will get fired by the County and work full time for Brown behind the scenes..Schlener and Jim Irwin are the hardest workers around and they hate Callahan..Charlie Dent wants John to lose and they and their friends will help fund Brown.. The COAF hates you and they will support Brown to spite you, aside from the fact that he is the best Candidate, hands down, and lastly, there is no Mayor's race in Bethlehem..Gregory will be the only one voting in November. Oh yeah, so will his ex girlfriend . She hates Callahan too!

  8. She thinks he's obnoxious..Wow, what a surprise there. Anyway, if all else fails, Hector Nemes and Gregory have the nuclear option ready. Could you imagine a crazy guy like Gregory with the nuclear button in his hands, lol.. Sucks for Callahan..Gregory is so freaking crazy, they had the Sheriff's at his office building to prevent his entrance to the building.
    Funny stuff!!! But you knew that..
    Melissa said Hi..

  9. Charlie Dent called Callahan's Bethlehem record a sham just two years ago.

    Charlie detailed John's dirty pay-to-play style and ripped John on his tax increases and failure to keep his promise of casino tax relief. John lied. Period.

    And then there's that dirty family scandal with the destroyed police cruiser.


    Your attempts at John's rehabilitation ring similar to John Edwards and Joe Brennan.

    Too little. Too late. Too disingenuous.

  10. Don't forget Mr. Blogmeister. Melissa works for Gregory..She might be cute and very smart but she is a shark.
    You have noticed that Gregory has shut up recently because she told him to do it..If she can make that idiot shut up, Imagine what his ex girlfriend will have to face..But you know that too Bernie, don't you!

  11. Great point 7 AM,

    You don't think Charlie might pass that info to Brown, do you, lol..
    Charlie wouldn't do that..He's a nice guy..But Shamn might..Or is it Sean??

    Bye Bye Casino Johnny

  12. Talking about Tonys. Doesn't Rybak have ALOT of dirt on Johnny. Better make a quick phone call Hickmeister and tell Tony he'll keep his job, lol..Hurry!!

  13. God, I love this blog!!! All this intrigue! Wish it was mine..Oh, I forgot..It will be!!

  14. It would be worth supporting Mayor Brown for County Executive for the Resource's he could marshall to remediate/reclaim Bangor's polluted Aquifer.

  15. Yes, 7:28,

    He could and would!!

  16. 7:31 How does this become political reality? Is this a viable movement? Human Health is a dynamic issue as a political platform.

  17. Only thing I agree with here is that John Callahan continually ups his game both as an elected official and a campaigner.

    Comparing a low turnout closed Democratic Primary to a high-turnout Tea Party wave infused general election doesnt tell us much. Also Dent (plus Towne) is far more formidable an opposition than the campaigns either Lamont or Reibman were able to muster this spring.

    Oh I agree on one other thing I guess: free from Dtrip meddling he's assembled a better team this year.

    And Bernie are these eye tests in order to post getting progressively more difficult?

  18. this comment thread must be what it's like inside Gregory's head.

  19. excepting of course, Blanker's comments. those are much too hirsute to be in Gregory's maind.

  20. Callahan--Cunningham--Mittman-- Bernie is forever confusing them.

  21. Yes 7:47,

    You are right!!

  22. Bernie thinks that maybe Gregory doesn't realize that he might have the I P address of his computer..Problem here is that Gregory always leaves his door open

    and all his friends, with his permission, have access to Gregory's computer..Since Gregory's friends outnumber Bernie's by about 200 to one..That means 200 people have access to Gregory's computer..And only Bernie's one friend has access to his..Say hi to your dog for me Bernie..Oops, no dog?? There goes Bernie's one friend.lol..Bye the way, 7:47, if you were smarter, you'd have no problem seeing those letters..It would mean you are focused.

  23. Should be a good campaign with vigorous candidates and different visions. Voters win.

  24. See ya later Bernie..Gotta shower.

  25. Even my alter egos are smarter than your fake friends Bernie..Remember that, lol

  26. "7:47, if you were smarter, you'd have no problem seeing those letters..It would mean you are focused."

    except the "letters" comment was made by a different poster. but a guy a focused, smart, and flawlessly manscaped individual as yourself probably already knew that...

  27. Yep, they did, lol..Even without an IP address, lol...Too bad Callahan didn't endorse Willy sooner..Maybe Willy would be Mayor now. Or not..

    Why don't you just stop trying to piss on Gregory's leg beanie..You keep missing and you are wasting his time and yours. Go out, get laid, lol
    Forgot, you broke your hand, lol..

  28. That aside, didn't Melissa tell you to behave??

  29. 7:15am Only dirt Tony Rybak has is the dirt in the bottom of his bong and the crusty kind found in his underwear.

  30. Dear 8:56,
    Now that is hilarious!

  31. 6:54

    You crack me up! Schlener, a hard worker? I guess hard workers abuse sick leave, call out sick and go out drinking and crash into a utility pole. Schlener and Gregory make a good team. They both like to beat up on defenseless women.

  32. Johnny Casino isnt in yet...perhaps there is an ace in the hole.....perhaps when screwing with a certain business man in bethlehem old Johnny boy underestimated this guy..I can assure you there is some very good things coming but it's not going to be pretty when it all is released..some heads are going to roll ...and bernie cant protect him anymore..old girlfriends??? perhaps...pictures thatjohnny boy was unaware of??..perhaps....it will be interesting.....

  33. First, Dent won't stick his neck out for Brown unless Dent is convinced he can win. Dent never likes to risk his political capital. And Dent will have a hard time justifying since most of NorCo is out of his district.

    Second, Schlener and Gregory are nothings. I hope Brown makes them his poster children, then Callahan wins easily.

    Third, Callahan won all the precincts in Bethlehem. The 17th Ward is counted in two parts, but is one precinct. Part of the 17th ward in in the 17th Congressional District, part in the 15th.

  34. Lincoln never evolved. He was the worst kind of political animal. He caved to the so-called "Radicals" to save his politcal life. His Proclaimation left slavery "as is" where it
    suited him politically and strategically.

    Dakota gave up their land and signed a treaty never fulfilled. When they protested against the treachery, Lincoln played Pilate while Pope exterminated them.

    He was a shill for railroad monopolists and, ironically, also Marx's hero. Usurper of the Constitution, overseer of Sherman's and Sheridan's atrocities against southern civilians who had no stake in the slave culture, the father of big government. An opportunist who pulled it off because he was able to politicize and commandeer the cause of emancipation for political benefit.

    JC is typical pol, but he has a ways to go to get his Lincoln on. This next, higher office should afford him more opportunities, at least.

  35. You do realize that drawing conclusions from a comparison of "wards won" between a Municipal Primary Year (2013) and a Midterm General Election Year (2010) is one of the worst cardinal sins of political science. First off, turnout isn't even comparable. Second, the electorates are very different. This post is not very useful for enlightened analysis.

  36. I can accept that criticism, but the analysis of this election and how well Callahan did in Bethlehem against two other candidates who were attacking him, is undeniable.

  37. 6:54, aka Jim Gregory, I am aware that there are people out there, like you and Schlener, who are motivated by hatred. You usually get charged with beating up women.

  38. "And Bernie are these eye tests in order to post getting progressively more difficult?"

    I don't like them one bit and resisted using them for a long tome. But it is the ONLY way to prevent hundreds of spam comments every day. I could even deal with that, so long as they were intercepted. But they were starting to get through too often, and I hate to see that on my blog.

  39. "Gregory is so freaking crazy, they had the Sheriff's at his office building to prevent his entrance to the building.
    Funny stuff!!! But you knew that."

    Actually, I didn't, but it is good to know. You should not be allowed near people with mental problems.

  40. "Bernie - don't you mean Callahan and not Cunningham?"

    Yes, I made an error in a comment. I stand corrected.

  41. "Callahan won all the precincts in Bethlehem. The 17th Ward is counted in two parts, but is one precinct. Part of the 17th ward in in the 17th Congressional District, part in the 15th."

    I will note this. Thank you.

  42. Why is Gregory posting a million comments and having a conversation with himself? Get some help dude.

  43. Bernie,

    Did you hear?? Gregory filed criminal charges against those who ransacked his house on Thursday night and stole his property..Wow!!!

    Luckily the D A is a friend of Callahan..Oops. Maybe not??

    Wow! The police were ask by him to file a PFA on Friday but refused to do so..They also refused to file a criminal complaint for him when his house was ransacked , and his gold chain and I PAD were stolen..Luckily, a neighbor's child saw them in action..Damn! Now what?
    My guess is that he loves his girlfriend and will forgive her but my thoughts are that those who damaged his house and those who didnt file charges when they should have, are toast..Just my guess though..As Ron Angle says, I am just a simple man. What do I know.

  44. I notice that Geeting has called this post "remedial" political analysis, especially since i am comparing primary results with a general election and a Congressional race with a primary. I agree there are obvious differences. Blankstein notes that the mood of the country was different then as well.

    But there are similarities. Because there are so few Republicans in Bethlehem, there really is no such thing as a general election in Bethlehem except when someone like Dent is running. In both elections, the central issue was Callahan's character. Callahan was damaged in 2010. In 2013, it is obvious that Bethlehem voters was not.

  45. Mr. Gregory, the topic her is the Callahan race and his performance in Bethlehem, not your attempts to get back at your girlfriend. I will be deleting you from this point unless you can stay on topic, Mr. almost mensa.

  46. 215Bernie, here is an interesting piece of trivia for you. Are you aware that the City of Bethlehem has never had a resident serve as County Executive? Easton has never had a resident as County Executive. For some reason, these two communities cannot put together enough votes to get an Executive elected. They have had good candidates but the voters always reject them. Callahan needs a new strategy if he is going to win.

  47. We have only had county execs since 1978, so I don't consider that a very meaningful statistic.

  48. Marty Bechtel lived in Easton 62

  49. Gregory. Is quiet. I've heard. Rudy's. kicked his ass today. She is so freaking cute!!!

  50. Melissa Rudaa.

  51. Het Bernardo, since you are shouting sweet nothings into the ears of your newest mancrush John "John Stoffa Lincoln" Callahan, maybe you can shout this out. Tell his super smart and efficient campaign staff to stop patting themselves on the back over drinks at the at the Blue, Melt and Edge and clean up his damn Campaign signs. Hell, even losing county council candidates have cleaned theirs up.

    What the Hell are they waiting for? Maybe the truckload of illegals they hire to do that kind of work haven't arrived yet.

  52. Using the name "Landshark", Controller Steve Barron posted a comment just like this on the ET web site this morning. Now Steve might consider himself a shark, but I'm thinking blue humpback whale. And as I am sure he already knows, mot o the Callahan signs were taken down before the election by McClure's goons. That's why Team Callahan could take a day off. I'll ask them to thank you.

  53. If they are at the Edge, ask McClure to tell them since he's there every day.

  54. Tom foolery please record jim greggy tonite at champs im out of wanking material to vidi,

    Norco twink

  55. At the Mezzacappa and blog, I've read that (1) Gregory wants Mezzacappa to join him at Champs tonight; (2) I'm too much of a coward to go there and face this woman beater; (3) I am paid for favorable Callahan posts; and (4) Gregory and Mzzacappa together are "deadly" ("let them figure out wha deadly means").

    If do know what deadly means. I listened to Gregory's karaoke. I'll pass on the invitation, but I'd rather undergo root canal.

  56. Gregory the Great (or Gregory the bitch slapper), has stated that the full weight of the Gregory political machine is now behind John Brown and Peg Ferraro. All the other candidates breathed a sigh of relief.

  57. Callahan will need to work with the coaf and ascme to win in nov.

  58. Like in May?

    The real "We, the People" have spoken. Now you can run to a person who supported the privatization of Gracedale.

  59. Landshark? More like Lardshark. Little Stevie Blunder should join the flock of cuckoos Gregory and Mezzacrappa in attacking Callahan in the months ahead. Johnnie Casino turned his back on the groveling Lardshark who wanted a job in his cabinet, and there will be hell to pay for this indiscretion.

  60. One day all you people are going to grow up and become educated in the art of politics. Until then please keep your stupid ridiculous opinions to yourself. Gregory, Schlener and mezzacappa are done.Other than a handfull of people no one will listen to them. The unions will not go against the Democratic team to support Republicans. They will support the Democratic Teams. That is where there bread is buttered. The republicans are doing everything to do away with Unions, do you really think Gregory or Schlener can convince unions to shoot themselves in the foot. Get real already. You ignoramouses should think about what you are saying. Callahan is the only choice the Unions have. Five Republicans on Council during the past four years have to tried to sell Gracedale. Yeah, sure, the unions will support the Republicans. What a bunch of Jerks.

  61. Hey watch it anon 11:09. The Gregory and Mezzacappa political machines are backing John Brown for county executive. Hey O'Hare, word on street is Gregory stated if he got fired he would apply for and get appointed to Bob Donchez' vacant seat next year. That is no bull, a few people heard it.

    By the way when ate you two going to have that sing off?

  62. like it or not he will need the coaf and the unions to win in a tight race.

  63. "he would apply for and get appointed to Bob Donchez' vacant seat next year. That is no bull, a few people heard it"

    it's true. they'll actually give him the chair. they'll just appoint a sane person to fill the vacancy.

  64. "like it or not he will need the coaf and the unions to win in a tight race"

    Callahan will of course work with the unions, and those who support Gracedale.

    If, however, by COAF you mean the Rev Mario, no one needs him. He's a self-appointed, self-important sack of filth with delusions of mediocrity who couldn't deliver a pizza.

  65. anon 7:16, open up and tell us how you really think.

  66. Gregory, Schlener and mezzacappa are done.Other than a handfull of people no one will listen to them. The unions will not go against the Democratic team to support Republicans. They will support the Democratic Teams. That is where there bread is buttered. The republicans are doing everything to do away with Unions, do you really think Gregory or Schlener can convince unions to shoot themselves in the foot


  67. Schlener certainly won't be backing Callahan. Callahan fires wife-beating drunks who pretend they're sick and then have accidents. Even if they belong to a union. Callahan is under the impression that he represents ALL the people of Bethlehem, not just the drunks in the firefighters' union. Schlener thinks ALL the people of Bethlehem exist to serve him. Gregory thinks ALL the people of Northampton exist to serve him.

    Unlike Callahan, they make the same mistakes over and over.

    As far MezzaKKKappa, she never got started.

  68. would not count the rev mario out yet. he has a alot of victorys and lots of support.

  69. Mario has no victories. Sometimes you're leading a charge. Other times, you shoot the wounded and take credit for the victory.

  70. yea ok right.your hatred is showing

  71. The Rev is the hater. Read his blog. He is no man of god.

  72. im not talking about him im talking about you. your hatred is showing . stoffa underestimated him also many times. John will need him and he knows it. that's all im saying

  73. Attacking county employes pensions is not a smart move

  74. That, of course, is legally impossible. There can be no attack on vested rights. But I seriously doubt the public would be terribly upset. Te only person who would be upset are the woman beaters, Schlener and Gregory.

  75. I beg to differ

    Every county employee would care and fight against that ridiculous notion. They would not vote for such a candidate with that foolish idea. Also I'm sure they would spread the word throughout the county on who to vote for in the general.

  76. 1) It is legally impossible.

    2) No candidate has made the suggestion. It is a scare tactic by Gregory, the Fake Rev or Schlener.

    3) If it were legal, taxpayers would go for it in a heartbeat, but it's not.

  77. Bernie your obsession with Schlener is unhealthy. You have no facts to support your claim. As usual you use your blog for vile attacks. Remember a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  78. Schlener is a woman abuser in denial. He and Gregory are not poor poster boys for either unions or Democrats.

  79. Tic Tac. What was that about?

  80. Above is Tricia Mezzacappa, demonstrating yet again why she was so resoundingly rejected by GOP voters. She blames Angle, Ferraro and others. She is completely oblivious to how her own disgusting behavior has turned off voters.

    With all the emotional stability of a sixth grader, she has been making non-stop "tic tac" penis size references. She has made repeatedly on her blog for over a year. All that has done, Tricia, is make you look immature and nasty. Maybe you need to up the dosage on your drug cocktail.

    Yous see, Tricia, when you're running for office, people won't vote for you when you call poor clerks "fat bitches" or tell others, "bite me."

    You also don't go around using the "N" word, or threaten to kill people, if you hope to get elected to something. You don't post death fantasies that are so disgusting that even a newspaper, a champion of first amendment rights, must suspend your account.

    Now you demonstrate the emotional stability of a sixth grader with the non-stop "tic tac" penis size reference, which you have already have made repeatedly on your blog for over a year. That certainly is going to help any undecided voters left to run like hell from you.

    Mezzacappa, you came in dead last. There is a criminal conviction against you, and two other summary criminal matters are pending. A libel judgment has been filed against you.

    Do you really think you are helping yourself by continuing to display your completely nutty behavior?

    Take your drug cocktail.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.