Local Government TV

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pawlowski Contributors Dominate Reibman's Finance Report

NorCo Exec candidate Glenn Reibman's pre-primary finance report has been filed, and the story it tells is that he is getting major financial support from the same people who contribute to Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. Many feel that Pawlowski was incensed by Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan's tepid criticism of Allentown's controversial Neighborhood Improvement Zone (NIZ), and that the Reibman candidacy is a payback.

Reibman started the reporting period (1/1/13 - 5/6/13) with $39,008.46. He raised $39,203.00, and spent $72,268.23. He's left with $5,943.23 for the final days of his campaign.

Other than one $5,000 donation from Laborer's Local, he has virtually no union support. The lion's share of his major contributions comes from Pawlowski supporters.This includes Allentown auto dealer Robert Bennett ($2,500) , the Duane Morris law firm ($1,000), Allentown developer Pennrose Properties' Race Street PAC ($10,000) and Allentown City Council Prez Julio Guridy ($1,000). There's even a $1,500 contribution from the Greater Reading PAC, where Reibman campaign consultant Mike Fleck also does work for Reading Mayor Vaughn Spencer.

Closer to home, Reibman did snag $5,000 contributions from Charles Chrin ($5,000) and Jim Edinger ($5,000).

Reibman has spent  over $26,000 on television ads, and has paid out $10,000 to his political consultant, Mike Fleck.


  1. And he gets all his money from LEHIGH county and he is expecting to win NORTHAMPTON County Voters ??

    Where is his NORCO support?

  2. There is no grass roots money for Reibman. They helped throw the leader of the "most corrupt administration ever" right out of office. The Unions should love him. Because of him the whole county is represented by unions. Why no union money. Better yet, why no grassroots money? He should have stayed retired. We're all better off for his retirement.

  3. Reibman, his candidacy, and his campaign staff are a collective joke brought onto us courtesy of Ed Pawlowski. Voters won't let them get away with it.

  4. All of Reibman's money comes from people wanting to do business with the county. When is an executive candidate going to hang out a shingle stating "Northampton County not for sale"? That's the kind of guy that gets my vote. Reibman floated a one hundred eleven million bond issue so he could hand money out to his friends in exchange for votes. we pay back two and a half times that amount. Add his swaption to the fray and he got us in the hole more than two hundred fifty million dollars. these are my tax dollars damn it.

  5. Bernie and Charlie Dent detailed and documented how Bethlehem was for sale under John Callahan's pay-to-play obsession.

    It's time for sleazeballs with their unethical hands out to be rejected.

    Bernie and Charlie warned us about Callahan. There's no excuse for electing this tragic figure.

  6. Reading about the contributors /contributions and amazed at the thousands upon thousands of dollars being spent on the campaigns. My issue is this: All of us candidates say we want to affect our communities in a positive fashion and in productive ways, yet we spend tons of money on glossy flyers, pamphlets, signage, advertising, and marketing services that may only be used once during this time of the year. Imagine if the money raised went toward schools, homelessness, addiction, job training, youth programs, etc "GRASSROOTS for less WASTE"



  7. Later we will see if Fleck delivers the same names for Brown.


  8. Hammer-Time, Since you responded to a comment I deleted, I deleted you, too.

  9. Back from the board of elections and I've seen all the reports. WELL. All along there has only been ONE serious campaign being run for County Executive and clearly that's John Callahan's. He apparently raised $200,000 just in the last 4 months. Perspective? In that same period, Glenn raised $39K and McClure looks like he's in debt $16K. TO HIMSELF! LOL. You have to be kidding me. Further proof that this race was over before it started. (BTW remind me to run Callahan's next race - Nagy (his manager) is raking $6500/month!) That said, Alfonso Todd is right.

  10. OK. I'll agree. Callahan wins. I'm interested to see how many dollars per vote he has to pay to secure his own party's nomination. I'll bet it's breathtaking and dwarfs his opponents cost per vote. It'll be just another example of Johnny blowing loads of others cash for his underachieving career. John is dirty. He may look clean compared to the crud he's opposed by. But John Callahan is a dirty pay-for-play crook whose Bethlehem accomplishments are a complete sham - an utter fabrication. He's an ethical mess who's easily swayed with money. Charlie Dent was right about him.

  11. These are the waters your wading into Mr. Todd. No need to fane naïveté sir.

  12. No, 5:34PM, not feigning naivety, just making an observation. I am proud of my campaign and have been told on more than one occasion it has been solid and, surprisingly, positive and upbeat. But, in reality, I used more grassroots strategy and momentum than anything else. Win or lose, I still win and keep moving forward because I wielded the power to make positive change in the community all along....



  13. Glenn Reibman was the finest executive this county has ever had. We need him to "finish the job he started." He is an elder statesman with the wisdom and passion to lead our county to the next level of excellence. His opponents are imposters. The are not worthy enough to carry his jock strap. We should be so lucky to have Glenn serve the people of Northampton County for another 8 years.

  14. between todd and 9:37 the taps must be running fully open tonight.

  15. So he who gest the most money is the best candidate,. yeah that has worked real well at the state and federal government as well.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sen. Reibman was Glenn's aunt, you dickhead. You show your ignorance. Just another stupid hater. Get a life and buy a clue.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Nepotism and Cronyism eventually withers. But not until much damage has been done to society. Comment deleted but mission accomplished. Never vote for a Reibman in any state anytime. Never again. Thank you.


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