Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Ott Pulls a Nixon

When Lehigh County Commissioners decided to ignore Executive Don Cunninham's advice and delay re-assessment for a year, the "reform team" decided to show him who's boss. Not only did they charge forward, but Scott Ott issued a press release bragging about it. Just like President Obama, he wanted to make sure everyone paid their fair share.

That would look good in his Executive race.

But just as Cunningham warned, this reassessment fell hard on those who can least afford it. According to a Morning Call account, "[S]ome of the people who were calling or visiting the Lehigh County assessment office Tuesday were neither angry nor defiant. They were crying. Elderly people on fixed incomes. Young parents on single incomes. The county's first reassessment in 21 years had left them stunned by tax increases that would cost them hundreds of additional dollars a year."

So did Ott fix their problem?

Nah, he just deleted his press release, just like Nixon would do.


  1. nixon had his secretary do it

  2. I though you said reassessment was much needed in LC, Bernie? It might have prevented Brownings crushing 16% tax hike. What gives?

  3. Please Bernie.

    Browning voted for every bit of funding to accomplish reassessment when he was Commissioner. He voted for the flyovers, the driveby's and every other bit of funding for it. AND he didn't say a thing against it when the vote you chide Ott for came up.

    Now that he's running for office again, Browning wants people to believe he was against it, which is a lie. So Browning is both Nixon (for lying) and John Kerry (for being for reassessment before he was against it).

    The reason reassessment hit many so hard is because it was put off for 21 years. That happens because there are sleazy politicians like Dean Browning who will try to make a political issue out of it.

    If Browning wants to know what a real tax hike is, he should look back to the 16% "gift" he gave taxpayers in 2011. Ott's been trying to roll that back, and got the ball rolling in that direction last year.

    Bottom line, Ott cuts taxes and Browning raises them. Seems like an easy choice for voters.

  4. I don't know, At least Nixon knew what he was doing. I don't think Ott has a clue. Ott is more of a comedian, but Nixon had a cameo on "Laugh In" and scored big. I don't think Ott will ever get that far.

  5. Trying to make Ott looks like the fall guy will get you nowhere, we all know Browning had his hands all over that!

  6. "I though you said reassessment was much needed in LC,".

    I believe it is needed, but agreed with Cunningham that we should wait a year or two bc of the economy.

  7. This blog railed against Callahan's ethical and fiscal misconduct just two short years ago. The posts haven't been purged - even those of Charlie Dent warning voters to stay away from Callahan. But the fair-weather blogger has worked OT to tell us not to believe our lying eyes.

    This isn't the general. It's the primary, where party voters figured Dean out long ago. 16% is his well-earned albatross. It's tough to run on a tax increase record in a Republican primary. Good luck with that.

  8. Scott Ott and his twin brother Bobby Gunther Walsh: Angry White Men

  9. This blog railed against Callahan when it had reason to do so, and praises him when it has reason to do so. And no, unlike Ott, I do not purge my blog of those posts bc I prefer to tell the truth to my readers. Ott hides from what he has done.

  10. So that which you and Charlie said about Callahan was true just two years ago, but isn't any longer? What has John done to rehabilitate himself in that time? Nothing. Now, we're supposed to think two years ago is ancient history. You're ridiculous. But I understand the desire to remain relevant when the choices of laps to sit upon is so putrid.

  11. I've explained this numerous times. My chief problems with Callahan were Bethlehem finances, a lack of accountability and a lack of transparency. For the last two years, Callahan has turned city finances around. It is in the strongest shape of the three cities. He has become accountable. He has agreed to and followed a Council directive not to transfer funds from one account to another without their prior approval. He has become transparent. If I have a question, he replies.

    On top of this, I have had an opportunity to see firsthand over the past two years exactly what impression he makes on people. He is very much like Dent. People honestly like him, and he honestly likes them. I especially like the way he interacts with children.

    So yes, I have done a complete about face over the last two years with respect to Callahan. If McClure or Reibman were to make changes, I could support them, too. If McClure actually started attending committee hearings like he is supposed to do, I would at least have one less thing to criticize.

  12. Believe Charlie or Bernie? Hmm.

    I believe Charlie. Callahan's Bethlehem record is a sham and he's the king of pay-to-play. Dent warned of John's fiscal and ethical lapses. John has done nothing in the last two years but attempt to rewrite his tawdry history. I'm sure he appreciates your help.

    You get credit for admitting a complete about face. But you get no credibility. I'm sticking with Charlie's take on Callahan.

  13. Each of these candidates for Executive are bad news. They will drag down the Dem ticket in the Fall. Reibman and Callahan mirror images of each other one old one young and then Clueless McClure, Wow!

    The Dem's better hope their county council ticket can pick up the slack. The Republicans are going to take apart any of the three very flawed executive candidates. They each have more baggage than a Kardasian.

  14. bigger asses too.

  15. anon 3:56, lol!!

  16. "It is in the strongest shape of the three cities."

    Like picking between jumping in a tub of horseshit and bullshit. All three cities are a financial disaster. Johnny C, is just sneakier with sleazy advisors to help.

  17. "People honestly like him", big difference between like and fear, Bernie. He has a lot of work to do on his people skills. The guy has a reputation as a real arrogant prick. This campaign has done nothing to dispel that perception.

  18. Thi post is about the LC, not the NC, Exec race. Post your hate on my blogs about that race.

  19. This is Scott Otts race to lose. Browning is a taxer like Ervin was, no us to Republicans. Scott will run against DINO Muller, who is running on ego to save the Cunningham patronage jobs. The guy is of no real use to the county. The Cunningham Administration checked out after the don stopped his Governor run.

    Next Lehigh County Executive will be Scott Ott.

  20. Every commissioner, including the Democrats, voted to move ahead with the reassessment, because it was the right thing to do.

  21. Then why did Ott delete his news release?

  22. The ones who should be mad about reassessment are those who's taxes went down because they are the ones who have been overpaying for years.


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