Local Government TV

Thursday, May 16, 2013

MIA McClure - 14.7% Committee Attendance Over 6 Years

Yesterday, seven Northampton County Council members listened attentively as Sheriff Randy Miller explained why he needs six new deputies. They reviewed a detailed proposal for a bond that would fund bridge repairs, as well as much-needed generator at Gracedale. But the nursing home's so-called savior, Lamont McClure, was absent as usual, leaving the actual work to his colleagues.

Since I began blogging in 2006, I do a yearly roundup of the attendance record of each Council member. I have always paid attention to committee hearings as well. Every member of council is encouraged to participate in every committee. So it's a pretty accurate gauge of the time and effort each councilperson devotes to government service. Based on this standard, the time and effort McClure spends as a member of Council is shameful. It's been that way for six years. Here's his committee attendance record since 2007:

2007: 5 of 27 committee hearings.
2008: 6 of 26 committee hearings.
2009: 6 of 23 committee hearings.
2010: 0 of 21 committee hearings.
2011: 4 of 43 committee hearings.
2012: 4 of 30 committee hearings.

That's a 14.7% attendance record over 6 years. It demonstrates a consistent disregard for the people McClure was elected to serve. I see Scott Parson, a slate quarry worker, kill himself to make it to committee hearings. But McClure is only rarely there, even for hearings that affect his own district or Gracedale.

With this record of disdain for the public, I find it incredible that McClure actually thinks people will vote for him, especially those among us who do show up and who do work.

McClure's attendance at regular Council meetings is better, but even that presents some cause for concern. In 2012, he attended 25 of 32 full meetings. But in 2010, he missed three meetings in a row during the Summer without explanation. He was missing in action for six weeks.

The one Committee he chairs - Legal and Judicial - has failed to meet in over three year, even though numerous conflicting interpretations of the Home Rule Charter have led to lawsuits.

The next Executive, no matter what his philosophy might be, has to be a person who is willing to serve the people who have elected him. That could be Glenn Reibman, John Callahan or John Brown. But it certainly is not Lamont McClure. Just as he was unwilling to knock on doors during his campaign, he 's simply unwilling to work.  


  1. Your attacks on McClure are tiring.Callahan will lose to him or Brown eventually, so why waste your breath. Give it up already!!

  2. Is attendance required at committee meetings? Are minutes kept for review afterward?

  3. lol, 636,

    No one cares..They suck!!

  4. 6:36,

    The answer to your questions may very well be no. However that is of no consequence. mcclures record stands for his lack of leadership and commitment.

  5. I would say McClures record is far from a lack of leadership. He is the most knowledgeable member of county issues on council. Mr. McClure has a full time job and it's not one of those jobs you can just leave. As for your comments on Scott Parsons he new to council and should be attending as many meetings as he can. If your attacking Lamont on attendance where's the post on the Mayors attendance at city hall? Isn't his car parked at his campaign office on city time?

  6. For a guy who doesn't show up much, McClure gets a lot of words on this blog. No council member except Angle has received so much of Bernie's attention. Whether you agree or disagree with him, he's clearly using what time he does dedicate to council to achieve maximum impact. Otherwise, why would Bernie obsess so much?

  7. Makes one wonder if he wipes his ass 14.7% of the time as well?

    Maybe that's why he is not going door to door shaking hands?

  8. "Is attendance required at committee meetings? Are minutes kept for review afterward?"

    Minutes are kept and so is attendance. Attendance is not "required" at any council meeting, but is a reflection of the time and dedication of the council member involved.

  9. "Mr. McClure has a full time job and it's not one of those jobs you can just leave."

    What a load. He's an asbestos lawyer, not a brain surgeon. It's just as hard or harder fr other members of Council. The fact that McClure does not make the effort is just another indication that he does not care. His attendance is abysmal, and asbestos lawyer get no special break.

  10. "where's the post on the Mayors attendance at city hall?"

    The Mayor ha to spend at least 60 hours per week with the City, which I see on weekends wen covering little events for the Bethlehem Press. On top of that, his attendance at meetings is excellent. When he is absent, it is bc he is doing something else for the City.

  11. "No council member except Angle has received so much of Bernie's attention"

    McClure is running for Exec, and his record bears scrutiny. He ihas been a bad Council member since his appointment in '06, and I tend to point out example of bad government like him. There simply is no excuse for a 14.7% attendance record at committees. What makes this especially insulting is that he is now running for executive and still thumbs his nose at the people who elected him by refusing to go to the meetings they elected him to attend. he should not even be a member of Council.

  12. No ass wipe comments eh?

  13. The Mayor is at his campaign office during his WORKING hours Bernie!!!! ITS BEEN PROVEN!!!!! Nothing to say that he is campaigning on the tax payers dime? How much does he pay you to keep the halo above his head? You use the blog to try and destroy people that you have an ax to grind with.

  14. Nothing of the sort has been proven at all. The Mayor is a 24/7 worker who devotes at least 60 hours per week to the City. He is also running for office, and unlike McClure, is actually working at it.

  15. As documented here ad nauseum, McClure has has quite an impact in whatever time he's spending. Perhaps he picks his spots, but Bernie's obsession began long before McClure announced for executive. We read about him more than all other council members combined. Just LexusNexus this blog to see. He certainly has shown up enough to make Bernie cRaZy. Quantity vs. quality.

  16. McClure draws my attention, not bc he has an impact, but bc he represents everything that is wrong with government. I tend to cast a spotlight on people like him.

  17. You're a pisser, Bern. You used to say that about John Callahan! This blog rocks.

  18. Wrong with Government? It's John B. Callahan
    Callahan investigated By the FBI how many times?
    Transfered money illegally!
    Cover-up after cover-up!
    Blew Millions in Hirko case!
    Keeps City Council in the dark!
    Borrow Millions to pay off deficit, costing future taxpayers!
    The next mayor, Donchez or Reynolds will have to clean up his mess. Look out Bethlehem Taxpayers!
    Thank god I live in Lehigh County and not in the City of Bethlehem

  19. Charlie Dent endorses John Callahan, as the "Good Government" candidate.

  20. No, Charlie supports John Brown.

    Charlie warned of what we can expect from a slippery, corrupt political rat like Callahan. Charlie was very, very, very clear:

    "In Bethlehem, I see how this is done," Dent said. "If you need something done, give money to the mayor of Bethlehem."

    Charlie Dent on John Callahan
    October 13, 2010
    By Nicole Radzievich, OF THE MORNING CALL

  21. Lest their be any remaining doubt that Charlie Dent supports John Brown and has WARNED Lehigh Valley voters about the dangers of ethically slippery politicians like John Callahan:

    “John Callahan’s fiscal irresponsibility is staggering. He doesn't know what his revenues will be, and he doesn't know what his expenditures will be. And he has a record of making poor estimates, resulting in multimillion dollar deficits since at least 2008.

    “Even Democratic members of his own City Council question this hollow campaign promise, and believe his ‘no tax hike’ promise is unrealistic.

    “Callahan claims he’s working to ‘tighten the belt’ but he increased spending by 10 percent JUST THIS YEAR. Instead of looking inward to fix his problems, Callahan is seeking a bailout from regional taxpayers through a sales tax hike he wants the counties to institute.

    “A bigger problem is that Callahan’s pledges don’t mean very much. He promised an immediate property tax cut in exchange for a casino. He broke that promise for the second year in a row. With four years to plan a tax cut for the property owners of Bethlehem, he instead spent the city deep into the red.

    “Perhaps Callahan could save the taxpayers’ money by eliminating unnecessary management jobs – starting with his own. He’s been absent for more than a year, so maybe Bethlehem would be better off without a Mayor rather than have Callahan at the helm.

    “John Callahan is an incompetent mayor, and he’s incapable to handle the serious issues that face America.”


    John Brown is a better choice for County Executive. Charlie Dent supports John Brown.

  22. Is Charlie going to cut Brown a $500K check? Because that's what it's going to take... to still lose to Callahan by 15 points.

  23. "John Callahan is an incompetent mayor."

    Charlie Dent

  24. "A bigger problem is that Callahan's promises don't mean very much."

    Charlie Dent

  25. 6:22,

    Re: John's big money:

    "In Bethlehem, I see how this is done," Dent said. "If you need something done, give money to the mayor of Bethlehem."

    Charlie Dent

  26. Well sounds like Dent called John out on pay to play.

  27. What does any of this have to do with McClure's shoddy attendance record?

  28. 1:36, You made some pretty big claims there. Where is your facts to back it up? Because you have none. No balls either. And since you claim to haven't any dogs in this race, why the hell are you commenting? Because this is the 2nd lie you got caught in. Seems like can't believe anything you write, just like your candidate ...

  29. Lamont doesn`t need to do any homework. He has all the answers.He should go back to Weatherly.

  30. Better a crappy attendance record, then a shoddy management scheme.


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