Local Government TV

Thursday, May 09, 2013

How Many Reibman Endorsements Are Real?

Bangor Borough Council member Dave Houser, though a Democrat, supports Republican John Brown for NorCo Executive. He even has a campaign sign for Brown in his front yard, he tells me. But since he's a Democrat, he also tells me he'll be supporting Glenn Reibman in the primary. Now I think there's some flawed logic there somewhere. But hey, that's voting. It's never logical. I certainly could respect Dave's distinction between a primary and general endorsement ... I think.

But a Reibman news release released yesterday quotes Dave as saying, "I fully support Glenn Reibman as the next Northampton County Executive.” That's simply untrue. If he supports John Brown, how can he fully support Glenn Reibman as the next County Executive? Either Dave Houser, Glenn Reibman or both of them are misleading voters.

I am really beginning to wonder how many of these supposed Reibman endorsements are real. Last week, one local official who Reibman has listed as an endorsement, told me he hasn't endorsed anyone.


  1. Probably the work of Flecky.

  2. Your splitting hairs for your boss Callahan. Really Bernie, a bit of yellow journalism on this one. You are getting more and more sloppy.

  3. No, actually, the statement is a lie. If Dave Houser supports John Brown for County Exec, and even has a yard sign as he contends, it necessarily follows that he doe not "fully support Glenn Reibman as the next Northampton County Executive." I question whether he made that statement, which sounds nothing like him.

    Also, I know for a fact that Reibman has claimed to have the endorsement of one elected official who made clear to me that it is untrue.

    This is just another indication that Reibman's campaign will do anything, from fooling voters with Callahan look-alikes to deceptive "endorsements."

  4. more government influence and silliness. according to the fda your safer after u turn 18.

    our elected officials, using the term loosely don't have more important issues to deal with?

  5. Melanoma is a pretty serious issue. It kills one person every 57 minutes,. White people, too, "buckwheat."

  6. Of all the candidates for County executive, John Brown is the most knowledgeable in running a business, which doesn't always translate well to government. Callahan is the most politically knowledgeable, which makes him a complete waste. McClure
    would make a good county solicitor cause they rarely attend committee meetings. That's why I, if I mattered , would vote for Reibman in the Primary. He would do so much less damage than the others. In the General , however, a Brown vote would be possible if he shows that government could be run as a business. Therefore, it is rather easy to see how one can endorse Reibman in the primary and possibly Brown in the General.

  7. If Brown is so great running a business, why hasnt he EVER run a biz? He's unemployed and his wife is the bread winner. How did he lose his last job? Fired? For what? And his running the boro like"a business" resulted in nobody wanting to run for mayor. I like his new name John Brown Sbrochi!

  8. The guy Brown, has more brains than your candidate. And he has about the same experience in County matters..
    That would be none, lol

  9. The last public officials acknowleding they "fully support" Reibman, Callahan and McClure were seen being admitted to the 3rd floor at LV Muhlenberg. Rooms appeared to padded.

  10. "Therefore, it is rather easy to see how one can endorse Reibman in the primary and possibly Brown in the General."

    But if that is so you don't go around saying you "fully" suport Reibman as the next County Exec, because if you do, you're a liar.

  11. McClure rarely attends committee meetings? Is he even on these committees? Does he have a full time job? Do the other candidates need a job? McClure is by far the best choice to lead Northampton county foward.

  12. Bernie,

    Care to share the name of the elected official who is disputing his endorsement of Reibman?

  13. Kevin, Since I do not have express permission of this official to use that person's name, I can't disclose it. Not yet.

  14. "McClure rarely attends committee meetings? Is he even on these committees?"

    Scott Parson, who is a blue collar worker in a quarry, kills humself to make it to committee hearings, even where he is not a member. Every Council member s encouraged to attend every committee hearing. McClure's attendance at these hearings is terrible. He has missed committee hearings affecting Gracedale, which he claims to have saved. He has missed committee hearings involving his own district. His legal and Judicial committee has not met in nearly 3 1/2 years. Other Council members work, too, and still find time to attend.

  15. Don't you find it odd that an elected official is allowing a candidate to tout his bogus endorsement? Why would he keep silent? Something doesn't add up here.

  16. No, I don't find it odd bc i know the entire story. I cannot tell you that w./o revealing the identity of the official. Leaving that question aside, we have another elected official quoted as fully endorsing Reibman who does not.

  17. Kevin, I have asked this official to publicly disavow the endorsement. I have also asked Houser to disavow the statement attributed to him.

  18. I am not ashamed to say I support Reibman.
    Jim Gregory

  19. As a registered Democratic voter..I shared with Mr. Reibman after a lengthy discussion of the issues..that I would endorse him as the best candidate running for the D party candidacy for county executive and said I will vote for him on primary election day. During that discussion I told him that I remain a John Brown supporter for county executive. I have contributed to John's campaign and have a Brown for county executive sign out in front of my house. Glenn said he understood and he hoped I would change my mind about that decision come November. Part 1..

  20. When the press release in question was read to me prior to publication by Ms. Bauer..Glenn's assistant..I did not catch the "Fully' endorse codicil/addendum/qualifier. Shame on me for not listening better as that"Fully' wording is not the case here. I consider it a misunderstanding at this time as I have been very clear to Bernie about my full support of Bangor mayor John Brown and his campaign for county executive. Is this unheard of? Can I do both? I believe I just have. Will I catch hell for it? I guess I did. Politics is a true adventure. Part 2.

  21. This misunderstanding has not changed anything except that now everybody knows what happened and I remain a Democrat who will vote for Mr. Reibman in the primary election and I will continue to support mayor Brown for county executive. No hard feelings.

  22. Huh? Some can't tell if their assholes are punched or bored.

  23. Sounds to me like someone is endorsing the worst "D" candidate in hopes of pitting the dems worst against the "R"'s best. Lets as dems, all endorse mezzacappa so she is the "R's" candidate against the likes of the "D's" Heckman and Seyfried. ARE YOU NUTS?

  24. I support Reibman. By the way, where did the Express get that picture of me? How did they get my mugshot picture? There is definitely a conspiracy against me here somewhere?

  25. I have no idea what anon 3:54 said or means?

  26. None of this really matters... Reibman will be second, followed by McClure.. Callahan has put the work in daily, he will win.

  27. Joe Bagodonutz Associate Deputy Assistant DogcatcherMay 9, 2013 at 4:14 PM

    I proudly support Glenn Reibman. I'm not the only heavyweight who does. This story is a typical hit piece.

    Yours in Democracy,
    Joe Bagodonutz
    Associate Deputy Assistant Dogcatcher
    Chapman Borough, PA

  28. Anon 4:14, Callahan ahs put on the work form the Edge or the Melt but not on the streets. The ladies say he is a poor tipper.

  29. A friendly reminder for Northampton County residents to remember this years upcoming Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) week starting June 6th.

  30. 10:29 coward. show yourself. i am not hard to find. 8

  31. Sounds to me that this is total bollocks. So Dave is going to support a candidate in the primary? Why?
    If he supports Brown then why support anyone else? In any election. This is the BS games that go on in these primaries and politics. Grow a set and support your candidate, not help play pick the weakest opponent.

  32. I picked Reibman because he is the best D. I have that right and I refuse to waive my rights as a registered D just because I support my mayor. You don't like it? Too bad!

  33. It is your "right", but the point is ethics and conviction over the political games. Should we call you two-face?

    God help the people of Bangor

  34. But I'm not a coward like you! Sign your name or shut your yap!

  35. God help you..grow a pair!

  36. The people of Bangor are just fine ..thank you for thinking about them.

  37. In a democratic primary you are asked to chose a candidate. That is what David Houser is doing. Leave him alone.


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