Local Government TV

Friday, May 31, 2013

Election Not Nice to Weiss

Paul Weiss took on Castro. Next, it's Abe
For the past two years, Paul Weiss has presided over Bethlehem Township's five-person Board of Commissioners. But barring a miracle, his days behind the dais are coming to an end.

In the May 21 municipal primary, Weiss was thrashed at the polls by fellow Republican Pat Breslin, 135-56. Though a newcomer to the Township, Breslin received heavy financial backing from Abe Atiyeh's business partner Ramzi Hadad. Haddad gave Breslin $1,000 of the $1850 he raised.

Breslin also relied on church connections at Cavalry Baptist, as well as hard work at the polls to garner votes.

On the Democratic side of the ballot, another Atiyeh-backed candidate, Raymond Russin, was successful in a write-in campaign. He snagged 41 votes to 10 for Weiss. Russin had been removed from the ballot because he failed to file the required Statement of Financial Interests. A commodities broker, Russin was the nominal plaintiff in an Abe Atiyeh land use appeal over a planned 837-unit housing development, including 570 apartments.

So Atiyeh has both a Democrat and a Republican running for Paul Weiss' seat. Abe can't lose. But what about the rest oif the Township?

Abe lives in Bethlehem Township. Contrary to the way he is often depicted, he has a big heart. He obviously cares about what goes on in his own back yard. But he is also a major developer. He is very interested in his own bottom line.

Is this it for Paul Weiss? One Commissioner is already dancing on Paul's grave, telling others he'll be taking over as president. But don't count Weiss out. He's unable to run as an Independent, but can wage a write-in campaign this November. In a small ward race with a low turnout, he could win.

"I've come too far to give up now," said Weiss, who is kicking himself for taking the primary too lightly.

In the coming weeks, I will be posting in more detail about Bethlehem Township, which this November could have 4 Atiyeh-sponsored  Commissioners.


  1. We need to come out heavily and support Mr. Weiss. I'm sure the grave dancer is Nolan, God help the Township!

  2. So what you are saying is that
    Abe Atiyeh is systematically buying his own board of commisioners.

  3. The Twp. They don't care. Why should we?

  4. It's all for sale in Bethlehem Tp. So why not commissioners seat? It's all about $$$$$.

  5. Couple thousand buys a commissioner?

  6. Laswell's definition of politics goes something like: who has the power/influence to decide who gets what, when, and how. For those who observe local politics it is simple to see (or presume) what Abe is doing, and it is foremost about his bottom line not because "he cares".... he certainly has shown by his actions that he doesn't care about neighbor concerns when the development is his, "big heart" or not (and I have heard non-political people actually speak positively of his generosity).

    That said, Abe's proxies are benefiting from timing. At the end of the day, it comes down to the voters who could have easily rebuffed Abe's guys. They didn't. The reason why Commissioner Weiss lost to both Breslin and Russin was not pro-Abe per se, but a frustrated vote for change. While that whole area has been publicly slated for MAJOR development for almost a decade (including the old Forest City Lifestyle Center w/ residential component; as well as what is now called Madison Farms) people in Wagner Farms and Vineyards in particular (who's own housing developments brought groans of too much traffic) have awakened to Madison Farms as if it were something new. I have heard folks from those neighborhoods express genuine concern about it. This is the primary reason Weiss lost, especially without him agressively campaigning and allowing Breslin and Russin to define the election. It is easy to cynically dismiss it as NIMBYism, but the blunt reality is the perception a voter has in the privacy of voting. And if someone can successfully tap into to fear/concern you have a winner.

    Secondarily, even though I understand the Twp was the one to pursue prosecution of the MEM shyters, again Weiss' overconfidence in not campaigning seriously allowed Breslin to define that issue. I have the letter he sent to voters claiming to have knocked on 800 homes, and emphasising "that is your money that they lost."

    I don't know how much the Church connections you imply played into it. I know that Calvary is the same church that some particularly active Republicans attend. Personally, I don't think this really mattered as most of those concerned about the above two issues could care less. Russin's write in verifies this.

    Speaking of Russin's write-in campaign. That should have been assumed the day he was taken off the ballot on a technicality. Only naivete or over-confidence would not have seen that writing on the wall.

    Will Weiss wage a real write-in campaign? I hope so. Honestly, I think a vigorous vetting of issues, candidates, and patrons might be healthy for the Township. We'll see if it happens. In the end, the voters may not care in the short run what Abe is blatantly doing. What is the expression? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Abe, who relishes competing with neighbors about his own developments, now has "nice-guy" frontmen and is the short-term champion against development. Besides, I suspect it gives Abe too much credit, and is insulting to Breslin and Russin (and might as well throw in Thompson), to assume they are not their own men despite their patron.

    Regardless of who you vote for Bethlehem Township, you'll get the government you deserve by your votes or your apathy.

  7. Your astute analysis seems to hit this right on the head.

  8. Weiss shares much of M. Hudak's arrogance. He just hides it a wee bit better.
    Why not let developers actually govern the place. They have been running rough shod over it for years.
    A case study in urban sprawl. What a damn shame. It had such potential.

  9. Looking at County plans, the Township has always been slated for urban style and suburban style development. The Township has done a good job in implementing that plan as well as its own plans. Many of the development complainers are the very same ones that occupy homes recently built that someone before them complained about. Those people living in Wagner Farms and other developments actually have no credibility when it comes to development and just don't get it.

  10. what most of the nubies do not realize is that the make up and complexity of Bethlehem Township changed forever with the final leg of Rt 33 being constructed to 78 in the 90's. That road cut the township in half and the township responded with zoning to accommodate that road ie LVIP for one . Folks in the know know that the township boards and staff did a good job with this in accordance with LVPC regional planning as well as their own comprehensive plan. The NIMBY folks need to be informed go out to meetings, two board meetings a month, one planning commission meeting a month, one zoning hearing board meeting a month, one Rec board meeting a month. Want to be informed and be in the loop get off your ass and get to these meetings otherwise move somewhere else!!


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