Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Meet Alfonso Todd's Campaign Manager

King Edwin may have Mike Fleck, but Allentown City Council candidate Alfonso Todd has a crackerjack campaign manager, too. Her name is Tallis, and she's two years old. She told me she's gonna' run Mike Fleck out of town on a rail and take over his consulting business. She then wrote her Dad's speech.


  1. I really wish that I could vote in Allentown, but I can't.

    I really hope this Todd wins. Along with Velez and Donovan. That will really shake things up.

  2. Cute kid, great photo! Alfonso you need to lose the dredlocks, maybe something like a prince al sharpton hybrid would be more fitting of public office.

  3. Alfonso,
    keep your hair and stick to the plan.
    You certainly have my vote.

  4. Todd
    Definitely keep your hair, to many people change who they are to conform. We see where that has gotten us with council. So keep your hair it adds character :-)

  5. That's my family :) great pic Bernie!

  6. That's my family :) great pic Bernie!

  7. I should have asked you to pose, too, Gina. My apologies. Next time I'll get all three of you.

  8. Wish that I could vote in Allentown but I can't, but if I could Alfonzo you would have my vote. Your campaign manger is so beautiful.

  9. Todd, great job defending child abuse on facebook last week. I can't wait for the day I hear about you beating your daughter with a steel cable.

    another cheap shyster is the last thing this city needs. you refused to take a stance on an issue until like the incinerator, the NIZ or the water lease until after you were questioned so many times you knew that standing up against the lease was the way to win the election. you still refuse to comment on the incinerator and you are in favor of the NIZ even defending the money already spent and demanding we spend more. even if it's for better things that gifts to Reilly Topper and Butz we still can not afford the over $500 million already given away. throwing good money after bad will just ruin us that much faster. But you horrid comments defending child abuse on facebook were the last straw. I hope you rot in the same hell reserved for the likes of Pawlowski and Guridy .

  10. Bernie, no worries! I Love this picture of them!

    Anon 3:36 - Not that your ridiculousness deserves a sane response... but I am feeling very accommodating this evening. Alfonso is an amazing father who puts his family first in everything that he does. He's not perfect - I certainly know that well but while he makes mistakes just like everyone else, every breath he takes, every decision he makes is focused on what his best for his daughter. You may think you "know" something from a statement you have taken out of context and to the extreme, but if you think for even a millisecond that he would allow harm to come to a single hair on his daughter's head it's very clear that you don't know him at all.


  11. 3:36,First of all a shyster hides behind smoke and mirrors and says untruths, whereas I have always taken a stance on anything and everything I believed in. Please go to my website, www.votealfonsotodd.com . The problem you have is that I didn't answer YOUR questions in a timely manner and you feel shunned. In fact, you actually feel angry because while you seem to be a FB activist, I am out here actually DOING things while you hide behind your ANONYMOUS name (although I know who you are) and make unsubstantiated accusations. You can't understand why a person like me gets positive press and spotlight while you must undoubtedly deserve it.
    The reality of the situation is,I didn't ever change positions for any political gain. I am the same now as I have been since day one. But here is a reminder straight from my campaign site:

  12. Question: I haven't found anything regarding your position on the Delta Thermo incinerator planned for construction. How do you feel about it?

    Alfonso's Answer: In my opinion, it was handled just like the Eminent Domain and the Water rental; there was no true public participation in the process and we were never really allowed to have a say so in regards to the cause/effect. Unfortunately, now, while many are talking about how the money will help the City's debt, we have no idea what the long term health ramifications are for the public. No true government transparency.

    Question: So far the NIZ has given away over $500 million in future tax dollars. You have said "the NIZ is a done deal" and that you want to make it work for the people of Allentown. you are right, it is a done deal, but it is done, or at least the money already given out is done, it's all been given out for specific projects, none of them will help the city of Allentown. the only way to even try and make the NIZ work for the people is to give away even more future tax money for new projects. while I'm not against developing for the people we are already $500 million in debt for the NIZ from just last year. How do you think that throwing good money after bad will help?

    Alfonso's Answer: My take on it is that we can complain about the way the money was spent and how it should have been used, etc, etc, etc or we can take a hold of the reins and become involved. We need to INSPIRE the residents to "get involved and be empowered' in the process and realize they do have rights and a voice. But instead of complaining about the negativity of the people and neighborhoods, let's SHOW them how they also can get a piece of this " renaissance" indirectly by creating their own projects / entities that will become a part of the business fabric of A-town. We show them how to become self sufficient with business or how to apply and be prepared for the new jobs that will become available once the structures are built, because you may not like or agree with me on anything else, but we both know these projects are happening whether you wanted them or not and I believe it is my job to get people prepared to make the best and most of it. We have 2 years to get our residents ready for the future.


  13. Question: I am probably going to be a one issue voter this next election cycle the water "lease". I will not vote for any current or potential member who supports it. From what I know about Alfonso, I like him but want to know more about his positions.

    Alfonso's Answer: I believe the water "lease" should be left to a referendum for the public to decide. I do understand the need for Allentown to obtain money to pay pension costs, and other debt, but this is a MAJOR asset that we actually OWN and to lease it for 50 years with no real control over how the private owners lease it to the residents/businesses make me wary. As it is currently defined, I can not support the lease.

    And as far as out conversation we had last month:

    " I understand what you are saying Andrew and there is not one answer because many people have different reactions, but if it is discipline out of love instead of anger, things can be accomplished. I don't know your Dad and I don't know what you were like as a child. There are too many factors. And I didn't sidestep it. I do believe in spanking. Would I use an extension cord or 2x4, nope. But I know that a lack of discipline leads to undisciplined kids who end up in jail or dead. Period."

  14. I deleted a comment posted by the Blog Mentor.


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