Local Government TV

Friday, April 05, 2013

Dolan Blasts Donchez "Hot Girlfriend" Campaign Mailer

Earlier this week, I complained that Bethlehem Mayoral candidates Bob Donchez and J. Willie Reynolds were just being too damn nice to each other. Finally, the gloves have come off. A little. And City Council member Karen Dolan is calling Fowl. Let me give you the back story.

Donchez has sent out a negative mailer about Willie, asking whether he's too young to lead. It includes an old picture of Willie, one I've used myself.

Since I've used it, it must be unfair.

It does make Willie look a bit like a little league ball player. It also includes Willie's famous response, after being told he had done poorly in an informal citizen evaluation of meeting performance.

“I’m sure I’ll lose lots of sleep tonight next to my hot girlfriend,” Willie said after the meeting, when told he had been given a "D".

This quotation is supposed to make Willie look like an asshole. But that's when I started to like him. I think Bob Donchez is the better candidate, but let me say that it takes a lot of maturity to sit still during a Council meeting and listen patiently as person after person heaps abuse on you. I could never do it. Reynolds and Donchez have both been the target of a lot of criticism, some of it very unkind and very unfair, from people who should know better. They both did a pretty good job of shutting up their critics last time they ran for City Council, and were able to talk freely during a debate.

City Council member Karen Dolan, who is running for re-election herself and appears to be supporting Willie, is hot as hell about that mailer. "I am infuriated right now over a vicious and inaccurate mailer I got from Bethlehem Mayoral candidate Bob Donchez attacking fellow Mayoral candidate J. William Reynolds," she says. "The photo of Willy is ten years old, the out-of-context quote is five years old, and the intent is pure "smear." Bob wants people to believe he's a "nice guy." This mailer is why so many people are disgusted with politics."

Someone has tried to defend this negative mailer with a "Willie started it" argument. But Bethlehem political guru John Blankstein observes that the Donchez piece had to have been planned well in advance, and I'm inclined to agree.

Is Willie's relative youth an issue? Yes, but in a City known for electing young mayors, not much.

Is the mailer "vicious and inaccurate"? Not by my admittedly low standards.


  1. The shame of it is that his hot girlfriend broke up with him long ago.

    But the poor guy still has to carry around that quote for the rest of his life.

    It's just baggage....kind of like an STD, I guess.....

  2. First I thought this mailer was stupid, but when I knew it came from "nice guy" Bob Donchez, I didn't know what to think. Can someone send a piece of trash like this and still be elected Bethlehem's mayor? Didn't Tony Rybak lose?

  3. Bobby Donchez spreading a Sexually Transmitted Disease? I thought he was such a fine family man.

  4. Callahan sent them and won his first time. Besides, this is politics. Wille owns his words and his look, tough shit.

    Also, Willie should be glad they used the old picture, now he just looks like Dr. Evil.

  5. The Donchez ad is creepy in a Sandusky sort of way. Who knew Donchez was such a crepy freak? It's time to purge dirty old freaks from politics. It's not acceptable anymore. Bob needs to evolve and put his thing away and apologize. I'd keep him away from kids in the interim. The ad is just too creepy. Wow.

  6. For us out of city dwellers, can you post a pic of the mailer?

  7. Donchez would stoop to that level to get elected. Geesh. I have now switched to the Reynold's camp and he has my vote. Crap like that doesn't not belong or is needed in Bethlehem. So much for Donchez being a gentleman.

  8. the mailer was prepared in advance. every campaign has "nukes" they prepare and sit on. some are planned to be used, others kept in the can as retaliatory pieces.

    and i agree re Karen Dolan...she is hot as hell. weird, flower-child-all-grown-up hot, but still hot.

  9. booby d is running scared

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Only someone who doesn't have much else to offer the City of Bethlehem would stoop to such levels. Donchez can't run on his record. He is only looking for another pension check. I guess the two he will get are not enough.

  12. Just blame the Zoning Board. That's usually what they do to dodge any political heat.

  13. I haven't made up my mind yet on who to vote for, but this was a little low for Donchez.

  14. I researched the "article" this mailer came from. It is actually a blog post on the mcall.com site. Here is the link: http://blogs.mcall.com/valley610/2010/10/would-a-little-extra-credit-help.html

    What strikes me as ironic is Donchez is saying a poll with 35 responses is true and accurate, when a survey of 1500 residents on the trash issue was not accurate.

    I am sure the responses came from the usual gadfly attendees of council meetings. I would bet that the majority came from Antalics (who conducted the survey), Grubb, Pfenning, Schierer, etc. We all saw in the last election when those 4 supported Simao and Carroll, that their opinions don't reflect the majority of the voters.

    Coincidentally, Donchez was only graded a little better than average with a 2.8. And Gordon Mowrer, who was an excellent mayor, was graded just above Reynolds.

    Apparently low grades translate to good leaders.

  15. "For us out of city dwellers, can you post a pic of the mailer?"

    I picked one up very late and will consider posting it. But if Karen and others contend it is nasty and vicious, is that so smart?

    Not that I'm smart.

  16. I am not at all surprised by this. I am glad I decided to vote for Willie

  17. Why don't you post a picture of Willie's hot girlfriend and Bob's hot wife and let the voters decide who has the best taste of women.

  18. Bob raised the hotness issue. Let's see what his wife looks like.

  19. I see your point, but won't allow you to draw civilians into the quagmire unless you clearly identify yourself, as Donchez did in his mailer quoting Willie.

  20. 45 Days and it's over Johnny

  21. Mr. Donchez has descended into gutter politics with his use of a so-called “Citizens Group” to make spurious claims about Councilman Reynolds's record of public service. The purported “survey” conducted by this “Citizens Group” was in fact a hand-picked group of 35 respondents whose members include council candidates whom Mr. Reynolds defeated in the 2011 municipal election. In that same election, more than 2,500 voters re-elected Mr. Reynolds to City Council based on his accomplishments not only on Council itself but also on the initiative and hard work he performs in serving the residents of Bethlehem. In addition, Mr. Reynolds has worked assiduously with civic organizations and the schools.
    Mr. Donchez has tried to support his irresponsible endorsement of the "Citizens Group" by suggesting the group's rankings have the imprimatur of the Morning Call. In fact, they come from a Morning Call blogger who is dismissive of the “grades” the “Citizens Group” gave. The blogger points out that the grading of the Council members “appear to be more of a ranking of  those who agrees with Mayor John Callahan, with those in most agreement getting the lowest grade.”

    Citation: http://blogs.mcall.com/valley610/2010/10/would-a-little-extra-credit-help.html

    In his campaign announcement, Mr. Donchez said he wants Bethlehem to be "the jewel of the Lehigh Valley," a jewel that "shines brightly for generations to come." There is no "jewel" in Mr. Donchez's campaign. Just slime.

    Frank Baran
    36 West Spruce Street
    Bethlehem, PA 18018

  22. If Bob's objective was to be seen as more mature, his tactic backfired. This piece paints him as cross between punk and horny teen. Going negative has its perils.

  23. I don't really care who wins or loses, but I will have to say that it does not help Willie to have the Mayor whisper in his hear during meetings like he's a puppet. Not sure if that has happened recently at meetings, but it looks bad as if Willie can't stand on his own.

  24. You don't have to rub that ad very hard to see lifelong Donchez pal JM being involved. He is into that cut throat kind of political game and it would not surprise anyone who has known the guy.

  25. Bob Donchez--bankrupt of ideas and clearly not a nice man. You lost me too Mr. Donchez.

  26. I have changed my mind, I will vote only for the candidate with the "hottest" wife or girlfriend. Frankly that is all that really matters. These two guys will find that they can do absolutely nothing whatsoever to change the city. The best they can do is not make it worse. Bring on the "hotness" and at least things will get interesting!!

  27. Here is a copy of the mailer from Lehigh Valley Live's Scribd. account:


  28. Funny that this scorecard came from Stephen Antalics. Antalics was at one City Council meeting demanding Council stop the closing of local Catholic churches - closing because Catholics bankrupted themselves paying out civil settlements over covering up priest rapists. Anyone else see the irony here?

  29. No 11:39, just that you are a Catholic hater and a supporter of Wee Willie Reynolds. Duly noted!


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