Local Government TV

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston's Tragedy

Two dead. One of them an 8 year-old boy. 132 injured, including children. That's the terrible news from Boston, site of the most prestigious marathon in America. One whack job Jordanian Muslim group has already stated it is "happy to see the horror in America." I spoke with the father of Boston University student this eveneing. She is fine, fortunately. This thread is so you can react, vent, pray, do whatever you want.


  1. Was Jon Geeting in the race?

  2. Time to stand tall America. Our way of life is hated and despised by many but we must remain optimistic and be courageous in the face of evil. I pray these have not died and been maimed in vain. Sweet land of liberty..

  3. Anon 850 is disgusting! We are Americans today and every day no matter political beliefs. It is reprehensible to use a tragedy to make a joke!

  4. I agree, but I am deleting no comments on this thread.

  5. The Grand Experiment that is America is seen as a threat to every dictator/terrorist in the world. What we are doing here for the last 200 years is just amazing and world shaking and we won't back down and that really ticks people off. We are a shining light in the darkness and we are the target of hate and jealousy.

  6. If the comment was regarding someone you like, it would be gone. The people of Boston and their families need everyone's prayers, not sarcasm. Today was an absolute tragedy, a time to be united, not divided. Days like today, we should reflect on the terrible losses and try to remind ourselves there still is good in this world.

  7. I need to cry..but I refuse!

  8. "If the comment was regarding someone you like, it would be gone."

    If it were up to me, you'd be gone. I said in the onset of this thread that I would allow all comments, bad or good. If someone wants to diminish himself by attacking Geeting, fine. If you want to diminish yourself by attacking me, fine.

    It shows what kind of American you are.

  9. I was hoping to one day qualify to run the Boston Marathon before my farm injury cut that dream out. I feel especially sad for those many who got to run this once in a lifetime dream. It's hard just to qualify.
    I imagine the 76 year old man knocked down by the blast, their families must have been absolutely terrified. Had I been there, my wife would have stood a mile 20 to give me a pair of fresh sneakers and urge me on. Now, who knows what the families feel.
    My prayers to all, a dream so close then terribly ended. How awful! Just absolutely awful. These are just regular people, victims in a nutty world


  10. As you know, qualifying for Boston is no easy feat. I managed it once, but my Mom died and I was unable to run it that year. I don't know if I could ever qualify again. Those people are all elite runners and I feel so sad for them.

  11. I did not know you once qualified but I did know an assistant LC DA who did, which makes it so sad. These were just regular folk who worked so very hard. I just don't understand the point in trying to, for lack of a better phrase, try to blow them up. They were like you and I.

  12. Spam? You got to be kidding..F YOU!

  13. Go Ef yourself..spammer.

  14. Since half a day has gone bye and no one has yet claimed ownership of thi dastardly deed, i feel we are about to find out that it wasn't ElQuadea. It appears to be some nut job here that has a warped mind.

  15. Shit, I can't stand the spam. I am deleting that.

  16. It is amazing the damage a few people can do to others.In the end what does it accomplish ? More hatred and more hatred.

  17. I think it was someone who doesn't like runners.

    One of em probably took a shit in their garden and it really pissed them off and they said, I'll fix those fuckers...

  18. Yeah, but I didn't run the marathon.

  19. When will the Stoffa Adminstration end.

  20. As you have stated in other blog posts, that monitor of those posts accepts and agrees with the posts allowed would suggest that you are OK with Jon Geetings death...

  21. If that were true, the following comments about the azzwhole who made the Geeting comment would be deleted.

  22. It is hard to hold back emotions, but we really need to know the facts before we make sweeping accusations.

    The way it was done does tend to point to a bigger group(foreign or domestic) than a stray nut job, however.

    Terrorists of all kinds target the public and that causes fear.

  23. My cousin was running her first Boston yesterday. I was pretty sure she was alright based on what I knew about her pacing plan. Was fairly confident rest of family/friends watching were ok but couldnt confirm until 7p. Could have easily imagined my uncle getting everyone up real early to grab the best vantage point near finish line. Half a day later I am still mostly relieved will probably get angry tomorrow.

  24. Bernie, as a fellow runner I understand who this has hit home. I returned to running in 1989 when I turned 40 and ran my first (and only) marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon, in 1995, one of the high points of my life. I never qualified for Boston but I know the volunteers there were as dedicated and kind as those at my marathon. Watching the hearbreaking video of volunteers and runners running TOWARD the bomb victims, not fleeing, reminded me why we as a species should not be defined by the lunatics who commit such horror.
    Our older son went to Brandeis and Boston College law school and we have family and friends in/near Boston so from our many visits I know how April 19 is not only Marathon day but is really Boston's equivalent of the 4th of July, Patriots' Day, the day the entire city/region celebrates its history and celebrates life. The terrorist obviously picked that day to cause the most emotional harm in addition to the physical carnage.
    Yesterday was the anniversary of Waco and the Oklahoma City bombings so there's a good chance this was some domestic fanatic rather than a foreign one (the bomb was crude and did not use plastic explosives as Al Queda usually does). It really doesn't matter what country the lunatic is from, he or she is an enemy of everyone in the world.
    Our response needs to be to not cower or cancel such public celebrations: take what security steps we can but do not obliterate the open and joyouse character of events like the Boston Marathan because of fear. Nowhere is safe but that doesn't mean we can't face the fear and continue our traditions and our lives. To do otherwise is to give such maniacs what they seek: surrender of our freedom to "the pursuit of happiness".
    - Don

  25. God Bless all those affected by bombing! Prayers to victims and their families! AND SOME OF US AMERICANS WORRY ABOUT WATERBOARDING!! PLEASE TIME TO TAKE OUT THE PLIERS!! LET'S GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS!!!!!!!


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