Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Allentown City Candidates to Denounce Water Lease Today

Who: Michael Donovan (Candidate for Mayor), Carmen Bell, Kim Velez and Alfonso Todd (Candidates for Allentown City Council), and Sam Bernhardt, Pennsylvania Organizer, Food & Water Watch

WHAT: Press conference to oppose the lease of the city’s water and water and sewer systems to Lehigh County Authority.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 16, at 10:30 a.m.

WHERE: Allentown City Hall
435 Hamilton St
Allentown, PA 18101


  1. Where does that Pawlosky clone Hendricks stand on the issue ?

  2. The Republican Party is missing a great oppurtunity in Allentown by not getting involved with the saleof the water and sewer servicesin Allentown. Will hurt the Republican ticket of the CountyCandidatesin getting Allentown voters to vote for any Republican in the GeneralElection.

  3. Lets see, the water is being run by a non profit, all union guys are happy with whom was picked, the petition runners are also happy with the outcome. What in the sam hell are these people bitrching about now?

    Day late and a dollar short

  4. And that FEGLEY idiot. get off your soap box and drink some more of your crappy craft beer and calm down

  5. "The Republican Party is missing a great oppurtunity in Allentown ..."

    One might as well substitute "Unicorn" for Republican in that sentence. Have you ever seen an Allentown Republican?

  6. too late, this is a done deal

  7. 7:20, 7:21
    You sound like king Edwin, it's never to late to oppose, also, everyone isn't as happy as you portray. Do you see anything that's not in front of your face?

  8. When the voters of allentown needed alternatives, Republicans sat on the sidelines. Not a single Republican on this list. Not a single Republican for city office.

  9. 8:35,
    Oh now you want choice? If the voters of Allentown who bother to care wanted alternatives, they wouldn't pull one lever and give Pawlowski 72% of the vote. There are few R candidates because there are few R constituents. The constituents and their votes left for safer ground a long time ago. You really don't want choice. Admit it and return to enjoying your paradise.

  10. GOP in the city is essentially out of existance. Spent too much time on idealogical issues in 2006-2009. Now they have no one willing to spend time and money on a lost cause.

    GOP actually should be supporting the lease as it encourages savings of scale on a regional basis.

    County GOP is in no better shape. Yeh, they can win some county seats, but county government is really just an entity to manage courts and pass through state/fed funds. No power there. Big topics are how to feed the animals in the preserve.

  11. I see Pud's office is in high gear with damage control.
    It's not democrats or republicans, It's a cabal of gangsters ripping all of us off. and on many other fronts.

  12. Know the facts - In Lehigh County we are talking about Michael Schware ( Allentown/Salisbury) and David Jones(Allentown/ Bethlehem, etc.) Schware voted against the LCA takeover, Jones voted for it.

    Brace is unopposed for district 2

    Dougherty and Creighton have no Allentown constituents

  13. 8:56 14000 registered republicans in allentown.Sounds like you cant inspire them to vote for your cause

  14. With 14000 republicans,thousandsof indpendents,disatisfied democratsbrcause ofmayors and council decision to sell water and sewer services a republican can win in allentown.

  15. Outside of Donovan. Can any of the people on the stage articulate an alternative. One that doesn't involve taxing mythical rich people or magic.

  16. Yeah,alternatives have been discussed, but you don't want to hear that, so you keep asking the same question over and over.

    There's a much bigger problem in Allentown, bigger than the lease or the NIZ. It is no longer a democracy. Pawlowski is there to help the rich get richer, and his bobbleheads on Council nod away.

    This is an attempt by citizens to take their government back.

  17. I have deleted several anonymous comments from Rolf Oeler. He is not welcome here, not because he is supposedly a conservative, but because he is a troll.

  18. Ridiculous quest there. What happened after? Good

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