Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Time For Onembo to Go

You'd think that after the disgusting Kids For Cash scandal, in which two Luzerne County judges accepted kickbacks for sending children to privately-run detention facilities, Pennsylvania's judicial system would clean up its act. Instead, things are getting worse. Late last month, Justice Joan Orie Melvin was convicted of political corruption. She refuses to go gently into that good night, and has thus far refused to resign her seat even though the writing is on the wall.

Now comes word that another state Supreme Court Justice, Seamus McCaffrey, has employed his wife as his chief legal aide. In addition, she's accepting $821,000 in "referral" fees to connect clients with law firms that just happen to appear in front of her hubbie. In 8 out of 11 cases, Justice McCaffrey has ruled in favor of these clients.

No conflict there.

If that's no conflict, then it should only be a matter of time before Northampton County Court Administrator starts charging lawyers for access to the courts. The Express Times and Morning Call have begun to expose him, as I have done myself, but what is out there so far is only the tip of the iceberg.

Onembo has lawyered up, retaining prominent criminal defense attorney Philip Lauer. You don't do that over a dispute concerning a taxi company. You do that when you get caught using public employees, on the County dime, to do your personal business, from checking out properties in the Recorder of Deeds Office to filing landlord tenant complaints. Onembo may have even used them to move furniture out of the courthouse.

And that presents another question. Wasn't that furniture County property?

Along the way, Onembo has filled positions in the probation department with cronies and pals.

Some of the judges love him because he has made himself indispensable to them. He takes care of their budget and all of their needs before County Council. When former Council member Ron Angle began complaining about tipstaffs and other judicial expenses, it is Onembo who put out the fire. Some think he played a role in getting rid of Angle, too.

It's pretty clear that the DA is sniffing around. I also know that the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts has been looking into this matter. I don't know whether his antics rise to a criminal level, but they certainly reflect poorly on the courts. Onembo serves at their pleasure. Can they really be pleased?


  1. Nice try Bernie, but Onembo is entrenched more deeply than a tick in a dog's ear. His patron saint Kimberly has his back. Now, you better watch yours.

  2. Furniture? What furniture? He stole furniture from the Court House? Where the hell did he take it to? Or did he sell it on Ebay?

  3. Steal is a strong term. I do not know whether the furniture had an value, but think it would be inappropriate to remove without approval. I also believe that using county employees to conduct his personal business is inappropriate.

  4. 12:11, I am well aware that Onembo is the most powerful person in NC and has stuck knives (figuratively) in backs before. I am writing this anyway bc, in case you haven't noticed, I don't give a shit. He has hurt many good people and needs to be held accountable.

  5. getting the grill fired up for the pig roast BO. Rumor around the halls of norco has it the shindig will be sold out on the first day

  6. "I don't give a shit. He has hurt many good people and needs to be held accountable."

    That has been said about you Ron Angle and John Stoffa. So what.

    You really hate the guy over the dress in the bathroom deal, and stop saying it is a lie, everyone in the courthouse knows it happened.

  7. Onembo is entrenched because many of the judges are dirty. You defend these judges from time to time, but they have esentially stolen money from taxpayers by working half days and paying tipstaffs for full time. Our judges are the problem. Most of them are comfortable - and quite crooked. They are as dirty as Onembo. He knows this and has the goods on them. The fish stinks from the head.

  8. Onembo is entrenched because many of the judges are dirty. You defend these judges from time to time, but they have esentially stolen money from taxpayers by working half days and paying tipstaffs for full time. Our judges are the problem. Most of them are comfortable - and quite crooked. They are as dirty as Onembo. He knows this and has the goods on them. The fish stinks from the head.

  9. 6:33 you are a sick asshole who should be neutered so you can't pass your asshole genes onto another generation. You anti establishment idiots have no clue about what a judge does except "you are anti establishment". fuck off idiot.

  10. We have great Judges in N.C. and it has just been proven No.Co. has the best Court Administrator money can buy. What a shame 6:33 is blaming all our judges for being crooks and thieves. We are truly blessed in our county with exceptional judges. You ought to take 6:33's comments off your blog. You should also remove 6:49's comments as being a bit offenses but right on track.

  11. Most NorCo judges are, indeed, thieves. Their cars are nowhere to be found most afternoons, while their staffs continue to be paid for not working. What part of stealing don't you lackeys get? You're so comfortably seated on the gravy train, you have no perspective of the real world. The judges are crooks. They have been documented stealing time - which is still stealing. How many of them have had cars worked on by Onembo? There's a reason he's been able to slide for so long. Stop the feigned indignation. The problem starts at the top with lousy, entitled judges.

  12. I have criticized judges as a group from time to time, and to be frank, 7:41 makes a valid criticism. But it is only part of the story. He should add that NC judges are probably the best in the state, both in terms of the quality of their written opinions and in terms of the fairness and courtesy they extend to others. They treat people like human beings and give everyone dignity.

  13. 2:28, The 'dress in a bathroom deal' is definitely a lie. Onembo did once see me when I was changing after riding my bike into the courthouse. I had no idea it affected him so badly to see me in the buff, but understand he was hospitalized.

    I admit I have no regard for Onembo nor he for me. But it has nothing to do with any bathroom incident. It actually goes back to a flawed computer system he had installed in the Civil Division, which was yielding inaccurate information to searchers. After first trying to deny that there was a problem, he had to deal with it, and the company that installed it went belly up. At some point during all of this, he lashed out at me with a series of vulgarities in the courthouse cafeteria with his usual threatening and bullying demeanor.

    I'd like to know why he has three homes on a court administrator's salary. I'd like to know about his use of prison labor to build one of his homes at Cape Cod. I'd like to know why he hangs around during sheriff sales. i'd like to know why he sends his lackeys to look up deed information. I'd like to know who is holding real estate in his name.

    I believe that he is a bad administrator. he may make life easier for the judges, but at what cost? I don't know whether any of this rises to the criminal level, but think he is an embarrassment who reflects poorly on the court.


  14. Move along, nothing to see here!

  15. you being a lawyer i am confused by your statement, "Dont know if his actions rise to a criminal level" Is that the same as driving a mile under the speed limit? Or just a spin

  16. I am an ex-lawyer and would not presume to conclude that he had the requisite criminal intent. I do believe his behavior was inappropriate and elow the standard that should be expected from judicial employees.

    Let me also correct a misstatement made elsewhere. Onembo is not a county employee and Stoffa is not his boss. He works directly for the courts and is a state employee. He serves at the pleasure of the judges. They could ask him to leave just bc they don't like the way he ties his shoes.

  17. Many municipalities, police departments, and government agencies auction off surplus supplies and equipment.
    This seems like a much better deal.
    May I back a truck up to the court house and get some furniture too?

  18. According to NC website the following is a description of the CE Duties.

    "The County Executive’s job is diverse. Under the Home Rule Charter, which was enacted, the County Executive oversees the departments of Administration, Community and Economic Development, Corrections, Court Services, Fiscal Affairs, Human Resources, Human Services and Public Works, in addition to the offices of Coroner, Public Defender, Sheriff and Solicitor."

    According to this it does seem like stoffa is onembos overseer.

  19. You are wrong. Stoffa oversees court services, but not the court administrator. That is a creature of the courts. He is a state employee and reports directly to the president judge. Stoffa has no control over him, nor should he. That is an independent and separate branch of government. The information reported elsewhere is inaccurate.

  20. http://www.nccpa.org/court-administration

  21. Bernie, how ignorant of you to harass coaf via email about a death wish, and in another comment you said you hate threats, yet all morning (since 12:11) you have allowed a threat directly to you, why is that?

    And if you look at the timeline it appears that you wrote the very first four comments?

    What r u doing man? Get it together man. It does look like ur falling apart.

  22. Overseeing the court services seems to indicate that everything and everyone under the umbrella of court services fall under stoffa. Maybe I am wrong, but it does sound like that.

  23. "Bernie, how ignorant of you to harass coaf via email about a death wish, and in another comment you said you hate threats, yet all morning (since 12:11) you have allowed a threat directly to you, why is that?"

    I did not view that 12:11 comment as a threat, but as advice

    This most recent commenter is the Fake Rev, who would be the only one to know about my email to him. I sent him an email asking him to remove some comments from his blog that wish for my death. He has refused, demonstrating his true nature.

    He has also allowed comments that attack a seminarian, Father Alex, with a disgusting and completely baseless accusation.

    And he wonders why I call him a phony.

  24. "Maybe I am wrong, but it does sound like that"

    You are wrong. Call the Court Administrator ad ask him who he works for.

    I can lead a Fake rev to water ...

  25. onembo should step down .... this reflects poorly on the judical system and makes it and the judges look corrupt ...

  26. I know the Rev better than anyone else Bernie. I think your wrong about him.

    I think just like you did not view the 12:11 comment as a threat, but as advice, coaf didn't see any threat against you on there blog. According to coaf, you were asked to clarify the comment in question and you refused. Is that true?

    If that's true Bernie, then it would be safe to say that you are wrong for not being clear on the comment in question. Just consider that a little bit before you are so hard on coaf.

    You know what else I think Bernie, if coaf knew without a doubt that what you are saying about onembo was true, they would be right there with you, but it's hard to believe when you have been protecting stoffa so much, who they believe has wronged the county. Consider that too.

    Talk latr buddy.

  27. COAF has no credibility. They've lied continuously.

  28. That's certainly a matter of opinion.

  29. "his behavior was inappropriate and elow the standard that should be expected.."

    Ron Angle displayed inappropriate behavior his entire elected tenure, yet you think he is wonderful. As an elected oficial one should also behave to a higher standard. As for Stoffa, funneling money to private citizens, giving just under $25K contracts to his buddy Ken to avoid reporting it to county council, don't even start. In fact word at the courthous eis Stoffa has prompted you on this witch hunt.

    You are a cherrypicker O'Hare. Except for your poison posse that kisses your ass for everyword it puffs out, you are seen as someone with a great deal of hate and anger in is heart. Not at all objective or mentally stable and you enjoyng desroying CERTAIN people and ignoring the actions of others.

    You really need to get some therapy.

  30. That's certainly a matter of opinion.

  31. "coaf didn't see any threat against you on there blog"

    I did not call it a threat. I called the comments death wishes, and they were. There is no need to clarify.

    The Fake Rev's refusal to delete this hate is just another demonstration that he is what I say he is - a phony.

    He also allowed a disgusting personal attack on a Catholic seminarian from the Easton Lebanese community.

  32. Let's see: Catholic, Easton, Lebanese. All those people voted. And they vote in groves. I just think Mario, COAF and McClure just pissed off a lot of registered voters mainly Democrats but some Republicans too with the slam against the seminarian.

    Hopes he takes down those comments and posts a retraction and apology to Alex. Or a lot of votes just decide to walk and vote against anyone the COAF eNDORSES or stumps for.

  33. I intend to bring this attention to the Maronite Church and to the Lebanese community.

  34. Your really not too bright to think that matters to anyone. You are a liar according to the supreme court.

    You have cheated and stole from the people you were supposed to represent as an attorney.

    Perhaps Onembo will send them all the court info they have on you.

    Hopefully the people you tell are smarter than you think and tell you to take a hike.

  35. After that comment about Father Alex they make fun of Alfonso Todd. He is the one running for an Allentown City Council position. They are throwing around the word pedophilia pretty easily over at the COAF's blog of Saving Private Gracedale

  36. "Tell you to take a hike."

    It is in black and white on their blog. Go look for yourself. It matters because it isn't true and is libel. Explain that to a judge. If that happened to one of youse youse would scream bloody murder. You better hope the priest, Bernie, and Alfonso don't sue you.

  37. Me thinks that you needs a seperate blog post about all the name calling over at their blog. Especially the false things they are saying about people.

  38. I am thinking about the most effective way to deal with them. I could write a post about their nonsense, but that just draws attention to them, and they are increasingly marginalizing themselves as they get wackier and wackier. Why would i want to give them a forum they currently lack?

    I think what I need to do is contact the Maronite Catholic Church to discuss the accusations against Father Alex, which have been made on their and another blog. These accusations, which I will not repeat here, are per se defamatory.

    In addition, I think i should ask Lamont McClure to repudiate their divisive and hateful remarks. On his campaign web page, he has linked to them and their message of hate, ad certainly is giving the appearance of support.

    Finally, I think the leaders of the Lebanese community should know what Mario Martinez is allowing to be said about one of their own, a good man of whom they are very proud.i would want them to vote for Callahan or Reibman, but not McClure bc he is embracing people who are besmirching a good member of their community.

    I also think open space advocates should be made aware that McClure refuses to distance himself from their condemnation of preserving the Housenick Park and its critical Monocacy Creek watershed. I have sent McClure an email abut that, and he has not answered it.

  39. You cannot allow comments that defame one of Easton's Lebanese seminarians and then blithely claim you are not attacking the Lebanese community.

  40. You do realize that the person that made those remarks about Father Alex is anti-Semitic. Being Lebanese is a Semite. So now the Gracedale group is antisemitic. Another feather in their caps.

  41. Stop lying the COAF has maligned no religion. Unlike the poison posse on here.

  42. Anon 10:30, you maligned people that are religious, probably because you don't like them and their religion.

  43. 10:30,

    Actually, the Fake Rev purports to speak for all of you. In fact, he claims he is "We, the People," and even refers to himself as "we." For all I know, he might consider himself a King.

    He has allowed not one, but several vicious attacks aimed at Alex Joseph, an Easton native of Lebanese descent who will be ordained in May as a Maronite Catholic Priest. These scurrilous attacks are not just an attack on him, but are an attack on Easton's Lebanese community. They love Alex and he loves them.

    These vicious comments have been allowed to stay up for days, even though he knows they are offensive. he allows them because Alex is my friend. That's how much he hates.

    At the same time, he has called the Morning Call's Bill White a "terrorist columnist" and a "Fabian socialist", part of a media that "has been bought by the highest bidder, and we all know who that is."

    Actually, I don't. But I do know that people who think that Barack Obama is a "Fabian socialist," as the Fave Rev does, are the very same people who think those damn Jews have bought the media.

    So I think it's a safe bet that the Fake Rev is anti-Semitic. I might have that wrong, and hope I do.

    Contrary to what he asserts, I have not called him anti-Semitic yet, but I do wonder, and with good reason.

    He definitely insulted Easton's Lebanese community as well as a wonderful project in Bethlehem Township that could preserve a vital native trout stream that is prone to flooding in downtown Bethlehem.

    He asserts that the only persons he has ever attacked are Angle, Stoffa and me. Another lie. He has written several posts that viciously attack Ross Marcus, a County employee I won't name here, John Callahan, Sal Panto, Barb Thierry and countless others. They have been vicious personal attacks, too.

    He has recently refused to delete several death wishes made against me, ironically in his phony prayer post.

    He is what Angle likes to call a fake, a fraud and a phony. My own word for him? Demagogue.

  44. Rev's hatred blinds him. Actually their hatred blind them.

  45. The Rev won't take down the comments unless the priest speaks against BO. The Rev claims that the priest isn't a priest if he stands by silently and doesn't speak out against BO. The Rev is trying to blackmail a priest.

  46. I don't want to link to or repeat the statements, but they are defamatory per se. The Fake Rev may not be their author, but he becomes the publisher when he allows those comments to stay up as he has, despite requests to remove them. If his refusal to do so is based solely on Fr. Alex' refusal to condemn me, that demonstrates he is acting maliciously as well.

    These folks are haters.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.