Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Onembo Misleads Morning Call

In an interview with Morning Call reporter Riley Yates, embattled Northampton County Court Administrator Jim Onembo attempts to downplay his involvement in a cab company that was charging the County to transport criminal defendants from a DUI processing center.

"I do not run the cab company day to day," Onembo tells Yates. "My involvement primarily has been as an investor."

The truth? Onembo is more involved than he lets on. He may not be a driver, but is much more than a silent partner. In fact, he does the books for the cab company, and was well aware that Northampton County was making payments.


  1. Morganelli must call for an independent investigation. He's been reluctant to act on this. The judges have put up with this crap. You defend the quality of decisions. But that mean very little when there's as much evidence of impropriety as exists here. The entire NorCo bench should be investigated independently. Onembo is as crooked as a stray dog and he serves the bench. As an early proven, unqualified, partisan hack, Kathy Kane will likely sit on her ass, rather than investigate a stinking heap of Democrat-controlled shit. You think our bench is any cleaner than Luzerne's? Bullshit. We know they steal time and waste taxpayer money by approving staff pay for hours they're not working. That's dishonest. They admonish jurors every day to evaluate witness's integrity in all things based upon their integrity in one thing. I've determined they are dishonest. I read it on this blog.

  2. Hope you can prove all of this when he sues your ass off. You think because you have nothing, no one will bother but it can still happen. Even with Angle's money behind you.

    Hard to get blood from a stone but it may be necessary to prove what a low life you really are.

  3. Hey Bernie, just as you are misleading your readers? Why are you so coy about circulating the Callahan petition? Did Callahan tell you to keep it on the "down low" or did he tell you not to file it?

    Come on Bernie. How about the same level of honesty you expect from others. Or will you continue to mislaed and duck the questions?

  4. It is highly unethical for the county's court administrator to be investing in a company nowned by an ex-felon that does business with the county. Is this Luzerne County?

  5. "Hope you can prove all of this when he sues your ass off. You think because you have nothing, no one will bother but it can still happen. Even with Angle's money behind you."

    I won't lose any sleep.

  6. "Hey Bernie, just as you are misleading your readers? Why are you so coy about circulating the Callahan petition? Did Callahan tell you to keep it on the "down low" or did he tell you not to file it?"

    This post is about Jim Onembo, not the election. I have not misled anyone. Just as I do not report what time i take my daily shit, I don't consider petition circulation to be particularly newsworthy or even blogworthy.

    Does the Democratic process bother you that much?

  7. Bernie, I dont know if you remember me. I wrote to you a couple of weeks ago. Things seemed to get a little better after I wrote to you but now they are geting bad again. Your blog and the news websites are the only things that keep me going. I am e,barassed to see a doctor because someone in my position cant afford to have this info get leaked out. But I cant take it anymore. They are all making fun of me and the voices wont stop. They are getting louder and wont let me sleep. I dont even like going out in the daylight and avoid talking to people atall costs. I cant get out of this funk. Sometimes I wish I wasnt privy to my Catholic upbrinfing because I would have ofted myself weeks ago. I cant take it anymore. I cant carry on a face to face conversation without the voices chirping in. And when I am alone they get the best of me. And when they quiet down that is when the depression sets in. I dont think the meds are working. Please dont stop writing. I look forward to reading your blog. Itis the only thing I have going for me. I would feel better if I could associate with other people that suffer from depression. Do any of you know if this is common with ,iddle aged males?

  8. I do remember you. Tonight, while collecting signatures for a nomination, I heard about a woman who went thru the loss of a loved one, a kidney removal and the discovery that her child has autism, all in one year. She's doing fine and is actually having a fundraiser for autism on Monday.

    Tomorrow, call 610-974-7555 and ask for help. We all go into funks from time to time, so don't be ashamed.

    I hope you are not playing me.

  9. Bernie, it serves no purpose to pull your leg. I am the one suffering and in fear. If this gets out the brass will drop my quick fsst and in a hurry. What is that phone number?. I was just reaching out to talk to anyone because I am lonely and still keep my anonimity. I want to feel safe and still remain anonymousn. Can I still do that with the person or whoever that phone number belongs to? Things are pretty bad and the little family I have are getting sick. Mom got diagnosed with really bad cancer. And I got diagnosed with a muscle disorder that just progressively gets worse. So if these person isnt trustworthy things wil get even badder if I lose my job because my sickness leaked out.

  10. Your privacy will protected. Call the number. I am probably not very good for your mental health. But I'm glad you're reaching out. You can email me at BOHare5948@aol.com, and I will keep it confidence.

  11. Any judges up for retention this year, Bernie? If so, may be time for the voters to get rid of one to send a message that ignoring the shit Onembo gets away with makes one just as culpable.

  12. The only judge up for retention has no involvement with onembo.

  13. Hi Uncle Bernie it's me, Clover. I will defend you.

  14. How are you? Clover

  15. 9:32, 9:33, Fake Rev, Please post your inane comments on your own blog and stop hijacking this one. I think we get it. You are full of hate. now go away.

  16. Here is a testicle from John Stoffa: Bernie O'Hare. (signed) Clover

  17. And here is another testicle from Ron Angle: Bernie O'Hare. I guess he agrees with Stoffa, (Signed) Clover

  18. why uncle Bernie are you mad at me?

  19. Hay, uncle Bernie, why don't you say high to me when you see me? It hurts my feelings


  20. Crazy things happen in life. For example, I had a dilemma about my family that I had to address. You see, my mother was a lady of the night, my sister married an Irish ladd that drank himself to death. My brothers all dealt in drugs to make money for the family. My father serving life in prison for killing three people was never a father image and never at home. My dilemma is should I tell my new wife about my sister who married an Irishman? Thank you for your help Bernie.

  21. It's getting weird on here

  22. I have just deleted two comments that contain a verbatim copy of The Morning call story. I linked to that story so there is no reason to regurgitate it here. Also, posting an entire story like that, without permission, violates copyright law.

  23. Onembo will retire soon and go away quietly and recieve their pensions like the rest of the county cronies do when they finally get caught. The whole court administration should be investigated. Half the chiefs/directors in the courts barely work like the Judges. Many don't show up to the office, but say they are "working from home" and don't use any of their time off. This sounds wrong to me. Other use the facility for their kids' sports teams (NCJJC). It all starts at the top and is shady all around. Keep Blogging Bernie, you are spot on.

  24. What probation officers are using the juvenile detention facilities for their kids' sports teams? Wow!

  25. wasn't probation officers, heard it was facility director, from my understanding that is a major DPW no no!!!

  26. Thank you. I will look into this on Monday. Frickin' incredible.

  27. Bernie,
    my apologies for my inaccurate information about facility use by kids. my source said it was not the ncjjc, it had to do with the wolf building gym in some organized fashion. Not a 100% sure, so I don't want to give any more inaccurate information and cause issues. my apologies.
    Keep Blogging your the best

  28. Thanks for clearing that up. I had determined who runs that center and was going to ask him about this on Monday.


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